

Treaty of the Allied Powers with Buonaparte.

sary passports for the free passage of his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, or of the Empress, the Princes and the Princesses and all the persons of their suites who wish to accompany them, or to establish themselves out of France, as well as for the passage of all the equipages, horses, and effects belong ing to them. The Allied Powers shall in consequence, furnish officers and men for


XV. The French Imperial guard shall furnish a detachment of from 1,200 to 1,500 men of all arms, to serve as an escort to the Emperor Napoleon to St. Tropes, the place of his embarkation.

XVI. There shall be furnished a corvette and the necessary transport vessels to convey to the place of his destination his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon and his household; and the corvette shall belong, in full property, to his Majesty the Emperor.

XVII. The Emperor Napoleon shall be allowed to take with him and retain as his guard 400 men, volunteers, as well officers, as sub-officers and soldiers.

XVIII. No Frenchman who shall have followed the Emperor Napoleon or his family, shall be held to have forfeited his rights as such by not returning to France within three years; at least they shall not be comprised in the exceptions which the French Government reserves to itself to grant after the expiration of that term.

XIX. The Polish troops of all arms, in the service of France, shall be at liberty to return home, and shall retain their arms and baggage, as a testimony of their honourable services. The officers, sub-officers, and soldiers, shall retain the decorations which have been granted to them, and the pensions

annexed to those decorations.

XX. The High Allied Powers guarantee the execution of all the articles of the present treaty, and engage to obtain that it shall be adopted and guaranteed by France.

XXI. The present act shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at Paris, within two days, or sooner if possible.

Done at Paris, the 11th of April, 1814. (L. S.) The Prince DE METTERNICH. (L. S.) J. F. Comte De STADION. (L. S.) ANDRE Comte DE RASOUMOUFFSKY, (L. S.) CHARLES ROBERT Comte DE NES



To these
Archduchess Maria Louisa.
articles only was the British ambassador's
signature athixed, so that the British go-
vernment has never degraded itself by
acknowledging the titles assumed by Na-
poleon and his family, neither is it a party
to the pecuniary stipulations as appears
from the subjoined document.

Certified Copy of the Act of Accession
on the Part of Great Britain, to the
Treaty with respect to Napoleon

April 27, 1814.

Whereas their Imperial and Royal Majesties, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia; the Emperor of All the Russias; and the King of Prussia, have entered into a treaty concluded at Paris on the 11th April of the present year, for the purpose of granting for such respective periods, as in the said treaty are mentioned, to the person and family of Napoleon Buonaparte, the possession in sovereignty of the island of Elba, and the Duchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, and all other purposes; which treaty has been communicated to the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by the Ministers of their Imperial and Royal Majesties, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia; the Emperor of All the Russias; and the King of Prussia; who, in the name of their respective Sovereigns, have jointly invited the Prince Regent to accede to the same, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty.

His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, having full knowledge of the contents of the said treaty, accedes to the same, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, as far as respects the stipulations relative to the possession in sovereignty of the Island of Elba, and also of the Duchies of Parma, But his Royal Placentia, and Guastalla.

Higliness is not to be considered, by this Act of Accession, to have become a party in the name of his Majesty, to any of the other provisions and stipulations contained therein.

Given under my hand and seal at Paris, this 27th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1814.

By command of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on

(L. S.) CHARLES AUG. Baron DE HARDEN- the behalf of his Majesty.


Marshal NEY.

(L. S.) (L. S.) After this treaty had been signed by our Allies, they applied to Lord Castlereagh for the accession of the British government to its stipulations. To the honour of our country this was, however, refused, except so far as regarded the territorial provision for Buonaparte and the


Since the conclusion of this treaty the hand of death has removed the ex-empress Josephine, who died at Malmaison, after a very short illness, on the 29th of May; and Louis Buonaparte, who since his abdication of the crown of Holland, has assumed the name of Louis de St. Leu, has formally and publicly renounced


State of France-Spain.

the benefits intended to be secured by it to himself and his family.

