
satisfaction with him, share and sooth his cares, and with the utmost diligence conceal his infirmities.

Read frequently, with due at tention, he matrimonia service: and ake cate, in doing so not to overlook the word obey.

Always wear your wedding ring: for therein lies more virtue, than is usually imagined: if you are ruffled 'unawares, assaulted with improper thoughts, or tempted in any kind against your duty cast your eyes upon it, and call to mind who gave it you, where it was received, and what passed at that solemn time.

Let the tenderness of your con jugal love be expressed with such decency, delicacy, and prudence, as that it may appear plainly, and thoroughly distinct from the de-i signing fondness of a harlot.

Mr. Printer

I desire you will allow me, by the means of your instructing Magazine,to represent to the genteel People of both Sexes about town the ill concequences of a very prevailing custom of lying.

It is the opinion of Abp. Tillotson, that a common Lyar can neither do good nor harm: such a one, says he, is stuck jast, neither truth or falsehood can serve his turn: He is a sort of bankrupt in the community,stripped of all cre

dit, and as nobody can trust him, he can deceive nobody. To what a deplorable condition must human nature be reduced when it comes to this? Yet so it is, and we have daily examples of simpletons of this sort who saunier away their lives in the most useless and unprofitable manner; but these Ishall drop, to warn my readers against those sort of people who do much mischief to the society by that pernicious instrument, the Tongue, wheninstructed to utter falsehoods for the sake of ambition, interest, policy, malevolence vanity &c.

We will begin then with the worst kind of all, the domestic or family Lyar. These are a kind of vipers who destroy where they bite, a sort of aspicks, whose polson lies under their tongue. These creatures generally begin their pernicious commerce by being either the inventors of falsehoods in families; their business at first is to blow up little misunderstandings, and diligently widen the breaches they have made, till at last they inflame them into violent and implacable enmitics; and this too is done under the pretence of friendship to both sides. When the injured parties find themselves at once, they know not by what means, become determined foes by hear say. The malignity of these peoples tongues, reaches every where : no person, no reputation, tho' white as snow, escapes calomny: every virtue is singled out and sullied, and the more ship

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These sort of poisonous animals 'bught most certainly to be excluded human society, they should be treated by the rest of the society

as those who are infected with the plague they should be under a sort of moral quarantaine, and give security that they are sound, 'and they are quite recovered from the malignity of detraction, before they are re-admitted into the community.-How many do we see every day, who taste no pleasure, who know no joy so great, as that of cutting up a reputation, as they calf it, and who have nothing of that kind to lose themscives, try to bring every thing down to them. F. P.


For the Lady's Miscellany..


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foreign countries to perfect themselves. Kosciusko was of the number of these selected youths serit into France, where he resided four years, and returned with the repu. tation of a very skillful engineer. The king gave him a company in the regiment of the artillery of the crown. Though rich in the gifts of mind, the person of this officer is, it seems, rather plain, but even with this disadvantage, he had the address to captivate the affections of a young lady of the first quality and finding it impossible to gain the consent of her parents, he persuaded her to elope from them. The father, enraged, pursued the ravisher, in company with some other of his relations. The lovers were overtaken, and overpowered and Kosciusko had not only the mortification of losing his bride, but of eceiving in the fray manual chastisement. Dishonored, he quitted Poland in despair. Some time after this, he appeared in America, in the rank of adjutant of Washington. At the peace he returned to France, where the French officers who had served in America, & Dr. Franklin, always spoke of him as a man to whom America was much indebted.

Kosciusko, having acquired reputation abroad. ventured to show himself in his native country: and he was in three battles which Prince Poniatowski fought with the Russians at the time of the diet of Targowitz. It had been said that if the counsels of Kosciušku

had been followed in that short war, affairs would have taken a better tuzu. When, Stanislaus found hasen baged to cease hostiles kiusko again disappeared. Me w.s seen at Pisa in the month of December, when ne prosessed himself Going to Geneva: but in fact he went to Paris. I nere he took instruccions from the commit teco Public Safety, and received from them ten minions, which he distributed in Poland; and in fe months afterwa ds found nimmself at the head of the patriots.

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was unwilling that such prints should be found at her door. Being much perplexed, love, which taketh the diadem of majesty from queers, made her do an act for her lover very unusual for the daughter of one the greatest men upon earth. She took the gentleman upon her shoulders, and carried him all the length of the court to his chamber, he never selling a fool to te ground, that so the next day no impression might be seen of his steps. It Tell out hat Charlemagne watched at dis study this night, and hearIng a noise, opened the window, nd perceived this pretty prank : at which he could not tell whether e were best to be angry or to laugh. The next day, in a great assembly of aids, and in the presence of his daughter and Eginardus, he asked what punishment that servant was worthy of who made use of a king's daughter as of a mule, and caused himself to be carried on her shoulders in the midst of winter,fhrough the night, snow and all the sharpness of the season. Every one gave his opinion: and not one but condemned i he that insolent man to death. princess and secretary changed colour, thinking nothing remained for them but to be slayed alive. But the emperor looking on his secietary with a smooth brow, said, Eginardus, hadst thou loved the princess, my daughter, thou oughtest to have come to her father, the disposer of her liberty: betrayed by his feet, and the lady thou art, worthy of death, and I

