
while it is fully evident to every person of observation around them. What violent fits of passion do some men indulge themselves in against their slaves and servants, which they always impute to the

exercise of power. When the person who had performed the intrepid exploit came to join the circle, he plainly perceived marks of disapprobation in every counten. ance; for which reason he thought

ungovernable natures of their tem-it necessary to apologize for what

pers, of which however, they display the most perfect command upon much greater provocations, given by their superiors, equals or by any set of people that are not obliged to bear their ill-humer.-How often do we see men who are agreeable, cheerful, polite & good tempered to the world in general, gloomy peevish and passionate to their wives and children? When you happen to be a witness to any instance of unprovoked domestic rage into which they have allowed themselves to be transported, they will very probably lament their misfortune in having more ungovernable tempers than the rest of mankind. But if a man does not speak and act with the same degree of violence on an equal provocation, without considering whethe it comes from superior. equal or dependant, he plainly shews that he can govern his temper, and that his doing it on particular accasions. proceeds from the basest and most despicable of motives.

he had done. Nothing' says he provokes me so much as a fellows looking saucily when I speak to him. I have told that man so fifty times; yet, on my reprimanding him, just now, for having one of the burtons of his waistcoat broken. he looked saucily full in my face, which threw me into such a passion that I could not help threshing him. However I am sorry. for it, because he has the character of being an honest man, and has always done his duty as a soldier, very well.' How much continued heare those people to be envied who have a full command of their tempers! No man can command it more perfectly than yourself said. one of the officers.

'I often endeavour to do it' replied the choleric man 'but always find it out of my power. I have not philosophy enough to check the violence of my temper, when once I am provoked. You certainly doyourself injustice sir,' said the officer no person seems to have their passions under better discipline. With your brother officers I never saw you. in a single instance, break through the rules of decorum, or allow your anger to overcome your politeness to them.'

I remember when I was on the continent with the English army, having seen an officer beat a soldier most unmercifully with his cane: I was standing with some officers all of whom seemed to be filled with indignation at this mean! They never provoked me, said the

"Apollo struck the enchanting Lyre,
The Muses sung in strains alternate."
For the Lady's Miscellany.

The following piece was some short time past refused an insertion-but in order that our readers may be gratified with seeing to what sublimitypoetry may be carried-we give it verbatum from the original.

The compliment intended to be paid
to the object is reflected upon the litera.
ry talents of the accomplish'd author,

Pleasant is thy countenance and fare
How shall I discribe or compare

ver shall my tounge proclaim
By them unborn ringlets my hart is slain
Bven thy blue eyes so mildly sweet
The dimples resting on thy rosey cheeks
Remember I will not forget my taste
Enclnding thy majestic size and siender


Deep 1 sigh then cry depart

Destructive thunders roll around,
And bloody corses strew the ground;
Mankind, allied by ties of blood,
Each other drown the crimson flood;
Their nervous arms with glittering steel,
"Prey on a thousand at a meal"
In Piteous Shrieks and dying groans,
The life departing vents its moans;
And many youth both gay and blithe,
Are fell'd by Death's unsparing sythe.

The thund'ring cannons rattle round,
And wives and children hear the sound;
In vain they anxious, beg their stay,
The drum commands their haste away;
No mercy, no compassion there,
The summons comes,-they disappear.

Oh! that proud man would wisdom

And cast rebellions weapons down;
And under Jesus' banner fight,
Trusting in his all conquering might.
The victory they would surely gain,
And Everlasting Life Obtain.



The following beautiful verses were repeated at a meeting of the Belfast Harp Society, where some blind children supported and instructed in music by their bounty, made their appearance. — They are the production of Miss Balfour from whose pen we have not had the happiness of seeing any thing before. If she be a young lady If this be an ear.

While love hangs heavy on my aching ly blossom we congratulate our country


Entangled and entwind in bliss
Love from thee alone can cure me miss
Loveliest girl as I think though art
from thy charms must I depart



Hark! hear the horrid din of war.
Behold the frightful cannons roar !

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[blocks in formation]

Sweet Harp! o'er thy tones, tho' with fervent devotion,

We mingle a patriot smile with a tear;

Behold how the glory of Erin is bend. ing,

With feelings the sweetest that spring from the heart.

Still, still these emotious together uniting,

Let the Harp ever sound o'er the Emer rald Isle,

Andits tones the soft tear of compassion exciting,

Still teach by its magic the sightless to smile.

