
came from the King of France, he ordered the gates to be instantly opened. Welcome, gentlemen,' said he, while they were yet at a distance; 'what news from my dear uncle?' What was the answer he received? What did they desire him to peruse?-his Majesty's order to arrest him-- Ah! exclaimed the Prince with a deep sigh, I did not expect this stroke from the dearest relation I have.' The Admiral takes possession of the keys of the castle, and of all the old and silver plate, and seiz. es the person of the Prince. His distracted consert, all in tears, with Tanguy and his faithful attendants, follow him, with a fixed resolution to be the companions of his captivity.

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Arthur, Hingant, d'Espinay, an swer me if you dare-of what crimes do you accuse the Prince of Brittany? He has complained of the slenderness of his establishment he has expressed a grateful predilection for the English, among whom he has been brought up. I do not pretend to conceal his faults. Montauban, I do not wonder you are his enemy; he is the happy possessor of the woman you loved: but do not add injustice to hatred. But great enough to confess to your Sovereign, that this is the sole motive of your conduct, and that you pant only for the destruction of a rival. And you, ignoble Hingant, since you still foster a resentment, which the most manly reparations could not disarm, go, and with your sword demand satisfaction of my nephew. He will not insist upon the privileges of his rank: he will obey you without hesitation. Bar

With what indignation is the Constable transported !— Can a Sovereign,' said he to the Duke, 'so ill employ his power, as to oppress an innocent victim, abandon-barians, plunge your daggers into ed to the malignant fury of igno. ble courtiers? Can a brother, for getting the sacred claims of nature, thus plunge a brother into misery and a prison? Duke, I do not accuse you. I persuade my self that nature will yet prevail in your bosom. She speaks to you, but they will not suffer you to hear her voice. 'Tis you I questionyou who have so fatally led astray your Sovereign--you, who thus cover your own private animosities, your latent treachery, and your infernal plots, with the specious pretence of reasons of state.


his breast; but do not assassinate
him by shameful calumnies, do
not ruin him in the affection of his
brother and his Sovereign. And
you, d'Espinay, the minister of the
altar, so little worthy of that sacred
employment, blush at the part they
make you act and resume the
character of your function. Does
Heaven command you to arm a
brother against a brother? Ah!
Duke, do not listen, do not listen
to them. Attend to the voice
which you cannot stifle. Pursue
natural inclination. Your
own heart, I am certain, solicits

Thy tears shall
Come, Duke re-

rupts his niece;
not flow in vain.
sist not these tears. Give me vour
hand; let us instantly go; and you

you in his favour. His impetuosity may have hurried him into faults, but of crimes he is incapable I know you: they take advantage of your weakness. You will tri-will be indebted to me for an act umph over it, you will hear the of beneficence and justice. - The sentiments of nature. Come, Duke suffered himself to be led by Prince, come with me to open the the Cons able, but not without reprison of a brother. Hasten to luctance; & he looked at his courpardon and embrace him.' tiers, as if he endeavoured to read in their eyes whether they approred his conduct.

The Prince thus cruelly depriv ed of liberty, is doubtful for a while, whether he is not the sport of some idle dream. He bears a noise at the door of his prison. It is opened. He beholds the Constable, leading the Duke by the hand, and followed by Alicia, and Peter of Brittany. They were

I see you again, my dearest Alici,' exclaimed he Prince She flings herself weeping, in his

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At this instant a beautiful wo man, with dishevelled hair, her eyes swimming in tears, and an guish in her face, rushes into the circle, and pros.rates herself at the feet of the Duke. He perceives the consort of the Prince of Brittany he would raise her; 'No, my Lord, I will not rise-1 will die here if you refuse to grant my request. Alas! my husband, your brother, is dragged into pri-accompanied by many Lords.son like a criminal! My Lord, I alone ought to be punished for the only fault they can impute to him. I have inspired him with an un-arms.- Nephew,' said the Confortunate love-which I could not stable, I bring your brother to feel for Montauban. The Prince you ask his pardon, and we will has formed, without your conseat restore your liberty. Ask his those sacred and endearing ties pardon! And wherefore should I that must attach me to his misfor reduce myself to that abject state? tunes. What can they reproach me with ? Crimes, answered the Duke, all whose hatred was now rekindled, perfidy, rape, ingratitude; you have courted the protection of the English; you have garrisoned your castle with them; you maintain a constant corres pondence with Henry. You have torn from the arms of Montaubon a wife that ought not to have been

It is I-I who now lan

guish in all the horrors of captivity. Alas! are they not sufficient ly revenged, since they have deprived him of your affection? Oh, my Lord, he pities, he loves you. notwithstanding all the injustice he endures. Indeed, it is not my husband that can forget a moment you are his brother!'

The Count of Richmond inter

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your's. In open defiance to all laws
you have married her. And, to
fill up the measure of your crimes,
you hate me and my faithful ser-
vants; you would deprive me of
the sovereign power, & perhaps of
my life.-Ah! my brother, in
terrupted the Prince, and
you think that your life is not as
dear to me as my own? No one
can accuse me of such horrible
crimes. I have ever respected, I
have ever loved you. It is true
that I am partial to the Eng-
lish: I have been bred up amongst
them from my infancy: I have
imbibed in their society, that spir-
it of frankness and liberty which is
unknown in this country. Their
taste, their amusements are mine.
Their Monarch is my zealous
friend. But I appeal to him whe-
ther I have yet forgotten that I
was your brother, your subject,
the nephew of the King of France,
and that Brittany is my country,
Let Hepry, let all England speak,
and my accusers must be con-
founded. I will not conceal the
excess of my passion for Alicia.

