
I will

pronounce the fatal vows.
swear yes, 1 will swear to love

a seat of turf. There did Alicia
"go, to ruminate as it were, on the
sentiments that oppressed her.--none but the Prince of Brittany;

and I will die, I will be the victim of my hapless love-You shall live to receive my unceasing homage. I would die a hundred times for you, divine Alicia. O'.! how dear are these sentiments--these

The unfortunate, and lovers especially, experience an exquisite sweetness of sensation, in indulg ing their tears, and cherishing their griefs; and whatever can deepen their sorrows, they meet even with an eagerness of antici-expressions--how delicious to my pation. For them had nature cre· ated the haunts of meditation," those solitary glooms, those torrents, those grottos, those romantic scenes, that speak not to the happy, but which address with such energy, the souls, whose misfortunes exercise their sensibility.

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Mademoiselle de Dinan held in ́her hand a letter from the Prince, which she repeatedly read, and bedewed with her tears. She spoke to it, as if it were capable of understanding and answering her affecting plaints. Ah! too dangerous writing,' said she, why 'cannot I have the resolution to cast thee far from this empassioned bosom? Ah! what avails it thus to cherish a passion which it will soon become crimnal to avow ?And could a flame so pure be inspired only to become criminal? Sole object of my affections, alas! how little is the unfortunate Alicia yet known to the! Couldst thou ever imagine for a moment that my heart--thou art its only Lord. Thou wilt rule in it, I perceive too well, to my latest sigh. I will repeat it to the Marshal, to MonNo Arthur tauban, to the Duke. --barbarous man! I never will

soul !!

Alicia is startled; but her terFor is soon dissipated. She beholds at her feet the Prince of Brittany, who seizes one of her hands, and, in the transports of ecstacy, covers it with his kisses and his tears. It is you, Pince you have heard me? Do you reproach youself with having made me the happiest of men? Are you apprehensive that I shall not merit a tenderness worthy of every sacrifice I can make? Be satisfied with yourself, dear mistress of a heart, that beats only for the charming Alicia. charming Micia. My death is

now postponed: the Constable has passed his word; thy nuptials with a detested rival are deferied till my return, and then--thou never shalt be Arthur s. Promise me only to keep thy faith, thy heart, inviolate. Preserve my heart for you, Prince! Ah! is it for you to imagine I can ever give it to another? Can I take from you a single moment of my life? Go-go well assured that Alicia—— Prince, you cannot too soon



They renew the solemn vow of

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occasions, Mr. Custis has been in the habit of pitching the Tent of his departed kinsman, (the illustrious Washington) and from under its venerable canopy of addressing his guests on the interesting subject of national character and renown.

"WHO can look upon this venerable Tent, and not recal to mind the heroic days of the Revolution

my heart. It is the seal of our engagement. Remember, divine Alicia, that I go far from you, assured that all I adore will conti-and the memory of its immortal nue faithful.--Let us retire, my friend,' said he to Tanguy, who was waiting at some distance; I am now at the summit of felicity; I am beloved.

Hero! True, this relic is in tatters, but it is no uncommon sight, my friend, now a days to see a veteran of the revolution in tatters! For a moment let us turn our

thoughts toward the eventful crisis, which tried men's souls. See the remnant of a beaten army, driven before a mighty foe from all quarters of our country; hear the cry, that "all is lost :" behold the brav est begin to doubt, and the timid to tremble, for America's safety! Amid this gloomy, scene majestic in adversity, the Great Washington, sublimely shone; the fortune of bis country revolving in his matchless mind.-Even the ele.

The two lovers are obliged to separate. The Prince had contrived to gain over one of the servants of the Marshal, who had in. troduced him privately into the park. This man runs to acquaint him that the Lord of Dinan is coming. The Prince hastily retires, accompanied by Tanguy, who undertakes, during his absence, to send him intelligence of whatever related to his mistress. The two friends, at length, embrace; they part; and the Princements combined against our pros of Brittany embarks for England. (To be Continued.)


pects of success, till the genius of our chief, like the meridian sun, would no longer be obscured, but bursting through the clouds of our misfortunés, let in the light of hope, victory and joy.

"And now the contest ended and peace once more smiling upon our land, the world paused upon the event-Man reasoning with

The following are extracts from an address of Mr. Custis, delivered at the late annual meeting of the Arlington Sheep Shearing Society, April 30th. On these his brother man, was heard to

say 'Tis too long ago, since the
age of Roman virtue, to see it res.
tored in these degenerate days.-
"Tis interest, tis ambition! which
now sway the soul of man, and
soon shall we see this chieftain wil
ling to barter his country's liber-
ties for a throne. Oh! my friends,
little did the world know of the
man, whom Providence intended
should exalt America's destiny,
for while this world was pondering
on the event, the illustrious Far-
mer of Mount Vernon became the
Cincinnatus of the modern age.

blessing on the father of his coun-

"And yet my friends, foreign-
ers, gentlemen, would you believe
-can posterity, think be made to
believe, that a few short years
only have elapsed, and yet have so
materially changed the scene ?—
That this venerable man, while in
the full meridian of his usefulness,
when toil and long experience in
his country's cause, had silvered
his brow and furrowed his manly
cheek, and while in the winter of
his long and valued life, should
have been made the sport of ca-
lumny! That serpents, who had
been warmed into a little life at
the fireside of our happiness,
should have dared to attempt to
sting our best benefactor, and him.
a Washington to? He, upon whose
generous front nature and proud
integrity, have stamped enough to
have disarmed, the Devil of his