FOR SALE at this OFFICE, The 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12th, Volumes of the LADY'S WEEKLY MISCEL LANY, handsomely bound and lettered. Price $150 cents, per volume.

Not fainter the smile, not less pure the Checks, Cards, Handbills



That wait on the cause which assemble Neatly and correctly executed, on

us here.

[blocks in formation]

reasonable terms; and goods (of any kind) will be taken in part payment,-at the Office of the LADY'S MISCELLANY

[blocks in formation]







Saturday, December 28,.....1811.



A Tale.

No. 10.

most winning sweetness played upon her features, though the dewy lustre of her eye, and the tears that lingered on her cheek, revealed the struggles of the heart. The stranger, who had risen at her approach, embraced her with the most affectionate emotion they were both silent, however, and both now kneeling on the marble slab, employed some time in prayer. Nothing ever appeared to Courtenay more interesting than the countenance of this beautiful young woman, thus lighted up by all the sensibility of acute feeling: her eyes bathed in tears, and lifted toward heaven, beamed forth an expression truly angelic, while the exquisite delicacy of her complexion and features, over which the pensive graces had diffused their most fascinating charms, together with the simplicity and energy of her devotion, as with clasped hands and trembling lips she implored the assistance of the divine spirit. formed a picture worthy of the canvas of Raphael.

While Edward, in sacred regard to the noblest feelings of humanity, forbore to interrupt the progress of emotions so friendly to virtue and contrition, the music, which had gradually, and with many a dying close, breathed fainter and fainter on the ear, now in tones that whispered peace and mercy & which sounded sweet as the ac cents of departedsaints, melted into air & deep silence again pervaded the abbey. This, however, continued not long, for in a few moments was heard the echo of light footsteps, and presently Courtenay, by the glimmering of the lamp, indistinctly beheld some object which, gliding rapidly up the choir moved toward the spot where the stranger was yet kneeling. His astonishment was increased when, on its approaching nearer, he could perceive the form of a young and elegant woman. She was clothed perfectly in white, except where the vest was bound by a black zone, and over her shoulders which had been circulated with so flewed negligently a profusion of much industry in the neighborlight brown hair. A smile of the hood; for since the appeare.ce

Edward now saw before him the cause of those rumors and fears,

this amiable young woman, he had been perfectly convinced that the music to which he had lately listened with so much rapture, had its origin with her. In a still night, these sounds might be heard to some distance, and together with the glimmering of the light, would occasion no small alarm to the peasant, who should happen at that time to be passing near the abbey, and whose apprehensions, thus excited, might easily create some imaginary being the offspring of ignorance and terror; or perhaps some pilgrim more daring than the rest, had penetrated the interior of the ruin, and had probably beheld one of the very striking fi gures now present to his This, without further enquiry, he had deemed what indeed would, at first, be the surmise of any spectator, some vision of another world and had thus strengthened the superstition of the country, and protected the seclusion of the strangels.


to the place of their abode. Entering the choir therefore, by one of the lateral doors, he followed them with slow and silent footsteps, preserving such a distance as, he thought, might prevent the lamp from revealing his person. He had pursued them in this manner unobserved through the choir, but upon their suddenly turning at an acute angle to enter the cloisters, the light streaming faintly on his figure, discovered him to the younger stranger, who, uttering a loud shriek, leaned trembling on the arm of her friend.

As these reflections were passing through his mind, the interesting objects which had given them bith, had risen from their kneeling posture, and after interchanging looks of mingled gratitude and delight, were arm in am retiring from the sacred marble, when Edward whose eagerness to discover the motives of the elder stranger's conduct had here greatly augmented since the appearance of his fair companion, determined, if possible. to trace the m

Courtenay now, immediately rushing forward, endeavoured to allay their apprehensions by informing them of his name and place of residence, and the motives which had, at this time of night, led him to visit the abbey; he told that filial piety having drawn him to the tomb of his father, he had very unexpectedly perceived a light in the interior of the building, which strongly exciting his curiosity, and corroborating the reports of the country, he had en deavoured to ascertain its cause, and in so doing had discovered the attitude and employment of the elder stranger, who, together with his fair attendant, rather increasing than mitigating his astonishment, he had attempted, by following them at a distance, to ascertain their abode, it being his intention at some future period to solicit an explanation of what he had now witnessed.

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