
solicit your favour: as your bro-
ther, I entreat it with all that ar-
dour of affection which we owe to
each other. By either title, I hope
to gain your consent. My happi-
ness, my life itself is at stake.
my nuptials now, speedily fol-
low yours.

ed him, which have such a powerfui empire over a young and tender heart. Prince,' answered Mademoiselle de Dinan, what do you wish-what can you require? Yes! I do not hesitate to say, it is you that have taught me I have a soul, alas, but too susceptible. But do you forget that my parents still live in an uncle, who inherits their power over me? Has not the Marshall of Brittany an unconquerable aversion to you. Does he not compel me to endure the courtship, or rather the persecution, of Arthur de Montaban? My cruel guardian exacts implicit obediance. He urges the solemn engagement of my parents in favour of my persecutor. It is my duty, he says to fulfil that promise-which will cost me my life. You shall live-you shall

Francis assures his brother that he would exert all his authority in his favour. He embraces him with fraternal tenderness, and is as warmly interested in his happiness as in his own. The enrap tured Prince already imagines himself the husband of Alicia. He hastens to throw himself at her feet: No expressions,' said he, can describe my joy. The Duke is informed of all. He knows, divine Alicia, he knows that I idolize you that I am impatient to be yours. Ah! let the dukebe mine,' eagerly resumed the reign over Brittanny; let him allot me still no more than the paltry establishment I enjoy, unworthy as it is of my birth and rightful claims; I will never more complain. Have I not obtained the supreme felicity of my life? O my adorable mistress, am not I superior to my brother-to the greatest Monarch in the world? Ah! speak it, repeat a thousand times, that the Prince of Brittany first inspired you with sensibility. Can Virtue forbid the dear confes

sion !

He kissed one of her hands with transport. In the excess of emo.

Prince; no power on earth shall prevent our union. I adore you: your parents are no more; you are free: you are mine: I have my brother's consent: I have yours. Will the presumptuous Arthur still contend with the brother of his Sovereign? But, my superior rank out of the question, who can boast a passion that can vie with mine ? -Oh, my divine mistress, scatter these clouds; let us have no other prospect but the altar. Every thing bespeaks our approaching happiness-all is propitious to an union which heaven has already formed.

Such was the ardour, such the

tion these expressive tears escap-impetuosity with which the Prince


of Brittany loved and spoke. He could divine no obstruction to his views. His happiness, as it was exquisite in ider, was no less certain in expectatien. He ran to communicate his transports to his friend Tanguy, the Bastard of Brittany; while the charming 4licia still refused to harbour the flattering illusion.

Her apprehensions,indeed, were not without foundation. The Prince was surrounded at court by implacable enemies, who were secretly contriving his ruin, and who were actuated by every motion of revenge. Arthur de Montauban, hurried on by the effervescence of a passion, that heeded not the sanctity of laws, was impatient to be rid of a formidable rival, John de Hingant, Gentlemen of the BedChamber, did not foster a less devouring flame: he had received some affront from the Prince of Brittany; and offended vanity is actuated by all the rage of jealous love. With these two persons was associated James d'Espinay, Bishop of Rennes. They directed at pleasure the weak understanding of the duke; and, being informed of the conversation which he had with his brother,they erected their batteries, in order to combat and destroy, if possible, the object of their hatred.

(To be Continued.)

THE ladies of the thin flannel corps, are beginning to resume the thin muslins, for the gratification of the admirers, of ransparent views.

From the Whig.


Go search the haunts

Where av'rice vile, his anxious, vigi keeps,

And the base soul hangs trembling in


While from the hurried hand, the rolling die

Or painted card, pregnant with fate de scends;

There will be found the furrowed brow

or Care,

Deep marked with lines of thought stern Anguish there,

Herald of suicide tremendous frowns Upon the sordid gamester, passion's slave,

Who scatters to the wind the little store That God had given him in a happier hour,

To feed his hapless babes. And there Remorse

From Time receive a catalogue of crimes And list of murdered hours. But never


Hath Quaker there been found,' &c&c.

[Stuart's Poem of The Quakers

The following oration, by a young student in one of our principal seminaries, (prepared some time. since,) is surely worthy of some regard, at a time, when the evil it exposes is so rank and rife, as to require a strong corrective, Numbers, we know, are enticed into this damnable practice by a complacent disposition; by practising a fashionable amusement; for them we have some charity -But we desire to be informed wherein the inveterate gamester differs from the thief? It would be unjust to the highway

tremblingly to acknowledge her power,-when she forces them to take a reluctant glance at past and to reflect on what may possibly, be the nature of their future con

man, (who has sufficient fortitude to face the pistol and to brave the gallows,) to run a parrallel between him and the dicer or the card player, who watches with,eagle eye the unwary conditions: but from the mind of the duct of his simple friend, to rob him of his purse. The footpad is more magnanimous. If gentlemen, polished gentlemen, agree to cheat one another, after dining or supping together; is it more moral than a bargain to try which of the parties can - steal the more ?We repeat, it is not so clever a business as highway robbery, But, really the subject is treated so ably and elegantly in the production we are about to insert, that our hasty comments may well be spared.

