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Saturday, July 29.

'For the first time he dined off roast

he bowed, reconnoitering them, as usu- ways made a point of asking first for it. al, through his glass. He looked pale and dejected, and said but little. it grew dark, the guard boats, being beef, and paid a just tribute to John unable to prevent the boats which still Bull's good taste, by eating heartily of lingered round the ship from breaking it. He was, indeed, so much pleased through the limits assigned them, made with this new acquaintance, that it frequent discharges of musketry. The found almost a daily welcome at his sound of these greatly discomposed table during the remainder of his stay him; and he sent Bertrand to captain on board. Maitland, requesting that he would, if possible, prevent a repetition.

Thursday, July 27.

"Napoleon remained on deck this day longer than usual. He came out after breakfast, and continued upwards of an hour.

'I have before mentioned that Bonaparte generally took coffee between six and seven in the morning; his other meals were two. Breakfast at eleven -for which there was usually provided two hot joints, besides made dishes, &c. Dinner at six-his appetite was generally good; in eating he sometimes makes use of his left hand in lieu of a fork. During the day he takes but little exercise, and usually sleeps between breakfast and dinner.

'As Napoleon seldom took any thing after dinner, and sat alone in his cabin, all his officers, with the two ladies generally gave us their company in an evening.

Sunday, July 30.

At the usual time, about half past five P. M. (an immense concourse of people being collected round the ship) Napoleon made his appearance, and after walking a short time, repaired to the gangway. For the first time since he had been on board, he was not shaved. This surprised us, as we had been accustomed to remark his great We and peculiar personal neatness. could only ascribe the change to his He again anxiety respecting his fate. expressed his admiration at the great beauty of the women, viewing them through his glass, and occasionally taking off his hat. Upon his quitting the gangway (after remaining there

'Not less than ten thousand people were collected this afternoon round the Bellerophon. Napoleon showed himself to them before and after dinner; frequently bowing to general Browne, about twenty minutes) many of the the governor, and those in the nearest boats. It was evidently his endeavour to impress (if possible) the spectators with an opinion of his affability and condescension.

Friday, July 28.

'Bonaparte was always very anxious for the arrival of the newspapers, which he eagerly read with the assistance of Bertrand and Las Casses. The news, in those received to-day, was by no means agreeable to him; and though we may reasonably suppose, he did not believe the many ridiculous surmises they contained, yet he generally appeared affected and agitated after the perusal. The Courier, perhaps, was the most violent against him, yet he al

spectators cheered. Being close to
him, I immediately fixed my eyes
upon him, and marked the workings of
I plainly perceived
his countenance.
that he was mortified and displeased,
and not a little agitated; attributing the
shout, and I believe justly, to the exul-
tation which they felt in having him in
our possession. After he had retired,
we were told he was taken ill. During
the night he sent out to request that no
noise might be made over his head.

Monday, July 31.

'Napoleon continued unwell the whole night. At ten the next morning, Lord Keith and Sir H. Bunbury came on board, and were immediately shown to his cabin. They brought him official

information of the resolution of the this evening considerably better, and in British government to send him to St. much higher spirits than we had seen Helena, and that it was its order that him for several days. I pretend not to he should in future be merely treated account for them. He put several as a general. Against this resolution, questions to the ship's officers, and inI am told he vehemently protested; quired of the surgeon after Madame declaring that he preferred being deli- Bertrand's health, and with a smile, vered up to the Bourbons to being asked if he imagined that she really inforced to St. Helena; and that such tended to drown herself. He remainbeing the case, he never would volun- ed on deck much longer than usual. tarily quit the ship. He had placed In conversation he speaks extremely himself under the protection of the rapid, and seems to expect an immediBritish nation-it was from it he had ate answer. It had been said that he asked an asylum, and he trusted it read English with ease, though he could would not be refused him. not speak it. I suspect, however, that A few minutes before dinner he his knowledge of it is very imperfect; came upon deck, with no other appa- because, pointing to some of the most rent design than to gratify the surround- common words in the newspapers, he ing spectators. He looked extremely frequently inquired of captain Maitland ill and dejected. I should scarcely their meaning. have imagined that so great could have taken place in so short a period. He was still unshaven, and his countenance, naturally sallow, had



assumed a deathlike paleness. We were all in uncertainty as to the event. He, for the first time, this evening remained uncovered during the greater part of the time he remained on deck. In about ten minutes he retired to the dinner table, but scarcely touched any thing. Bertrand seemed sincerely affected at the state of his


• Tuesday, August 1. Bonaparte passed a sleepless night, and continued unwell.

'I understand he was extremely indignant when informed yesterday by Sir H. Bunbury of the order he had brought from government for his being treated merely as a general officer," By your king," said he, "I have been acknowledged as First Consul of France, and by all the powers of Europe, as Emperor; why then am I to be treated as a mere general ?"

Contrary to our expectation he again exhibited himself at his usual time to the numerous spectators, and frequently bowed to them. He appeared

Wednesday, August 2.