Louis XVIII. continues to exhibit daily proofs of a head and heart worthy of his high station. His various decrees breathe a spirit of wisdom and benevolence, and prove his anxiety to extricate France from the abyss of misery into which she was plunged by the folly and wickedness of her former ruler. Among the more prominent of his arrangements may be mentioned a bill for the regulation of the press, which though it does not allow such free scope to that powerful engine of public liberty as is exercised in England, yet probably goes as far in that respect as the situation of France at this time, and the character of the nation perhaps at any period may permit with safety.

Of the various decrees issued by the monarch, may be noticed that which changes the insignia of the Legion of Honour to a fleur de lys, another by which the various corps d'armée are disembodied, and a third assigning to the marshals and other officers the superintendence of the several military divisions of France.

Of all the acts, however, which have hitherto emanated from the French government the exposition of the state of France, submitted to the Legislative Body on the 12th July, by the Abbé de Montesquieu, minister of the interior, claims particular attention. This important document, while it depicts the desperate state of the country, affords ample demonstration, if any more had been wanting, of the head-strong folly, and barbarity of that system in which almost all the present miscries of France originate. One million three hundred thousand men were levied during the last 15 months of Buonaparte's government, not one half of whem now exist: and since he assumed the chief authority France has lost 43 sail of the line, and 82 frigates, besides smaller vessels. The sum of 150 millions of livres were madly squandered on the equipment of the flotilla destined for the invasion of England, but which has ever since been rotting in the ports of France. The finances, in which the improvidence of the late ruler has, during the last 13 years, occasioned a deficit of more than 1600 millions of francs, the arsenals, the public studs, in short all that constitutes the property and fortune of a nation are completely dilapidated. The king, while he shares the grief of every patriotic

[Aug. 1,

Frenchman, on contemplating this melancholy picture, does not give way to despair, but cheers the hopes of his subjects, calls upon them to assist him in the important and arduous task of restoration, and points out the means of healing the deep wounds which he has not inflicted.

In virtue of the powers vested in the king by the new constitution he has nominated the peers who are to compose the upper house. Among the 154 members selected by him, we observe 102 of the new nobility, chiefly military officers, including all Buonaparte's marshals, except Massena, Soult, and Davoust. It is expected that 46 more peers will be created at the king's coronation, which is reported to be fixed for the day of St. Louis, August 26th.


The affairs of this kingdom have taken a turn that has astonished every admirer of that spirit which enabled the Spanish nation to maintain a successful struggle against its unprincipled invader. In our number for June we left king Ferdinand at Valencia. On the 4th of May before he quitted that city for the capital, he issued a highly important procla mation, in which he accuses the Cortes of having encroached upon the royal prerogative, and of having designed in their constitution of 1812, to give Spain a democratic government, founded on the principles of the French revolution-a government in which the power of the king would be reduced to a mere shadow. He, therefore, not only annuls this constitution but all the acts of the present and preceding Cortes, dissolving their assembly altogether, and declaring every one a traitor who should disobey this decree or obstruct its execution. The Cortes, although they had augured no good from Ferdinand's reluctance to enter Madrid, and his silence to two or three respectful addresses from them, praying that he would hasten his arrival, were thunderstruck at the appearance this edict: but they were still more astonished when, almost immediately after its publication at Madrid, a column of troops under General Eguia entered the capital, and in the name of the king apprehended Agar and Ciscar two members of the regency, and such of the members not in the royal interest as had not provided for their safety by flight. Those who had taken that precaution were pursued, and secured wherever they could be found, The capital is stated



New Swiss Constitution-Italy-Norway.

to have dcclared in favour of the king on the 11th, and on the 14th Ferdinand made his public entry, accompanied by the duke de l'Infantado, generals Elio, Copons, O'Donnell, Zayas, and other officers. All the public journals but two were immediately suppressed; the editors of two of them, the Reductor and Conciso, received sentence of death, which was afterwards commuted to the gallies; and the members of the regency were banished, the Cardinal de Bourbon to Rome, Agar to Carthagena, and Ciscar to a north-eastern fortress. General Elio also is reported to have since fallen under the royal displeasure, and been sent to prison. What appears singular is, that Ferdinandi seeins to have met with no kind of obstruction in these rigorous proceedings, which, if we may believe the statements of the foreign papers, have, on the contrary, obtained the general applause and support of his subjects.

