
HAND, lay hands on; II. iii. 63. HAND-FAST, custody, confinement; IV. iv. 795.

HANGMAN, executioner; IV. iv. 468. "HAPPY MAN BE'S DOLE," a proverbial expression" May his dole or share in life be to be a happy man"; I. ii. 163. HARLOT, lewd; II. iii. 4. HAVE, possess; IV. iv. 574. HAVE AT, I'll try; IV. iv. 302. HAVING, Possessions, property; IV. iv.


HEAT, traverse (as at a race); I. ii. 96.
HEAVINGS, Sighs; II. iii. 35.
HEAVY, sad, sorrowful; III. iii. 115.
HEFTS, retchings; II. i. 45:
HENT, pass beyond; IV. iii. 133.
HEREDITARY, i.e. derived from our
first parents (alluding to original
sin "); I. ii. 75..

[ocr errors]

HIM, by him, (? the man); I. ii. 412. HOLY, pious, good, V. i. 170; blameless, V. iii. 148.

HOME, out, to the end; I. ii. 248; fully, V. iii. 4.

HONEST, chaste, virtuous; II. i. 68.
HOT, active; IV. iv. 699.

'irresloute, wavering";

I. ii. 302.
HOXES, hamstrings; I. ii.244.

I' FECKS, in fact; I. ii. 120.
IMMODEST, immoderate; III. ii. 103.
IMPAWN'D, in pledge; I. ii.: 436.
IMPORTANCE, import; V. ii. 20.
INCENSE, incite; V. i. 61.
INCERTAIN, uncertain; V. i. 29.
INCERTAINTIES, "accidents of for-
tune"; III. ii. 170.

INCIDENCY, "a falling on "; I. ii. 403.
INCONSTANT, fickle; III. ii. 187.
INDUSTRIOUSLY, "deliberately"; I. ii.

INJURY OF TONGUES, mischief caused by scandal; I. ii. 338.

INKLE, a kind of tape; IV. iv. 208.
INSINUATE, intermeddle; IV. iv. 760.
INSTIGATION, incitement; II. i. 163.
carrying intelli-

gence; II. iii. 68. INTELLIGENT, communicative; I. ii. 378.

INTENTION, aim; I. ii. 138. IRREMOVEABLE, immovable; IV. iv. 518.

IT IS, he is; I. i. 38.

JAR, tick; I. ii. 43.

JEWEL, personal ornament of gold or precious stones; V. ii. 36.

JULIO ROMANO (v. Note); V. ii. 105. JUSTIFIED, confirmed, ratified; V. iii.


JUSTIFY HIM, confirm his assertion; V. ii. 71.

KILN-HOLE, the opening of an oven; probably the fire-place used in making malt; a noted gossiping place; IV. iv. 247.

KNACKS, knick-knacks; IV. iv. 360.
KNOCK, Cuffs, blows; IV. iii. 29.

LAND, nation; IV. iv. 8.
LAND-DAMN (vide Note); II. i. 143.
LASTING, everlasting, eternal; I. ii.

LAY ME, bury me; IV. iv. 468.
LAYS ON, does it in good style; IV.
iii. 43.

LEAN TO, incline, tend towards; II. i. 64.

LET, let remain ; I. ii. 41.

LEVEL, direction of, aim; III. ii. 82.
'LEVEN, eleven; IV. iii. 33.
LIST, care, choose; IV. i. 26.
LIST, listen, hearken; IV. iv. 552.
LIKE, likely; II. ii. 27.

LIKE, "an it like," if it please; IV. iv. 737.

LIMBER, flexible, easy bent I. ii. 47.

LIMIT, "strength of 1." limited strength; III. ii. 107. LIVELY, naturally; V. iii. 19. LOOK OUT; "makes her blood l.o.," i.e. makes her blush; IV. iv. 160. LOOK UPON, take notice of; IV. ii. 41. LORDINGS, lordlings; I. ii. 62. Loss, be discarded; II. iii. 192. LOUD, tempestuous; III. iii. 11. LOWER MESSES, "persons of inferior rank" (properly those who sat at the lower end of the table); I. ii. 227. LOZEL, cowardly fellow; II. iii. 109. LUNES, mad freaks; II. ii. 30. LUSTY, lively, active; II. ii. 27.

