
eminence, to that fascinating and

rived from an arranged and ex

tensive knowledge of his subject. || familiar simplicity which great

This qualified him fully to discuss the arguments of others, and forcibly to defend his own. Thus armed, it was rarely in the power of his adversaries, mighty as they were, to beat him from the field. His eloquence, occasionally rapid, electric, and vehement, was always chaste, winning, and persua. sive; not awing into acquiescence, but arguing into, conviction. His understanding was bold and comprehensive. Nothing seemod too remote for his reach, or too large for his grasp.

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men are ever known to display in domestic and relaxed hours.

Abroad, and in political contest, he was proud and inflexible. To those who knew him confidentially, he was said to bear an uniform demeanour of kindness and good nature. But it must be remembered that among his friends, even in the cabinet, there were few obstinate men-few men who could pique his jealousy, or, in the slightest degree, ruffle the tide of his inclination.



Two English nobleman on their travels, arriving in Paris, put up

at a house in which a German count had died. and then lay a corpse. In the middle of the night one of the two, not being able to sleep, and being weary of his bed in the kitchen, where he heard arose in order to amuse himself some people talking,

After diverting himself there for sometime, and wishing to return to his bed, he again went upstairs, but, instead of entering his own chamber, went into that of the deceased count, over whose head they had only thrown a cloth. There is not so much ceremony used in France, in the management of their dead, as in this country for the are satisfed with

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showing their affection to the living. The Englishman after having pat out his candle lay down boldly by the defunct, when creeping to him as close as possible in order to warm himself, and finding his bed-fellow colder than he, began to mutter what the d--l is the matter my friend? said he; you are as cold as ice. I'll lay a wager mum as you are, you would have been warm enough, if you had seen the pretty girl below stairs. Come, come, you may take my word for it added he pulling him by the arm, zouuds stir; I'll engage you'll be pleas'd with her.

While he was holding this fine conversation with the dead, who, detached from the things of the world, did not give himself the trouble of making a reply, the chamber door was opened, which made him raise is head from the

pillow to see who was coming in, but judge what must have been his surprise, when he saw a servant lighting in a joiner, who carried a coffin on his shoulder.


at first supposed he had been in a dream but looking about and seeing the vissage of one who had not spoken a word-a vissage over spread with mortal paleness, he made but one jump from the bed

into the middle of the chamber. The joiner and majd immediately persuaded that i was the corpse who being unwilling to be shut up in a coffin, was playing his gambols; theif legs were unable. to move with swiftness propor

tionable to their fear, and the join er, maid coffin and candlestick, rolled over each other from the top of the stairs down to the kitch,


Zounds! what are you all about cried the landlord ; is the d-1 flying away with the dead man ? Mercy on us cried the maid, quite chop fallen,it is rather the dead. man that would run away with us. I'll be hanged(said the joiner)if that dead fellow there has any more occasion for a coffin than I have; why he has just struck up a hornpipe. He has said the landlord, taking a light faith we'll see that.

When the family were tromb. ling and getting up to follow the master of the house, the English nobleman who had again found his chamber, slipt into bed quite out of breath; and his friend hav

ing asked him were he had been he told him he had just been lying with a dead body. 'Sblood! a dead body! It had perhaps, the plague cried he, jumping in his turn out of bed and running to the door for a light. The landlord and landJady, and servants, who were passing through the gallery, no. sooner saw him than they ima gined it was the dead that appear. ed again; and down they came much faster than they went up, heels over head from top to bottom, with the candlestick rolling after them.

At this confusion, joined with

their shrieks and clamours, the Englishman, terrified at the hedious noise, soon made for his room and slipt into bed to his companion, without the least fear of eatching the plague.

In the mean time, an honest Country priest, who lodged in the inn, got up and appeared armed with holy water, and a long biom instead of a little brush; he made his aspersions, and the conjuration prescribed by the Roman church, and conducted by way of procession the terrified trembling people into the chamber of the deceased; who not having been alarmed, lay quietly in bed.

The priest was instantly regarded as a saint; and they all cried up the holy water, which bound the corpse to his good behavor, and prevented his being refactory.