I forced her from her ravisher.-
We loved each other--and did
not you yourself engage your word
that her marriage with Arthur
should be delayed till my return
from England? I regarded this
promise as an inviolable oath; and
I learned that they were dragging
Alicia to the alter. I perceived
her in the arms of the perfidious
man who has deprived me of your
heart Then, I confess it, I list.
ened only to that passion, which

can never be extinguished but with
my life. Ah, my brother, have
you never loved? Love, Love is
capable of all. '

Francis seemed to listen more

favourably to the Prince :
my Lord,' said Alicia, I have al-
ready assured you that I alone am
guilty. If a victim be necessary,
go no farther. Let me here fill
the place of my husband. Let me
be loaded with chains, let me end
a wretched existence here, provi-
ded the Prince be free. Let this
sacrifice disarm the malice that is
bent with such inveteracy on his
ruin; let it restore to my dear
husband the lost affection of his
brother-I shall carry to the grave
the sweetest satisfaction if my
death can be useful to him.'--


(To be continued.)


"Yes--too well!' and she, drawing back from my breath.-And the dunt looked at her and she at the aunt and the sergeant stoped his nose, saying he had not been long enough in Ireland to love the smell of whiskey.

smell of whiskey. I observed, that was an uncivil remark in the present company, and added, that I had not taken a drop that night, but one glass. At which he sneered and said, that was a bull and a blunder, but no wonder as I was an Irishman. I replied in the defence of my myself and country. We went on from one smart word to another; and some of his soldiermen being of the company,

an Irishman. I perceived

he had the laugh against me still. I was vexed to see Rose bear so well what I could not bear myself. And the talk grew higher and higher; and from talking of blunders and such trifles, we got, I can. not myself tell you how, to party mat ers, and politics, and religion.. And I was a catholic, and he a protestant and there he had the thing still against me. The company seeing matters not agreable, dropped off till none were left but the serjeant, and the aunt, and Rose and myself. The aunt gave me a hint to part, but I would not take it; for I could not bear to go away worsted, and born down as it were by the English Faction, and Rose by to judge. The aunt was called out by one, who wanted her to go to a funeral the next day : the Englishman then let fall something about our Irish howl and savages, which Rose herself said was uncivil, she being an Irish woman, which he thinking only of making game on me, forgot.--I knocked him down, telling him it was he that was the savage to affront a lady. As he got up he said. that he'd have the law of me if any law was to be had in Ireland.

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again, did I mean to call an Englishman coward?

'Tell me first,' said I;. Did. you mean to call us Irish savage es?'

'That's no answer to my question,' says he,' or only an Irish an


It is not the worse for that, may be,' says I, very coolly: despising the man now, and just took up a knife, that was on the table, to cut of a button that was hanging at my knee. As I was opening the knife he asked me, was I going to stab at him with my Irish knife, and directly draws his sword upon me which I seizes a ; on musket and bayonet one of his men had left, telling him I knew the use of it as well as he or any Eng lishman, and better, for that I should never have gone, as he did, to charge it against an unarmed


You had your knife,' said he, drawing back.

"If I had it was not thinking of you,' said I, throwing the knife away. 'See! I'm armed like yourself now; fight me like a man and a soldier if you dare.' says I.

Fight me, if you dare,' says he.

Rose calls to me to stop but we were both out of ourselves at the minute-we thrust at each other-he missed me—I hit him.

Rose ran in between us to get the musket from my haud it was loaded, and went off in the strug

God to spare her to me. She just pressed my hand, to show me she was sensible. The priest came

gle, and the ball lodged in her bo-in, and they forced our hand asun

dy--sne fell! and what happened
nex I cannot tell, for the sight left
my eves, and all sense forsook me.
When I came too myself the house
was full of people, going to and
fro. some whispering, some cry.
ing, and till the words reach my
ears- Is she quite dead?
could not understand where I was,
or what had happened.—I wished
to forget again but could not. The
whole ruth came upon me, and
yet I could not shed a tear ! but
just pushed my way through the
crowd into the inner room, and up
to the side of the bed. There
she lay there stretched, almost a
corpse-quite still !-her sweet
eyes closed, and no colour in ber
cheeks, that had the night before
been so rosy! I took hold of one of
her hands, that hung down, and
she then opens her eyes, and
knew me directly, and smiles up-
on me, and says" It was no fault
of yours take notice all of you,
it was no fault of his if I die; but
that I won't do for his sake, if I
can help it!"--that was the word
she spoke. I thinking, from her
speaking so strong, that she was
not badly hurt. knelt down to
whisper her, that if my breath did
smell of spirits the last night, it
was the parting glass I had taken
before making the vow I done
against drink

for her sake;
and that there was nothing I would
not do for her, if it would please

der, and carried me away out of ther oom. Presently there was a great cry, and I know all was over."

Here the old man's voice failed and he turned his face from us. When he had some what recovered himself to change the course of his thoughts, we asked, whether he had prosecuted for his assault on the English serjeant, and w at became of him?

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Oh! to do him justice, as one should do to every one,' said the old man. he behaved very. handsome to me when I was bro't to trial; and told the whole truth only blamed himself more than 1 would have done, and said it was all his fault for laughing at me and my nation more than a man could bear, situated as I was.— They acquitted me through his means. We shook hands and he hoped all would be right with me, he said; but nothing ever went right with me after. I took little note ever after of worldly matters: all belonging to me went to rack and ruja, The hand of God was upon me--I could not help my. self, nor settle mind or body to any thing. I heard them say sometimes I was little touched in my head however that might be I cannot say. But at last I found it was good for meas to give all that was left to my friends, who were

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