
off at twelve from the White Horse,
Piccadilly, whic went within ten
miles of her native town, she re-
solved to hasten thither which she
accordingly did, and found a va-
cant place inside. She travelledly turned out to, graze.
till noon the next day, and then as
she drew nearer home, thought it
prudent to change her dress, put-
ting on coarse apparel.and looking
like a market young woman. She
now took he station on the top of
the coach with seeming firmness,
but a breaking heart, and exhaust-
ed purse. When the coach reach-
ed its destination, she had full ten
miles to walk, and night was fast
approaching: nevertheless, when
she had refreshed herself,although
the road was almost impassible
with the frost, she resolved to pro-
eeed, proposing to employ her.
nu se as mediator between her
and her offended parent.
thought the walk she was about to
undertake would give her some
interest in her fathe 's bosom, and
be some earnest of the sincerity of
her reformation. At length she
entered on her trackless bitter way,
and arrived at the beginning of a
forest about two miles in length,
and within three of her native
place. She had entered this place
when innocent, without awe, and
now a wretched wanderer, a mo-
ther without the name of a wife,
her knees smote together as if dan-
ger was before her. At this in-
stant she heard a noise.and casting
a glance into the gloom, thought
she saw something like a human
figure rush across the read. A

little farther on she again bebeld
the cause of her fear, but hearing
as it moved, a noise like he clank-.
ing of a chain, she concluded it
was some poor animal unmerciful-
Sil as

she gained on the object, she thot it was a man; and as she heard the noise no longer, she attributed it to her terrified fancy Her con jectures were next wholly absorbed in terror by seeing the fiture stand still as it waiting her approzch. When she drew near, he again ran on as before, and Maria plainly heard the clanking of a fetter fastened to the leg. The fear that it might be some felon, or murderer filled her mind with the most alarming suspense, but yet she pressed forward.


At the end of a mile further she passed him he was seated on the Pround, and was talking & laughing to himself; hence she concluded he was not a felon, but some lunatic escaped from confinement, Hopeless of finding any protector in that solemn deserted waste, what were Maria's sensations, when the maniac pursued her, and exclaimed as he came up. Woman, do you see them!' 'See who said Maria, trembling and curtesying. I can't see them! - No!-I have escaped the villains!' and then he jumped and clapped his hands for joy. The noise awoke the child, who seeing

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strange object before him, screamed violently. Take it away!' said the maniac furiously-



For the Lady's Miscellany.


The expense of building this temple has been def ayed by contributions from every part of the United States: The rich man out of his abundance, has given bountifully for this noble purpose; and the poor man, out of his pittance, has given a part. Every American, of every station in life, says proudly, This is our temple, dedicated to our God; and sacred to the memory of our heroes. Every one endeavours, at least once in his life to pay a visit to this Holy place, see the wonders it contains, examine the features of our statesmen and generals, and worship in the national temple. Those who cannot visit it, hear with delight the descriptions of those who had seen it; and children read the history of its wonders with patriotic enthusiasm. Will any one say this would not be a bond of Union? and will any one say that, if great federal works were multiplied, they would not do much towards forming a national character?

I hate children; strangle it !'-Maria conjured him to spare her child, whom she endeavoured to Jull to silence, but she spoke to those incapable of understanding her-a child and a lunatic! The boy still shrieked, and the maniac, clinching his fist, seized the left arm of Maria, who, with the other, endeavoured to ward off the impending blow, when at the moment that her fate seemed inevitable, a gale of wind shook the leafless trees, and the mad-man thinking he was pursued, flew off with all the rapidity he was master of. When his alarm had subsided, he again returned. I do not like children,' said he, 'because if you trust them they will betray you. I had a darling once--but, poor soul, she is dead! They said she ran away from me with a lover --but no! she was too good to desert the father who doated on her. Besides I saw her funeral myself but I have now escaped from the liars and villains.-I got away from them last night, and am now going to pay a visit to her grave' Maria felt a terrible alarm crowd into her thoughts. The stranger had concealed his features under his flapped hat,and she could not obtain a view of his Are we unable to defray the exface till they came to the skirts of pences of such mighty undertakthe forest, which they reachedings? The truth is, we want hejust as it dawned. Here she seiz-thing but the will. The little reed his arm, and he turned hastily round, when the dreadful supposition was confirmed-the madman was her father!

(To be Continued.)

public of Plate, impoverished by the war, received eighty thousand talents of silver out of the Persian spoils. These eighty thousand talents of silver,' says the historian

were employed by that heroic little commonwealth in building a temple to Minerva, and adorning It with paintings, by the most eminent artists of the time, which were preserved with so much care that they remained perfect above six hundred years, to the age of Plutarch.'

Every great work, moreover, adds a distinctive feature to the country which it embelishes: it impresses a discriminating characteristic upon the place, and enables us to distinguish it from others, in many respects similar. Let any one think of a city they have visited :—will not the proud buildings and "heaven-directed spires," which adorn that city, form the most prominent feature of the picture in his mind? and if that city should be his native place will it not be these distinctive marks that will send a tremor thro' his frame, and call a flood of tears to his eyes?

