
1814.] Mr. Elmes on a Misrepresentation of Mr. Eustace.

tion from standing in need of their late insertion? or were those fractures occa sioned by the cutting away and weakening the substructure by an equally blameable want of knowledge? Are the chains that are inserted in the cone and inner dome of St. Paul's essentially necessary to its present stability? or are they only wise preventives, in the too-certain event af decay or the decomposition of the materials of the edifice ?*

I am not at present going to draw a parallel between every part of these two magnificent edifices, but only to answer a note of Mr. Eustace's; therefore, I shall next proceed to the designs of the domes. What man of taste, and knowledge of architecture, but must prefer the fine tour de dome, as the French emphatically call it, which forms the base; the majestic peristyle that encircles it, and with an originality and a skill that can never be too much commended, conceals the necessary contreforts, and converts them into a splendid beauty? If we proceed upwards, who can fail drawing comparisons abundantly in favour of St. Paul's, between the full uninterrupted sweep of the dome, built in the form of

"Heaven, vast concave, ample dome," with its concealed yet effectual windows, contrasted with the petty luthern lights and dormant windows, which disfigure and destroy at once the simplicity and the beauty of the latter? Well, therefore, does Mr. Eustace say, "it does not give a just idea of that of St. Peter's." "The inner dome of the former," continues our critic, "is of brick, not very uulike the conical form of a glass-house. The dome to which the edifice owes all its external grandeur is a mere wooden Toof, raised over the other at a considerable distance, and covered with copper! which conceals the poverty of its materials!" Can Mr. Eustace have ever once given himself the trouble of ascending the dome of St. Paul's? or would a man of his liberal and enquiring mind have criticized and condemned it without? Yet he has assumed facts that are not, and blundered no less than three times in the last-quoted four lines. How a dome can be conical, I must really leave him to explain it is too comical for my definition: I will prove the external dome to be no "mere wooden roof," nor is it covered with copper at all.

These questions are treated of more fully in the course of Popular Lectures on Civil Architecture, which I am preparing for early publication.



The cupola of St. Paul's is a vast and admirably constructed machine of architective skill, composed of three parts: an inner hemispherical dome,* of a proper height for the interior; a cone that is raised upwards to support the lanthorn, and an outer dome of oak timber, covered with lead, which is one of the most scientific and perfect pieces of timber construction the world can boast; nor have I any fear in asserting that its durability will be fully equal to stone in that situation. I shall abstain from commenting on the above, but refer your readers to the works on St. Paul's specified in the last note, where they will find plans, an elevation, a section, and a view of this pride of our metropolis, from the drawings alluded to in the beginning of this letter, and in which they will also find a most elaborate and excellent criticism on the building, by my friend and learned coadjutor, Mr. Edmund Aikin, who most completely answers to Mr.Eustace's definition of such a critic as he would submit to, understanding the subject perfectly, and being " a skilful architect, thoroughly acquainted with the difficulties and resources of his art." These he may compare with his own documents, or with the best description of St. Peter's, which I cannot presume to recommend to him, or take as accurate a survey of St. Paul's as he did of St. Peter's, in which I shall be happy to accompany him, and if he carries with him an unprejudiced mind, I can anticipate with certainty what will be the result.

Of the interiors of the the two rivals, I shall at present say nothing, though well prepared to defend the plainness and simplicity of St. Paul's, from the difference of their uses, and from its not having been finished, which sufficiently accounts for his just complaints of "its cold dark stone walls and naked vaults."

I shall trouble you with a few more short parallels of the rival structures, as they arise in my mind, and then conclude. Our celebrated edifice was the production of one single architect, who, blessed with a singular length of days, had the happiness of seeing this effort of his comprehensive mind realize itself in rival magnificence of ancient art before his eyes were closed by the King of terrors.

See the section published in the "Fine Arts of the English School," and in a sepa rate work on this cathedral only, by Taylor, Holborn, where all these several parts are geometrically laid open. VOL. II.

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Mr. Elmes on a Misrepresentation of Mr. Eustace.

The ceremony of laying what is called the first stone took place on June the 21st, 1675; and the building was finished by the son of the architect lay ing the last stone on the top of the lanthorn in 1710; but the finishing of the ornaments did not take place till 1723. It is stated, as a curious coincidence, that it was begun and completed in the space of thirty-five years, by one architect, one principal mason, and one bishop

of London.

