
me on this occasion I can verify my story by letters which relate to it. Here are some from M. de lieutenant general, and

from the marshal de

Dulilot saw nothing in these let ters but proofs of the story, which he had listened to with so much attention. and during which he had been agitated by a thousand diferent emotions. The interest that he felt for Nervalle, did but increase; it appeared to him delightful to be able to relieve unfortu nate beauty in distress, and injur ed virtue; his conversation expressed these sentiments to Nervalle, who, touched by his generous offers, betrayed a confidence that charmed Dulilot.

They arrived at Lyons, where the friendly attention of Dulilot ebliged the amiable and unfortunate lady, to take a house more suitable to his person than to her situation, which he endeavoured to alleviate by the most generous behaviour every day he established, or rather strengthened himself in the confidence of Nervalle; he thought he had gained her good will, so far as to be able to confess to her, how unhappy he was-that she had already engaged her hand to a man who was so unworthy of it and how transported he should be, if,by a method which he slightly glanced at, she could withdraw it in his favour. Nervalle's delicacy appeared to be startled, at a proposition to which she had herself brought Dulilot: it was only

after some time, attention, and perseverance, that she made known her resolution. As legitimate means were the only ones that she would employ, she told Dulilot, who was pressing her continually, that she' was determined to get her marriage dissolved; and for this purpose, it was necessary that she should go to Corsica, to urge its annulment.

Dulilot, charmed at the projecty: provided every thing that was re quisite for this voyage, and penetrated with grief at the absence of his mistress, it was only in conse quence of her positive prohibition that he did not accompany her to the place of emparkation; he therefore tried to console himself, by indulging the flattering hopes which this step afforded him.

Debar, the intimate friend of Dulilet, of whom I have spoken at the begining, was in his confidence; but he combated, with all his might, an inclination, the end of which did not appear to him advantageous to his friend; he ventured to entertain a rather unfavourable opinion of Nervalle, and what he strove to persuade Dulilot to on this head, had a lit tle cooled the latter. Debar's attachment, however, was not at all changed; he pitied his friend, and still cultivated his codfidence in or der to reserve to himself the means of being useful to him: so noble a manner of acting touched Dulilot, who came to himself, and listened to his advice. although he

did not follow it when it counteracted his inclination,

Nervalle returned from Corsica; she informed the impatient Dulilot, that their wishes could not be accomplished, and that she found insurmountable obstacles to the dissolution of her marriage. Du. lilot was disconsolate; he found no alleviation to his grief, but in the part which Nervalle condescended to take in it: and this trifling comfort was unavailing.

circumspection and precaution, which I shall explain to you, and which you may already anticipate.'

The tears with which she accompanied this speech, were followed by tender protestations mutually expressed, to love each other for ever in spite of their misfortunes.

(To be Continued.)



The practice of attempting to criticise in the present day, is peculiarly unhappy. If candid men were to judge of it, they would conclude it was rather indulging in private animosity and envy; or that like hireling historians, instead of paying respect to merit in re

accords with their prejudiced views.

During all this interval, Nervalle's family had not given up their researches: she learnt by letters which she always communicated to Dulilot, that her uncle had some suspicions of her being at Lyons, and that she would not be there long in safety. You see, my dear Dulilot,' said she to him in a tender tone, with what ani-cording truth, enter what most mosity they pursue me; it seems that frightful destiny envies me the comforts, with which your generous esteem soothed my bitter troubles. Do not be surprised if some day, an unforseen warning should force me to a sudden absence. In case I should come to know that my relations are too well informed, and are taking measures accordingly, I would go to Toulouse, to conceal myself in a convent, of which this is the address; however, you must not write to me there, before you have beard from me, and I might possibly not send a letter to you for a month, on account of the necessary

A candid and virtuous part of a community travel on the journey of life, in the ways of wisdom, and in the paths of peace; they view the contending revolution of cir cumstances around them, with due interest; but judge by the rule of propriety; sufficiently intelligent, they silently listen and read, and in their own minds, think as they will.

Others however, swell'd up with vanity, immagine their knowledge far superior; they suppose there


as much difference in men, as there is in beasts: and assume the high responsibility of public censor, without understanding the real principals which compose such characters, or without possessing the integrity necessary, to fulfil their duties with respectability and prudence. In order to excel in the pursuits which ameliorate the miseries of mankind :--in cultivating the good qualities and the human mind and in acquiring the talents which enable men to exhibit true virtue in its simplicity and chastity:-They should endeavour,to avoid the indulgence of envy, and erase from their own breasts, the venom of corrupt jealousy. Yet rare are such critics to be found. We often perceive, (Like the beautiful rose bud in the garden, just opening its sweets to the senses of the beholder,) the growing genius of youthfu excellence; nipt in its entrance to life, by the chilly blasts of scorn, or trampled under foot, by the senseless head of mercinary ignor


The splendid residence of fame on the summit of the mount of science, has paths which lead her votaries to a rich bauquet, abounding with exhilirating and delicious luxuries: tho' often infested by banditti, who would arrest the steps of her sous, and rob them of the offerings they would lay upon bei altar: and must there fruit, ipened by the fructifying rays of expe

brine of selfishness? Is this the tribute demanded, ere the threshold of the elevated pavillion is attain'd? then let me forever dwell in the humble cottage of obscurity, and find my reward, in the satisfaction of an approving conscience.