Among the first acts of his majesty after reaching his capital, was a decree by which all suppressed convents are restored and replaced in the possession of their sequestrated property; and by another order the odious tribunal of the Inquisition was re-established. Ferdi

nand has subsequently declared his intention to assemble the Cortes, and to give the country a constitution adapted to a limited monarchy. A commission has accordingly been appointed to arrange the preliminary steps, and to frame this constitution. The king has likewise invited his refractory Spanish subjects to return to their allegiance, promising them a due share in the advantages and benefits of the new order of things. By an edict of July 4. he has confirmed the sentence of exile decreed by the Cortes against all officers, civil and military, who had acted under the authority of the usurper Joseph Buonaparte. Some proper exceptions, however, are made in favour of minors, persons under the rank of captain and various other classes who may be presumed to have acted under the controul of their superiors.


The Federal Pact, or New Constitution, was accepted on the 5th of July by the Grand Council of Switzerland. This instrument, dated Zurich, May 31, 1814, comprehends 45 articles, the most important of which are the following

The nineteen Sovereign Cantons of the Swiss Confederation, Uri, Schwitz, Underwald, Lucerne, Zurich, Glaris, Zug, Berne,


Friburg, Soleure, Basle, Schaffhausen, Appenzel, the two Rhodes, St. Gall, the Grisons, Argovia, Thurgovia, Tessin, and the Canton de Vaud, confederate for the maintenance of their liberty, their independence, and their safety, as well against the attacks They reciprocally guarantee their Constituof foreign powers, as for their internal repose. the first Authorities of each Canton, and by tions, such as they shall be accepted by the Diet. They reciprocally guarantee their territory, excepting certain districts, the possession of which shall be settled by the Cantons interested with the approbation of the Diet.

Every Swiss is a Soldier. A contingent of 32,000 men taken from the mass of the citizens, capable of bearing arms, shall be armed and organized. The rest of the men capable of bearing arms shall also be exercised and organised, so that the contingent may be completed and reinforced in the like proportion.

The total amount of the contingents in money is fixed at 490,507 livres.


in his dominions, where he was received
The Pope arrived on the 24th of May
joy and attachment.
with extraordinary demonstrations of

It is reported that the Ionian Islands are to be given to the King of Sicily as solemnly declared that he never will rean indemnity for Naples, though he has linquish his rightful claims to the latter.


The fate of this country yet remains sembling on the southern frontier, and undecided. The Swedish army is asthe crown prince is about to put himself heres steadily to his declared resolution at its head. Christian, however, adof defending the country to the last exblockaded by four English, four Russian, tremity; and its ports are meanwhile and four Swedish frigates.


government in France has not produced The knowledge of the late change of the full effect that was anticipated upon the rulers of the United States, and the desultory warfare along their northern boundary is still continued.

Three attempts made by the Ameri cans to invade Canada had failed since the commencement of hostilities, previously to the opening of the campaign of the present year. General Wilkinson who commanded the United States army posted on the frontier of Lower Canada, resolved to try his fortune in a fourth. Accordingly he advanced from his position at Burlington, and on the 30th of March attacked in great force


Military Operations in America.

the British outposts, which maintained the communication between their positions. He was, however, received with such firmness, that he was compelled to retreat with severe loss, and this, like all the former efforts of the enemy, brought him nothing but defeat and disgrace.

