
momento, ch' io possi prender la liberta d' indirizzarmi alla V. S. con questa e supplica umilissima.

La V. S. sa lo scopo del mio viaggio e un scopo (ch'io spero nella misericordia infinita di Dio) che sara lo scopo, di tutta la mia vita, cioe, di far conoscere, il Redentore dell' Universo agli Ebrei gia il popolo di Dio-ed il valore del suo sangue prezioso. Ma l'esempio d'un Apostolo da Dio inspirato, l'esempio d'un Paolo, e l'esempio dej Missionari m'hanno convinti, il commandamento del Nostro Signore Stesso d'essere prudente come una serpente, e semplice come una columba, eo dico m'hanno convinti che si dee usare prudenza, e per questo stesso motivo ho determinato (essendo il primo anno ch' io vado fra gli Ebrei) di cercare soltanto per un anno intiero nello stato e nei costumi degli Ebrei, e sapendo che si sono delle persone degne del riguardo fra i Ebrei in Aleppo, ho l'intenzione d'andar la dopo alcuni giorni e restar la alcune settimane; dunque Io sarei per questo stesso motivo moltissimamente obligato alla V. S. Illustrissima, se la V. S. Illustrissima mi mandarebbe per mezzo del latore di questa lettera mia, una lettera di raccommandazione per il Signor Esdra de Picuitto e per il Rabino di Aleppo; e scrivi a quei Signori ch' io sono venuto per cercare nello stato degli Ebrei. Il mio cuore sarebbe infatto sempre penetrato dal gratitudine verso di Lei; ed io nella misericordia del Signore e nella sua infinita grazia chio spero di veder una volta la V. S. Illustrissima, dinanzi il trono di quello Signore chi regna lassu e chi sede alla destra del Suo Padre Eterno, dinanzi il trono di Gesu Cristo, il quale e Dio in Eterno! E, sapendo la propria mia debolizza, Io prego la V. S. ed il Signor Padre Renardo di pregar ancora per me, che Iddi dia a me stesso un cuore veramente contrito ed umiliato. "Cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus non despicies," ed accio io facci tutto per la Gloria del Signore! Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da Gloriam! Illustrissimo Signor Viscovo, e carissimo mio Padre Renardo, vi assicuro che io piango pensando dell' anima mia peccatrice,

ed osservando che io porto con me ed in me itesso lo istesso uomo, se lo guardo sulla mia propria indegnita, ma con tutto cio io lo so che la Grazia del Signor, e abile di rimovere i montagni stessi. Qui declinasti coelos et descendisti, tetegisti montes et fumigavere (Augustinus in suis Confessionibus) Quanto felice Io sarei se Lei ed il Signor Renardo mi degnarebbero ancora di una lettera, ed Io sarei ancora molto obbligato alla V. S. Illustrissima se la V. S. Illustrissima, tutti e Cristiani di questo montagno di pregar per la Salute del popoli d'Israele! E mi sarebbe una gran consolazione, se la V. S. Illustrissima ed il Signor Padre Renardo mi assicurarebbero nello risposta che ambedu e hanno pregati per la conversione d'Israeli.-Suo Servo indegno, GIUSEPPE WOLF.


Feb. 3.-Meditation.-In the night, at half past eleven, my soul was filled with sorrow on account of past sins committed, and of my indwelling sins. Oh Lord, I cannot be quiet, and I must be going about to preach thy word in the spirit of that Lord whom I will preach to all people living in darkness . . . Oh, I feel that I think often, very often, more of the people to be saved, than of the saving Redeemer and Lord, and more frequently of myself. I beseech, therefore, O Lord, create in me a new spirit, a clean heart, a contrite spirit, a broken heart! Oh! when I think in what heavenly frame of mind thy servants Brainerd and Henry Martin walked, and in what a heavenly frame of mind still thy servants Charles Simeon, Thomas, and Ward are walking, and brother La Roche and Detrich! Oh let thy cause not be blasphemed, O Lord, I beseech thee, let thy cause not be blasphemed! Make me an instrument for the salvation of thy people, my brethren; but, oh! that I may feel it stronger and experience it stronger in my own heart, that I am arrived at the desired haven to the experimental knowledge of the love of Christ experienced in my own heart!

"Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of

the night! the watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night; if ye will enquire, enquire ye; return, come!"

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is so sweet, I am now writing down these lines upon paper, but do I feel the truth, the force, the power of them, in my own heart. Thy law is so beautiful, thy word is so beautiful, thy covenant is so beautiful; make with me that new covenant, not according to the covenant that thou madest with my fathers in the day that thou tookest them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; but let this be thy covenant with me, put thy law in my inward parts, write it in my heart, and be my God, O Saviour, and let me be thy son, that I may have my delight in thee, day and night!

