
sustenance for the brother of a ly such, or whether he deceives Sovereign!

Oliver du-Mell cannot divine by what kind of prodigy his hopes are thus defeated. The wretches, whobreathed nothing but the death of their victim, & who dreaded that a return of fraternal tenderness, in the heart of Francis, might deprive them of the fruit of their vengeance; gave du-Mell to understand, that he must hasten the end of his prisoner. It was resolved, therefore, to poison him. They affected to compassionate his situation; and some soup was brought, which, so far from reviving him, was to put a period to his existence. But the strength of his constitution overcame the effects which du-Meel expected from the poison; and the Prince still struggled against death, which, as it were, invested him on every side.

(To be Continued.)

Frends to LIBERTY describ'd.

The public has been lately stunn'd with the favourite name of LIBERTY, it is no doubt a glorious name, and what every wise and honest man has a right to; I am therefore much offended when any particular set or party of men endeavour to confine it to their own fraternity. I have been consider ing whether some marks or tokens might not be assign'd, whereby to know, whether a man who calls himself a friend to liberty, be real

himself and others, with a big sounding name. That person who is a friend to order and regularity, and always ready to allow others as much liberty in their way as he claims in his, is really a friend to liberty, and not otherwise.


1. Order and regularity are the very life and essence of all true liberty. It is so even in the Divine Being, which always acts by unerring rules of justice, wisdom, and goodness. Among men, liberty is the principal end which law and government aims at. Even Deists & Atheists (who sacrifice all their prospects of this world, and the next, to their wild impatience of restraint) are commonly sensible that law is the life of liberty, and are content to be servants to the law, in order to be free. Law is the foundation of order, and order of liberty. Were there no rule or order to adjust the behaviour of superiors towards inferiors, and,vice versa, none would have liberty to serve, or be served,

2. A friend to liberty observes the golden rule, to do to others, as himself in like circumstances, would be done by. In this consists gene ral and equal liberty. To act against it, is to set up private and selfish liberty, in opposition to the common liberties of mankind, and is in effect, so far to destroy liberty. The rule is for every man to retrench so much from.

priv de besty, as is necessary to public good and to stomic to every such des, ee of restraint as leaves heny to be enjoy'd in co non by the w ole sochy,

To exemplify these general rules by instar ces. Let the question be put. whether those who are clamorous for an uninated toles a ion, are .eally fienes to liberty, or not? Now, toleration is two-fold, ecclesiastical and civil. Eclesiastical means the receiving

true notions of heresy have been corrupted for that very purpose, and such accoun's offer'd, as ren= der it imprcicable so distinguisha a heretic from a true believer.

If ecclesiastical communion be taken as respecting ministerial o clerical conformity, for any one to demand to be accepted into the ministerial office, without enquiry first made into s faith or mo als, is standing in defiance of cistian ru.e and order, and encroich

ary one to church commumoring upon that just liberty with civil. is he allowing a man to all the privileges belonging to an establishment.

which Christ has invested his of ficers.

As to civil toleration, it is the undoubted right of every society to maintain the true religion, and to erect it to an establishment, annexing temporal conveniencies or encouragements emoluments, or ad•

tests of me it or capacity Now,

he that claims these inconveniencies, &c. contrary to the conditions, o separa e from them, sets himself against rule and order, and thencore against common liberty, and denies that liberty to the community, which he assumes to him. scif, that of private judgement.

How far the claiming an unlimited ecck siastical toleration, is consistent with common liberty appears from serip ure, which represems the church as a society, form'd under governors, and sub-rauta.es thereto, and appointing ject to laws and rules, one of which is, to shun these who are noworiously corrupt in their morais, o unsound in their faith. Now, if any such claim a right to cenimadon, what is it be endeavor ing to commit violence on the consciences of the wises and best men, & restraining that liberty the New Testament has left them, and which they are bound to stand last in. There c not be a sucer mark of an imposing spirit, or persecuting temper, than to advance such christian clainis. And yet that such claims are made with respect, at least to admitting of here.ed, takes more liberty than he is tics, canno' be denied, since the willing to allow, as not allowing

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If he claims a right to the pastoral (ffice, and its benefits, either refusing to subscribe at all, or to subscribe in the sense of the imposers, or to give reasonable satis faction as to bis faith when suspect

From a London Paper,



Before Lord Ellenborough and a Special

The KING v. D. I. EATON.

he society to use their own best judgments, for their own preservation, and for keeping up truth, union, and peace amongst them. If he claims it as his right, to Lold stipends and benefices annex'd to the teachers of certain docuines, while he teaches the contrary, he thereby encroaches upon the liberty of the whole body, and particularly of its officers, whose duty it is to exclude or remove every perverse teacher, and to see that those who receive the profits, comply with the conditions on which they were granted. He of fends against natural justice, mod-Guilty. esty, and equity, and the common liberties of mankind, therefore, is no friend to liberty.

But father, if we consider a socity of Christians and Protestants, link'd toge ther by mutual defence, against Jews, Mahomets, heretics, or particulary papists, the more firmly to secure themselves against imposition, or spiritual slavery and tyranny, the breaking the standing rules of those societies, is to dilute their strengh, and dissolve their union, and to make protestants become an easy prey to their common enemies, und so is sappling their liberties.