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Eginardus was secretary of state to Chaile nagne, and having plac ed his affections much higher than his condition admitted, made love to one of his daughters, who, sce ing this man of a brave spirit and grace suitable, though nim not too low, for her, whom merit had so eminently raised above his birth. She loved him, and gave him free access to her, so far as to suffer him to conve se and read in ber chamber on evenings, which ought to have been kept as a sanctuary where relics are preserved. It happened on a winter's evening Egina dus, ever hasty in his approaches, but negligent about returning, had somewhat too long protracted his visit. In the mean time a snow had fallen, which trou

bled them both. He feared to be

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give thee two lives at this present: take thy fair portress in marriage: fear God, and love one another.'


As the fifteenth volume of the Ladies Miscellany, will close on the eighteenth day of October next, the Editor thinks proper to address a few words to his numerous patrons in this city, and elsewhere; as well to express his thanks for the past liberal encour. agement and assistance of his friends, as to inform them of the objects he has in view, with regard to his establishment in fu ture.

he cannot with propriety think of issuing a paper, which (from his other avocations) is prevented from receiving the necessary care and support it requires, the Editor has concluded to offer the estab lishment for SALE. At the close of the present volume.

Should the Editor, however, not meet with a purchaser to suit him, he has engaged with a Gentleman in this city,of respectable talents, to undertake the conduction of the paper to commence with the next volume.

And in case the latter arrangement should take place, the subscribers to the Miscellany may rest assured of receiving universal satisfaction. As no pains or expense will be spared in renderingit a complete vehicle of useful and entertaining knowledge; as not only the original talents of the above mentioned Gentleman, will be bestowed upon the paper, but copious extracts will enrich its columns, from the best and most approved authors extant, and he has it in his power from a wel stored library, and an extensive correspondence, to render the Ladies Miscellany,one of the most valuable and instructive works of the kind in the United states.

It is now Eleven years, since the Ladies Miscellany (under differ ent titles,) first made its appearance in this city, with various success; yet that success even at its lowest ebb, has always been suffi cient to keep the paper afloat,tho' it has not at any time been so liberally patronized, as to enrich any of its proprietors. The latter consideration, has for a time past, been the means of compelling the present Editor, in some measure to neglect the paper,more perhaps than in justice to his subscribes it ought to have been-in order that by his attention to other branches of his business, he might be enabled, to acquire that support for his family, which was denied him in his Editorial capacity, and as the expensive arrangements he

The Editor feels a consciousness, that should the paper still remain in his hands, his former patrons and the public at large, will not let him be a sufferer from

has made o usher in the subsequent volume of this work with that respect which he confidently expects it will hitherto be entitled b. Nor can be be prevailed upon to believe,that the Citizens of NewYork,will permit laudable and virtuous exertions to go unrewarded, or literary merit and talents, to be treated with contempt and frigid Degleet.


New-York th September 1812.



For the Lady's Miscellany.


Dean swift, having preached an assize sermon in Ireland, was afterwards invited to dine with the judges & having in his discourse considered the use and abuse of the law, he had born a little hard upon those counsellors who plead causes which they know in their conscience to be wrong: when the dinner was over, and the glass be gan to go round, a young barrister who happened to be present, took ●ccasion to retort upon the Dean : and after some altercation on both sides, the counsellor at:length asked, If. the Devil were to die, whether a Parson might not be found for money to preach his funeral sermon ?—Yes,' said Swift, and I would gladly be the man :

for I would then give the Devil bis due, as I have this day his chileren.


The late David Hume, lived in the new town of Edinburgh: between which and the old own there is a communication by means of an elegantb, idge over a swamp. Desirous of cutting his way shorter, Mr. Hume took it in his head to pass over a temporary one, which had been erected for gene. ral accommodation, till the new one could be completed. Unfortunately, part of the temporary bridge gave way, and the illustrious philosopher found himself stuck in the mud. On hearing him call aloud for assistance, an oid woman hastened to the spot whence the sound seemed to issue, but perceiving who he was, efused to give him any help. What," cried she; are you not Hume the atheist?' 'Oh! no! no! no!" returned the philosopher, I am no atheist indeed, you mistak, good woman, you do indeed!''Let me hear then,' returned the other, if you can say your belief.' -Mr. Hume accordingly began the words, I believe in God, &c.' and finished them with so much propriety, that the old woman, convinced of his christian education,afforded him that relief which otherwise she would have thought it a duty of religion to deny him.


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