
of the enemy I have not yet been able to ascertain, but it is consider able; her officers say, about forty killed and wounded.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) J. F. Maples,

Extract of a letter from lieutenant general sir Thomas Graham, to the marquess of Wellington, dated Ernani, September 9, 1813.

I have the satisfaction to report to your lordship, that the castle of San Sebastian has surrendered; and I have the honour to transmit the capitulation, which, under all the circumstances of the case, I trust your lordship will think I did right to grant to a garrison which certainly made a very gallant defence.

Ever since the assault of the 31st ultimo, the vertical fire of the mortars, &c. of the right at tack, was occasionally kept up against the castle, occasioning a very severe loss to the enemy; and yesterday morning a battery of seventeen 24-pounders in the hornwork, and another of three18pounders, still more on the left, having been completedbytheextraordinary exertions of the artillery and engineers, aided by the indefatigable zeal of all the troops; the whole of the ordnance, amounting to 54 pieces, including two 24-pounders, and one howitzer on the Island, opened at 10 a. m. against the castle, and with such effect, that before 1 p. m. a flag of truce was hoisted at the Mirador battery by the enemy; and after some discussion, the terms of the surrender were agreed on. Thus giving your lordship another great result of the

campaign, in the acquisition to the allied armies of this interesting point on the coast, and near the frontier.

Captain Stewart of the royals, aide-de-camp to major-general Hay, who so greatly distinguished himself during the siege, is unfortunately among the killed since the last return.

I omitted in my last report to mention my obligations to the great zeal of captain Smith of the royal navy, who undertook and executed the difficult task of getting guns up the steep scarp of the island into a battery which was manned by seamen under his command, and which was of much service. Captain Bloye, of the Lyra, has been from the beginning constantly and most actively employed on shore, and I feel greatly indebted to his services.

Besides the officers of artillery formerly mentioned, who have continued to serve with equal distinction, I should not omit the names of Captains Morrison, Power, and Parker, who have been constantly in the breaching batteries, and in the command of companies. I beg leave to repeat my former recommendation of captain Cameron of the 9th foot, who volunteered to command the attack of the island, and who conducted himself so ably on that occasion, and during all the time he commanded there.

Convention proposed for the capitulation of the fort of La Motte of San Sebastian, by the adjutantcommandant Chevalier de Songeon, chief of the staff to the troops stationed in the fort, charged with full powers by general Rey, commanding the said troops, on the one side; and by colonel.

de Lancey, deputy-quarter-mastergeneral, lieutenant-colonel Dickson, commanding the artillery, and lieut.-colonel Bouverie, charged with full powers by lieut.-general sir Thomas Graham on the other side.

The above-named having exchanged their full powers, agreed as follows.

Art. 1. The French troops, forming the garrison of Fort La Motte shall be prisoners of war to his majesty's troops and their allies.Answer: Agreed.

Art. 2. They shall be embarked in his Britannic majesty's ships and conveyed to England direct, with out being obliged to go further by land than to the port of Passages. -Answer: Agreed.

Art. 3. The general and other superior officers, and the officer's of regiments and of the staff, as well as the medical officers, shall preserve their swords and their priváte baggage, and the non-commissioned officers and soldiers shall preserve their knapsacks.--Answer: Agreed.

Art. 4. The women, the children, and the old men, not being military, shall be sent back to France, as well as the other noncombatants, preserving their private baggage.-Answer: Granted for the women and children. The old men and non-combatants must be examined.

Art. 5. The commissaire de Guerre, Barbier de Guilly, having with him the wife and the two daughters of his brother, who died at Pamplona, requests sir Thomas Graham to authorise his return to France, with the three above-named ladies, as he is their chief support. He is not a military man.-Answer:

This article shall be submitted to the marquess of Wellington by: sir Thomas Graham.

Art. 6. The sick and wounded shall be treated according to their rank, and taken care of as English officers and soldiers. - Answer: Agreed.

