
day, and who reside amidst those very scenes of which the Poems, even according to their ingenious, but not alwaysingenuous translations are discriptive-We now believe, and assert them to be translated from the fragments of the Irish bards or Senachies whose surviving works were almost equally diffused through the Highlands as through this country. Mr. Macpherson combined them in such forms as his judgment (too classically correct in this instance) most approved; retaining the old names and events, and altering the dates of his originals as well as their matter and forms, in order to give them a higher antiquity than they really possess; suppressing many proofs which they contain of their Irish origin, and studiously avoiding all mension of St. Patrick whose nature frequently occurs in the original Poems, only occasionally alluding to him under the character of a Culdee; conscious that any mention ofthe Saint would introduce a suspicion that these Poems were not the true compositions of Ossian, but those of Fileas. who, in an after day, committed to verse the traditional details of one equally renowned in song and

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ignorance and barbarism, left the Scots so destitute of historic facts, that they were reduced to the necessity of sending John Ferdun to Ireland for their history, from whence he took the entire first part of his book. For Ireland, owing to its being colonized from Phœnicia and consequently early introduction of letters there, was at that period esteemed the most enlightened country in Europe and indeed Mr. Macpherson himself avers, that the Irish, for ages antecedent to the conquest, possesed a competent share of that kind of learning which prevailed in Europe; and from their superiority over the Scots, found no difficulty in imposing on the ignorant Highland Senachies, and established that historic system which afterwards, for want of any other, was universally received.

Now if historic fact and tradition did not attest the Poems of Ossian to the Irish, probability would establish it. For if the Scotch were obliged to Ireland, according to Mr. Macpherson's own account, not only for their history, but their tradition, so remote a one as Ossian must have come from the Irish; for Scotland, as Dr. Johnson asserts, when he called on Mr. Macpherson to shew him his ori|ginals, had not an Erse manuscript two hundred years old. And Sir George McKenzie, though himself a Scotchman, declares, "that he had in his possession an Irish man script written by Cairbre Lif

eachair, monarch of Ireland, who flourished before St. Patrick's mission."

Throughout the whole of Mr. Macpherson's translation, the characters, names, allusions,incidents and scenery, are all Irish. And, in fact, our Irish spurious ballads, as Mr. Macpherson calls them, are the originals out of which he has spun the materials for his version of Ossian.

Dr. Johnson, who strenuously opposed the idea of Ossian being the work of a Scotch bard of the third century, asserts that the "Erse never was a written language, and that there is not in the world a written Erse manuscript a hundred years old." He adds, The Welch and Irish are cuitivated tongues, and two hundred years back insulted their English neighbours for the instability of their orthography."--Even the ancient Irish letter was unknown in the Highlands in 1690, for an Irish version of the Bible being given there by Mr. Kirk, was printed in the Roman character. Wild Irish Girl.

For the Lady's Miscellany.

to conversation, such irresistible charms in agreeable company; something that by a secret sympathy, an internal force, a pleasing kind of violence, seems to link us to each other, and makes us delight in a mutual communication of thoughts, and reciprocal exchange of sentiments.

Besides, it is not probable that faculties so eminent as ours were given us to be concealed like sepulchral lamps intended only to enlighten urns, and spread their useless rays round their small circumferences. Doubtless they were designed for greater, much nobler purposes; their splendour was to be more extensive like the sun, to be every where conspicuous. They were to be the objects of esteem, to attract respect and veneration, by which their influence might become more prevalent, & they thereby be rendered capable of becoming benefits more widely diffused.

It was certainly not intended that those who possess exalted understandings should live only to themselves, and shine in private, but that they should be guides to those of less elevated sense, and that the ignorant and novices in knowledge should receive instruction from them. Such as Lad learned only the elements, the first rudiments of virtue were to be en

ON SOLITUDE. HAD not society been that for which we were designed by infin-abled to make a greater progress

ite wisdom, there would not have been so strong a bias in our inclinations, such pleasures annexed

by the precepts and examples of those who had made it their long and constant practice, and whe by.

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without being indebted for any part of our satisfaction to those fri. volous diversions to which the generality of mankind are obliged to have recourse.

What can afford a higher, a more masculine pleasure, a purer, a more transporting delight, than to retire into ourselves, and there attentively inspect the various operations of our minds, compare our ideas, consult our reason, and view all the qualities of our faculties, the inimitable work of divine wisdom, and the participations of inconceivable power which are discoverable in our wills and acts!

