




State of Europe in the beginning of this year. Ill fate of the British alliance.
Condition of the northern powers. War reaches to the fouthern. Family
compact. Some articles from it. Obfervations upon them. Confequences
of this treaty to Europe. War declared against Spain.
and Great Britain at the beginning of the war between them. Advan-
State of Spain
tages and disadvantages on each fide.


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Portugal threatened. Melancholy fate of that kingdom. Arrogant propofi
tion of the French and Spanish miniflers to the court of Lisbon. Anfwer of
that court. Several memorials. Refolution of the king of Portugal.
French and Spanish minifters depart. War declared by those powers
against Portugal



Death of the Empress Elizabeth of Ruffia. Her character. State of the
power of Ruffia on her deceafe. Her nephew, Peter III. fucceeds. Entire
change of ffem. Peace with Praha. Peace between Pruffia and Sweden.
Ruffian conquefts restored. The Czar enters into an alliance with the
king of Pruffa. War with Denmark threatened. Its caufe. Extorted
loan from Hamburgb. Campaign between Pruffians and Auftrians opens.
Pruffians obtain advantages in Saxony and Silefia. Sudden revolution
in Ruffia

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Caufes of the Revolution in Ruffia. Czar irritates the clergy and foldery.
Differences with the czarina. Confpiracy against him. Czar depofed by
the fenate. Attempts an escape. His imprisonment and death. The cza-
rina declared emprefs. Her politic conduct. Ingratiates herself with the


Effect of
the revolution in Ruffia on the king of Pruffia's affairs. Situation
of the new emprefs. She adopts a neutrality. Ruffian conquefts restored.
Ruffians quit the Pruffian camp. King of Pruffia draws marfbal Dawn
from Buckerfdorff. Schweidnitz befieged. Marfbal Laudobn attacks the
prince of Bevern. Is repulfed. Difpofition of the French and allied armin.
Broglio removed. Battle of Graebenflein. French defeated. Lord Granby
drives the French from Hombourg. Prince Xavier of Saxony defeated.
Gottingen evacuated, French army called from the Lower Rhine


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War in Portugal. Plan of the campaign. Miranda, Braganza, and Cheva
taken. Almeida befieged and taken. Count of la Lippe arrives in Perta-
gal. Surprise of Valentia d'Alcantara, by General Burgoyne. Affair of
Villa Velha. Spaniards retire



Expedition against Martinico. Force fent thither. Troops land at Ca
Navire. Nature of the country. Attack of the pofts near Fort Royal,
Fort Royal furrendered. St. Pierre and the whole island capitulate. St.
Lucia, the Grenades, and St. Vincent taken. Preparations for war again!
the Spanish West Indies




Commanders in the expedition against the Havannah. Fleet fails from Pert
Town and bar-
mouth. Paffage through the old freights of Bama.

bour of the Havannah defcribed. Troops land. Difpofition of the troops.
Siege of Fort Moro. Captain Harvey cannonades the Moro. Englife bat-
tery fired. Diftrefs of the English forces. Succours arrive from North
America. A fally. The fort formed. Operations against the town. Th
Havannah furrenders. Advantages of this acquifition




Proposals for peace. State of the miniftry and parties. Dukes of Bedford
and Nivernois employed in the negotiation. Newfoundland taken and re-
taken. War in Germany. Hereditary prince defeated at Jobannifberg.
French repulfed. Caffel invested. Remarkable cannonade at Bucker Muhl.
French take Amonebourg. Caffel furrendered to the allies. War in Weft-
phalia concluded


СИ А Р. X.


Siege and furrender of Schweidnitz. War transferred to Saxony. Auftrians
defeated at Freyberg. Pruffians ravage the empire. Preliminaries of peace
between Great Britain and France. Difputes concerning them. Mr. F.
comes into the administration. Preliminaries approved by parliament. Peace
of Hubertfbourg between Auftria and Pruffia. Conclufion






Letter wrote by prince Ferdinand to General Sporcken, on refigning to him the
command of the allied army in Germany
The Marquis of Granby's letter of thanks to the British forces in Germany [124
An account of the extraordinary ceremonies obferved on account of the fovereign's
prefence at the inftallation of knights of the garter
An authentic narrative of the death of Mark Anthony Calas, and of the trial
and execution of his father, John Calas, for the fuppofed murder of his

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Some account of the murder of Anne Naylor, by Sarah Metyard, and her daugh-
ter Sarah Morgan Metyard
Account of a remarkable forgery committed by John and Jofeph Kello 1138
A fummary account of the proceedings in regard to fome frange noises heard in
the beginning of the year, at a boufe in Cock-lane, Weft Smithfield
State of the land carriage fishery in London, to the end of September,
An account of the fums raifed by the land-tax fince the revolution
Supplies granted by parliament for the fervice of the year 1761
Supplies granted by parliament for the year 1762

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His Majefty's most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on June 2,

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His Majefy's moft gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Nov. 25,



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The bumble addrefs of the right hon. the lords spiritual and temporal in parlia-
ment affembled

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The bumble addrefs of the house of commons to the king


The address of the archbishop, bishops, and clergy of the province of Canter-
bury, in convocation affembled


Summary of the papers relative to the rupture with Spain

Tranflation of a paper delivered by the earl of Bristol, Nov. 18, 1761 [199

Tranflation of a paper received by the earl of Egremont from the count de Fuen
tes, December 3, 1761; in answer to the foregoing




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Papers relating to the rupture of France and Spain with Portugal.
Tranflation of a memorial of the Spanish ambassador, and of the minifier ple-
nipotentiary of France, to his most faithful majefly
Tranflation of the answer of the fecretary of fate of bis most faithful majesty,
to the foregoing memorial of the Spanish ambassador, and the minifter plexi-
potentiary of France

Tranflation of a fecond memorial of the ambassador of Spain, and of the mi-

nifer plenipotentiary of France, delivered to M. da Cunha the 1st of April



Tranflation of the answer to the fecond memorial of the minifters of Spain and

France, of April 1, 1762


Tranflation of a third memorial prefented to the fecretary of State, Don Lewis

da Cunha, by Don Jofeph Torrero, bis Catholic majefty's ambassader, and

M. James O'Dun, bis most Christian majesty's minifter plenipotentiary, anx

the 23d of April, 1762

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