Art. 7. The French troops shall file out to morrow morning, by the gate of Mirador, with all the honours of war, with arms and baggage, and drums beating, to the outside, where they will lay down their arms; the officers of all ranks preserving their swords, their servants, horses, and baggage, and the, soldiers their knapsacks, as mentioned in the third article.Answer: Agreed.

Art. 8. A detachment of the allied army, consisting of one hundred men, shall occupy in the evening the gate of the Mirador, a like detachment shall occupy the gate of the governor's battery. These two ports shall be for that purpose evacuated by the French troops as soon as the present capitulation shall be accepted and ratified by the commanding generals. -Answer: Agreed.

Art. 9. The plans and all the papers regarding the fortifications shall be given over to an English officer, and officers shall be named equally on each side, to regulate all that concerns the artillery, engineer, and commissariat department.-Answer: Agreed.

Art. 10. The general commanding the French troops shall be authorised to send to his excellency Marshal Soult, an officer of the staff, who shall sign his parole of honour, for his exchange with a British officer of his rank. This officer shall be the bearer of a copy of

the present capitulation.--Answer: Submitted for the decision of lord Wellington. The officer to be sent to marshal Soult shall be chosen by the commanding officer of the French troops.

Art. 11. If any difficulties or misunderstandings shall arise in the execution of the articles of this capitulation, they shall be always decided in favour of the French garrison. Answer: Agreed. Made and concluded this 8th day of September, 1813. (Signed) Adjutant-commandant Chevalier SONGEON. (Signed) W. DE LANCEY, Col. Signed) A. DICKSON, lieut.

col. commanding the Artil. (Signed) H. BOUVERIE,

Lieut.-colonel. Approved, (Signed) Le general Gouverneur Rey. (Signed) T. GRAHAM, Lieut.-gen. Approved on the part of the royal

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ing is an extract, has been receiv ed by earl Bathurst, one of his majesty's principal secretaries of state, from lieutenant-general sir George Prevost, bart.

Kingston, Upper Canada.
July 3, 1813.

I have the honour to transmit to your lordship copies of letters from. colonel Vincent and lieutenant colonel Bisshopp, and of the papers accompanying them, containing the highly gratifying intelligence of the capture, on the 24th ult. of a body of the enemy's forces, consisting of two field officers, 21 other officers of different ranks, 27 non-commissioned officers, and 462 privates, together with a stand of colours, and two field-pieces. The details of this gallant affair, which reflects so much credit on our Indian allies, as well as upon lieutenant Fitzgibbon, for the promptitude and decision with which he availed himself of the impression their attack had made upon the enemy, will, I have no doubt, be read by your lordship with great satisfaction. Since the surprise of the enemy's camp at Stoney Creek, on the 6th ult. and their subsequent retreat from the Forty Mile Creek, in which almost the whole of their camp equipage, together with a quantity of stores and provisions, fell into our hands, major-general Dearborn has withdrawn the troops from Fort Erie, and has concentrated his forces at Fort George. Colonel Vincent has in consequence made a forward movement from the head of the lake, in order to support the light infantry and Indian warriors, who are employed in circumscribing the enemy, so as to compel them to make use of

their own resources for the main terance of their army. Majorgeneral de Rottenburgh has assumed the command of the centre division of the army of Upper Canada. After the squadron under commodore sir James Yeo had shown itself off the Forty Mile Creek, which principally determined the enemy to retreat from that position, it was very successfully employed in interrupting and cutting off their supplies going from the Genesee river, and their other settlements upon the southern shore of the lake: five small vessels, with provisions, clothing and other articles, were taken, and several loaded boats were captured, and some destroyed.


