
the chain of events here untwisted should lend them reafon to be less surprised at what is paffing now, there's no harm done; the warnings have been given.

Here then begin we a fummary account of what has happened in these eighteen centuries. I thought to have given fome importance to the work, by prefixing on its first page the name of one of my earliest and most respected friends-than whom no wit, no fcholar, nor no man of general knowledge, ever had more reason to delight in Retrospection: but Pennant is gone, and I will fearch no further for a patron. The fame kind and encouraging Publick which has ever looked upon my labours with a tenderness, and a good-natured defire of being pleased, more flattering far than hard-earned approbation, shall take as it is; and if they feel themselves pleased with the colours presented in the varying changeful mafs, will try to hinder fome critick's heavy hand from breaking it; remembering that an opal lofes all power of playing before the eye, foon as a crack is made in its thin furface.

But I will run down my own book no more. The duty of an author is discharged, when what the title promifes has been performed. Yet let it not be faid of Retrofpection,

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