
us to carry them even if they were less useful. Thermometers too, so useful near the Gulf-stream, in approaching ice, and to show the variation and refraction in the air, are but little used at sea, most people supposing that the sense of feeling is a sufficient guide, not being aware that our bodies are affected by cold in proportion to the humidity of the air, and I sometimes think other causes with which we are unacquainted. If you should think that my objections against artificial horizons are well grounded, I beg you would drop me a few lines; Mr. Preserved Fish would convey them to me in my peregrinations. If such is the case, the vessel must be hove to, while observing, however smooth the water, or, a cor rection might be applied for the velocity or current; but indeed, too complicated calculations are not to be depended on, where the data are not well known.

Should you think any of the foregoing worth communicating to the public, or to any of your friends, I beg that you would divest the matter of its sailor garb, and render it intelligible. And should you deem it necessary to know something of the person who makes this communication, I beg leave to refer you to General Swift, of the Engineers, to whom I have the honour to be known,

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The horns which I send you are like those which Mr. Moleyneaux describes, and were found five feet under ground; they lay upon Marl under a stratum of turf, in a boggy soil.-Mr. Moleyneaux clearly proves that this species of Irish Deer varies most materially from the Elk, or Eld, both in horns and size; the Elk of Sweden not being more than five feet high,

I also send you a Basaltes, taken from one of the natural pillars at the Giant's Causeway in the county of Antrim. Rest satisfied that I shall be industrious in collecting for you minerals, &c. not only of Ireland, but of other countries.

I am, dear Sir,

Your very obliged servant,

LEO: MAC NALLY. John G. Bogert, Esq. Fellow of the Antiquarian Society of Massachusetts, and of several learned societies in the U. States.

Although recent advices from Europe, have satisfied us that there is no probability that the uncourteous dismissal of lord Amherst will lead to any serious misunderstanding between the British and Chinese governments, we have not considered the ingenious speculations of our correspondent, whose favour has been some time on file, the less valuable on account of the apparent remoteness of a rupture on which he had calculated.

Ille, seu Parthos Latio imminentes
Egerit justo domitos triumpho,
Sive subjectos Orientis oris

Seras et Indos :

Horat, 12th Ode, 1st Book. That China was known to the ancients is evident from the above stanza of Horace. It would seem too, that Augustus Cæsar had views of subduing the Chinese; though probably his triumphs extended only over those hordes of Chinese Tartars mixing with the Parthians and Scythians, who made such frequent irruptions into the Roman Empire: The Scythians were unquestionably Tartars of Russia, and the similarity that prevails between the neighbouring tribes is such as to set discrimination at defiance.

The Baschkir Cossacks, who form part of the Russian Levies at this day, and come from the extreme confines of Tartary, strongly resemble the modern Chinese in countenance. Their contracted eyes, high cheek bones, and swarthy complexions, evince a striking affinity between those nations.

The rumour of a war being likely to

occur between Great Britain and China, gives to the circumstances of the latter, so little known in general, a more than ordinary interest; and when we recollect Lord Clive's proposition to the British Cabinet, viz. that of despatching a force from the East Indies, of which he was then governor, for the purpose of taking possession of the Chinese dominions, which, he calculated, would enable Great Britain to liquidate the whole of her national debt, our curiosity is excited to inquire a little into the state of a country thus confessedly more opulent than the very potent antagonist whom report assigns to her. Our own commerce may be materially affected by the issue of the dispute. If it should terminate in the exclusion of the British from the ports of China, instead of Great Britain continuing any longer the dispenser of peace to Europe, we may ourselves become the organ of that dispensation to England itself.

To the Jesuits who were permitted to settle in China, we are indebted for the scanty knowledge we possess relative to the interior of that extraordinary Empire. Mercator, in his geography, quotes Marco Paulo to show that it excelled in all the useful trades and mechanical arts, while Italy was but just emerging from the grossness of Gothic barbarity,-and Europe was depressed under the feudal system. From Barrow we learn that China has continued stationary, in the belief of having attained perfection, since the days of Paulo. No fact is more astonishing than this immovability, this consistency in the rule of statu quo ante, which distinguishes so remarkably this Empire. During one thousand years "it changeth not its laws." While other tribes and nations have passed away, remembered " as a tale that is told," only in the annals of the historian, like meteors gleaming just to dazzle the beholder, and then immerging in silent darkness, the empire of Confucius remains, a new example of duration,-a solitary instance of immutability, in the political world.