[Transmitted by colonel Vincent

Beaver Dam, June 24, 1813]. Sir; I have the honour to inform you, that the troops you have done me the honour to place under my command, have succeeded this day in taking prisoners a detachment of the United States army, under the command of lieut.-col. Boerstler. In this affair the Indian warriors under the command of captain Kerr, were the only force actually engaged; to them great merit is due, and to them I feel particularly obliged for their gallant conduct on this occasion. On the appearance of the detachment of the 49th regiment, under Lieut. Fitzgibbon, and the light company of the 8th or king's regiment, the two flank companies of the 104th, under major De Haren, and the provincial cavalry under captain. Hall, the whole surrendered to his majesty's forces. To the conduct of Lieutenant Fitzgibbon, through

whose address the capitulation was entered into, may be attributed the surrender of the American force. To major De Haren, for his speedy movement to the point of attack, and execution of the arrangements I had previously made with him, I am very much obliged. I have the honour to enclose the capitulation entered into between col. Boerstler and myself, and a return of prisoners taken, exclusive of wounded, not yet ascertained. I lost no time in forwarding my staff adjutant, lieut. Barnard, to communicate to you this intelligence. He has been particularly active and useful to me upon all occasions. I take this opportunity of mentioning him to you, and beg the favour of you to recommend him to his excellency sir G. Prevost, as an active and promising young offi

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I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) CECIL BISSHOPP. Lieut.-colonel, commanding the troops in advance. Brigadier-gen. Vincent, &c. &c.

Township of Louth, June 24, 1813. Sir;-At De Coris this morning, about seven o'clock I received information that about 1,000 of the enemy, with two guns, were advancing towards me from St. David's. I soon after heard a firing of cannon and musketry, and, in consequence, rode in advance two miles on the St. David's road: I discovered by the firing, that the enemy was moving for the road on the mountain. I sent off cornet M'Kenny to order out my detachment of the 49th, consisting of a subaltern and 46 rank and file, and

closed upon the enemy to reconnoitre. I discovered him on the mountain road, and took a position on an eminence to the right of it. My men arrived and pushed on in his front to cut off bis retreat, under a fire from his guns, which, however, did no execution. After examining his positions, I was informed he expected reinforcements; I therefore decided upon summoning him to surrender. After the exchange of several propositions, between lieutenant-colonel Boerstler and myself, in the name of lieutenant-colonel De Haren, lieut.-colonel Boerstler agreed to surrender on the terms stated in the articles of capitulation. On my return to my men to send on an officer to superintend the details of the surrender, you arrived.

I have the honour to be, &c.
Lieut. 49th foot.

To major De Haren, &c. &c.

June 24, 1813. Particulars of the capitulation made between captain M'Dowell, on the part of lieutenant-colonel Boerstler, of the United States army, and major De Haren, of his Britannic majesty's Canadian regiment, on the part of lieut.-colonel Bisshopp, commanding the advance of the British, respecting the force under the command of lieut.-col. Boerstler.

1st. That lieutenant-colonel Boerstler, and the force under his command, shall surrender prisoners of war.

2nd. That the officers shall retain their arms, horses, and baggage.

3rd. That the non-commissioned

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Return of American prisoners taken near Fort George, June 24, 1813.

Light dragoons-1 cornet, 1 serjeant, 19 rank and file. Light artillery-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 31 rank and file. 6th reg. infantry-1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 3 serjeants, 54 rank and file. 14th ditto-1 lieutenant,colonel, 3 captains 11 lieutenants, 1 surgeon, 15 serjeants, 301 rank and file. 20th ditto-1 major. 23rd ditto-1 captain, 4 serjeants, 2 drummers, 57 rank and file.

Total-1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 6 captains, 13 lieutenants, 1 cornet, 1 surgeon, 25 serjeants, 2 drummers, 462 rank and file.

30 militia released on parole, not included in this return.

Return of ordnance, &c. taken.

One 12-pounder, one 6-pounder, 2 cars, stand of colours of the 14th United States' regiment.

(Signed) E. BAYNES, Adj.-gen. The loss of the enemy is supposed to be about 100 in killed and wounded.

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