'Several letters were addressed to government by Savary and L'Allemand, who were now generally in conversation with each other; and seemed greatly to disrelish the idea of being delivered up to Louis. Napoleon still stoutly avowed his resolution of not being taken from the ship; and his generals* declared they would themselves be his executioners, rather than he should be forced to St. Helena.

Thursday, August 3.

The spectators were again disappointed of a sight. Bonaparte did not quit his cabin except to his meals. As we were now in hourly expectation of the arrival of the Northumberland, (the ship appointed to carry him to St. Helena,) he had, I understand, been frequently requested to name those officers of his suite whom he might wish to accompany him. He obstinately refused to

*It has been said, but I know not with

what truth, that one of his officers made a similar declaration to Lord Keith; to whom his lordship with perfect sang froid replied, “Sir, you are at liberty to act as you please, but you will allow me to inform you that, if your threat is carried into execution, you will undoubtedly be hanged!"

do so, protesting his determination cabin. At breakfast the information never to quit this ship.

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Friday, August 4.

was communicated (which, after the reports that had for some days been In consequence of orders from the in circulation, not a little surprised us) Admiralty, we sailed soon after twelve, viz. that he had at length consented to in company with the Tonnant, Admiral name his companions, and intended Lord Keith, and the Eurotas frigate; quietly to leave the ship. This indeed and laid-to in the offing for the North- is not the finale we expected. For alumberland. All Napoleon's hopes though I am not prepared to say that sank with this movement. He now he ever personally declared his intenbecame very sullen; would not quit his cabin even for meals-but eat alone, and rarely saw any person throughout the day. He still refused to name his future companions, declaring his resolution never to be removed. We were all now in full expectation of some tragical event. The general conjecture was that he would end himself by poison. It was believed that he had in his possession a large quantity of laudanum. Madame Bertrand even hinted that ere morning we should find him a corpse.

Saturday, August 5.

Napoleon still remained shut up within his cabin. Bertrand occasionally waited upon him, imploring him to name his future companions. He constantly refused doing so, declaring that his resolution was formed, and he should abide by it. Madame Bertrand said to me, "I promise you, you will never get the Emperor to St. Helena? he is a man, and what he says he will perform." I inquired, however, of his valet how he did this evening?" I very low spirited at the thought of being sent away, but he has made a good dinner," was the answer.

Madame Bertrand afterwards declared to one of the ship's officers, that "she really believed the Emperor had now swallowed poison." The curtain therefore must soon drop; but I imagine it will be prudent to leave a door open for escape; let us then qualify the assertion with a “perhaps.”

Sunday, August 6.

Early this morning I frequently observed Bertrand enter Napoleon's

tion of destroying himself, yet it has been an intention which his adherents have taken such pains to insinuate, that the persuasion of his doing so, in preference to being forced from the Bellerophon, had taken full possession of our imaginations.

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Monday, August 7. 'Madame Bertrand was very dejected, and in tears. A short time previous to quitting the ship, she made a last attempt to dissuade her husband from accompanying Bonaparte—in a loud and angry voice he exclaimed, "Jamais, Madame Bertrand, jamais!"* About 10 A. M. the children and nine servants were sent to the Northumberland—and about eleven the admiral's barge being in waiting, Bonaparte was informed that every thing was ready for his removal. We had all assembled on deck to take our last view of him. After a long conversation with Lord Keith, and having taken leave of those officers who were to remain behind, he made his appearance at twenty minutes before twelve. It was four days since we had last seen him. was not shaved, and appeared confused. Bowing as he came out, he advanced, with a sort of forced smile on his countenance, towards the officers of the Bellerophon, attended by captain Maitland; and addressed them in French nearly to the following purport. "Gentlemen, I have requested captain Maitland to return you my thanks, and to assure you how much I feel indebted for the attentions I have

• Never, Madame Bertrand, never!


received since on board the Bellerophon." spirits; and with great good humour In a hurried tone he added something lost five napoleons to Sir G. Cockburn, which I could not exactly lay hold of, at vingt un, and afterwards placed (his rapidity of delivery makes it al- three others under the candlestick for ways difficult to understand him,) but the servants.' it appeared expressive of the hope he We shall leave the reader to form had entertained at first coming on his own conclusions from the precedboard, of being permitted quietly to re- ing Journal. We may, however, be side in England during the remainder indulged in remarking, that from Boof his existence. Having said this, he naparte's deportment, it is evident that bowed to all around; and lastly, turn- he had never regarded the tenure of ing to the ship's crew, pulled off his hat his power as indefeasible, and that to them also. He instantly went into much of his presence of mind was unthe boat; and, accompanied by counts doubtedly derived from habitual reBertrand and Montholon-Semonville, flection on the reverses to which an general Gourgaud, the count Las adventurer is exposed. But presence Casses, and the two ladies, was imme- of mind is not the only trait he discodiately conveyed to the Northumber- vered in his new and embarrassed siland. Savary and L'Allemand, were tuation. That profound knowledge of not allowed to accompany him, and human nature which ever indicates sustill remain with us. The former periority, and which opened the path wept bitterly, appeared in a violent to his exaltation, though baffled by the rage, and asserted that Napoleon would not live six months in St. Helena.