The accounts of Staunton, and others Connected with the British embassy to China under lord Macartney, furnish some reasons to account for so singular a phenomenon, of which the following seem the principal. 1st. Its early civilization, and consequent fancied superiority over other nations. 2d. The rooted habits of the people in obstinately preferring their ancient customs. 3d. The peculiarity of their religion, and laws of

Confucius, favouring these prejudices. 4th. Their early separation from every circumjacent empire; a healthy climate, and fertile soil, rendering them independent of all extraneous relations.

On such grounds, the system of selfsufficiency appears to have been carefully upheld, and enforced down to the present day. We have lately seen a British ambassador, (lord Amherst) rejected at the moment of his setting foot on the Chinese territory, solely, as it is said, in consequence of his non-compliance with the national usage of prostration before the Emperor, though, we incline to think, through the influence of some great foreign power. Whatever wealth the long continued intercourse of England may have poured into the Chinese coffers,whatever benefits her extensive dealing may promise for the future, from experience of the past,-appear to have had no weight in the consideration. The Emperor's mandarins well know, that the English must resort to them for an article which enters into the almost necessary consumption of nearly every family in the United Kingdom, and that no indignities would drive them to the adoption of the sole alternative, viz. that of receiving their teas through the medium of the Americans.

It was not until the latter end of the 17th century, that the important article of tea became an object of general consumption. Prior to that period, it is recorded that beef-steaks and ale formed the breakfasts of the Queens of England. The refreshing qualities of tea could not fail to introduce it into the domestic circle, and enrich the importers. It has, I think, claims to supersede coffee, on many occasions, as a wholesome beverage, the latter, certainly when strong, being very stimulant and heating. Accordingly, we find Odes to "Tea," and "the Tea Table," amid the varied miscellanies of a British newspaper, while the praises of coffee remain unsung, as far as I know, in any ditty extant.

"Te veniente die,te decedente canebo," is a pun of Dr. Johnson's, and seems to be the motto of many of his countrymen. In this respect, we should probably imitate them more closely, but for the difference of the comparative prices of coffee from the West Indies, and tea from China, the latter being more an article of luxury among the rich. However, our China trade is rapidly extending itself, and if facilitated in the manner pointed out in our last number, may be wonder

fully augmented, while, at the same time, all eastern products would thereby become more accessible.

Looking, then, at our connexion with China as assuming new interest, let us inquire how far it may be extended. On this point we have the experience of the English East India Company, though, it should be observed, that their monopoly has a tendency to cramp the free exercise of those commercial functions which flourish best when least restrained. For instance, the carrying of sandal wood from the Feejee Islands to China, now pursued by the colonists of New South Wales to great advantage, and in which we might participate, is totally overlooked by that company.

It is clear, that any object which is calculated to obviate that alarming drain of specie for the China market, which, with other evils, inclines the balance of trade against us, deserves a very serious examination. We must be prepared, however, in any such experiments, to experience that haughty disdain of foreigners, and that indifference to trade on any other principle than a medium of bullion, for which China is remarkable, and which it is better to yield to than oppose. Our footing, at present, is, like that of the British, confined to a small factory in the vicinity of the city of Canton, occupied by the sufferance of the court of Pekin, under strict regulations, designating the parties with whom, and the manner in which that trade is to be conducted. The Kong merchants, so termed, because expressly licensed by the Chinese government to have dealings with foreigners, are very limited in number, being in 1793 twelve, and in 1808, increased to fourteen. By these a summary power is exercised, as to the introduction or rejection of articles, and the Chinese prejudices, extremely abhorrent of innovation, have frustrated many attempts made to supply goods in barter for their commodities. In such cases the duties levied on importations made no distinction between the finer and coarser descriptions of goods, and this not confined to the foreign importation, but accompanying various internal duties in their progress through the empire.

Trials have been made in the Chinese market of woollens, Irish poplins, tabbinets, lead, stationary, window-glass, sword blades, &c. but the accounts reported from Canton exhibit a considerable loss on those articles,-the Chinese viewing their permission to land them as a special favour shown to the importers!