On the other hand, St. Peter's went through the hands of twelve successive architects, continued 155 years building, in the pontificates of nineteen Popes, assisted by the powerful interests of the Roman See, attended by the first artists in the world, and favoured by nature in being contiguous to the marble quarries of Tivoli. In their actual dimensions there is certainly a vast difference; nor should Mr. Eustace in a succeeding note have given their relative magnitudes as a proof of superiority in the Roman structure; for let this be a standard of comparison, then is the rudest of the works of the lower empire superior to the choragic monument of Lysicrates at Athens, or the peristyle rotunda near Tivoli. The palm of magnitude must certainly be ceded to the Roman basilica, but here we stop. Most who have scen and carefully investigated it, declare that on entering it, from the immense height of the dome, the building appears smaller than it really is; and they can scarcely credit that nearly 730 feet are consumed in its length. This defect has been most judiciously avoided by our illustrious countryman, who, skilled in the various and powerful science of optics, as well as in every branch of natural philosophy, rightly judged, and by a bold contrivance, corrected this by the interposed dome, which, by concentrating within due limits the range of the spectator's eye, with 500 feet alone in length, gives, when compared with the height (as it is only by comparison that the appearances of things can be termed either great or small) an appearance of greater proportional magnitude. There are few, who have not by ascending the edifice, convinced themselves to the contrary, but believe that the painted doine, by Sir James Thornhill, is the interior of the dome they see on the outside, and can scarcely think even that so high as it internally appears. These were formerly my thoughts, and are

[Oct. 1,

those of hundreds who visit the cathe dral.

I shall now turn to a more agreeable topic; and in the name of my profession thank Mr. Eustace for his just and correct views of the state of architecture in England, a subject on which I have just published a letter to Thomas Hope, Esq. &c. &c. in the 6th number of the Pamphleteer, and regret much not hav ing seen his excellent work previous to printing, although mine was written more than three years ago. I cannot but quote the following admirable note, which so forcibly backs my scheme of having professors of the fine arts in the universities. "No art," says he, “deserves more attention than architecture, because no art is so often called into action, tends so much to the embellishment, or contributes more to the reputation of a country. It ought, therefore, at all events, to occupy some portion of time in a liberal education. Had such a method of instruction, as that which is here recommended, been adopted a century ago, (what melancholy reflections arise in my mind at this consideration) the streets of London, Oxford, and Cambridge would not present so many shapeless buildings, all raised at an enormous expense, as if designed for


NATION." This is the cause of that defect in the British metropolis, of which not only Mr. Eustace but other travellers complain. He is certainly not singular in acknowledging "that the metropolis of the British empire, though the first city in Europe, and I suppose in the world, for neatness, convenience, and cleanliness, is yet inferior in architec tural embellishments to most capitals. Augustus found Rome of brick; and in his last moments boasted that he had left it of marble." London, I trust, has found its Augustus in the Prince Regent.

Mr. Eustace will, I am sure, pardon any appearance of severity in these remarks, which are occasioned entirely by a regard to truth and justice; and it would be no less an act of injustice in me, to conclude without thanking him most heartily for the great entertainment, delight, and information, he has presented me in his most useful and able volumes. I am, &c.

JAMES ELMES No. 3, Alfred Place, Bedford-square, Aug. 21, 1814.

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BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of SIR BENJAMIN THOMPSON, COUNT of RUMFORD. IF a life devoted to the cultivation of science, with a view to increase the comforts and promote the happiness of mankind, is the most legitimate claim to eminence, then must the name of Count Rumford rank in the very first class of the distinguished characters of the present age, and command the admiration and gratitude of posterity, when the memory of men, whose talents have been exerted only for the annoyance of the haman race, is lost in oblivion, or stripped of its fictitious splendour, become the object of universal execration.

Benjamin Thompson was born in 1752, in the little town of Rumford in New England, where his parents, who be longed to the middling class of society, resided. Their son received the best education that this obscure place could afford; but there is every reason to believe that he owed more to his own industry and thirst of knowledge, than to the instructions of a master. So early were his talents developed, that he began to instruct others at a period when young men in general are only obtaining instruction for themselves. He also married advantageously early in life, and obtained the rank of a major in the militia of his native district. He had begun to cultivate the sciences with success, when the unhappy contest between the mother country and her American colonies, in which he espoused the cause of the former, drove him from his native land. His local knowledge, and extensive information, gained him the acquaintance and respect of the British generals in America, which, however, he soon quitted, and repaired to England. Here he was consulted on the state and probable issue of the war; and Lord George Germaine, who then presided over the American department, conceived such a friendship for Mr. Thompson, that he gave him an honourable post in his office, and a general invitation to his table. When the war was drawing towards a close, and it was evident that the American department must be anni hilated together with the British dominion in America, the same nobleman, with a view to make some provision for his friend, sent him over to New York, where he raised a regiment of dragoons,

obtained the provincial rank of lieutenant-colonel, and became entitled to half-pay. Soon after his return to Eng land, in 1784, his majesty was pleased to confer on him the honour of knight hood.

