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ブックス Encyclopaedia of Geography ; Comprising a complete Description of the Earth : Exhibiting... の書籍検索結果
" Encyclopaedia of Geography ; Comprising a complete Description of the Earth : Exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and... "
Catalogue of Standard English Authors: Also a Collection of Books Relating ... - 196 ページ
Dawson, William, & Sons, of London 著 - 1809
全文表示 - この書籍について

The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, 第 61 巻

1835 - 700 ページ
...Statistical, Commercial, onto political ; EXHIBITINO s relation to the Heavenly Bodies — its Physical Structure — the Natural History of each Country...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. BY HUGH MURRAY, FRSE ASSISTED IN ITRONOMY, ftc. by P»or. WALLACE, BOTANY, &c. by PROFESSOR HOOKER,...

Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, 第 17 巻

1839 - 702 ページ
...Physical, Statistical, Civil, and Political; exhibiting its relation to the heavenly bodies, its physical structure, the natural history of each country, and...institutions, and civil and social state of all nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE-, assisted by the following gentlemen in their respective departments of science...

The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison, 第 1 巻

Joseph Addison - 1840 - 298 ページ
...comprising a complete Description of the Earth; exhibiting its relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE Assisted by Professor Wallace, Professor Jameson, Sir WJ Hooker, and \V. Swainson,...

A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden: Or, An Account of the Most ...

George Lindley - 1831 - 674 ページ
...a complete Description of the Earth : exhihiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : assisted in Astronomy, &c. by Professor Wallace; Geology, &c. by Professor Jameson;...

A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - 286 ページ
...Comprising a complete Description of the Earth: exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE : assisted in Astronomy, &c. by Professor Wallace; Geology, &c. by Professor Jameson;...

Nature of the material world

John Mason Good - 1834 - 434 ページ
...a complete Description of tbe Earth : exhibiting ita Relation to the Heavenly Bodice, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State or all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FKS-E. Assisted by Professor Wallace, Professor Jameson, Sir WJ Hooker,...

The Natural History of Gallinaceous Birds: Vol. I. Illustrated ..., 第 4 巻、第 1 部

Sir William Jardine - 1834 - 388 ページ
...its relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each i 'ouiit y, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE Assisted in ASTRONOMY, &c. by Professor WALLACE ; I;KOLOGY, &c. by Professor JAMESON...

The Fudges in England: Being a Sequel to the "Fudge Family in Paris"

Thomas Moore - 1835 - 242 ページ
...Physical, Statistical, Civil, and Political; exhibiting its relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. ByHucH MURRAY, FRSE assisted in Astronomy, &c., by Professor WALLACE; in GEOLOGY, &c., by Professor...

The New Botanist's Guide to the Localities of the Rarer Plants of Britain, 第 2 巻

Hewett Cottrell Watson - 1837 - 330 ページ
...Comprising a complete Description of the Earth; exhibiting its relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE Assisted in ASTRONOMY, &c. by Prof. Wallace, I BOTANY, Ac. by Sir WJ Hooker, GEOLOGY,...

A key to structural, physiological, and systematic botany

John Lindley - 1835 - 104 ページ
...Comprising a complete Description of the Earth; exhibiting its Relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and...Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Natioua. By HUGH MURRAY, FRSE Assisted in ASTRONOMY, &c.by PROFESSOR WALLACE, I BOTANY, &c. by PROFESSOR...

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