Tin and cotton are articles, however, that form some part of the consideration which the Kong merchants consent to receive in exchange for their teas, and are perhaps the least disadvantageous that could be selected. The former article abounds in the islands of Banca and Malacca. It is also produced in considerable quantities on the western side of South America. From these places, it is calculated tin could be exported at 701. per ton, whereas the English East India Company pay to the county of Cornwall 80l. per ton for the sake of the 800 tons, which, by an act of Parliament, they are required to export.

The cotton supplied by the East India Company is shipped at Bombay and denominated Surat cotton: though not superior to our finest Georgia, it is more costly in China, the cause of which is to be ascribed to the high rate of freight in the company's ships, arising from the expense of their outfit and equipment.

We have likewise heard that furs from our North West Coast, near the river Columbia and Nootka Sound, have been procured in considerable quantities, and thence carried to China, where they were sold to a profit.

We mention these articles as furnishing the best means we know of for adopting, as far as practicable, a commercial policy on the Principle of Barter round the Cape of Good Hope. Where that seems incapable of extension, it appears our obvious interest to pursue the channel of the Black Sea and the Caspian, as offering a mart for manufactures, and that reciprocal exchange of commodities on which all commerce ought justly to proceed. By that, we may, through the force of circumstances, bring about what China may be unable to counteract, viz. a traffic in teas over-land, and thus relieve ourselves from the bondage, consequent on the obligation to provide bullion. It is well known that teas are injured by long voyages in a confined hold, where, especially in warm latitudes, they undergo what is denominated a sweat, which impairs their flavour and strength.. On this account, caravan tea, brought over-land in caravans from China, always commands a preference. It is unnecessary, therefore, to dilate on the importance of such a trade, which joins to the advantage of a superior commodity an unlimited vent for our cargoes.

How far such measures are likely to prevail, on their coming to the knowledge of the Chinese court, remains to be seen; but surely there can be no loss of favour,

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In your 3d number, article Miscellany, in the progress of luxury in London, the number of Coffee Houses is stated at 9000. The name of Coffee House only exists in this city, that beverage being chiefly confined to domestic use, though almost universally drank. If the numerous soda water establishments in this city would adopt the practice of preparing coffee, there is no doubt but it would redound to the benefit of the proprietors; for numberless persons would be glad to taste a dish of this enlivening cordial immediately after dinner, to dispel the torpor of digestion, exhilarate their spirits, and revive the intellectual faculties borne down by the lassitude of summer heat, if ready access could be had to convenient accommodations. In this case particular attention should be paid to the quality and roasting of the coffee berry. A cup might be reasonably and profitably afforded for sixpence, as nothing but sugar would be required; it is preferable however and more exhilarating to the spirits to take it without either milk or sugar, and one soon becomes accustomed to the improved flavour and essence of unsophisticated coffee.



In Colden's Life of Fulton, of which you have given a review in your number for August, I find the following assertion: "In the year sixteen hundred and sixty three, the Marquis of Worcester discovered the expansive power of steam." Now, though Mr. C. does not directly say that the Marquis was the first who discovered this expansive power, yet, in order to prevent mistakes, it may be proper to state, on high authority, that the first account of a Steam-Engine, by Mathesius, a clergyman in Joachimsthal, Bohemia, is dated A. D. fifteen hundred and sixty two. Consequently the expansive power of steam was known one hundred and one years before the Marquis of Worcester's discovery. K. N. R. MESSRS. EDITORS,

I had the pleasure to observe in

the last number of the American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review, an interesting communication, recording several "preventives and remedies of hydrophobia." Now although it is perhaps doubtful, whether this disease was ever prevented or cured by medicines alone, which Dr. Rush thought to be of no more use than "the boasted specifics which have been used to eradicate the gout or to cure old age," yet that man would be chargeable with a dereliction of duty to the community, who, believing himself to be acquainted with a remedy capable of preventing or alleviating so distressing a disease, should refuse or neglect to make it known. Accordingly, having noticed in Dr. Rees' New Cyclopædia, under the article Dog, a simple, but as it would seem, a very efficacious antidote against this malady, both for man and beast, especially in conjunction with external applications, which should never be neglected, I have extracted the account there given of it for more general diffusion in your useful publication. The author commences the account by saying, "We know of no instance of the complaint being cured, nor have we in any instance ever attempted any thing of this kind, but we flatter ourselves that we have been successful in bringing forward a preventive. We claim not," continues he, "the discovery of this most valuable and truly important remedy; we only, by exertion, rescued it from oblivion, and by a long course of well conducted experiments, have established the certainty of its efficacy. Out of more than 90 animals, as horses, sheep, swine and dogs, one only has gone mad, to whom (which) this remedy was administered; and this failure did not occur under our own immediate inspection; so that it might have been wasted, or brought up. This remedy was detailed by us as early as last December, (1807) in the Medical Review of that month, where every circumstance relative to the original recipe is communicated.This remedy, as by us prepared, is as follows: Take of the fresh leaves of the tree-box 2 ounces, of the fresh leaves of rue 2 ounces, of sage, 1-2 ounce. Chop these fine, and boil in a pint of water to half a pint; strain carefully and press out the liquor very firmly; put back the ingredients into a pint of milk, and boil again to half a pint; strain as before; mix both liquors, which forms (form) three doses for a human subject. Dou'ble this quantity is proper for a horse or COW. Two-thirds of the quantity is suf