A British expedition equipped on Lake Ontario, under the command of Commodore Sir James Yeo, succeeded on the 5th of May in effecting a lauding at the American fort Oswego, which was taken and dismantled; and a large quantity of naval and military stores collected there was either carried off or destroyed.

Towards the conclusion of the same month, however, we sustained a reverse in this quarter, on occasion of an enterprise undertaken by the boats of the squadron, commanded by Captains Home and Popham, with nearly 200 seamen and marines, against a flotilla of the enemy's craft laden with naval stores at Sandy Creek, whence they were to have been conveyed by land to Sackett's harbour. The enemy's vessels, 18 in number, were protected by a force of 150 riflemen, 200 Indians, and a considerable body of militia, who over powered such of the British as had landed, and intercepted the boats whose retreat was obstructed by the windings of the Creek. After a gallant resistance, in which 18 were killed and 50 dangerously wounded, they were compelled to surrender to superior numbers. It is a great satisfaction, however, to know that this severe loss was speedily supplied by the arrival of reinforcements sent from England.

An attempt on the American shipping

[Aug. 1,

in the Connecticut river planned by the Hon. Capt. Capel of La Hogue, was admirably executed on the 9th of April by, Capt. Coote, of the Peacock. With four boats and 136 men he ascended the river some miles, and burned and destroyed 27 ships and vessels, among which were five privateers and some East India ships, amounting in the whole to 5,090 tons, and carrying 131 guns, together with all their stores. The enemy collected more than 2000 troops to intercept our gallant little band on their return down the river; but Capt. Coote eluded them by dropping down after dark with the tide, for which he waited some hours, and his retreat was as masterly as any part of the achievement, in which we had only 2 men killed and the like number wounded.

The arrival of Admiral Cochrane with a formidable fleet and the military force, estimated at near 20,000 men, part of the victorious army of the great Wellington, who are to be commanded by his able co-adjutor Lord Hill, will speedily give a very different character to the war in this part of the world. One decisive blow only would go far towards convincing the Americans of the folly of their preposterous pretensions.

Meanwhile the republican commissioners have reached Ghent, where they will be met by the English commissioners appointed to conduct the negociations for the re-establishment of peace. We augur little good from these conferences, being decidedly of opinion that no other negociations will prove effective than those carried on by sword, and that too on the soil of the United States themselves.



With Biographical Accounts of Distinguished Characters.

WE should far exceed the limits to which our work is confined, were we to attempt to describe the various festivities which have taken place in the metropolis on the occasion of peace, or in celebration of .circumstances arising out of that joyful event, such as the return of our hero the Duke of Wellington. Without adverting, therefore, to the various magnificent entertainments given at Carlton house, or those prepared at the expense of different societies at Burlington house, which edifice was generously lent for the purpose by the Duke of Devonshire, and in the city, we shall merely record, that, in the fore

noon of the 7th of July, the Prince Regent and the royal dukes, together with the members of both houses of parliament, Prince Blucher, and other distinguished Foreigners, went in solemn procession to St. Paul's cathedral to return thanks to Almighty God for having conferred on the world so important a blessing. The cathedral, which had been fitted for their reception, was computed to have contained 10,000 persons, but none of the female branches of the royal family were present. The service was read by the Rev. Dr. Moore, and the sermon preached by the Bishop of Chester. The horse guards, he


Incidents in London and Middlesex.

ralds, yeomen of the guard, and other attendants, produced a splendid effect in the procession to and from the cathedral.

Preparations are making, on an extensive scale, for the farther celebration of this happy event, and also to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the accession of the illustrious house of Brunswick to the throne of these realms, on the 1st of August, 1714. The amusements will consist chiefly of fireworks to be exhibited in St. James's park, the Green park, and Kensington gardens, a shama naval fight on the Serpentine river, with twenty vessels expressly equipped for the occasion, the ascension of balloons, and illuminations.

