

Report on Petitions relating to the Corn Laws.

2nd: The present expense of cultivation including the rent.

3rd. The price necessary to remunerate the grower.

On the first point, it appears to your Committee to be established by all the evidence, that, within the last twenty years, a very rapid and extensive progress has been made in the agriculture of the united kingdom-that great additional capitals have been skilfully and successfully applied, not only to the improved management of lands already in tillage, but also the converting of large tracts of inferior pasture into productive arable, and the reclaiming and inclosing of fens, commons, and wastes, which bave been brought into a state of regular cultivation that many extensive enterprises, directed to the same important ebjects, are some of them still in their fancy-that others, though in a more forward state, do not yet make any return for the large advances which have been laid out upon them; and that these advances, in many instances, will be a total loss to the parties (involving also the loss to the nation of the produce which, in a few years might be expected from such expensive undertakings) if, from the want of a sufficient encouragement to continue them, they should be abandoned in their present unfinished state.

It is to the stimulus of this encourage ment, during the last twenty years, more than to any other cause, that all the witnesses ascribe the great increase which has taken place in the annual produce of our soil, and the late rapid extension of the improved system of our husbandry; a system which it is stated by them, has originated in, and can only be maintained by, large additions to the farming capital of the kingdom. The great source of this encouragement, in the judgment of your committee, is to be traced to the increasing population and growing opulence of the United Kingdom; but it is also not to be concealed, that these causes, which they trust will be of a permanent and progressive nature, have been incidentally but considerably aided by those events, which, during the continuance of the war, operated to check the importation of foreign corn. The sudden removal of these impediments appears to have created, among the occupiers of land, a sudden degree of aların, which, if not allayed, would tend, in the opinion of the witnesses examined by your committee, not only to prevent the inclosure and cultivation of great tracts


of land still lying waste and unproductive, but also to counteract the spirit of improvement in other quarters, and to check its progress upon lands already under tillage.

2. With respect to the second point, "the expense of cultivation, including the rent," it is stated by all the evidence, that within the same period of twenty years, the money rent of land taken upon an average, has been doubled; but if the value of the rent be measured by the proportion which it bears to the gross produce of the land, it appears to have very considerably diininished within the period in question: the landlords' share of the whole produce of estates occupied by tenants, having been twenty years ago about one-third, and being now calculated at no more than from one fourth to one-fifth. With respect to the amount of capital requi site for the stocking of a farm, and the general expenses of management and cultivation, there appears to be very little difference in the evidence. They are stated to be at least double what they were twenty years ago.

Without pretending to offer to the House any statement by which they might be enabled to form an opinion, how much of this increase of charge has been produced by increased taxation; your committee have thought it not unconnected with this part of their inquiry, to call for an account of the total amount of taxes received into the Exchequer, in the several years ended the 5th of April 1791, 1804, and 1814.

3. On the third point, "the price necessary to remunerate the grower of corn," it is obvious that it must be almost impossible to arrive at any very precise conclusion; and that this price will vary according to the variations of soil, markets, skill, and industry in the occupier, and many other circumstances affecting differently not only different districts, but different farms in the same district. At the same time, there can be no doubt that these circumstances are taken into consideration, both by those who let, and those who take farms; and that their calculations of charges and outgoings on the one hand, and of return on the other, are made with a reference to some given price, as that which, upon a fair average crop, would be necessary to remunerate the grower. It is this price which your committee have endeavoured to ascertain.

One of the witnesses examined by


Report of the Committee of the House of Commons

your committee, states, that, according to the calculations which he has made of the expenses and produce of a farm which he occupies, he is of opinion that, wheat being at 72s. per quarter, the growers of corn would be able to live; but this calculation, he adds, is made on the supposition that the property-tax will be taken off, and the price of labour reduced.

It is the concurrent opinion of most of the other witnesses, that 80s. per quarter is the lowest price which would afford to the British grower an adequate remuneration. Their evidence is inserted at full length in the minutes; and their names will be found to include many of the most eminent surveyors and land agents from different parts of Great Britain, as well as some persons who have been long and very extensively engaged in the corn trade, and several Occupiers of land, distinguished for their practical knowledge, and the accu rate manner in which they have kept their farming accounts. On this part of the subject, it is very material to bear in mind, that many of these witnesses, who are very extensively employed as surveyors and land-agents in the letting of estates, all concur in stating, that the calculations upon which they have proceeded for some years have in no instance been below 80s. a quarter; and that they have frequently exceeded that price.

Several other witnesses, equally distinguished for their knowledge and experience in matters connected with the letting of estates, and the agriculture of the country, state, that the price of 80s. a quarter will not afford a sufficient protection to the British grower. The evidence and calculations which they have given to the committee, will also be found in the appendix; by a reference to which it will appear, that several prices, from 84s. up to 96s. have been stated by different witnesses, as the lowest which, under the present charges and expense of cultivation, would afford a fair remuneration to the grower.

