









Saturday, July 18.1812.


A new Historical Novel.

The Prince will not permit his angel wife to finish: he hastens to her he bedows her with his tears Throw yourself,' said she in a whisper 'atyour brothers feet.' -The Prince, in silent action, expresses his reluctance. Alicia utters only these words; Do you love me and the Prince instantly prostrates himself before the Doke: What more can you require? Your brother my lord, is at your feet. Can you be inexorable?

The Duke is very sensibly affected: be canno: conceal his emotion.

On a sudden, Alicia, the Count of Richmond, and Peter of Brittany, embrace his knees.-'Can you yet hesitate to pardon him!' exclaims the Count: We do not blush to humble ourselves: your uncle,the Constable of France, implores the pardon ofyourbrother on his knees."

The Duke, at last, opens his arms to the prisoner. He promis es to forget all that has past. Nature triumphs over that aversion, the unhappy result of so many o. dious machinations.

[NO. 15.

The chamberlain,delighted with the success of this conversation, had hastened immediately to the acnia, who delayed not a moment to repair to the Duke at Vannes, and, in the king's name, to desire the enlargement of the Prince. This interposition was too respectable to be opposed.Alicia in her retreat, or rather in her prison, received this intelligence, with transports of joy. Nor did the unfortunate Prince experience a revolution less satisfactory. He had been informed (but by what means is unknown) that the heart of the Duke had relented, and that his imprisonment was soon to terminate. Who can speak his sensations--the exquisite joys of anticipation? The constable, moreover, and the other friends of the Prince, the virtuous few that were still left in the court of Brittany, gave way to the most lively demonstrations of joy. In a word the courier had already departed from the Duke, with orders for the immediate release of the Prince his brother.

By what fatality have malignity and hatred resources, of which benevolence can form no conception! the enemies of the Prince of

to augment a thirst of vengeance that was now become insatiable.

Bittany were confounded: their prey was on the point of escaping from them; and they were even to be witnesses of his triumph.This last idea augmented their rage it suges ed an expedient which one may call the master piece of infernal machinations.-gestions of hope.-New attendants

They discovered the execrable talent of an old wretch, named Peter de la Rose, who cou'd counterfeit any hand whatever He had resided a long time in England, and studied with singular success the style of the dispatches of the Court of London. To this detestable be

The unfortunate Prince was anticipating the happy moment of deliverence: he hears a noise: his heart dilates with the sweet sug

"more inhuman than the former, enter with Oliver du Meel at their head, in order to drag him from his chamber, and plunge him into a dungeon. The unfortunate Prince demands the reason of a revolution so contrary to what he had expected. Can it be imagined?-But history attests the fact--a violent blow was the only answer that the Prince of Brittany received. Then all his fortitude for sook him: he burst into a torrent of tears:

Great God! could I ever expect to be treated with such indignity? Has my brother given such orders? Could he not be satisfied with the excessive sufferings I have endured? must he add infamy to them? But these monsters, so far from

ing the conspirators had recourse; and him they bribed to fabricate, in the name of Henry, a letter addressed to the Duke of Brittany, demanding the instant enlargement of the Prince, and threatning, in case of refusal, to pour a considerable army into his Dominions.-The Duke, highly exasperated at thi- letter, of the authenticity of which he had not a doubt, instantly revoked the order he had given to release the Prince; and listen-being disarmed by expostulation ing only to the dictates of his rage he vowed from that moment his destruction, which, he said, he had but too long deferred. In a word the Admiral of France was dismissed, without that success in his negotiation of which he had not once made a question. The cabal moreover by their secret intrigues had contrived to irritate the English, who actually declared war against the Duke, and demanded the enlargement of his brother; a circumstance which could not fail

and complaint, repeated their ill treatment. They removed from him that kind attendant who had enabled him to write to his wife & to the king of France; and he was utterly deprived of the sweet satisfaction of hearing from Alicia, who was now more strictly guarded than ever.

The most abandoned men are incapable of resisting the impressions of pity; so much is that sentiment natural, as it were, to

the hum heart. Ah! wretched mortals, why do you not of ener lend an ear to that affecting voice, which solicits you in favour of the unfortunate? Would you augment the number of your pleasures? Barbarity is an impression tha is forei no you it fatigues the soul and is ever productive of disgust and remorse. Du Meel, that inflexible mons'er, is overcome by the entreaties and tears of his prisoner He furnishes him with the means of writing to the Duke, to whom the prince addresses the following letter:

'My Lord,

source will be soon dried up without consolation, without hope, torn from a wife whom I love more than ever, and who shares my drea ful lot-O Heavens! what an idea! Alicia Alicia too is persecuted! Such is the situation of a Prince, who has committed but one fault, a fault dictated by Lovebut what was I saying? my intention I repeat it, is to humble myseif before you as the greatest criminal. Your clemency in forgiving will then be more conspicu ous; and I submit,without rese: ve, to all the horrors of my fate. My connexions with Henry and the English have displeased you: those connections I renounce : I renounce every thing: I devote myself henceforth to the most implicit obedience to your will. None but you and Alicia shall occupy my heart. Do you refuse to see me? Would you banish me from your court, from Brittany? Let me be exciled then to the remotest corner of the world, to the most dreadful desert; let me live there with my wife; I will still bless your goodness; and never, never shall the least murmur escape me.-Ah! my brother, (I cannot resist, I cannot resist this tender

