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ブックス A General Dictionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical... の書籍検索結果
" A General Dictionary of Geography, Descriptive, Physical, Statistical, and Historical ; forming a complete Gazetteer of the World. By A. KEITH JOHNSTON, FRSE 8vo. 31s. 6d. M'Culloch's Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various... "
Catalogue of Standard English Authors: Also a Collection of Books Relating ... - 184 ページ
Dawson, William, & Sons, of London 著 - 1809
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A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden: Or, An Account of the Most ...

George Lindley - 1831 - 674 ページ
...corrected throughout, Svo. 15s. M'CULLOCH -A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATIST1CAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various CountrieS. Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the WORLD. By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. 2 thick vols. 8vo. pp. 1980, jt4, bound in cloth. Illustrated with Six Large...

A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - 286 ページ
...Hospital. 8vo. pp. 172, 7s. cloth. M'CULLOCH.-A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the WORLD. By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. 2 thick vols. 8vo. Illustrated with Six Large The extent of information this...

Nature of the material world

John Mason Good - 1834 - 434 ページ
...EDITIONS. Miscellaneous Works — continued. A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. With Maps on a large scale. By JR M'CuLLOCH, Esq. 8vo. Parts I. to VI., price 5s. each. TRAVELS IN...

The Publishers Circular, 第 1 巻

1837 - 558 ページ
...with numerous Illustrative Woodcats. (2137) 4 DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, A STATISTICAL, and HISTORICAL, of the various COUNTRIES, PLACES, and PRINCIPAL NATURAL OBJECTS in the WORLD. By JR .M'CiiLLocH, Esq. *.* Gentlemen disposed to send Articles or Information for this Work, are requested...

A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on Open Walls

Clement Hoare - 1837 - 252 ページ
...DCLFRS 1 vol. 8vo. with Portrait, 16s. cloth. A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various COUNTRIES, PLACES, and principal NATURAL OBJECTS in the WORLD. By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. 8vo. Parts 1 to 8, price 5s. each, illustrated with excellent Maps, &c. " A work...

Journal of a Residence in Norway During the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836: Made ...

Samuel Laing - 1837 - 524 ページ
...subject. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. In one large and beautifully printed volume, 8vo. (In the press.) *„* Gentlemen...

Gentleman's Magazine: and Historical Chronicle, 第 163 巻

1838 - 734 ページ
...Commerce and Navigation," is engaged upon " A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World." One thick volume, 8vo. A similar " Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mining," by Dr. UBE, is also...

A Treatise on Roads: Wherein the Principles on which Roads Should be Made ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1838 - 512 ページ
...subject. GEOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, &c. DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. In one large and beautifully printed volume, 8vo. (In the press.) *„* Gentlemen...

The British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and ..., 第 13 巻

1838 - 728 ページ
...Bishop Jehb, Stc. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION, A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and His. toricfll, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. By Mr. M'Colloch. Flora Mcdica, or a Botanical Account of all the most remarkable Plants applied to...

The Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth Or the Study of the Inductive ...

Baden Powell - 1838 - 376 ページ
...THE SPECTATOR of March Ifi, 1&14. M'CULLOCIL-A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the WORLD. By JR M'CULLOCH, Esq. 2 thick vols. 8vo. illustrated with Six Large important Maps, j£4. cloth. '...

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