
(No. 22.)

Whitehall, July 1, 1806.


THE extreme importance of the business on which I have before troubled your Lordship and Lady Willoughby, makes it the indispensable duty of the persons to whom his Majesty has entrusted the Enquiry, further to request that her Ladyship will have the goodness to return in writing, distinct and separate answers to the exclosed Queries. They beg leave to add, that in the discharge of the trust committed to them, they have been obliged to examine upon oath the several persons to whose testimony they have thought it right to have recourse on this occasion. They have been unwilling to give Lady Willoughby the trouble of so long a journey for that purpose, well knowing the full reliance which may be placed on every thing which shall be stated by her Ladyship in this form. But on her return to town it may probably be judged necessary, for the sake of uniformity in this most important proceeding, that she should be so good as to confirm on oath, the truth of the written answers requested from her Ladyship.

(No Signature in the original.)

(No. 23.)

Sidmouth, July 3, 1806.


I IMMEDIATELY communicated to Lady Willoughby the Queries transmitted to me in the envelope of a letter dated July the first, which I had the honour to receive this day from your Lordship. I return the Queries with Lady Willoughby's Answers in her own hand-writing.

We are both truly sensible of your Lordship's kind attention in not requiring Lady Willoughby's personal attendance. She will most readily obey the Order of the Council, should her presence become necessary.

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kenham, on or about the months of May or June,


2. Has her Ladyship any recollection of the circumstance of her Royal Highness having retired from the company at such breakfast or dinner, on account, or under the pretence, of having spilt any thing over her handkerchief? And if so, did Lady Willoughbyattend her Royal Highness on that occasion? and what then passed between them relative to that circumstance?

3. Had Lady Willoughby frequent opportunities in the course of that year, to see her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and at what periods? And did she at any time during the year, observe any appearance, which led her to 'suspect that the Princess of Wales was pregnaut?

hall, and Langley, in Kent, Her Royal Highness may have been at my house in the months of May or June, 1802, but of the periods at which I had the honour of receiving her, I have no precise recollection.

2. I do not remember her Royal Highness hav ing at any time retired from the company either at Whitehall, or at Langley, under the pretence of having spilt any thing over her handkerchief.

3. To the best of my re membrance I had few opportunities of seeing the Princess of Wales in the year 1802, and I do not recollect having observed any particular circumstances relative to her Royal Highness's appearance.

4. Is Lady Willoughby acquainted with any other circumstances leadingto the same conclusion, or tending to establish the fact of a criminal intercourse, or improper familiarity between her Royal Highness and any other person whatever? whatever? and if so, what are they?

4. During the ten years I have had the honour of knowing the Princess of Wales, I do not bear in mind a single instance of her Royal Highness's conduct in society towards any individual, tending to establish the fact of a criminal intercourse, or improper familiarity.


(No. 25.)

Robert Bidgood---further Deposition.

THE Princess used to go out in her phaeton with coachman and helper, towards Long Reach, eight or ten times, carrying luncheon and wine with her, when Captain Manby's ship was at Long Reach-always Mrs. Fitzgerald with ber-She would go out at one, and return about five or six-sometimes sooner or later. The day the Africaine sailed from Southend the Princess ordered us to pack up for Blackheath next morning. Captain Manby there three times a week at the least, whilst his ship lay for six weeks off Southend at the Nore-he came as tide served-used to come in a morning, and dine and drink tea. I have seen him next morning by ten o'clock. I suspected he slept at No. 9, the Princess's-she always put out the candles herself in the drawing-room at No. 9, and bid me not wait to put thein up; she gave me the or

ders as soon as she went to Southend. I used to see water-jugs, basons, and towels, set out opposite the Princess's door, in the passage,-never saw them so left in the passage at any other time; and I suspected he was there at those times. There was a general suspicion throughout the house. Mrs. and Miss Fitzgerald there, and Miss Hammond (now Lady Hood) there. My suspicions arose from seeing them in the glasses kiss each other, as I mentioned before, like people fond of each other-a very close kiss.-Her behaviour like that of a woman attached to a man;-used to be by themselves at Juncheon at Southend-when ladies not sent for-a number of times. There was a poney which Captain Manby used to ride; it stood in the stable ready for him, and which Sicard used to ride.

The servants used to talk and laugh about Captain Manby, it was matter of discourse amongst them, I lived there when Sir Sidney Smith came, her manner with him appeared very familiar. She appeared very attentive to him, but I did not suspect any thing farther. All the upper servants had keys of the doors to the Park to let her Royal Highness in and out. I used to see Sicard receive letters from Mrs. Sander to put in the post instead of the bag. This was after Captain Manby was gone to sea, I suspected this to be for Captain Manby, and others in the house suspected the same.

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Sworn before us in Downing-street, this third day

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