In the same year Sir Benjamin Thomp❤ son made a tour upon the Continent, and at Strasburg became acquainted with the present King of Bavaria, then Prince of Deuxponts, who so warmly recommended him to his relative and predecessor, the then reigning Elector Palatine and Duke of Bavari, that the latter invited him into his service, with an offer of the most honourable terms. Having obtained his Majesty's permission, he repaired to Munich, and was employed by his Electoral Highness in effecting the most salutary reforms in the various departments of his government. He arranged the military affairs, and introduced a new system of order, discipline, and economy, among the troops; constantly endeavouring in all his operations to unite the interest of the soldier with that of civil society, and to render the military force, even in time of peace, subservient to the public good.

The next object to which he directed his attention was the suppression of mendicity. Not only the capital, but the whole country, swarmed with beggars, who levied contributions on the industrious inhabitants,-stealing, robbing, and leading a life of indolence and the most shameless debauchery. Mendicity was actually formed into a trade, and the many thousands who subsisted by it seemed to consider their profession, like others, entitled to peculiar rights and privileges. To such a pitch was this notion carried, that no house, no church, was free from their annoyance; and either the magistrates would not or durst not interfere with them; while the mili tary, from a mistaken principle of delicacy, would have deemed themselves dishonoured by seizing the individuals, and putting a stop to the growing evil. Sir Benjamin, who had by this time been decorated by the sovereign with the insignia of various orders, promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general, and been created Count of Rumford, after the place of his nativity, determined to apply a remedy to so intolerable a nuis


Memoir of the Life of Count Rumford.

sance. Having prepared a building for
the reception of the mendicants, and
materials for their employment, he fixed
upon the 1st of January, 1790, (New
Year's day having been peculiarly set
apart for giving alins in Bavaria,) as
the most favourable for the commence-
ment of his operations. Accompanied
by the field-officers of the regiments in
garrison at Munich, and the chief ma-
gistrates of the city, to whom he had
previously communicated his plan, he
sallied forth into the streets, and, to pre-
vent the possibility of disgrace being
attached to so salutary a measure, he
began by arresting the first beggar he
met with his own hand. No sooner had
their commander set the example, than
the officers and soldiers, without making
any difficulty, cleared the streets with
equal promptitude and success, but at
the same time with all imaginable good
nature, so that before night not a single
beggar was to be seen in the whole me-
tropolis. As fast as they were arrested,
they were conducted to the town-hall,
where their names were inscribed, and
they were then dismissed with directions
to repair the next day to the new work-
house provided for them, where they
would find employment and a sufficiency
of wholesome food. By persevering in
this plan, and by the establishment of
the most excellent practical regulations,
the count so far overcame prejudice,
habit, and attachment, that these here-
tofore miserable objects began to che-
rish the idea of independence-to feel a
pride in obtaining an honest livelihood
to prefer industry to idleness, and de-
eency to filth, rags, and the squalid
wretchedness attendant on beggary. In
order to attain these important objects,
he introduced new manufactures into
the electoral dominions, and having,
during a journey in Italy for the reco-
very of his health, made himself ac-
quainted with the establishments for the
relief of the indigent in some parts of
that country, he entertained hopes of
enabling the poor of Bavaria to live
comfortably by the manufacture of cloth-
ing for the poor of Italy.

The change wrought in the hearts and sentiments of those whose external situation the count had undertaken to improve, could not fail to afford the highest gratification to a mind like his. Every reader of the least sensibility must envy him the emotions which, while he is describing these improvements, suggested passages such as the following:-"When

[Oct. 1,

these poor creatures were first brought together, I used very frequently to visit them-to speak kindly to them-and to encourage them; and I seldom passed through the halls where they were at work without being a witness to the most moving scenes. Objects formerly the most miserable and wretched, whom I had seen for years as beggars in the streets; young women, perhaps the unhappy victims of seduction, who, having lost their reputation, and been turned adrift in the world, without a friend and without a home, were reduced to the necessity of begging to sustain a miserable existence, now recognized me as their benefactor, and with tears dropping fast from their cheeks, continued their work in the most expressive silence. If they were asked what was the matter with them, their answer was, "Nothing;" accompanied by a look of affectionate regard, so exquisitely touching, as frequently to draw tears from the most insensible of the by-standers.

