
one to tell me they would burn immediately: on which I returned and found the woman had been moved from where she was sitting to the river, where the Bramins were bathing her, On taking her out of the water, they put some money in her hand, which she dipped in the river. and divided among the Bramins: she had then a yellow cloth rolled partially round her, They put some read colour about the size of a sixpence on the centre of her forehead, and rubbed something that appeared to me to be clay. She was then led to the pile,round which she walked three times as the sun goes: she then mounted it at the North-east cor

moving. Just before she laid down, the Bramins put some rice in her lap, and also in the mouth and on the long grey beard of her husband, they then sprinkled some water on the head,breast and feet of both, and tied them gently together round the middle with a slender bit of rope they then raised, as it were, a little wall of wood lengthways on two sides of the pile, so as to raise it from the level of the bodies: and then put cross pieces, so as to prevent the billets of wood from pressing on them; they then poured on the pile above where the woman lay, a porful of something that appeared to me to be oil; after this they heaped on more wood, to the height of about four feet above where the

Der, without any assistance; and sat herself down on the right side of her husband, who had been pre-bodies were built in, so that all I


now saw was a stack of fire wood. One of the Bramins, I observed, stood at the end of the pile next the woman's head-was calling to her through the interstices of the wood, and laughed several times during the conversation. Lastly, they overspread the pile with wet straw, and tied it on with ropes. A Bramin then took a handful of straw, which he set on fire at the little heap of burning cakes of cowdung; and standing to windward of the

viously laid upon the pile. then unscrewed the pins which fastened the Jewels or silver rings on her arms: after she had taken them off, she shut them, and screwed in the pins again,and gave one to each of two women who were standing: she unscrewed the ear-rings and other toys with great composure, and divided them among the women who were with her. There seemed to be some little squabble about the distribution of her Jewels, which she set-pile, he let the wind drive the tled with great precision and then falling gently backwards, pulled a fold of the yellow cloth over her face, turned her breast towards her husbands side, and laid her right arm over his breast; and in this posture she remained without

flame from the straw till it catched the pile. Fortunately, at this instant, the wind rose much higher than it had been any part of the day; and in an instant the flames pervaded the whole pile, and it burnt with great fury. I listened

a few seconds, but could not dis- with a convulsive fit, which, in a tinguish any shrieks, which might short time, became so violent, that perhaps be owing to my being then every moment, was expected to be to windward. In a very few min- its last. As a dernier expedient, utes, the pile became a heap of one of the servants, provided ashes. During the whole time of pigeon, and, having plucked the this process, which lasted from feathers from its breast, applied first to last above two hours before that part of it to the pit of the we lost sight of the woman by her child's stomach, whe was appa. being built up in the middle of the rently dead. A: the expiration of pile, I kept my eyes almost con- tee minutes, the pigeon appeared stantly upon her; and I declare to much convulsed, and some sympGOD that I could not perceive, ei-tems of recovery were perceptible ther in her countenance or limbs, in the child. From this happy ap the least, trace of either horor pearance, the remedy was continufear, or even hesitation: her coun-ed, for near three quarters of an tenance was perfectly composed hour, when the infant completely and placid; and she was not, I recovered, and the pigeon became am positive, either intoxicated or so violently convulsed, that it was stupified. From several circum-with much difficulty, the servant stances I thought the Bramins exulted in this hellish sacrifice, and did not seem at all displeased that Europeans should be witnesses of it.'



From a late London Paper.

could hold it. In a few minutes after, it died, in the utmost agony, having effectually extracted that pain from the child, which proved its own destruction. The convulsions of the bird were so strong that its body was black, all over.

In a trial that latety took place in London, the Attorney Generat charged Mr Erskine with travelling out of his way in conducting his client a case. Mr. Erskine in answer said, his learned friend had talked of the irrelevancy of certain questions which he had put; this reminded him of the celebrated Dr. Whitefield, who had been actoo generly known. On Wednesdaycused, by his audience, of rambling Jast, the only child of stephen Friar in his discourse; to which he repliGilham, Esq. of Sharfield, Burnt. ed, 'If you wilkramble to the devil wood, about a month old, wasseized I must ramble after you!”!

THE following remarkable fact, a due attention to wich,may be the means of preserving the life of many a humane being, cannot be

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A f.llow being brought to the bar some time ago, to answer for a misdemeanor,to'd his prosecutor, that he could convict him of being both a thinfand a murderer!-Upon being required to prove his assertion-Why, (said Le) you ugly villain, you killed a monkey and you stole his countinance.'


THIS gentleman, who fell in the late contest with the Indians, was the right worshipful grand master of the grand lodge of Kentucky. As a tribute of respect, the grand lodge of that state has gone into mourning. He is said to have been an amiable man,correct in his deportment, a zealous craftsman, an eminent lawyer, a brave man, and a great orator.