"The day, the 30th of April, was a day most memorable in the hero's life, for it was this day, now three and twenty years, when he received the highest dignity, in his country power to bestow. 1 well remember the time; aye, my friends, it was a gallant day, and such an one, as I fear we shall not shortly witness, again. The grandeur, the awfulness, the impressiveness of the scene, can neThis you will say, my friends,. ver be effaced from American remembrance. And when he had was hard, but there is something sworn upon the Evangelists of his harder still? When her glorious. race was run, his noble career of God, to be faithful to his country, her Constitution and her laws; the service ended, and he had been gathered to the empyrean reserved. shouts of thousands rest the air, for the good; when his sun which the artillery thundered from its had sunk in the west, yet by its. brazen throat, but its sounds were lost in the mighty tumult of ap- parting gleams which through his great example shown, served to enplause. 'Twas not a "few threw up their greasy caps, and cried. lighten our wisdom and exalt our long live king Richard"-No it virtue; Then, oh, then to have was the joyous exultation, which denied him a sepulchre, was hard flowed from grateful hearts, which indeed! For 'tis then, my friends rose to the chancery of Heaven, our duties should have commencto hollow the oath and implore a ed, then we should have assumed

the pious task, and as children of this great parent, have each car. ried a stone to his tomb,

and having touched on the classic shores of Europe, away to extremed West, even to where Mammoth dwells, or the fun will tire

ery clime; 'mid every race of created man; divine gratitude still holds her empire, from the Tumulus of the Cossac to the Tomb of Adrian.

• When the traveller, from civil-in visiting.In every age; in evized Lurope, shall hither come, Scarce wiltais shoes have been soiled on our strand, ere he will ask to be shown the spot where we' have laid Liberty's Great Defender. Aerica's Immortal Son! and he will sorrow on Leholding it.When the poor savage, the wild tenant of our wildernes, shall hither come, although the magnet o. science hath not touched his darkened mind, yet his whole soul has been filled, by tradiona y lore, with the same of our Chief-he, too, will ask to see the spot where sleeps the brave, and when he shall see it, then people of America, even the poor Indian will blusi. for your ingratitude!

True, this thing hath been called a thing of custom, It is; but, my friends, are we not the creatures of cumstom? Do we not ct, think, almost exist, by custom ; and sure, what has been customary with natious, the most polite and splendid in the world, need not be unworthy of us--If we can not qual the European in this high sense of onor, or the poor Sav· age in his divine sense of gratitude, where is our philosophy.

Go search the remotest records of time; go seek the remot est corners of the habitable earth; go to extremest East, where the Calmuc 10am come hither again,

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An anecdote, at this moment, crosses my mind.-I will arrest its passage; far it paints in glowing colours, the native feeling of the American soldier.It is of the true Athenian cast. It would have done honor to Athens, when she could boast her Themistocles, or to Rome, in the age of her Scipios. Mark the talo

Shortly after the death of the General, an aged man called at Mount Vernon-He said, he was journeying to the South, to see his. children; and had called, to take last look, on the grave of his old; Commander; for, said he, I could not have passed my few remaining years in peace, had I not per formed this pious task ;-for, ah ! sir, he was indeed the Soldier's fiend.Toil and hard sufferings had paralysed this veteran's frame, And his valour had been marked by the weapon of the foe; for he was one of those, who formed the forlorn hope of American liberty, when her WASHINGTON Crossed the Delaware, in the memorable Winter of '76.-The old man was refreshed; for never were the doors of Mount Vernon closed


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People of America! for a moment behold this affecting spectacle. See the veteran soldier at the If Cæsar tomb of Washington. wept, on seeing the remains of Pompey dishonored, well might the veteran of American liberty mourn, on seeing the ashes of America's Great Defender left uninhumed.

against the poor or unfortunate, name of God, would they bury nor its hearth grown cold to the man of sorrows.-The veteran became anxious to see the tomb; and as we moved along, the remembrance of the toils and glories which he had witnessed with his departed General, for a moment reanimated his feeble frame, and lighted up his faded eye. Good sir, he said, I well remember him ; I think I see him, as he looked on the morning when when we forced the Hessians at Trenton. Be

lieve me, after so many hardships, so many defeats, the taste of victory, on that memerable day, was sweet indeed.

'Tis not, my friends, that American genius or resources are inadequate to the task. See, in

our view, the massy structures. which load the ground; and resources has been found for every thing else. But it is that unhappy quality in man, which causes him to forget his benefactor. And does not my country fear this example? For now, even now, she rouses the warlike genius of our land. She calls on her youth to arm, to prepare to defend those rights, which their fathers won.She says, away to the field of glory, be faithful, be brave, and doubt not your country's rewards, her honors her gratitude. Do you not fear the youth will turn, and pointing to the, neglected grave of Washington. will say, if this is my country's gratitude to our noblest Benefactor what have I a. right to expect?

And now, my friends, we may well imagine, what must have passed in the mind of this humble man, when about to visit the grave of his Chief. No doubt, from what we had seen of the exalted character and services of the illustrious dead, he had expected to behold his country's gratitude pourtraying in touring brass or marble. And when he came to the grave, to that mound of earth which rears its humble crest upon Potomac's bank, and stamps opprobium on my country, to that HOLF, in which, by the God of Heaven, I would not even bury my faithful dog, the old man paused and cast ing an indignant look upon the place, pronounced these words-words, which Americans should write in their books; and treasure up in their hearts;" If it is here, that my countrymen have buried my General, where, in the "her people-Shame?'

"Yet, my friends, 'mid every change of men and things, so long as my faithful services shall endear me to my country, will I, on each 30th of April, to my country this self-same tale, and cry to,

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