"As examples of success are some times more efficacious in stimulating mankind to action than the most splen did reasonings and admonitions, it is upon my success in the enterprize, that my hopes of engaging others to follow such an example, are chiefly founded; and hence it is, that I insist, with so much perseverance on the pleasure which this success afforded me. I am aware that I expose myself to being sus pected of ostentation, particularly by those who are not able to enter fully into my situation and feelings; but why should I not mention the marks of affectionate regard and respect which I received from the poor people, for whose happiness I interested myself; and the testimonies of the public esteem with which I was honoured? Will it be reckoned vanity if I mention the concern which the poor of Münich expressed in so affecting a manner when I was dangerously ill?-that they went publicly in a body in procession to the cathedral church, where they heard divine service performed, and put up public prayers for my recovery?—that four years afterwards, on hearing that I was again dan gerously ill at Naples, they of their own accord set apart an hour each evening after they had finished work to pray me? Will it be thought improper to mention the affecting reception I met with from them on my first visit to the work-house on my return to Munich after an absence of fifteen months; *



Memoir of the Life of Count Rumford.

scene which drew tears from all who were present?-and must I refuse my self the satisfaction of describing the fète I gave them in return in the English Garden, at which 1800 poor people of all ages, and above 30,000 of the inhabitants of Munich assisted?—and all this pleasure I must forego, merely that I may not be thought vain and ostentatious? Be it so then; but I would just beg leave to call the reader's attention to my feelings on the occasion, and then let him ask himself if any earthly reward can possibly be supposed greater, any enjoy ments more complete, than those I received. Let him figure to himself, if he can, my situation, sick in bed, worn out by intense application, and dying, as every body thought, a martyr in the cause to which I had devoted myself: let him imagine, I say, my feelings, upon hearing the confused noise of the prayers of a multitude of people who were passing by in the streets, upon being told that it was the poor of Munich, many hundreds in number, who were going in procession to the church to put up public prayers for me-for a private person, a stranger, a Protestant! I believe it is the first instance of the kind that ever happened; and I dare venture to affirm, that no proof could be stronger than this, that the measures adopted for making these poor people happy were really successful.”

Among the other advantages reaped by Bavaria from the Count's residence there, that of the cultivation and actual use of potatoes as an edible, will appear not a little extraordinary. It

is, however, not the less true, that it was he who first overcame the prejudices of the people of that country against this root, that he enriched their agriculture, and enlarged their stock of provisions by its introduction. Invariably directing his attention to objects of general utility to his fellow-creatures, the Count also undertook a variety of experiments, with a view to the economy of food and fuel, the result of which were the soups and improved fire-places so well known by his name.

After paying a visit to England in 1795 and 1796, the Count finally quitted Bavaria, and returned to this country in


He was for some years incessantly engaged in prosecuting his experiments on the construction of chimneys and the means of increasing the quantity of heat, which is tantamount to decreasing the consumption of fuel. After his


improvements on fire-places had been adopted in the mansions of many distinguished individuals, he turned his attention towards the public establishments, and he had in a short time the satisfaction to know that there was scarcely a gentleman's house in England which was not better and more comfortably warmed by his new method. Scotland and Ire land soon followed the example, and the Count repaired to the capitals of both these portions of the empire, with a view to give effect to his beneficial schemes.

To his hints also the country was indebted for the establishment of numerous soup societies, which, during periods of scarcity, have contributed materially to alleviate the wants of the poor, not only in the metropolis, but throughout the whole kingdom.

If, however, the attention of Count Rumford was chiefly directed to the bodily comforts of his fellow-creatures, he was by no means unmindful of literature and the sciences. On the 12th of July, 1796, he transferred to the Royal Society of London, of which he was vice-president, and to whose Transactions he was upwards of 25 years a distinguished contributor, 1,000l. stock in the 3 per cent consols, with a view that the interest be applied every two years as a premium to the author of the most important discovery or useful improvement which shall be made known to the public in any part of Europe, during the preceding two years, on heat or light; the preference to be always given to such discoveries as shall in the opinion of the president and council tend most to the benefit of mankind. To his active exertions also must be chiefly ascribed the foundation of the Royal İnstitution, the model and parent of several other establishments of a similar nature, though on a less extensive scale, subsequently formed in the British metropolis.

The latter years of the life of this useful man and disinterested philanthropist were spent in France, in the cultivation of his favourite sciences, till death put a period to his labours, on Sunday, Aug, 21, 1814, at his country-seat at Auteuil, near Paris.

The literary productions of Count Rumford have obtained a wide circulation, having been translated into various languages, and are consequently well known. His papers in the Philosophical Transactions, chiefly on matters con

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