It may be proper to observe, that these latter calculations appear, in most instances, to be furnished by witnesses, whose attention and experience have been principally directed to districts consisting chiefly of cold clay, or waste and inferior lands, on which wheat cannot be grown but at an expense exceeding the average charge of its cultivation on better soils. On lands of this description, however, a very considerable pro

[Oct. 1,

portion of wheat is now raised; and it appears by the evidence, that, if such lands were withdrawn from tillage, they would for many years be of very little use as pasture; and that the loss from such a change, as well to the oc upiers as to the general stock of national subsistence, would be very great.

Your committee having briefly stated the principal result of their inquiry into the state of our own agriculture, and the circumstances which affect the growth and price of corn in the United Kingdom, it remains for them to bring before the House, in a like manner, the substance of the evidence which they have procured respecting the trade in foreign corn, which seems naturally to form the second, and only remaining branch of this important subject, as far as it stands referred to the consideration of your committee.

They have, in the first place, to express their regret at not having been able to procure any information respecting the expense of raising corn in foreign coun tries; but, although their endeavours have failed in this respect, your com mittee have collected such evidence, on other points, as appears to them very important for the due consideration of the corn laws.

It appears from the statement of Mr. Scott, a member of your Committee, contirined by the evidence of other wit nesses acquainted with the trade in foreign corn, that, in the countries bordering on the Baltic and the North Sea, wheat is grown, not so much for the consumption of their own population, which is supplied by rye and other inferior grain, as for a foreign market; that from Poland, in particular, the greatest part of the wheat annually produced is regularly sent down to the shipping ports of the Baltic for exportation; and that these are the only ports of Europe to which the countries not growing wheat enough for their own consumption can resort with a certainty of procuring an annual supply. In these ports, it appears from the evidence, that the price of wheat is not regulated, as it is in countries where it forms the habitual subsist ence of the people, by the state of the home market, but almost entirely by the demand in the other countries of Europe, which are in the habit of making large purchases in the Baltic; that the market price of wheat at Dantzic, for instance, is not so much affected by the abund


On Petitions relating to the Corn Laws.

ance or deficiency of the crop in Poland, where, be the quantity more or less, it is grown for exportation, as it is by the price in the markets of London or Lisbon. It is therefore obvious, that, if the prices in these and the other importing markets should be very low, the price in the ports of the Baltic must fall to meet them; consequently there is scarcely any price in our own market, which, under circumstances of a general abundance in the other parts of Europe, would be sufficiently low to prevent an importation of corn from those foreign ports at which a considerable supply is annually accumulated for exportation only. The evidence of Mr. Scott, on this point, appears to your committee to be so material, and his knowledge and experience give so much weight to that evidence, that they cannot forbear inserting it. It is as follows:

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Supposing the growth of wheat in this kingdom to be below an average crop, do you think that any importation that could be reckoned upon from the Baltic would prevent the price of wheat in the home market from rising above 80s. a quarter "" I think not."

"Do you think that importations from other quarters, aiding that from the Baltic, would produce that effect." "Unless under circumstances of a general abundance in the countries not habitually exporting coin, I think not.”


Supposing the price in England to be 63. a quarter, and a general abundance in Europe, do you think that a considerable importation could take place into this country?"—" I do.”

"Do you think it could at any price below 63s., supposing the duty not to counteract such importation ?"-" It is difficult to state what price would be sufficiently low to prevent an importa tion from those parts that annually have a considerable quantity to spare."

"Under the circumstances above stated, would not such an importation tead materially to depress the home market, even though the prices were as low as 63s. per quarter."-" Undoubt edly."

"You have stated, that no importation that could be reckoned upon would prevent the price of corn, in the home market, from rising above 80s., in the event of our own growth being below an average crop; now do you think that, in the event of the protecting price against importation being raised from 63s. to 80s, the quantity of corn imported would be dimînished one single Bushel, in the


event of our own growth being any thing below an average crop?"-" Certainly not."

"On the other hand, were a large importation to take place, such as you have stated under circumstances may happen, when the price is at or below 63s., would not the effect be to discourage the growth of wheat in this kingdom?" Certainly it would."

The evidence of Mr. Charles Frederick Hennings, a native of Elbing, locally acquainted with the districts of Poland, from which the corn is sent to the ports of the Baltic for exportation, and himself a corn-factor of considerable experience in London, is in substance the same as that of Mr. Scott on this important part of the trade in foreign corn.

