
This curiofity of theirs, however, was attended with very serious effects: we now began to think ourselves defigned by the stars for something exalted, and already anticipated our future grandeur.

It has been a thousand times obferved, and I muft obferve it once more, that the hours we pass with happy profpects in view, are more pleafing than thofe crowned with fruition. In the firft cafe we cook the dish to our own appetite; in the latter nature cooks it for us. It is impoffible to repeat the train of agreeable reveries we called up for our entertainment. We looked upon our fortunes as once more rifing; and as the whole parish afferted that the 'Squire was in love with my daughter, she was actually fo with him; for they perfuaded her into paffion. In this agreeable interval, my wife had the most lucky dreams in the world, which she took care to tell us every morning, with great folemnity and exactnefs. It was one night a coffin and cross


bones, the fign of an approaching wedding: at another time fhe imagined her daughter's pockets filled with farthings, a certain fign of their being one day stuffed with gold. The girls had their omens too: they felt strange kiffes on their lips; they faw rings in the candle, purfes bounced from the fire, and true love-knots lurked at the bottom of every tea-cup.

Towards the end of the week we received a card from the town ladies; in which, with their compliments, they hoped to fee all our family at church the Sunday following. All Saturday morning I could perceive, in consequence of this, my wife and daughters in clofe conference together, and now and then glancing at me with looks. that betrayed a latent plot. To be fincere, I had ftrong fufpicions that fome abfurd propofal was preparing for appearing with fplendor the next day. In the evening they began their operations in a very regular manner, and my wife undertook to conduct the


fiege. After tea, when I seemed in spirits, she began thus."I fancy, Charles, my dear, "we shall have a great deal of good compa

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ny at our church to-morrow."-" Perhaps

we may, my dear," returned I; though

you need be under no uneafiness about

that, you shall have a fermon whether there "be or not."- "That is what I expect," returned fhe; "but I think, my dear, we

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ought to appear there as decently as pof"fible, for who knows what may happen?" "Your precautions," replied I, "are highly commendable. A decent behaviour "and appearance in church is what charms 66 me. We should be devout and humble, "chearful and ferene."-"Yes," cried fhe "I know that; but I mean we should go "there in as proper a manner as poffible; "not altogether like the fcrubs about us.' "You are quite right, my dear," returned I, "and I was going to make the very "fame propofal. The proper manner of

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going is, to go there as early as poffible, "to have time for meditation before the


"fervice begins." "Phoo, Charles," interrupted she, "all that is very true; but

not what I would be at. I mean, we "fhould go there genteelly. You know "the church is two miles off, and I protest "I don't like to see my daughters trudging up to to their pew all blowzed and red with walking, and looking for all the world as if they had been winners at a smock "race. Now, my dear, my propofal is "this: there are our two plow horses, the

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Colt that has been in our family these "nine years, and his companion Blackberry, that have scarce done an earthly

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thing for this month paft, and are both

grown fat and lazy. Why fhould not they do fomething as well as we? And

let me tell you, when Mofes has trimmed "them a little, they will not be fo contemptible."

To this propofal I objected, that walking would be twenty times more genteel than fuch a paltry conveyance, as Blackberry was wall-eyed, and the Colt wanted a


tail: that they had never been broke to the rein; but had an hundred vicious tricks; and that we had but one faddle and pillion in the whole house. All these objections, however, were over-ruled; fo that I was obliged to comply. The next morning I perceived them not a little busy in collecting fuch materials as might be neceffary for the expedition; but as I found it would be a business of much time, I walked on to the church before, and they promised fpeedily to follow. I waited near an hour in the reading desk for their arrival; but not finding them come as expected, I was obliged to begin, and went through the fervice, not without fome uneafinefs at finding them abfent. This was encreased when all was finished, and no appearance of the family. I therefore walked back by the horfe-way, which was five miles round, tho' the foot-way was but two, and when got about half way home, perceived the proceffion marching flowly forward towards the church; my fon, my wife, and the two


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