'I dare not call you my brother: my enemies, perhaps, would im pute a new crime to me, were I again to claim the rights of blood. I will no longer plead then a name that is yet so dear to me. I will only present to you the lowest of your subjects, the most humble and unfortunate of men, who embraces your knees, who bathes them with his tears, and who seeks only to excite your pity. I might urge my innocence, which has been proved by so many witnesses: I might appeal to your justice; but I will only implore your clemency. I will even consent to ap-appellatio) if our father were to pear guilty in your sigh, if that confession be conductive to your generosity. Alas! I have no longer any pride! Subdued by the iron rod of adversity, I throw myself entirely on your compassion Plunged into a deep dungeon, watering my bitter bread with tears, whose

rise from the tomb, and behold me in this deplorable situation, could he believe--But I forbear from the slightest appearance of eproach. Call to mind only, I conjure you, what an English Prince said to the inexorable William. You have often spoken to me with pleasure

of that affecting circumstance, which did so much honor, you said to human nature.Alas if you are sensible to the pleasure of being beloved, who will love you bet ter than a brother? and you would sacrafice that wretched brother, who invokes you as he would invoke God himself; and to whom in spite of all his sufferings, you are still so dear. Oh! forgive, forgive me! These exp essions should have irresistable power over the human heart. And can


yours be so rigorous as to forget
their influence? the barbarians,
my brother, would have you actu-
ated by their own unworthy souls.
Recollect. Oh recollect, that there
was a time, when you would deign
to fold me to your bosom.
often would you say, My brother
I will never cease to love you.'
and are these the fruits of such
tender professions? But I do not
mean to utter one complaint that
may wound you. If the confes-
sion be necessary to disarm you, 1
have merited these sufferings.-
your pity only I implare.


these chains then, these too heavy chains, be broken; or, at least let a speedy death deliver me from such insufferable woes.

The Prince of Brittany.'

How omnipotent is Love! Had he bean affected by his own sufferings only, the Prince certainly

would never have descended to such humiliating expressions: but the fate of his beloved Alicia was to be decided; and the heart that truly loves, is sensible to a kind of pride, in this voluntarily humbling itself for the dear object of its affection. What sacrifices are there which cost more than that of life! Humiliation is the sad consumation of misfortune; and when Pride is the victim, we have not another left to offer.

The unhappy prisoner counts the days, the hours, the moments: he receives no answer. In the anguish of despair, he writes another letter, if possible more humiliating and affecting still. He implores the speedy sentence of

liam with their joint forces besieg*Prince Henry,afterwards Hen-ed him in this place, and had nearry I, King of England, being dis-ly reduced him by the scarcity of gusted with the little care that was taken of his interests, in an accommodation between himself and his brothers William Rufus, then on the English throne, and Robert Duke of Normandy, retired to St. Michael's mount, a strong fortress on the coast of that province, and infested neighbourhood with his incursions. Robert and Wil

water, when the elder, hearing of his distress, granted him permission to supply himself, & also sent him some pipes of wine for his own table. Being reproved by William for this ill-timed generosity, he replied, What, shall I suffer my brother to die of thirst? Where shall we find angther when he is gone?'

death as a relief from insupportable misery: he implores his inexorable brother not to extend the pursuit of vengeance beyond the grave; but to spare, at least, his memory į and to protect in her

torily refused to put the seal to this act of imposture and iniquity. He lost his place, and gained im mortal honor. The order at length received its legal form from a more complaisant hand, and Oliver du Meel was charged to put. it in execution.

(To be Continued.)

For the Lady's Miscellany.

widowhood the wretched and forlorn Alicia.--But instead of these letters, which, one would imagine must have melted the most obdurate bosom, the Duke had receiv ed others full of reproaches and menaces. These were counterfeited by the execrable Peter de la Rose. Francis, exosperated by these letters, no longer affected moderation. It had been reported to him that the Prince, in a fit of desparation had declared that he would put an end to his life. 'Hetion of living manners. It differs



Comedy is properly an imita-.

from Tragedy in its principies. in its means, and in its end. Sensi

may dispose of it as he pleases,' coldly answered the barbarian. The slightest expressions of ability is the principle of tragedy; Sovereign are gathered with avid- the pathetic is the means; and the ity; nor are courtiers wanting to horror of great crimes, o the love give them with ease an interpre- sublime virtues, is its object or end. tation favourable to their Master's The maliciousness natural to man, views. The words which the is the principle of comedy. We Duke had dropped, did not escape behold the defects of our neighthe enemies of the Prince, who in- bours with a pleasure mingled stantly concerted the detestable with contempt, when they are not project of getting rid of their pris- so afflicting as to excite our comoner. They prepared an order in passion, nor so dis usting as to fill the name of Francis, for the execu- us with hatred, nor so dangerous. tion of the Prince. This order as to inspire us with fear. When was carried to the Keeper of the defects of this description are paintgreat Seal for the necessary sanc-ed with skill. they make us laugh. tion Eon de Baldwin, which was the name of this excellent man, (and such names, for the honor of humanity, and the consolation of virtue, ought to be transmitted to posterity)Eon de Baldwin peremp- and its means. It would no doubt

If the features of this malignant : joy are striking and unexpected, they give us the charm of surprize. From this disposition to partake of ridicule, Comedy draws its force.

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