Two obvious, but very important inferences, are to be derived from this evidence: 1st, That in the event of the price at which foreign corn should be admitted to importation duty-free being raised from 63s. to 80s. per quarter, (assuming, for the sake of argument, the latter to be the price necessary for the protection of the British grower,) this alteration would in no degree check the importation of corn from foreign countries, whenever the quantity grown in this kingdom should be below an average crop. And 2nd, That, under certain circumstances, a price in the home market, already so low as to be altogether inadequate to the remuneration of the British grower, might be still further depressed by an importation of foreign corn, if the law should not interfere to check such importations.

In France, it appears by the evidence, the growth of wheat is, in common years, fully adequate to her consumption; and that it is only occasionally, when her own harvest is very deficient, that any considerable purchases are made on her account in the Baltic. This country, on the contrary, having been for many years habitually and extensively dependent on a foreign supply, our demand has borne so large a proportion to that of other countries, that the Baltic prices are principally governed by those of the British market. That this is the case, even in the present year, is in some degree cor roborated by a paper furnished to your committee by Mr. John Wilson; by which it appears, that on the 17th of May last, the price of wheat at Dantzic was from 350 to 380f. per last, making at the then exchange upon London of 14-15, a price of about 21. 9s. 10d. per quarter; but that on the 3d of June, when the


Report on Petitions relating to the Corn Laws.

exchange upon London had risen to 18-12, the price of Dantzic wheat immediately followed it; so that, notwithstanding this great improvement of the exchange in favour of this country, the prices at which wheat could be purchased by a bill upon London, remained nearly the same, viz. f. $70 to f. 390 per last, or 21. 10s. 8d. per quarter.

If this country, either from policy or necessity, should continue to depend on the import of foreign corn for the subsistence of a portion of its population, it is obvious, from all the evidence, that the Baltic is the only part of Europe upon which we can rely for a steady and regular supply; that Spain and Portugal are more or less our habitual competitors in that market; and that France resorts to it occasionally, when her own harvest is deficient. Occasionally also, the government of France appears to permit the exportation of a part of her own produce, but only for a limited time, and when her own markets are very much depressed. This, therefore, is a resource which cannot be reckoned upon by an habitually importing country. It may be forthcoming when least wanted, and withheld at the moment of our greatest need.

It is a fact not undeserving the attention of the house, that a considerable duty appears to be levied on all corn exported from the Baltic. Your committee have reason to believe, that this duty has been greatly increased on some occasions, when the wants of this country were most pressing. Indeed it cannot escape observation, that revenue Leing the object for which a duty is imposed, and the prices in the Baltic being governed by price here, the scale of such a duty admits of being increased in proportion to the degree of scarcity and consequent high price existing in this country. From a consideration of this and the many other inconveniences, both domestic and political, which, in a country like this, cannot fail to grow out of a state of habitual and extensive dependence on a supply of foreign corn, your committee have great satisfaction in observing, that of late the export of corn from Great Britain and Ireland has nearly, if not fully balanced the importation. Looking to this important change in our situation; to the abundance which we now enjoy; and to the great and extensive improvement made in cultivation both here and in Ireland, your committee cannot but indulge a hope, that we have nearly arrived at that

[Oct. 1,

state, in which nothing but a discourage ment and consequent falling off of our own agriculture can again drive us to the necessity of trusting to large importations of foreign corn, except in unfortunate seasons, when it may be necessary to resort to this resource, to supply the deficiency of our own harvest.

Should this expectation be confirmed, as they trust it will, by the experience of future years, it will be highly gratifying to the view which your committee take of this important national concern. They are convinced that a reliance on foreign importation, to a large amount, is neither salutary nor safe for this country to look to as a permanent system; and that many of the sacrifices and privations to which the people have been obliged to submit, during the late long and arduous contest, would have been materially alleviated if their means of subsistence had been less dependent on foreign growth. If, compelled by the frequent recurrence of those sacrifices and privations, the country has at last made exertions which will enable us, under ordinary circumstances, to hold ourselves independent of the precarious aid of foreign supply,-your committee, without venturing to suggest the mode, cannot doubt that it will become the wisdom, and will consequently be the policy of parliament, on the one hand, by protecting British agriculture, to maintain, if not to extend, the present scale of its exertions and produce; and on the other, consistently with this first object, to afford the greatest possible facility and inducement to the import of foreign corn, whenever, from adverse seasons, the stock of our own growth shall be found inadequate to the consumption of the united kingdom.