On the morning of the 16th of June, a fire broke out in the manufactory of Messrs. Bowring and Co., at Hampton, which was consumed, together with the dwelling house, stables, and four cows. Mr. and Mrs. B. in attempting to escape, were overpowerd by the smoke, and lost their lives.

July 15, about half past three, P. M., Mr. Sadler and his son ascended in their balloon from Burlington house. It contained about 3000 yards of the finest double wove silk, and was in the whole 74 feet in height, being beautifully painted to represent a superb temple, supported by 18 Corinthian pillars. The car, also, was superbly decorated. As there was very little wind, and that almost due west, the immense globe floated over the metropolis, in full view of its inhabitants, for nearly 20 minutes, and would have been visible much longer, had not the atmosphere been overcast. The aerial voyagers went as far as Gravesend, and in sight of Dover, but meeting a contrary current of air they returned, and descended, about 35 minutes past four o'clock, in a field at Great Warley, in Essex, about 18 miles from town, without the smallest accident, and returned to town the same evening. Mr. Sadler is said to have asserted, that he could go to any destination that he pleased with his balloon, as at different heights in the atmosphere he constantly found different currents of wind; so that he could take and keep a favourable gale.

On the tenth anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, a report was read by the president, Lord Teignmouth, from which we learn, that the total of net receipts within the year was 87,2161. 6s. 9d. and of payments 84,6521. Is. 5d. and the society's engagements with its domestic and foreign societies for the current year, 28,600l. The total issue of Bibles and Testaments by the society, both at home and on the continent, amounted to 1,026,845, and if to these be added 122,000 printed, or printing, by societies in Europe only, aided by the society at hame, the total amount will be 1,158,850 copies.

At the anniversary dinner of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, it was stated, that, between the 8th of April, 1813,


and the 21st of April, 1814, the society had distributed 25,675 Bibles, 47,314 New Testaments, 56,628, Common Prayer Books, 49,310 other bound books, and 488,710 small tracts, making a total of 666,727. The disbursements, during the same period, exceeded the receipts by upwards of 6000l.

June 2, the National Society for the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church held their anniversary at Sion college, where the archbishops of Canterbury and York, many of the bishops, of the nobility, and of the other subscribers, attended. After the report of the proceedings of the society during the last year had been read, the archbishop of Canterbury, in a most eloquent and able speech, addressed the meeting, and congratulated them upon the progress which the efforts of the National Society had made in every part of England. It appeared, by their report, that, since their last anniversary, 151 schools had been united to the body, which, in addition to those which were previously in conjunction with it, had made the whole number under their patronage and superintendance, 381; that in these 151 new schools, 22,370 children received their education, which, together with those who attended the old schools, formed an aggregate of 62,000 throughout England, under the protection of the national society; that, by their aid, 36 new school-rooms had been erected in the course of the year, and 45 masters trained in the central schools for the purpose of supplying these new establishments. It appeared, also, that the Military Asylum at Chelsea, the Naval Asylum at Greenwich, the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, and all the regimental schools, though not formally united to the National Society, are in strict conformity with it both in principle and practice; and observe in every respect the regulations of its terms of union.

On the 21st of July, the first stone of the Westminster National Free School, designed for the instruction of 1000 children, was laid with the usual ceremonies by his Royal Highness the Duke of York. The site of the intended edifice is contiguous to the Sessions house. The architect employed to erect it is Mr. William Inwood.

Lord Cochrane, who, with his uncle the Hon. A. C. Johnstone, was expelled the House of Commons, for being concerned in the fraud upon the Stock Exchange, has been re-elected without opposition for West. minster.

Promoted.] Lord Stewart, to be a lord of his majesty's bedchamber.

To be baronets of the united kingdom :the Rt. Hon. Wm. Domville, lord mayor of London; the Hon. Geo. Grey, commissioner of the navy, at Portsmouth; Sir Jas. Wylie, inspector general of the medical department of the Russian armies.

Brook Taylor, esq. to be envoy extraordi

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