MAIDENHEADS, maidenhoods; IV. iv. 116.

MANKIND, masculine; II. iii. 67.
MANNERLY decent; II. i. 86.
MARBLE; most m." the most hard-
hearted; V. ii. 98.

MARGERY, a term of contempt; II. iii. 160.

MARK, pattern; IV. iv. 8.
MARTED, traded; IV. iv. 363.
MARVEL, astonishment; V. i. 188.
MASTERS, well-wishers, patrons; V.
ii. 188.

MEANER Form, lower position; I. ii. 313.

MEANS, tenors or counter-tenors; IV. iii. 46.

MEASURE, stately tread; IV. iv. 756.
MEASURE, judge of; II. i. 114.
MEDICINE, physician; IV. iv. 598.
MEDLER, busybody; IV. iv. 329.
MEET, proper, fit; II. ii. 46.
MEN OF HAIR, dressed in goat-skins
to resemble satyrs; IV. iv. 333.
MERE, absolute; III. ii. 142; only,
III. ii. 145.

MESS, course (of a feast); IV. iv. 11.
MIDWIFE, old woman, used contemptu-
ously; II. iii. 160.
MOE, more; I. ii. 8.

| MOIETY, part, portion ; II. iii. 8; half, III. ii. 40.

MORTAL, fatal; III. ii. 149.

MORT O' THE DEER, a note blown at the death of the deer; I. ii. 118. MOTION, puppet show; IV. iii. 103.

NAYWARD, contradiction; II. i. 64.
NEAR, like, resembling;
V. ii. 109.
NEAT, used with a quibble upon
"neat"= horned cattle; I. ii. 123.
NEAT-HERDS, cow-keepers; IV. iv.


NEB, beak-mouth; I. ii. 183. NECKLACE AMBER, "an amber of which necklaces were made, commonly called 'bead-amber,' fit to perfume a lady's chamber"; IV. iv.


NEXT, nearest; III. iii. 128. NOTE, mark, sign, I. ii. 287; knowledge, I. i. 40; distinction, eminence, IV. ii. 48; mark for measuring time; "shepherd's note "the shepherd hath observed, noted, I. ii. 2. NOTED, respected; V. iii. 145.

O'ERWEEN, am overbold, presume; IV. ii. 9.

OF, off (=on); "browzing of ivy"; III. iii. 69.

[ocr errors]

OF, some of; you have of," ie. there are some; IV. iv. 217. OFFICED, "having a place or function"; I. ii. 172.

O' LIFE (Folio "a life"), on my life; IV. iv. 264.

ON, of; II. ii. 23.

ON'T, of it; II. i. 169.

OUT, on the wrong scent; II. i. 72.
OUT OF, without; V. i. 90.
OVER, over us; IV. iv. 668.
OVERTURE, disclosure; II. i. 172.

PADDLING PALMS, toying with hands used contemptuously; I. ii. 115.

[ocr errors]

PALE, paleness (with probably a play on the other sense, limit, boundary); IV. iii. 4.

PANDAR, go-between; II. i. 46. PANTLER, the servant who had charge of the pantry; IV. iv. 56. PARAGON, pattern of supreme excellence; V. i. 153.

PART, depart; I. ii. 10; divide; I. ii. 18.

PARTAKE, communicate; V. iii. 132. PARTLET "Dame P." alluding to Chaucer's Nonne Prestes Tale, where P. is the name of the favourite hen of Chauntecleer; II. iii. 75.

PARTS, actions, tasks; I. ii. 400.
PASH, head; I. ii. 128.

PASSES, surpasses; II. ii. 20.
PASSING, surpassing; IV. iv. 294.
PATTERN, match; III. ii. 37.
PAY YOUR FEES; alluding to fees paid
by prisoners, whether guilty or not,
on their liberation; I. ii. 53.
PEER, peep out; IV. iii. 1.
PEERING, disclosing (herself); IV.
iv. 3.

PERFECT, sure; III. iii. 1. PERFORMED, executed; V. ii. 105. PETTITOES, pigs' feet; used contemptuously; IV. iv. 619. PHYSICS, heals, cures; I. i. 43. PICTURE, appearance; IV. iv. 615; painted statue; V. ii. 187. PIECE, complete; V. ii. 117. PIECE UP, hoard up, so as to have his fill; V. iii. 56.