As connected with the general inte rests of trade, even independent of the great object of occasionally supplying our own wants, it is evident that the country possesses peculiar advantages for becoming a deposit for foreign corn. It can only be made so by our allowing the free import of grain, to be bonded and warehoused free from all duty, and as much as possible from local charges or harassing regulations; and by the owners of grain so bonded being permit ted, at all times, and under all circumstances, to take out of the warehouses, either for exportation or home consump tion; subject, in the latter case, only to the same rules and duties as may be ap plicable to any other corn immediately entered for that purpose. Your com


Review of New Musical Publications.

mittee are so forcibly impressed with the
importance of this measure, that they
cannot conclude this report without
stating their oinion, that any encou-
ragem nt which could ensure to this
country the benefit of becoming the place
of intermediate deposit in the trade of

corn from the north to the south of
Europe, would, in addition to other very
important advantages, have at all times a
tendency to keep the price more steady
in the home market, and to afford to the
country see arity, the best perhaps that,
in the present Lacressed state of our po-
pulation, can be devised, against the de-
fects of a deficient harvest.
July 26, 1814.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Robert Harvey, of Dunstal, in the county of Stafford, Land-agent.

Mr. William Henning, of Dellington, in the county of Somerset, land-owner, &c.

Mr. Josiah Easton, of Bradford, near Taunton, Somersetshire, farmer, land-surveyor, and steward to several gentlemen.

Mr. Edward Wakefield, of St. Edmundsbury, in Suffolk, land-agent.

Mr. Francis Webb, of Salisbury, Mandsurveyor and land-agent.

George Maxwell, esq. of Flitton, in the County of Huntingdon, land-occupier.

Mr. William Clutton, of Ryegate, Surrey, land-agent and farmer.


Mr. James Buxton, of Essex, farmer. John Bennett, of Wiltshire, esq. farmer and landholder.

Mr. Richard Crabtree, of Oakingham, Berkshire, valuer of lands.

George Davis Carr, esq. proprietor and oc-
cupier of land in the county of Essex.
William Gillies, esq. corn-factor.
Mr. John Wilson, corn-f ctor.
Arthur Young, esq. secretary to the Board
of Agriculture.

Maldon, in Essex, four-manufacturer.
Mr. Kennet Kingsford, of Becligh, near

Samuel Scott, esq. a member of the committee.

Mr. Charles Mant, importer of corn.
Mr. Peter Giles, corn-factor in London.
Mr. Morris Birkbeck, of Surrey, farmer.
Mr. Charles Frederick Hennings, importer
of corn on commission.

Mr. Samuel Kingsford, of Wandsworth, in the county of Surrey, miller.

Mr. Joseph Wilks, miller and biscuitbaker.

Claude Scott, esq. formerly dealer in corn, now an agriculturist.

Mr. William Aitchison, of East Lothian, farmer and distiller.

Mr. John Reilly, mercantile agent.

Mr. John Brodie, of East Lothian, farmer. Mr. Wm. Turnbull, of South Belton, near Dunbar, farmer.

Mr. John Kendall, corn-inspector.

Mr. John Kingsford, formerly a manufac-
turer of flour, and now agent to a miller.
Mr. Thomas Douglas, corn and flour in-

ker, now a miller.
Mr. William Henry Hall, formerly a ba-

Mr. John Inglis, a merchant in London, concerned in the Canada and West India Trade.

Mr. Edward Ellis, a merchant trading to Canada.


Elements of Musical Composition; comprehending rules for thorough bass, and the theory of tuning. By William Crotch, Mus. Doc. Prof. Mus. Oxon.

It is a circumstance much to be regretted, that, ent of the vast number of scientific professors of music, so few are capable of expressing their ideas in appropriate language. From this cause the profound genius of a Baumgarten, and a Diettenhoffer, have been lost to the public, and only known to these few who enjoyed the advantage of their acquaintance. We are happy to find in the work before us the excellent musician and classical scholar united. In a short, but modest preface, the author observes, that" Originality seldom forms the leading feature of a work of this kind. Treatises already published have been consulted, and contributed materially to some, parts of the work." Notwithstanding this much new matter is introduced, and old ideas are placed in an improved point of view.

But we hasten to give an account of the work as NEW MONTHLY MAG.-No. 9.

far as our limits will permit. The first chapter treats of notes, intervals, scales, and keys, with examples of the diatonic, chromatic, and enharmonic, scales and intervals. A full explanation of the different keys or modes, with the proper name of each note in the scale, Jaccording to the plan of Rameau) as tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant,





dominant, submediant, leading note, or subtonic 6



The mode of chusing do, for the key note throughout is the means of avoiding much, perplexity.

Chapter II treats of concords, in which copious examples in notes are given of diatonic and chro matic successions of triads, both simple and mixed, rules for avoiding consecutive perfect fifths, and octaves, &c. closes or cadences.

In Chapter III. we find the proper mode of preparing and resolving discords, whether introduced in the way of addition, suspension, transition, or syncopation; this is by far the longest aud most learned chanter in the treatise. A short chapter VOL. II. M in

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