'Before quitting the ship, Bonaparte distributed, I am told, a considerable sum of money among the subordinate followers whom he left behind. A remaining sum of four thousand Napoleons,* was taken possession of by order of government. He has been permitted to take with him all his plate, &c.

At six this evening we got under weigh on our return to Plymouth, and in about an hour afterwards perceived the Northumberland weigh also. In the morning (August 8,) she was seen in the offing, lying-to for the vessels which were to accompany her. On

the following morning (9th) the whole having joined, they made sail down channel, and were soon out of sight. We this day received a letter from our late surgeon, Mr. O'Meara-he men tioned that, on the evening of the day he quitted us, Bonaparte was in high

* These have been delivered to Major General Sir Hudson Lowe, the new governor of St. Helena, to be appropriated to the use of Bonaparte, according to his discretion.

combination of circumstances that contributed to his overthrow, did not desert him in this crisis, nor disdain to adapt itself to the occasion. The art of the demagogue is discernible in the adroitness with which he endeavours to parry disgrace, and to avert the consequences of calamity. To accomplish the one, he affects to ascribe his abdication of the crown to generous for. bearance, and makes a parade of his magnanimity-to effect the other, he attributes to choice, what necessity alone could have compelled, his seeking an asylum in the protection of the nation which he is abject enough to style "the most constant and most generous of his enemies." He can even stoop, when he has an object to attain, to flatter the humblest of his shipmates, and does not contemn the idea of creating an impression on the meanest of the crew.

But, however it may add to our complacency to detect in Bonaparte littlenesses analagous to our own, the singularity of their combination with such unequalled greatness, increases our admiration of this incomprehensi

ble being. Incomprehensible we term with a devotedness which aspires to him, for with all his faults and all his immolation, those who are best acfoibles, it is a mystery that we cannot quainted with the first, and most famipenetrate, by what charm he is able to liar with the last. attach to his person and his service, E.

ART. 2. Letters written on board His Majesty's ship the Northumberland, and at St. Helena; in which the conduct and conversations of Napoleon Bonaparte, and his suite, during the voyage, and the first months of his residence in that Island, are faithfully described and related. By William Warden, Surgeon on board the Northumberland. London: Published for the Author. No date. 8vo.


Tis extremely difficult to determine try, are calculated to persuade the inthe merits or demerits of cotempo- considerate reader, that the hero of his raries. There are few cases where we memoirs is a man more sinned against can bring to the trial an unbiassed mind. than sinning.' Sympathy for the unWe weigh, with exactness, the worth of fortunate, is so natural a sentiment. that those only with whose character we we cannot find it in our hearts to conhave immediate concern, and our judg demn it. Indeed, we should be ashamed ment is apt to incline to the side to- not to have shared it in some degree. wards which our wishes preponderate. But it is a 'failing,' that hardly 'leans But the difficulty of correct decision to virtue's side,' in our commiseration is incalculably augmented, when the of the suffering, quite to forget their subject of our scrutiny has exercised vices in their wo.' We should be caresuch a sway over political events, as to ful that pity for the criminal do not have materially affected the condition lessen our detestation of crime. Still of every individual in the community. we do not mean to prejudge the quesIt is not only that we are ourselves fa- tion in regard to Bonaparte. For his vourably, or unfavourably, impressed in ambition we can easily find an excuse regard to him, by the benefit expe- in the circumstances that conspired to rienced or hoped from his success, and inflame it. It is for his abuse of power the injury felt or dreaded from his de- that he stands arraigned, not for its acpression-it is not with our own pre- quisition. Or if the latter be involved, dilections, merely, that we have to it is rather in reference to the turpitude contend-every avenue through which of the means by which it is charged the evidence is derived, that must in- to have been sought and attained, than fluence our estimate, is tinged with to the atrocity of the aim. prejudice and communicates its taint. But, happily, facts survive opinions, and the sentence of posterity will reverse error, if it cannot compensate for injustice. To them we shall leave it, to settle the mooted character of Bonaparte. It is our duty, however, to exhibit have detected him in falsehood from as impartially as possible, the grounds on which his vindication, or conviction rests. Mr. Warden's letters, which are the subject of the following review, and which have been published, at length, in most of the newspapers in this counVOL. I.-No. IL.


Many of the more important accusations that have been alleged against him are discussed, and plausibly extenuated, in Mr. Warden's pretended Conversations.

The Quarterly Reviewers have cross-examined this volunteer witness, with legal acumen, and

his own testimony. We trust that their very able critical investigation will be generally interesting; and that this will prove no unacceptable accom paniment to the preceding article.

'Anecdotes of the private life of re

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