PIEDNESS, variegation; IV. iv. 87. PIN AND WEB, the disease of the eyes,

now known as cataract; I. ii. 291. PINCH'D, made ridiculous; II. i. st.. PLACES, position, station; I. ii. 448. PLACKETS, Some special article of female attire; IV. iv. 245. PLUCKING, pulling; IV. iv. 476. POINTS, tagged laces for fastening

[blocks in formation]

PRANK'D UP, decked up, adorned; IV. iv. 10.

PREDOMINANT, used as an astrological term; I. ii. 202.

PREGNANT, made plausible; V. ii. 33. PREPOSTEROUS, Clown's blunder for prosperous; V. ii. 158.

PRESENT, immediate; II. iii. 184.
PRESENTLY, immediately; II. ii. 47.
PRETENCE, purpose, intention; III.
ii. 18.

PRIG, thief; IV. iii. 108.
PROFESS, Confess, own; IV. iv. 550.
PROFESS'D, professed friendship; I. ii.

PROPER, Own; II. iii. 139.
PUGGING, thievish; IV. iii. 7.
PURCHASED, gained, came to; IV.
iii. 27.

PURGATION, exculpation; III. ii. 7. PURITAN, a contemptuous allusion to the "Psalm-singing Puritans"; IV. iii. 46.

PUSH, impulse, impetus; V. iii. 129.

PUTTER-ON, instigator; II. i. 141.

QUALIFY, appease, soften; IV. iv. 543.
QUESTION, Conversation, IV. ii. 55;
under examination, trial,

"in q.
V. i. 198.
QUICK, alive; IV. iv. 132.
QUOIFS, caps, hoods; IV. iv. 226.

RACE, root; IV. iii. 50.
RASH, quick, sudden; I. ii. 319.
REAR D, raised; I. ii. 314.
REASON, it is just; IV. iv. 417.
REGARD, look; I. ii.


RELISH, realize, perceive; II. i. 167.
REMEMBER, remind; III. ii. 231.
REMOVED, retired, sequestered; V. ii.


[blocks in formation]

RHEUMS, rheumatism; IV. iv. 410.
RIFT, burst, split; V. i. 66.
RIPE, pressing; I. ii. 332.
ROSEMARY, referred to as the symbol
of remembrance; IV. iv. 74.
ROUNDING, murmuring; I. ii. 217.
RUE, referred to as the herb of grace;
IV. iv. 74.

SAD, serious, earnest; IV. iv. 316.
SAFFRON, a spice used for colouring
paste; IV. iii. 48.

SALTIERS, the servant's blunder for
satyrs; IV. iv. 334.
SAP, life, hope; IV. iv. 576.
SAVOUR, smell, scent; IV. iv. 75

SCAPE, transgression; III. iii. 73.
SEALING, closing, putting an end to;
I. ii. 337.

SEAR, brand; II. i. 73.

SECOND; "be second to me," second
my efforts; II. iii. 27.

SEEMING, appearance; IV. iv. 75.
SEEMS, appears; IV. iv. 157.
SEIZED, fallen on, overpowered; V. i.


SEVEN-NIGHT, Week; I. ii. 17.
SEVERALS, individuals; I. ii. 226.
SHALL'S, shall us (i.e. shall we; "shall"
perhaps used impersonally); I. ii.

SHE, love, mistress; IV. iv. 360.
SHEEP -WHISTLING, whistling after
sheep, tending sheep; IV. iv. 805.
SHEETS; "is sheets," i.e. is to steal s.;
IV. iii. 23.

SHORE, put ashore; IV. iv. 869.
SHOULD, would; I. ii. 57.

'SHREW, beshrew, a mild form of im-
precation; I. ii. 281.

[ocr errors]

SIGHTED, having eyes; I. ii. 388.
SILLY; s. cheat," harmless fraud,
petty thievery; IV. iii. 28.
SINCE, when; V. i. 219.

SINGULAR, unique; IV. iv. 144.
SINGULARITIES, rarities, curiosities;
V. iii. 12.