To conclude, they are true friends to liperty, who are firm friends to reason, truth, and true religion, and to our con. stitution in church and state.

A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another man, than this, that when the injury began on his part, the kindness shouldbegin on our's.

This was an information filed ex officio by the Attorney General against the defendant, a book seller, in Ave Maria-Lane, for a libel in re-publishing the third part of "Paine's Age of Reason' to which information he had Pleaded not

Mr. Abbot opened the pleadings on the part of the prosecution.

The Attorney General, then said, he had thought it his du y to file the present information against the defendant, for the publication of a libel full of the greatest impieties and blasphemies--a iibel of such a nature as he had hoped the British Press would never have. been disgraced by sending forth into the world-it was a libel against the Christian Religion and the holy founder of it. In this publication the author denies the proof of that Religion on which all our hopes of happiness in this world, and all the consolation in that which was to come were founded. He had stated in this work, that the Holy Scriptures, from the begining to the end, were a mere fiction. He denied the miracles, the birth and resurection of our Saviour, and controverted his existence as the Son of God. Speaking of in

Evangelist on which they had been sworn? To what were they referred when they were sworn to give a true verdict, So help me God? Were they not sworn on this holy work, which the author of this publication held up as a f... ble and as an imposture? What right had he to expect that the witnesses would speak the truth, except from the operation upon their minds of the sanctity of that eath they had taken! He would carry this point farther, and ask what hold had they upon the mind of his lordship that he would deal fairly in the administration of the law between the defendant and the public? What security had the defendant himself that justice would be done to him on his trial, except the oath of his Lordship, that he would administe justice impartially? If he should be asked, was the e a greater tie upon his Lordship than theoath of office, he should say there was, he could rely upon his Lordship's justice and impartiality without that oath. But why? Because from that Ho

fidelity, he explained it by saying, that he who believed in Jesus Christ was an infidel to God. The effect of such doctrines upon society at large—upon every individual who composed a part of that society, were of the most destructive tendency, and if such a work was to be generally disseminated, and gain an influence over the minds of those who read it, it would affect a moral revolution of the most horrid description. He was addessing many individuals who were advanced into life, and he would ask them where they were to look for consolation at the close of their moral existence,bu from the hopes held out by religion, that if they had acted with integrity they would receive their reward; and, if they had committed any fence, to whom were they to look For for iveness but to Him whom this impious author denied to have ever existed. to those who had families he should particularly ad dress himself, and he would ask them what was the first objectwhat was the first duty to inculcate into their children's minds? Cer-ly religion, his Lordship had imtainly a veneration for the religion of their country, a religion which ali virtuous and enlightened men believe in. To what were they to look for a faithful discharge of the duties of their domestics, except from those principles which our Hoy Religion imparted? What right had be to expect from that Jury an honest verdict on the evidence which would be laid before them, if they disbelieved the holy


bibed such sentiments of truth and justice as would prevent him from acting with partiality. They were now proceeding against the defendant by a mode of prosecution which called upon him to answer criminally in a civil court of justice for an offence which he had committed--an offence as serious to the well being of society, as any that could well be imagined; for if men were permitted to trea

of the book at the defendant's shop on the eighteenth October last; while he was there the defendant came in, witness asked him how he knew it was written by Tom Paine ? to which defendant replied, he had been at the expence of sending to America for it, and procured a copy froin

with disrespect the established religion of the country, all ties on their conduct would be wholly lost, and they (the jury) had too much sense end experience in the ways of the world, not to be aware that if they dismissed from the minds of men all fear, except that fear which the punishment for crimes committed would produce, bad men would be let loose on society, and the evils arising therefrom would be more numerous than he could possible name. The hope of future reward, and the dread of future punishment,operated on the minds of almost all men, and he believed few indeed. if any, in this country, acted on a differ-respecting him that would have ent principle. Ought not, there


Mr. Lowten then read the passages charged in the information:

"They tell us that Jesus rose from 'the dead, and ascended into Heaven. It is very easy to say so—a great lie is as easily told as a little one: but if he had done so, those would have been the only eircumstances


differed from the common lot of
man: and, consequently, the only
case that would apply exclusively to
him as prophecy would be some pas-
sages in the Old Testament that
foretold such things of him.
there is not a passage in the Gid
Testament that spoke of a person
who, after being crucified, dead and
buried, should rise from the dead &
ascend into heaven. Our prophecy
mongers supply the silence the Old
Testament guards ufion such things
by telling us of passages they cal
prophecies, and that falsely so about
Joseph's dreams, old clothes, broken
bones, and such like trifling stuff.

fore the man who endeavoured to destroy that great bond which u mited society together be amenable to punishment? The learned Attorney General proceeded to state that the law was upon this subject, and how such offences bad been treated by the greatest and best judges of former times. He then stated a variety of cases, in which it had been decided that this was an offence cognizable in a court of Justice. It might be said by the defendant that he was not the author of the publication: --he should, however, prove, from his own wo ds, that he had gone to the trouble and expence of importing it, he had found the poison growing in another country, and had uansplanted it, and had endeavoured to disseminate it in this. Mr. Raven proved the purchasement of the visible universe, it wil

"As to the New Testament, if it be brought and tried by that standard, which as Middleton wisely says, God has revealed to our senses of his Almighty power and wisdom, in the creation and govern

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