It is only necessary for modest excellence in these modern times, to enter the lists, and its appearance will immediately produce in created critics, the hateful passion of prejudice --It should not be so.True worth cannot indeed be injur'd by a fair examination, nor sound talents lose by competition.

Nor was satire ever intended to wound the feelings of chastity, or flush the cheek of modesty with shame, much less to bespatter the memory of the pious dead, and thus dishonor their illustrious names, why do her deciples then act so repugnant to her precepts,

Let him who indulges in vice, and rolls himself in her empure mile!Yet professes to be the friend and admirer of virtue, be pointed at by the finger of truth, as a fit object to be avoided and sham'd--but let us take care, that we follow not too close at his heels, lest we partake of his deformity, and by unwatchfulness, become Companions in eriol.

THE subject of the communication in the Morning Post of last

Fience, be steep'd in the impurweek merits attention. Gambling

is deficient, industry is despised, and downright theft is resorted to. And bridewell and state-prison bring up many a hopeful chap, whose name, from respect to his connexions, is never published.

and every other species of dissipa- these young grog drinking and tion is practiced by apprentices cigarr-smoking gentry. To sup and youth to an alarming degree.ply funds for the expence, honesty A striking, though probably too common case, was recently brot' to light. An apprentice who lodged with his father, received his board-wages every Saturday night, but having failed in paying him for a number of weeks, he inquired of his master into the cause. It then appeared that the lad had told his father a falsehood every week, and used the money himself. And on further examination he was traced to a house in East-George-street, and found in a company of other ap. prentices, drinking and gambling with their purloined money. The infamous keeper of this house was prosecuted to conviction, and punished with just severity. And the father of the lad promised a statement of the transaction, and ought to have given it to the public. The name of a fellow more dangerous than the midnight assassin ought to be exposed to the executive authority.

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Preachers of morality, instructors of youth, and editors of books and other publications, cannot render a more useful serivce to the public than to direct their efforts and admonitions against the vices of youth, "the sins which easily beset them," Printers should not be backward on this subject. Within the present year three of their profession, but lately promising, capable and respectable members of society, have been discovered to be gone, past cure, in vice and infamy---one of them a widow's only son, indulged and maintained to his ruin. Other trades or avocations are not free from their proportion of instances. Masters, see that your apprentices are bound to you, keep a watchful eye over their couduct abroad. And if you detect them in frequenting the sinks of iniquity? and destruction with which the city abounds, arrest them in their career at all hazards; for it were better for them, as well as yourselves, that they were thrown into the sea with a millstone to their necks, than that their evil propensities should be indulged.



'Beneath this humble sod is laid.
Bemoan'd by all the village train,
A youth who ev'ry effort made
The love of all friends to gain,
From early dawn to closing night

His aged parents, ease he sought;
And all their comfort and delight
Was by his daily labour bought
No task to him was e'er too hard
Which gave his aged mother rest;
And oft the happy dame's regard

Ar length the crimson West proclaims the end of day: the sun sinks down behind the hill, and leaves the jaded peasantry to seek their homes. How still around! The atmosphere is hush'd! Behold the happy tribe! their sultry day completed, issuing from their hospitable master's door: each takes his road, and, warmin heart, give each the kind good night.' Ab! who knows how soon the last good night' may come !---One youth the kindest of the throng, bids the farewell, and, with his little dog, hastens his steps toward his father's cot. But hark! what rattling in the trees! louder and louder is the sound! The wind still rises, and sable clouds precede the impending storm. At once the whole horizon is a dismal scene ! The tempest comes, the dreadful lightning darts its fatal blaze, and thunder shakes the earth! Alas! the moment fraught with direst woe is now at hand--A burning flash strikes the poor youth, and lays him prostrate on the ground! Tae faithful dog, close to his master's feet, howls our and feels the blow. The dog comes to him. but ah! in vain he expects his master's kind caresses, no more he feels his soothing hand. The peasant falls to rise no more! Virtue and filial affection inscribe these lines upon his rural grave:


She warmly to the you h expres'd,
'But ah! the mother now is lost-

Her life, her soul support, is gone ;
The fatal stroke her reason cost,
Distruction does her less bemoan.
W. H.

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"Good men are easily moved to

Onys B, 17--365-
To weep with those who weep,
says Epictetus, is consistent with
the dignity of the soul, and con-
genial to the feelings of humanity.
"The calm lights of mild philoso-
phy" must sometimes be darken-
ed by grief; and tears will glisten
even in the eyes of those stoics,
who deem a temporary submission
to its influence a degrading weak-
ness. Even Cato, the unrivalled
pattern of fortitude and philosophy,
and apparently insensible to filial
sorrow, wept over the calamity of
his county.

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