
That the Owner of every horfe, &c. entered to run for two or more prizes on the Horfes entered fame day fhall, for the future, be for two or obliged to declare to the Keeper of more prizes. the Match-book, before eight o'clock in the evening preceding the day of running, which of the faid Prizes he intends to ftart his horfe for; and the faid Keeper of the Match-book fhall immediately declare it in the coffee-room.

May 26, 1770

To meet annually at dinner on Annual meeting. the day preceding the King's birth-`

Choice of fewards.


That three members of the Jockey-Club fhall be appointed Stewards, and to com mence their office on the fourth of June annually. One new Steward to be appointed every year on the third day of June, by the Steward who quits on that day, fubject to the approbation of the members of the Jockey-Club then prefent.

The first and second vacancy of the three Stewards now named, are to be fettled by drawing lots; and ever afterwards, the fenior Steward is to quit his office on the third of June annually.

That the three Stewards, or any two of them, fhall be vefted with full power to their power, &c. make fuch regulations as they think proper, in regard to the exercise

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ground, and the courfe. That the three Stewards concurring, fhall have it in their power to appoint fuch perfon or perfons as they may chufe to keep the coffee-houfe, matchbook, receive the stakes, and to collect the entrance money, and all other funds belonging to the JockeyClub.


The Stewards are to be refponfible to the JockeyClub for all the money collected as belonging to the Club.

The Stewards fhall have it in their power to fix the hours of starting for each Match, &c. but they fhall be obliged to fix thofe hours of starting by eight o'clock in the evening preceding the day of running. The accounts are to be produced by the Stewards annually, on the third of June.

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Punishment for watching, or difcovering trials.

That in cafe any gentleman who keeps running horses, has cause to complain of any feeder, rider, groom, boy, or other perfon, employed by him in, or intrufted with the knowledge of trials, of having discovered them directly, or indirectly, by betting, or wilfully in any other way (unless allowed fo to do by his matter;) or if any perfon as aforefaid, living with any gentleman, shall be discovered in watching trials himself, or procuring other perfons fo to do, or by any unfair means whatfoever endeavouring to difcover trials; on fuch complaint being carried to any one of the Stewards, that Steward is to fummon a general Jockey-Club meeting as foon as convenient; which meeting is to appoint a committee of three members to examine into the accufation; and in cafe they shall be of opinion that the perfon or perfons is, or are guilty of it, then the perfon fo found guilty fhall be difmiffed from the fervice of his master, and the faid perfons fhall not be employed by any member of the Jockey-Club in any capacity whatsoever; nor fhall any horfe, &c.`. fed, or rode by him or them, or in the management of which he or they are concerned, be fuffered to ftart for Plate, Match, or Subfcription. And the names of the perfons found guilty of thefe offences, fhall be expofed in the Racing Calendar; and inferted in a paper to be fixed up in the coffee-room at Newmarket.


Notice of fake ing, fhewing, and entering.

That a copy of all the ftakes to be made for Matches, Subfcriptions and Sweeptakes, and the day and hour of fhewing, or entering, fhall be fairly wrote out, and fixed up by the order of the Stewards, on the fide of the chimney-piece at each end of the coffee-room, on the Sunday evening before each meeting; to continue there each day of the meeting, as notice for ftaking, fhewing, or entering, and no other fhall be infifted upon.

as made.

A Day Book fhall be kept by the perfon appointed Entry of flakes by the Stewards, and continue in the Entry of takes coffee-room, in which fhall be entered an account of all Matches, Subfcriptions and Sweepiłakes, to be run for each day, within that meeting; and as the different Stakes are made, the payments fhall be marked to the names of the perfons fo paying.

Stakes how to be made.

All Stakes fhall be made in cafh, bank-bills, bankpoft-bills properly indorfed, bankers notes payable to bearer, or bankers notes payable to order, alfo properly indorsed; and not otherwife, without the confent of the party or parties prefent concerned in the Match, Subfcription or Sweepstakes, on whofe account fuch Stakes are made.


All Stakes for Matches, Subfcriptions and SweepAt what time. takes, shall be made before starting for the fame; and in default thereof by any perfon, he shall forfeit in like manner, as if he had not produced his colt, filly, horfe or mare, start; and fhall have no claim to the Stake or Stakes of the Match, Subfcription or Sweepfakes, fhould his colt, filly, horfe or mare, have started and come first; and this to remain in full force as an established agreement of the Jockey-Club, unless fuch perfon


has previously obtained the confent of the party or parties prefent, with whom he is engaged, to dif penfe with his making his Stake as aforefaid.

Forfeits when

to be paid.

All forfeits unpaid before starting for any Match, Subfcription, or Sweepstakes, fhall be paid to the perfons appointed by the Stewards to receive the fame, at the coffee room, before 12 o'clock at night, of the day fuch forfeits are determined; and each perfon making default therein, fhall forfeit and pay to the perfons fo appointed by the faid Stewards, after the rate of five pounds for every hundred pounds fo forteited, which fhall be difpofed of by the faid Stewards, towards fuch uses as they fhall think fit.

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And, in order to prevent frauds, notice thall be given, that if any perfon make any Betts made from bett or betts from fignal or indication, after the race has been determined at the Post, such person is not intitled to receive, or liable to pay the fame; as fuch bett or betts are fraudulent, illegal, and totally void; and that if any fervant belonging to a member of the fociety fhall be found to have made, or be engaged in the making any fuch bett or betts, he fhall be difmiffed his fervice, and no farther employed by any member of this fociety.

That all forfeits or money paid on compromifing any Match or Sweepstakes, fhall, bona Forfeits and

fide, be declared and entered in the day-book, in order that all be:ters compromises to be entered. may be put upon an equality with the perfons who had the Match or Sweepstakes, and may thus be afcertained in what proportion they are to pay or receive.




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The Stewards toappoint a perfon to examine the age of young borfes, &c.

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That the Stewards of the Jockey Club fhall appoint fome proper perfon to examine every colt or filly, being of the age of two, three, or four years, at the Ending Poft, immediately after run; ning, the first time any colt or filly fhall ftart for any Plate, Match, Sweepstakes, or Subfcription at Newmarket, and the faid appointed perfon is to fign a certificate of fuch examination, and his opinion thereupon, which certificate is to be hung up before eight o'clock the evening of the faid day of running, in the coffee-houfe at Newmarket -But for all Plates, Matches, Subfcriptions, or Sweepstakes, where the colt or filly is required to be fhewn before running, the examination as above mentioned fhall be made at the time of fhewing them, and the certificate of the perfon appointed shall immediately, in like manner, be fixed up in the coffee-room at Newmarket.

That the hours of ftarting fhall be fixed up in the coffee-houfe by eight o'clock in the Time of starting and forfeit and it is expected that every groom evening preceding the day of running; on neglect, Sc. fhall fart punctually at the time appointed; and any groom failing fo to do, fhall forfeir five guineas each time to the Jockey Club. It is alfo expected, that every groom will attend to the regulations and orders which the Stewards of the Jockey-Club may give, relative to the prefervation of the courfe and exercise ground.

That no perfon do borrow or hire any horfe, &c. not belonging to his avowed confederate, to run in a private trial, without entering the name of fuch horfe, before the trial fhall be run, in the book appointed to be kept for that purpose, in the coffee

None to borrow kerfes, &c. for trials, without entering them in

the book, except confeuerates.


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