Feb. 4.-The following letter contains the answer of Monsignor Luigi Gandolfi, to mine of February 3.

Illmo Signore,

Ricevo in questo momento la preggiata di Lei lettera nella quale mi dice, che pensa di passare in Aleppo, io prego il Signor di' accordarle un felice viaggio, e faccia Iddio che la di Lei Missione abbia tutto il successo che lei desidera. Le acchiudo qui la lettera che lei mi domanda per il Signor Esdra di Piccioto, Console Generale Austriaco in Aleppo. Avra la bonta di sigillarla, per li Rabbini poi io non conosco alcuno di loro, e non ho qui alcun Segretario Arabo per scriverli, e non saprei neppure cosa scrivere, e forse senza lettera e meglio, perche allora si mettono in guardia, mi pare che e piu sicuro di prenderli cosi all' improviso. Frattanto ella mi conservi la sua buona amicizia, e spero che mi dara poi avviso del suo felice arrivo in Aleppo in buona salute mentre io ho l'onore di rinuovarmi colla piu perfetta considerazione.

di V. S. Illma

Devotmo affezmo Servitore,

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LUIGI GANDOLFI, Vico Apostolico.

Feb. 5.-I went with my Arabic master, Hanna Stam

buli, to see the inhabited convent Kourka, which Bishop Hannah Marone offered me that the English Christians might buy it, and form a college there. Kourka was built by the infamous girl Hendiga, whose history is related in Volney's Travels, vol. ii. It is very extensive, and is situated on the ridge of a hill, to the north west of Aintura, commanding to the west, a view of the sea, which is not far distant from the convent, with an extensive prospect. A hundred persons may live in it conveniently.

From thence I called on Bishop Hannah Marone, Vicar of the patriarch of Antioch to the Maronites. He is ready to send Maronite young men to England, to be educated there. He told me the matters he would write upon, and desired me to send him a plan of the letters, and how he should write them.

I had often wished to have an opportunity of arguing with a popish Missionary. I called, therefore, on Bishop Gandolfi, Apostolic Vicar of the Pope, with whom Pere Renard, a French priest, lives; he has been, for thirty years, Missionarius Apostolicus, sent forth by the Pope himself, omnibus facultatibus Episcopi. He began to open the discourse.

Pere Renard. The endeavour of converting the Jews is a vain thing.

I. All the prophets, and St. Paul, contradict your as


Pere Renard. They shall be converted to the Catholic church, but not to the Protestant.

I. Neither to the Catholic, nor to the Protestant church, but to Christ; to him they shall look and mourn.

Pere Renard. (In a very rough manner.) We must have Peter and his successors for the judge of our faith, if we believe in Christ.

I. The Scripture knows nothing of it.

Pere Renard. Tu es Petrus, et supra hanc petram ædificabo ecclesiam meam.

1. And this he did when he opened his discourse, and


three thousand of his hearers received the word of God gladly, and were baptized.

Pere Renard now tried, after the method of the Jesuits, to frighten me, saying, Mr. Wolf, I should be ashamed to come forward with that spirito privato of the Protestants'; we must have a spiritum communem, we must not wish to be wiser than so many councils and so many Padres: Do you not know that St. Augustine has said, Evangelio non crederem si ecclesia mihi non dixerit?'

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I. I come not forward with my spiritu privato; I tell you only what the Scripture says; the Scripture never tells us that we must have councils and Padres for our guides, but says, First," Search the Scriptures," John v. 39. And that the Scripture is sufficient for our salvation becomes clear by the words of St. Paul, 2 Timothy iii. 15, 16, "The Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus." "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." This appears again by St. Paul, Romans xv. 4; and by Psalm cxix. 105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Pere Renard. There are many dubious points in Scripture: what can you do when you meet with a passage you

cannot understand?

I. Pray to God for his Holy Spirit; and I am encouraged to do so, for he saith, Luke xi. 13, "How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him." And the Scripture is not difficult to be understood; the Holy Spirit itself tells me so ; "The word is very nigh unto thee," and "things revealed belong unto us," Deut. xxx. 14, xxix. 29.

Pere Renard. Look in my face, if you are able.

I looked stedfastly in his face.

Pere Renard. Then you think that Luther, qui fuit impudicus, who married a nun, and Henry the Eighth, and you, Mr. Wolf, are alone able to explain Scripture,

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