

1. Tell what you have done in the study of French, - the time spent, the authors read, and so on. Have you studied Latin or German? If so,

to what extent?

2. Translate into idiomatic English: —

Sectaires et philosophes, citoyens et soldats, parlement et peuple, tous, de gré ou de force, concouraient à grandir Cromwell, comme pour grandir avec lui; et les républicains de la cité de Londres, venus au-devant de lui pour le haranguer quand il rentrait dans leurs murs, se charmaient eux-mêmes en lui disant: "Vous étiez destiné à charger les rois de chaînes et à mettre leurs nobles dans les fers." Aveugles, qui ne se doutaient pas que bientôt ces fers pèseraient sur leurs propres mains!


Cromwell recevait ces hommages et ces grandeurs avec une humilité calculée, qui pourtant n'était pas dénuée de toute sincérité. A Dieu seul, disait-il sans cesse, appartient la gloire ; je ne suis que son faible et indigne instrument." Il savait combien ce langage convenait à son pays, à son parti. Il l'exagérait et le répétait sans mesure, pour complaire aux hommes dont il exaltait ainsi la confiance et le dévouement. Mais c'était aussi l'expression de sa propre et intime pensée. Dieu, sa puissance, sa providence, son action continue dans les affaires du monde et sur les âmes, ce n'étaient point là, pour Cromwell, de froides abstractions ou des traditions usées: c'était vraiment sa foi. Guizot.


1. Tell what you have done in the study of German, — the time spent, the authors read, and so on. Have you studied Latin or French? If so, to what extent ?

2. Translate into idiomatic English:

Immer gewöhne sich der Mensch, zu denken: “Was Gott schickt, ist gut," es dunke ihm gut oder böse.

Ein frommer Weiser kam vor eine Stadt, deren Thore geschlossen waren; niemand wollte sie ihm öffnen. Hungrig und durstig musste er unter freiem Himmel übernachten. Er sprach: "Was Gott schickt, ist gut," und legte sich nieder.

Neben ihm stand sein Esel, zu seiner Seite eine brennende Laterne um der Unsicherheit willen in derselben Gegend. Aber ein Sturm entstand und löschte sein Licht aus, ein Löwe kam und zerriss seinen Esel. Er erwachte, fand sich allein und sprach: “Was Gott schickt, ist gut.” Er erwartete ruhig die Morgenröte.

Als er an die Stadt kam, fand er die Thore offen, die Stadt verwüstet, beraubt und geplündert. Eine Schaar Räuber war eingefallen und hatte eben in dieser Nacht die Einwohner gefangen weggeführt oder getödtet. Er war verschonet. Sagte ich nicht," sprach er, "dass alles, was Gott schickt, gut sei? Nur sehen wir meistens am Morgen erst, warum er uns am Abend etwas versagte.” — Herder.




JUNE 23 AND 24, 1898.


The candidate will take the three subjects. Number of questions in all to be answered, eight. The full work is wanted. Time allowed for the entire paper, two hours.


Take either 1 or 2.

1. A clock loses 30 minutes a day. It is set exactly right at noon. When the indicated time by this clock is 10 P.M. of the same day, what is the correct time? Give your reasoning.

2. How many shares of 5 per cent. stock at 120 must be bought to yield an income of $720? How much will they cost? Give your reasoning.

Take either 3 or 4.

3. The freezing and boiling points of the centigrade thermometer are respectively 0 and 100°; of the Fahrenheit, 32 and 212. The temperature of the blood is about 984° by the Fahrenheit scale; what is it by the centigrade?

4. Draw two diagonals from any corner, as A, of a cube whose edge is 4, to the extremities of an opposite edge, as BC. What is the perimeter of the triangle ABC? Draw a diagram, lettering it properly and putting in the dimensions of the triangle.

1. If y:



Take either 1 or 2.

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express the value of y in terms of x, reducing that value to its simplest form.

2. When the smaller of two numbers is divided by the larger, the quotient is .2 with a remainder of .2. When the larger is divided by the smaller, the quotient is 4 with a remainder of 1. What are the numbers?

Take either 3 or 4.

3. A train travelling 6 miles an hour is m hours in advance of a second train which travels a miles per hour. In how many hours will the second train overtake the first? Discuss the result when ab.

4. A sum of money at a given rate of interest for a given number of years yields, for principal and interest, a certain amount. Expressing the sum, the rate, the number of years and the amount by s, r, y and a respectively,―

(a) Write the equation for a.

(b) From the equation for a find y.

(c) Express in words the truth expressed in this value of y (that is, translate the formula for y into a rule).

(d) With the aid of the formula for y, find in how many years $400 at 4 per cent. will be doubled.

Take 5.

5. The area of a square may be doubled by increasing its length by 10 feet and its breadth by 3 feet. Find the side of the square.

Take 1.

1. Draw a line from the vertex of the right angle of a right triangle to the middle point of the hypothenuse.

(a) What relation does this line bear to the halves of the hypothenuse? (b) Prove this relation.

(c) Frame two or three theorems on the basis of this relation.

Take either 2 or 3.

2. (a) What is meant by the locus of a point? Give an illustration.

(b) What is the locus of the vertex of a triangle of constant area and constructed on a given line as a base? Give the geometrical principle involved.

(c) What is the locus of the vertex of the right angle of a right triangle constructed on a given line as a base? Give the geometrical principle involved.

3. The right triangle ABC is right-angled at B. Draw BD perpendicular to AC. The lengths of the sides AB, BC and AC are a, a +1 and a+2 respectively. Answer the following questions in terms of a, and give the geometrical principle on which each answer is based:

(a) What is the length of AD?

(b) What is the length of BD?

(c) What ratio does the triangle ABD bear to the triangle ABC?

Take either 4 or 5.

4. Prove that a tangent is a mean proportional between a secant drawn from the same point and the part of the secant without the circle.

5. What is the area of a circle? Prove it by the method of limits.



JUNE 23 AND 24, 1898.


Time allowed for this paper, one hour.

1. If you have done any collateral reading in connection with your study of United States history, or have studied the history of any other country, make a statement to that effect, mentioning the books used, the extent of your work, and so on.

Take one number only.

2. The Colonial Period in Massachusetts.

(a) The Separatists and the Puritans, how they differed in their attitude towards the established church, when and where they first made settlements, and what events in England finally checked their coming to Massachusetts.

(b) How the Puritans dealt with those whose opinions they condemned, with illustrations.

(c) The relations of the colonists to the Indians.

(d) The sway of Andros,

it, and how it came to an end.

causes that led to it, the general character of

(e) Some characteristics or facts about the colonial period in Massachusetts not found in the provincial.

3. The Constitution of the United States.

(a) Some weaknesses or defects of government that led to the adoption of the Constitution.

(b) The problem of establishing satisfactory relations between the large States and the small in respect to their powers in Congress, and how the problem was solved.

(c) One or two powers granted by the Constitution to the United States, with reasons therefor.

(d) One or two powers denied to the United States, with reasons therefor.

(e) One or two powers denied to the States, with reasons therefor.

4. The Rise and Fall of the Slave Power.— Write a sentence or two on each of the following themes, with special reference to its bearing on the rise and fall of the slave power in the United States:

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5. The United States and Spain. - Write about the relations of the United States and Spain in connection with each of the following topics, touching, incidentally, geographical aspects of these relations:

(a) Florida.

(c) The Philippine Islands.

(b) The Louisiana territory.

(d) Santiago de Cuba.

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