ficient for a large dog; half for a middling sized, and one third for a small dog. Three doses are sufficient, given each subsequent morning fasting; the quantity directed being that which forms these three doses. As it sometimes produces strong effects on dogs, it may be proper to begin with a small dose; but we hold it always prudent to increase the dose till effects are evident, by the sickness, pantings, and uneasiness of the dog. In the human subject, where this remedy appears equally efficacious, we have never witnessed any unpleasant or active effects. About 40 human persons have taken this remedy, and in every instance, it has succeeded equally as with animals: but candour obliges us to notice that in a considerable proportion of them, other means were used, as the actual or potential cautery but in all the animals other means were purposely omitted. That this remedy, therefore, has a preventive quality, is unquestionable, and now perfectly established; for there was not the smallest doubt of the animals mentioned either having been bitten, or of the dog being

mad who (which) bit them, as great pains were in every instance taken to ascertain these points." T. New-York, Aug. 8th, 1817.


Noticing the preventives and remedies for the Hydrophobia, proposed in your last Number, I was reminded of the following paragraph which I met with in a late number of the Philosophical Magazine.

"M. Van Mons announces that Bregnatelli has succeeded in curing all cases of Hydrophobia by means of oxygenated muriatic acid, employed both internally and externally, which proves, (I do not see how), that in this malady the moral hold in dependence the physical powers. All cases of tardy hydrophobia may be considered as the effects of imagination. Examples have occurred of the disease reaching the last stage, when it has been completely dissipated by the sight of the animal by which the patient was bitten." Yours, &c. A.


Biographical Memoir of the late Solomon Schaeffer, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hagerstown, State of Maryland.

10 snatch from oblivion the name and ly possessed merit, and exercised piety in an exemplary degree, while it gratifies private friendship, may produce also to society a beneficial result.

Far from giving scope to vain panegyFic, or indulging in a search after empty encomium, the writer of this sketch, prompted by affectionate remembrance, and guided by the hand of truth, would in a conscientious manner record nothing but well authenticated facts, while rendering a deserved tribute to departed worth. The lamented subject of this memoir, was the second son, by his consort Rosanna, of the Rev. Frederick David Schaeffer, D. D. one of the Pastors of St. Michael's and Zion churches in the city of Philadelphia. On the fourteenth day of • November, A. D. 1790, Solomon Schaeffer was born at Germantown, near Philadelphia, where his father was then stationed as Pastor of the E angelical Lutheran Church. His tender childhood evinced an existing germ of great abilities and talents; and in his early youth he manifested a strong propensity to the

clerical office. His worthy and affection

of the Lord, and in the pleasant paths of Christianity. They applied all the means in their power for rendering him, under the smiles of heaven, a profitable member of society. He was placed in a neighbouring Academy, where he made a rapid progress in the mathematical sciences, and in the Latin, Greek, and French languages. The industrious and admirable Solomon was the boast of his professors, and the pride of his fellow students. When he arrived at an age which urged a final decision as to his future pursuits in life, his parents and some of his friends would have suggested a profession different from that to which he became devoted. As he had already an elder brother, (the Rev. D. F. Schaeffer of Frederickstown, M. D.) who wore the clerical garb, they would have directed his attention to some secular pursuit. About this time a situation in Philadelphia, affording the most flattering prospects, had presented itself. He was solicited to consider the subject, and if it could be reconciled to his feelings, to embrace the advantages

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