

IT is His MAJESTY'S Command, that these following Rules be obferved by the Owners and Riders of all fuch Horfes, Mares or Geldings, as fhall run for His MAJESTY'S PLATES at NEWMARKET.


VERY horfe, mare or gelding that runneth for the faid Plate, fhall carry twelve ftone; fourteen pounds to the ftone, three heats.* II. Every perfon that putteth in a horfe, mare or gelding for the faid Plate, is to fhew fuch horse, mare or gelding, with the marks, name, and name of the Owner, to be entered at the King's stables in Newmarket the day before they run; and shall then produce a certificate under the hand of the breeder, that his horfe, mare or gelding, be no more than fix years old the grass before.

III. Every horfe, mare or gelding that runneth, is to ftart between the hours of one and four in the afternoon; and to be allowed half an hour between each heat to rub.

IV. Every horfe, mare or gelding that runneth on the wrong fide of the Pofts or Flags, or is distanced in any of the heats, shall have no fhare of the said Plate, nor be fuffered to run any more. V. The horfe, mare or gelding that winneth any two heats, winneth the Plate; but if three feveral horfes, mares or geldings, win each of them a heat, then thofe three, and only they, to run a fourth heat; and the horse, mare or gelding that winneth the fourth heat, shall have the Plate.

By a late order, this is altered to ONE HEAT. VOL. XIV.

VI. And

VI. And each horfe, mare or gelding's, &c. place as he or they come in, by the ending-poft, each heat, as ift, 2d, or 3d, &c. fhall be determined by fuch judges as fhall be appointed for that purpofe, by the Master of the Horse. And in cafe

any horfe, mare or gelding fhall be then, or after proved to be above the age of fix years the grafs before, the Owner or Owners of fuch horfe, mare or gelding, fhall be made incapable of ever running for any of the King's Plates hereafter. VII. As many of the riders as fhall crofs, joftle or ftrike, or ufe any other foul play, as fhall be judged by fuch perfon or perfons as fhall be appointed by the Matter of the Horfe, fuch rider fhall be made incapable of ever riding any horse, mare or gelding for any of his Majefty's Plates hereafter; and fuch Owners fhall have no benefit of that Plate; but fuch Owners may be permitted to run any horfe, mare or gelding for any other of his Majefty's free Plates hereafter. VIII. Every rider fhall, immediately after each heat be run, be obliged to come to the endingpoft with his horfe, mare or gelding, then and there to alight, and not before, and there to weigh to the fatisfaction of the Judges appointed for that purpose.

IX. And in cafe of neglect or refufal thereof, fuch winners and riders fhall be immediately, declared incapable of running or riding any more for this or any of his Majefty's Plates hereafter.

X. And in cafe any difference fhall arife relating to their ages, or in their running, or to these His Majefty's orders, &c. the fame to be determined by fuch perfon or perfons, who fhall be appointed by the aforefaid Master of the Horse.

**Thefe articles will continue in force for fucceeding years, unless directed to the contrary by His Majefty.



CONDITIONS On which the GOLD CUP is run for. Eufton, O. 5, 1768.


E the under-written, Members of the jockey Club, do agree to pay five guineas each to the prefent Steward, Sir C. Bunbury, to be laid out in the purchase of a Cup to be run for over the Beacon Courfe, on the Tuefday preceding the day on which the King's Plate is run for, in October ineach year, by any horfe, &c. the property of a Member of the Jockey Club, who fhall challenge for the fame on the Monday of the preceding first Spring meeting,

Four years old horfes, &c. carrying old

Five years

Six years old

ft. lb.

7 II

8 8



9 O

Each perfon at the time of challenging, is to fubfcribe his name to a paper, to be hung up in the coffee-room at Newmarket, and to deliver to the Keeper of the Match-book, the name or defcription of the horfe, &c. fealed up, which fhall be kept till Six o'clock on the Saturday evening of that week; and if not accepted, to be returned unopened; but if accepted, to be then opened and declared a Match or Sweepstakes, for two hundred guineas each, play or pay. To be run according to the articles of his Majefty's Plates, and to ftart at the ufual hours, &c.


Duke of Nor- Sir J. Moore


[blocks in formation]

Mr. Vernon

Gen. Parker
Mr. Shafte

Mr. March
Sir C. Bunbury
Mr. Meynell
Ld Molyneux
Ld Rockingham

C 2

Ld Grofvenor
Mr. Fenwick
Mr. Pratt
Mr. Stapleton
Mr. Pigott
Mr. Wentworth
Mr. Blake

Sir L. Dundas


[blocks in formation]

N. B. This is required to be figned by the Lord Lieutenant of the County, or the Mafter of the Horse to His Majesty.




A. B's chefnut colt, now rifing four years old,

got by Herod, out of Celerity, and C. D.'s bay colt, of the fame age, got by Eclipfe, out of Shadow, are matched to run over the Beacon Course at Newmarket, on Monday in the First Spring Meeting, 178, carrying 8ft. 71b. each, for 200gs, half forfeit; each to maintain his own; to start within the ufual hours; with a power reserved to alter the day and hour, or either, by confent.

A. B.
C. D.


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