
Punishment to your My's royal Pleasure for mifemploying the publick Money, and for executing many of the Barracks in fo bad a Manner, as to endanger the Health of your My's Troops, as is mentioned in the 18th Refolution of that Committee; and many of those Barracks, then built, rebuilt, and repaired, are now in fuch a Condition, that the Barrack-Board hath advertised for Workmen to propofe for the repairing them, notwithstanding the Refolution of the H-e of Cs, That Mr. Nevill, at that time Surveyor-General, fhould, at his own Expence, be obliged to procure the feveral Perfons he had contracted with to finish the fame, so as to make them fit and convenient for your M-y's Troops.

But it is with Concern that your M-y's faithful People of Ireland find, that the Lord Lt hath prevailed upon your M-y rather to reward than punish the Perfon, upon whom these Refolutions are paffed, by permitting him to fell his Employment at the full Price; which was intended, in fome Measure, to disappoint the Intentions of your My's dutiful Cs, who, for many Years, have carried on your My's Bufinefs with Chearfulness and Unanimity, and with Eafe to the Lord L


much to the Honour of Mr. B-le, the Sp—r, who was in Parliament before the happy Acceffion of your My's royal Family to the Crown of these Kingdoms, where he always fhewed the warmest Zeal and Attachment for your M- -y's_royal Houfe; and your My's C -s of Ireland, upon account of his Principles, his Family, and Connections, chofe him their Sprin 1733; fince which time he has carried on your My's Affairs through the H-e of CS, who have ever placed the greatest Confidence in him.

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But he is now treated as no longer worthy of that Honour, and that upon falfe Pretences, the better to carry on all the Endeavours to put it into another Channel, that is, the Hands of the Pe, which your My's faithful and devoted People of Ireland hope never to fee in his, or any other Churchman's, as it is, and always hath been, dangerous to our Conftitution, and contrary to the natural Intereft and Principles of your My's Proteftant Subjects of Ireland.

The Attempt of this has caufed great Difcontent and Divifions among us, and tends only to ferve the private and ambitious Views of him, who, for your My's Service, and from his Situation in Life, fhould keep up Unanimity and Harmony, rather than ftir up a Flame among thofe, who, till lately, were almost all of one Mind.

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I must beg Leave to inform your My, that, at the latter End of the laft Seffion of Parliament in Ireland, thofe, to whom the Gt of that Kingdom is intrufted, upon a Question of a Call of the H-e being carried against them, (in which your My's Business was not in the least concerned) carried their Refentment to fuch a Height, that Mr. Boyle, a Relation of the Speaker, and Mr. Nesbitt, both Members of Parliament, and in every thing attached to your My, had the Payment of their Penfions ftopt for fome time. But, as no good Reason could be affigned for that precipitate Action, it is believed it was done to gratify the Humour of the Lord Lt's Secretary, and also to fhew what they are to expect who withstand the Power of him, who by his Profeffion, when once Power is in their Hands, know no Bounds to it.


The Discontent with the Lord L-t, the Conduct of those in his Confidence, and the idle Stories that were artfully propagated, caused fuch a Sufpicion in regard to the Manner in which your M-y's most loyal Subjects would be reprefented upon your M- -y's happy Arrival in England, as obliged the H-e of Cs, at the End of the laft Seffions, (though unprecedented) to trouble your M- -y with an humble Address, to affure your My of their Attachment and Zeal, which was ufually defired in their Address to the Lord L-t, who was alfo addreffed, but in a different Stile from those whom your M -y has honoured with that Poft for many Years past. These Addreffes I also beg Leave to lay before your M- -y.

It is with Concern that I affure your My, that inftead of Measures being used to unite your My's Subjects (who have nothing more at Heart than your My's Welfare) the Breach grows wider and wider; fince not only Promifes to fome, and Threats to others, are daily used, but indirect Attempts are made to disturb the quiet Poffeffion of thofe, who ever were, and are, moft firmly attached to your M-y's most royal Houfe.

I fhould look upon myself as wanting in my Duty and Attachment to your My's Perfon, and Love to my Country, if I did not lay these Tranfactions before your MMy, that Country being fo unhappily fituated, as not to have any other Communication with your My, but through the Lord Lt, who has the Opportunity of representing your My's faithful People in what Light he thinks most proper for his Purposes.

I therefore hope your My will pardon me for attempting to represent these Affairs, which I fhould not have done, but from my Apprehen



fions and Dread of the Confequences that may arife from a H-e of C-s, inflamed by the haughty and partial Behaviour of the Lord L-t's Secretary, fupported by the Lord L-t; and their Conduct being to alter the present Course of Business from Mr. B-e, the Sp-r, to that of the Pe, who has folely engroffed all Recommendations to the Lord Lt for your My's gracious Favours, and they are confined to those only, who will fupport the new attempted Power in a P- —e.

I wish I could have faid this Flame had stopt here: But, on the contrary, it is spreading itself through most of your My's faithful, dutiful, and loyal Proteftant Subjects of Ireland, who are firmly attached to your My's royal Perfon and Government.

The RESOLUTIONS of the Hon. He of Cs of Ireland, in relation to the Barracks built, rebuilt, and repaired in that Kingdom fince the Year 1746; and referred to in the preceding Memorial.


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HAT it is the Opinion of this Committee, that the Earl of Harrington, late Lord Lieutenant of this Kindom, by laying before His Majefty, a Scheme and Estimates for building, rebuilding and repairing of Barracks, and obtaining His Royal Approbation thereof, took the most prudent and certain Measure to execute the Truft repofed in Him, by the Addrefs of the Houfe of Commons, of the Ninth of December


December 1747, with Honour to himself and Advantage to the Publick.


II. That it appears to this Committee, that the Lords Juftices of this Kingdom, did inclofe to Arthur Jones Nevill, Efq; Surveyor and Engineer-General, a Copy of a Scheme and Eftimates as approved of by His Majefty, together with proper Inftructions for his Conduct, in building, rebuilding, and repairing of Barracks, wherein they particularly charged him to be extreamly cautious with whom he contracted, especially that they should be fubftantial, as well as honeft and able Workmen, that he fhould be particularly attentive to the several Materials to be made ufe of, that they fhould be the best and most durable of their Kind, and in the whole Conduct and Progrefs of the feveral Works entrusted to his Care, that he fhould confider the Good and Convenience of His Majefty's Service, and the Ends proposed by the Houfe of Commons in their Addrefs.


III. That it appears to this Committee, that Arthur Jones Nevill, Efq; Surveyor and EngineerGeneral, did, contrary to his Inftructions, contract with feveral Perfons who were not Workmen, and did knowingly fuffer others, not Workmen, to make ufe of Names of Workmen as Contractors, tho' they were not to execute the Work, or to have any Share of the Profit, notwithstanding he hath afferted the contrary in his Memorial to the Lords Juftices, of March 26, 1751.


IV. That it appears to this Committee, that Arthur Jones Nevill, Efq; Surveyor and Engineer-General, in most of the Contracts allowed extravagant Prices to the Contractors, without

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