From what has been said, it seems evident that we were not created wholly for ourselves, but designed to be serviceable to each other; to do good to all within the circle of our acquaintance, and, in some whay or other render ourselves useful to those we converse Without us there is nothing but with; for which reason solitude what will be a fit subject for our ought never to be our choice, an contemplation, and afford a constant active life including in it much and delectable entertainment. If preater perfection. But, if it be we look on our bodies, their our fortune to live retired, to be, complicated composition, the adas it were, shut up in a corner of mirable symmetry and exact prothe world, & denied the pleasures portion of their parts, the inteliiof conversation, I mean those degence which appears in the face, lights which naturally result from the vivacity which sparkles in the rational and instructive discourse, eye, together with that promptness we ought to endeavour to become and energy waich accompanies good company to ourselves, ought every motion, will afford ample to consider, that, if we husband matter for meditation. If we exour time well, improve our abili tend our view to the animal and ties, lay in a rich stock of knowvegetative kingdoms, make a ledge, and, by our diligence and strict scrutiny into the individuals industry, make a happy progress of cach respective kind, consider in the necessary as well as the their forms, their properties, their pleasant parts of learning, we shall uses, and their peculiar virtues; be always agreeably employed and and if to these we add the totally perfectly easy without calling in inanimate part of the creation, and foreign aids; we shall be cheerful observe nature as she there luxalone, and ente taining to ourselves,uriantly exhibits her skill in num

berless productions, we shall find abundant matter on which to employ our thoughts. But if we still widen our prosdect, and look beyond the narrow confines of this globe, we shall be pleasingly confounded with a stupenduous variety, of objects; we shall be lost in a delightful maze, and stray from one wonder to another, always finding something new, something great, something admirable, and every way worthy of that infinite, that incomprehensible wisdom to which the universe owes its origin.

Thus may we delightfully as well as advantageously employ ourselves in our studies, in our gardens, and in the silent lonely retirement of a shady grove.

By day the verdant fields, the towering hills, the winding rivers, the murmuring brooks, the bleating flocks, the lowing herds, the melodious birds, the beauteous insects, the minute reptiles, together with the vast expanse of heaven, and that glorious fountain of light which adorns it, and imprints a pleasing lustre, imparts a delightful diversity of colours to every thing on which it shines,will suggest fresh hints at night ten thousand sublime objects will entertain us; unnumbered orbs of light roll over our heads, and keep our thoughts agreeably employed.

If at any time we find that too strict an attention, too great an in

tenseness of mind, brings a languor on our spirits, we may have recourse to books. In them (if judiciously chosen) we shall be sure to meet with rational amusement, something that will instruct as well as please; will make our hours glide easily along, and yet prevent their being lost.

'Dear to the Gods ambrosia prov'd,
As dear are books, where they're belov'd;
They're still the mind's delicious treat,
Its healthful most substantial meat;
The soul's ennobling sprightly wine,
Like nectar sweet, and as divine:
Castalian springs did ne'er produce
A richer, more spirituous juice.
When by't inspir'd we fearless rise,
And like the giants, brave the skies;
Pellion on Ossa boldly lay,

From thence both earth and sea survey;
On them the huge Olympus throw,
Then to the tow'ring summit go,
Thence take a view of worlds on high,
From orb to orb with pleasure fly;
Still upward soar, until the mind
Effects does in their causes find,
And them pursue till they unite
In the bless'd source of truth and light.'

But none can be.thus happy in solitude unless they have an inward purity of mind, their desires contracted, and their passions absolutely under the goverment of their reason. Learning without virtue will not, cannot, bestow felicity. Where there is an internal disturbance, a tumult of thought, a consciousness of guilt, and an anxiousness of soul, there can be no easy reflections, no satisfying pleasures No, there must be innocence, calmness, and a true understanding of the value of things,

before the mind can find an enjoyment and complacency in itself. To render a retired life truly agreeable, there must be piety as well as human knowledge, incorrupt morals, as well as an insight into nature; a disregard of wealth, at least no eager solicitude for it; being weaned from the work, from its vanity, its applause, its censure, from all the means it has of enticing or disturbing, all that it can give or take away; for without an absolute independence on all things here we cannot properly be said to enjoy ourselves, and unless we do so we cannot be happy alone.


M. T.


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For the Lady's Miscellany.

From the Glasgor Courier.

amusement to him perfectly new which he beheld with delight. But a few weeks since this young Gentleman about 22 years old, and his two sisters, were entirely strangers to the blessing of sight all of them having been born blind but they are now so far recovered that they have already learned their letters. They were opera. ted on by Mr. Adams, the celebrated Oculist, from Exeter, who we most anxiously wish will be a gain induced to visit this country, where, by this unrivalled skill and his humanity to the poor, he has done so much good. Indeed we hope some public mark of respect will be shewn him previous to his return, to induce him to do so. We have been informed that Capt. Pringle's family is nearly connected to our celebrated countryman, Dr. Babingdon, professor of Chemistry at Gay's Hospital in London.

In consequence of reading the above article, a Gentleman of this,

Theatre Royal-Last night pre-City wrote to Captain Pringle

sented the most crowded house we have witnesse 1 during the after season, being for the benfit of Mr. Mathews. The admirable performance of that Gentleman manifested how highly deserving he was of this mark of the public

wishing to know if the facts therein stated were correct; upon receipt of which Captain Pringle po litely sent the following answer:

CALEDON, September 9, 1811. SIR-I have this day the honor

favour; but to us the chief attrac-of your letter of the 4th inst. and I

feel great pleasure in assuring you that Mr. Adams has most com

tion of the evening consisted in perceiving in one of the boxes young Mr. Pringle (son of Cap-pletely succeeded in my three chiltain Pringle, of Caledon, in the county of Tyrone, nephew to the Late general Pringle) sharing in an

dren, as well as many others in this country. He is at present in Dublin, but, whether he will re

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