If there be any truth in this notion, every thing that varies the face of a country and gives it a peculiar character, has a tendency to make it dear to its inhabitants. in corroboration of this remark, we may observe that the inhabitants of hilly countries are more patriotic than those who dwell upon plains. How feelingly did the Jews bewail their absence from the barren hills of Judea! On the flowry banks of the rivers of Assyria they hung their harpsupon willows,

and bewailed their hard fate in being banished from the rugged rocks, and bills, and deep gullies that surroundedJerusalem! When I forget thee, O Zion,' said some sweet singer of Israel,may my right hand forget its cunning!" The rude Swiss, in foreign lands, is melted into tenderness, when he thinks of the cold glaciers and snowy summits of the Alps; and the wandering Caledonian is miserable because he cannot feel the cold winds of the north, or shiver on the heath-covered mountains of Scotia. An Irishman, when he talks of his country, dwells with delight on its distinguishing characteristics: he mentions the green isle, and the emerald isle, with tremulous sensibility; and even the sweet bogs of Erin increase the ardor of his passion: Truly, you may almost touch the feelings of an Englishman if you whistle God save the king, talk of wooden walls, or praise the white cliffs of. Albion

In fine every marked feature of a country is like a dimple on the cheek of beauty, which exhibits an assemblage of charms, and be.. comes a rendezvous for the graces and the smiles. The dimple in truth, hardly ever fails to increase to madness the passion of a lover; and from the dimple, the painter (we have heard) derives great assistance in producing a likeness..

But we have drawn out this ar ticle to an unreasonable length,

These considerations seem to speak powertuly in favor of the election of national memorials, whethe in honor of departed worth, or to perpetrate the remembrance of remarkable events.



and must basten oa conclusion. We wid however make one addi tional observation : The great mass of the people pass a life of labor, and have not eisu.e o become acquainted with the laws of their county: in fact, they may, in one sense. be seid never to come to yea s o. discretion, but to remain children through life. Should any means be neglected of engaging their affections in favor of their country, of its laws, and of its go ernment? and can any plan be adopted more efficient than erecting, is different places,monuments to departed merit, and inscribing on marble the history of the vintuous? These inscriptions will be read when books will be neglected; and their effects, though not sud-humane person never struck me den, will be certain and perma


It was a good custom among the Jews and other ancient nations to set up stones as a memorial of a covenant or any other remarkable transaction: these structures never failed to call the circumstances up in the mind of the passen ger. The father told the son; & thus the story was conveyed from generation to generation, as long as the same people had possession of the country. It was a,ood custom to write the maxim of the law, or moral sentences, on pillars of stone by the highway, on the gate posts, and on housebo.d utensils; so that whether going in or coming out the people might be in the way of instruction.

To a feeling mind, perhaps, one of the most moving spectacles which can be represented, is that of a young man, from whose pale check health had fled, sinking into an untimely grave.

This reflection, which must at times arise in the breast of every

so forcibly as during a visit I once paid to a very worthy friend in the remotest part of Cumberland, whither he had retired for the purpose of procuring for one most dear to him,the benefit of the country air.

His son-his only son--an amiable youth--for a considerable length of time had languished in a decline.

'Poor Charles! long didst thou support with fortitude and patience almost unexampled, thy wretched condition! When his father, nearly brokenhearted, viewed with tears in his eyes the emaciated form of his once healthful son, this excellent youth forgetting his un happy situation, strove but to com

fort his only surviving parent; for a gracious Providence had spared his mother the misery of beholding her dying child: but, often in vain were his attempts; and unable to restrain the overflowing of his heart, he would retire,supported by an aged domestic, whose tottering limbs were but ill qualified for the task, and in secret pour forth tears his father never had witnessed. Charles never wept for himself—his parent & sister, the gentle Maria, alone excited the drops of commiseration,

The earth now traces her tenth circle around the glorious luminary of the heavens, since, wasted by slow degrees he sunk into the cold arms of death! His father survived not long; but, within a year after his son's disease, found refuge from all his sorrows in the silent grave. The grief of Maria I attempt not to describe; it was violent in the ext eme; but, on that account perhaps of shorter duration for the-natural cheer. fulness of her disposition, aided by the fairy prospects of youth, in a few years enabled her;with tranquility, to give her hand, accompanied by the purest heart that ever tenanted a human frame, to a deserving lover, who had long been dear to her.

For myself, time hath at length mellowed my grief into a pleasing melancholy. I have twice shed a tear of tender regret over the

graves of my departed friends; and the sensations I then experienced are so congenial to my soul that I would not exchange them for those of the man, who is numbered among the happiest of the human race.

Maxims for promoting Matrimonial Happiness.

The likeliest way, either to obtain a good husband or to keep one so, is to be good yourself.

Avoid, both before and after marriage. all thoughts of managing your husband. Never endeavor to deceive or impose on his understanding, nor give him uneasiness (as some do, very foolishly to try his temper); but treat him always beforehand, with sincerity, and afterwards, with affection and respect.

Resolve every morning to be cheerful and good natured that day and if any accident should happen to break that resolution, suffer it not to put you out of temper with every thing besides— and especially with your husband.

Be assured, a woman's power, as well as happiness, has no other foundation but her husband's esteem and love; which consequently, it is her undoubted interest by all means possible to pre. serve and increase.-Do you, therefore, study his tempe, and command your own; enjoy his

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