From a London Paper of April 17.

ed the officer-he made up to
the spot with all speed, and after
he arrived there, the tall man, whọ
had been hanged, fell to the ground,
the handkerchief with which he
had been suspended having given
way. Croker produced his staff;
said he was an officer,and demand-
ed to know of the other man, the
cause of such conduct in the mean
time the man who had been hang.
en recovered, got up, and on C.
interfering, gave him a violent
blow on his nose, which nearly
knocked him backwards-The
short man was endeavouring to
make off, however the officer pro
cured assistance, and both were
brough to the office, when the ac-
coount they gave was, they work-
ed no canals. They had been toge-
ther on Wednesday afternoon,toss-
ed up for money and afterwards
for their clothes; the tall man who
was hanged won the others jack-
et, trowsers, and shoes;-they
then tossed up which should hang
the other, and the short one won
the toss. They got upon the wall
the one to submit and the other to
hang him on the lamp iron. They
both agreed in their statement,
The tall one, who had been hang-

On Wednesday an extraordinary investigation took place at Bow street. Croker, the officer, was passing the Hempsted road-heed, said, if he had won the toss, observed at a distance before him, he would have hanged the other. two men on a wall, and immediate- He said, he then felt the effects ly after saw the tallest of them, a of his neck at the time he was stout man, about six feet high, hanging, and his eyes were so hanging by his neck from a lamp much swelled that he saw double. post, attached to the wall, being The Magistrates expressed their that instant tied up and turned off horror and disgust, and orderd the by the short man. This unexpect- man who had been hanged, to find ed & extraordinary sight astonish-bail for the violent and unjustifia.

ble assault upon the officer, and the short one for hanging the c ther. Not having bail, they were committed to Bridewell for trial.


A few evenings ago-I remember it was a rainy one-as I was walking along one of the back streets of the city, I was much struck with the melancholy figure of a blind man; who was singing a song of love. Misery could not have found among the number of distressed mortals, a form more suited to her nature.

heart, my lad, which I have seen so bright an instance of, makes me sorry that I cannot reward the, as thou dost deserve; however I must beg your acceptance of this trifle as a small testimony of how much I admire thy generous nature.-Bless your noble honor, said the sailor, and thank you, but we must divide the prize money fairly; so stepping back to the blind man,and gave him half of it, and clapping him upon the shoulder atthe same time he added withal, here are two shillings for thee, my blind Cupid, for which you are not obliged to me, but to a gentleman who stands within a few yards of you; so get into harbor and make thyself warm, and keep thy hum. drum for fairer weather. Then giv.

While I was contemplating the wretchedness of the object, and comparing it with the strain which necessity compelled him to chauning his hat a quick wave over his a sailor, who came whistling along head, he thanked me again, and the street, with a stick under his went nimbly down the street. arm, stopped and purchased a ballad of him.

God preserve you cried the blind man, for I have not tasted bread this day--When the sailor looking around him, on a sudden sprang up four steps into a baker's shop near which he stood, and returning immediately,thrust a small loaf into the poor man's hand, and went off whistling as he came.

I was so affected at this noble act of generosity, that I called the honest seaman back to me, and taking the little silver I had about me, which I think was but four shillings-Thy nobleness of soul said I, and the goodness of thy


DURING the restraint of queen Elizabeth by her sister queen Mary, in custody of sir Henry Benefeild, so that none were admitted access to her, a goat was espied by a merry fellow, one of her. warders, to be walking alone with her whereupon taking the goat on his shoulders, he in all baste hurried him to sir Harry. I pray, said he, examine this fellow, whom I found walking with her grace; but what talk they had I know not, not understanding his language; he seems to me a stranger, and I be lieve a Welchman by his frieze coat.

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Shocking inhumanity-On Sunday morning last the body of a new-born female infant was found near the New Ferry, in Brooklyn, It was enclosed in a rough made coffin, or box,of pieces of boards grooved for carpenter's purposeses, and probably taken from some new building. It had on a cap, worked in the back part, and a small plain border; also, linen, bandages, &c. The Coroner's Inquest & djourned without a verdict, and are shortly to meet again. In the interim they are diligent in ascertaining the perpetrators of this unnatural and shocking barbarity. Any information on this sub ject may be communicated to Hendrick L Suydam, Foreman, or


The Editors of the Mercantile Adverti ser are indebted to the politeness of a commercial friend for the loan af the

Barbadoes Gazette Extraordinary, of the 6th of May, 1812, which contains the following melancholy account of the late Volcano Eruption in the is land of St, Vincents.

Mercury Office, Bridge Town, Barba does, May 6,1812. (6 o'clock, P. M.)5

enumerate the awful visitation of an eruption of the Souffrier Mountain; which, in its symptoms and effects, sur. passes the most terrific picture we can possibly draw of it. The following, as far as we have yet ascertained, are the particulars:

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On Monday last, a loud explosion of the volcanic mountain took place, followed by an imence collemn of thick sulphurus smoke, which suddenly bursɛ over the vicinity of the cater, and in the course of a minute discharged vast quantities of volcanic matter. The whole surface became covered with ashes, which presented an alarming appearance; and the noise which proceeded from the bowels of the mountain,threw the whole neighbourhood into the utmost consterntion-But this is not all: the amazing scene remain yet to be told!-The erup. tion, continuing with increased violence. presented on Thursday night, and yesterday morning, one of the most awful sights human imagination can form an idea of. The mountain burst a most tremendious blase forth in throwing up huge spouts of fire and burning stones, accompined with the most frightful thundering noise, at the same time sending down its sides torrent of burning maiter, and scattering in the air large pieces of rock, which in their descent made a dreadful ravage among the cattle, &c. Some idea may may be formed of this awful confla.

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In order to relieve the public anxiety,gration, when stated, that showers of

and remove all doubts as to the nature and orrigin of the Phenominon, we pub. lish the following melancholy account of a Volcanic Eruption of Mount Souf. friere in the Island of St Vincents, which happened on the morning of Friday last. The inteligence was received here this afternoon

Amongst the evils, oatural and experi mental, which this Island did alredy most woefully experience, it has now to

volcanic particles continued pouring for several hours all over the Island, accompaned at intervals with violent shocks of earthquake; and at times, from the dreadful aperture of the mountain, were shot off rocks of enormous size, which, in their fatal fall, have done the most calamitous injury:-and such bas been the destructive impetuosity of the liquid fire, that its paneful effects arc of the most serious nature. The brilliancy

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