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The abbe Moliere who had distinguished himself in France by This observations on the astronQ

mical systems of Descartes, was so extremely simple in his manners, that takon from astronomy, he was a stranger to every thing, lie was so poor that having no servant, and often not wood to make a fire, he would study in his bed, in which he would sit up with his small clothes placed upon his head, by way of a night-cap, the legs hanging over his shoulders; and thus accoutered, pursue the deepest speculations. While writing one morning in this curious position, he heard a knock at the door. Who is there?" ied

the abbe, 'come in.' A person entered, whom the abbe did not notice, but continued writing, till roused by the intruder, who demanded his money. Money! said the astonished Moliere-- yes, your money,' replied the other.

up in the cold to shut it; deuce take him.' Thus saying, the abbe jumped out of bed, shut the door, and resumed his labours,


It is storied, that a nobleman of Venice, made his address to Cosmo de Medicis, duke of Florence, and signified to him that he understood his highness had the philosopher's stone, and he desired to see it. It is true, said the Duke, but my elixer is this, never to do that by anothor, which I do by myself; not to do that to-morrow, which I can do to day; not to neglect the least things. The Venitian thanked his highness, and took his leave of him; andby the observation thereof, he became the wisest and richest man in Venice. If you purpose to be rich and wise, take this elix


"Disguised as a Gentleman.”

O, I understand, you are a thief.' Thief or no thief, I must have money-Indeed! very well, feel in this pocket, turning one leg of his small clothes towards the villain. No money was however to be found. Here then,' said the abbe, take this key; go to that closet and open the third drawer in the bottom of the book case.' The thief opened the second. 'Ah! leave that alone, these are my papers, don't disturb them--you'il find the money in the next.' The thief found it. Now shut the drawer; but the other waited not for that ceremony, but betook him-richly bedizened with gold and onself to flight. Mr. Thief shut thely a few dozen of years behind the door-diable he has left it open; fashion strutted in the full puff what a rascal of a thief! I must get powder of lace and ruffles into one

Some of the crew of one of the ships lately off Yarmouth had occasion to go ashore at the placeand being flush of prize money be took themselves to the Play house and other places of amusement. Among the number was an ambiguous Boatswain, who after equipping himself in a splendid suit

of the boxes and resolved for one night to be a gentleman. While the surrounding company knew not how to interpret the incongruity of our hero's apparel--with his hard and weather-beaten countenance, one of his brother tars spying from the gallery a countenance which he thought familiar to him said to a mess mate beside him-Jack I'll be hanged if that there be not our Boatswain in the side box dressed like a ship's com. mander Pshaw (said the other) our Boatswain among the gentle folks! it cannot be. Ill hail him though said the first and hallowed out to the astonishment of the house-Boatswain aboy-The unfortunate Boatswain started in surprise from his seat in the box and hallowed in return--ahoy-to the immediate detection of his rank

stances of this said he Gen. Irvin of Pennsylvania was a hatter-and our own Gen. Morgan the hero of the Cow Pens was a carter—and if the latter became a.great general from a CART why may not I become a great lawyer from a COGWHEEL.

A certain Quack Doctor being indisposed. sent for a physician, who expressed some surprise at being called in on so trifling an os

casion :-'Not so trifling, neither (said he) for by mistake, I have taken some of my own cordial !'


Two sachems of the Western Indians, in making a tour to Phil

and the merriment of the bye-adelphia, dined at the house of a standers.

gentleman of Fortune, amidst a splendid circle--and observing mustard upon the table, one of

A young Virginian of singular them, without suspecting the contalents who had been bred a mill-sequence, took a spoonful at once right-some time since after studying law a regular time--applied for permission to practice as attorney-His application was op posed by a gentleman of the bar on the ground of his not having a classical education. The young applicant managed his own cause -he cited many instances from English and French history of persons whose origin and education were very humble and became eminent in life-but we do not tra

vel beyond our own country for in

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into his mouth, which soon caused
the tears to run plentifully down
his rugged countenance-but
collecting himself in a moment,
and perhaps no less desirous to
conceal his ignorance than to see
his companion caught in the same
manner, when asked by his brother
sachem the cause of his crying,
replied without hesitation, that it
was caused by his reflecting upon
the goodness of his father who was
slain in the battle.
This answer
appear satisfactory to the inquisi-

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