SITTING, interview; IV. iv. 572.
SKILL, cunning; II. i. 166; reason,
motive (or rather a thought caused
by consideration and judgment);
IV. iv. 152.

SLEEVE-HAND, wristband, cuff; IV.
iv. 212.

SNEAPING, nipping; I. ii. 13.
SOFTLY, slowly; IV. iii. 121.
SOAKING, absorbent; I. ii. 224.
SOLELY, alone; II. iii. 17.
SOOTH; "good s." in very truth; IV.
iv. 160.

SO THAT, provided that; II. i. 9.
SPED, prospered, succeeded; I. ii. 389.

SPEED, fortune: III. ii. 146.
SPICES, seasonings; III. ii. 185.
SPLITT'ST, cleav'st; I. ii. 349.
SPOKE, spoken; I. ii. 106.
SPRIGHTLY, in a sprightly manner
(adjective in-ly used as adverb); IV.

iv. 53.

SPRINGE, a noose for catching birds;
IV. iii. 36.

SQUARE, the embroidery on the bosom
of a garment; IV. iv. 212.
SQUARED, shaped; V. i. 52.

SQUASH, an unripe peascod; I. ii. 160.
SQUIER, Square, measure; IV. iv. 348.
STAND, fight; III. ii. 46.

STAR; "the watery star," the moon;
I. ii. 1.

STARR'D, fated; III. ii. 100.
STATE, estate, rank, station; IV. iv.


STRAIGHT, straightway, immediately;
II. i. 70.

STRAIN'D, turned from the right
course; III. ii. 51.

STRAITED, at a loss; IV. iv. 365.
STRANGELY, as if it were a stranger;
II. iii. 182.

STRETCH-MOUTHED, broad-spoken;
IV. iv. 196.
STRONG, forcible; I. ii. 34.
STUFF'D, Complete; II. i. 185.
SUBJECT, people; I. i. 43:
SUCCESS, succession; I. ii. 394.
SUDDENLY, immediately; II. iii. 200.
SUFFICIENCY, ability; II. i. 185.
SWEAR OVER, endeavour to overcome
by swearing oaths; I. ii. 424.
TABLE-BOOK, tablet, memorandum
book; IV. iv. 610.

TAKE, excite, move; III. ii. 38.
TAKE IN, conquer, take; IV. iv. 588.
TALL; "t. fellow of thy hands," active,
able-bodied man who will bear the
test; V. ii. 177.

TARDIED, retarded; III. ii. 163.

TAWDRY-LACE, a rustic necklace (said
to be corrupted from St Audrey,
i.e. St Ethelreda, on whose day, the
17th October, a fair was held in the
isle of Ely, where gay toys of all
sorts were sold); IV. iv. 253.
TELL, Count; IV. iv. 185.
TENDER, show, introduce; IV. iv. 826.
THAT O that! (or, better, dependent
on "I am question'd by my fears";
"that... no "=" lest "); I. ii. 12.
THAT, So that; I. i. 32; provided that,
I. ii. 84, 85.

THEREABOUTS, of that import; I. ii.

THERETO, added thereto, besides; I.
ii. 391.

THICK, make thick, thicken; I. ii.

THOUGHT, idea, opinion; I. ii. 424.
THOUGHT ON, held in estimation; IV.
iv. 531.

"THREE MAN SONG-MEN," i.e. "singers
of songs in three parts"; IV. iii. 45.
THREE-PILE, the richest and most
costly kind of velvet; IV. iii. 14.
THRIVING, Successful; II. ii. 45.
TINCTURE, colour; III. ii. 206.
TOAZE (Folio 1, "at toaze ")," probably
to touse, ie. pull, tear"; IV. iv.

TOD, twenty-eight pounds of wool;
IV. iii. 34.

TODS, yields a tod; IV. iii. 33.
TRAFFIC, business, trade; IV. iii. 23.
TRAITORLY, traitrous; IV. iv. 821.
TRANSPORTED, hurried away by violent
passion; III. ii. 159; borne away by
ecstacy, V. iii. 59.

TREMOR CORDIS, trembling of the
heart; I. ii. 110.

TRICK, toy, plaything; II. i. 51.
TROLL-MY-DAMES, the French game of
Trou-madame; IV. iii. 92.

TRUMPET, trumpeter, herald; II. ii.

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