Among the different amusements which notwithstanding the sanction of fashion and general adoption, will always wear the coloring, and merit the stamp of criminality it would be difficult to discover any one, so extensively injurious in its tendency or so terribly destructive in its consequences, as GAMING.

gamester, every vistige of an inclination to weigh the consequences of his pursuits, is carefully eradicated,-every thought of both the future and the past is studious. ly avoided :-his whole soul, with all the energies and faculties which God hath given it, are occupiednot in religious preparations to guard against the approaching torrent-nor in entreaties to the benificence of the Almighty for strength to resist its encroachments; but in the illusory employment of calculating and anticipating success, or in devising projects to rain the associates of his criminal pursuits.

Il it be admitted that this forms a correct picture of the usual state of a gamester's mind, it will be unnecessary to search for ony other source, from which to procure arguments to illustrate the criminality of his profession.

The future condition of the soul None of the branches of vice are is to be determined, by the manner so deeply marked with guilt, as in which we direct its faculties and those which engender a total dis-powers while inhabitants on earth. regard for moral and religious | Our thoughts are as open to the laws. The seducer, the slanderer and the sensualist we seldom find wholly and continually wrapt in the gratification of their unnatural propensities. There are moments when conscience obliges them

contamination, and as liable to the imputations of guilt as our external actions, and will undergo a similar ordeal on our entrance into the world of spirits. If this be true, and Revelation forbids us to doubt,

est and sincerest pleasure, were Idom, and then only to fill up the

certain that any remarks I have made this evening, were inapplicable to the youth of BaltimoreCould I be persuaded that in the metropolis of Maryland,there were none liable to the imputations that will always attach to the character of the gamester, it would be to me the cause of many agreeable and delightful sensations.--But alas! I am compelled to say that this is not the case.

vacuity of an idle hour;--others are perhaps, driven to them by wants, which need immediate relief. But can the first discover no other method of removing the ennui which idleness produces,than by devoting their time to an amusement which their good sense will oblige them to view as improper ? Has literature no charms? Can the various branches of learning afford no recreation? and are not the toils of business to be relieved by a recourse to books?—In regard to necessity's forming a proper and valid excuse, for resorting to the gaming table, there is but one answer: from whatever is intrinsi cally evil, a happy prosperity can never be derived. However cheer

A very slight degree of observation will enable any one to perceive that the younger portion of our citizens is pretty generally tainted with an inclination for play: He who will permit his curiosity to lead him to our billiard tables, and our different places of reso:ting may be the smiles with which for gaming in all its varieties, will fortune at first favors the advocate find a strong and convincing proof for her good graces, he need never of this, in the eagerness with which look for a lasting pleasure from the greater part of the attendants her kindest regards. The success at these places venture their mo he meets with at first, only whets ney in the contest, and the anxiety his desire for gain, and produce with which they await the result of a determination to proceed in his their speculations. I will not be career.--But he only enjoys a temso unjust as to assert, that all who porary felicity. The inclination to appear to participate in the occu- tempt his fortune to the utmost, pations for which those places are engendered by the success of his professedly intended are gamblers; first essay, leads him to make new but I would be equally unjust if I trials; but, the fickle goddess no admitted that none of them merit-langer exhilirates him with her

ed that title.

Among the great variety of per sons that are to be found at the gaming houses of our city, I have not the least doubt that there are many who resort thither but sel

smiles he is now unsuccessful--he makes another effort-still she turns from him,--again he is unfortunate, once more and the dreams of happiness and wealth which fancy had painted in his imagination vanish into obscurity--

power are exerted for her support and protection. He is more anxious to preserve his own character and reputation because hers is blended with it. Lastly, the good

All the gay, expectations of the pleasures which riches would have enabled him to purchase, are in a moment destroyed and his original, poverty, with all its attendant miseries, return with aggravated hor-husband is pious and religious, that


Did my limits allow it, I should like to have noticed some of the principle existing causes that tend to foster propensities to gaming instead of eradicating them from the minds of our young men--but your patience has been sufficient, ly tried--on your kindness and politeness, it would be improper to trespass,and therefore, with grateful thanks for the attention with which you have listened to my crude and disconnected remarks I conclude with a sincere wish that the hints I have thrown out, may induce many, now before me to reflect seriously on the subject I have attempted to discuss."

Baltimore, Nov. 9, 1811.


THE good husband is one who, wedded not by interest but by choice, is constant as well from in

he may animate her faith by his practice, and inforce the precepts of Christianity by his own example; that as they join to promote each other's happiness in this world, they may unite to insure eternal joy & felicity in that which is to come.


THE good wife is one who, e. ver mindful of the solemn contract which she hath entered into, is strictly and conscientiouly virtuous consonent, and faithful to her husband; chase, pure, and unblemished in every thought, word, and deed. She is humble and modest from reason and conviction, submissive from choice, and obedient from inclination. What she acquires by love and tenderness she preserves by prudence and discretion. She makes it her business to serve and oblige her husband; conscious that every thing that promotes his happiness must in

clination as from principle. He treats his wife with dellicacy as a the end contribute to her own. -woman, and with tenderness as a Her tenderness relieves his cares friend. He attributes her folly her affection softens his distress; to her weakness, her imprudence her good-humour and complacento her inadvertency. He passes cy lessen and subdue his afflictions. them over, therefore, with good She openeth her mouth,' as Solnature, and pardons them with in-omou says, with wisdom; and in ulgence. All his strength and her tongue is the law of kindness.

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