The Publishers Weekly, 第 4 巻

F. Leypoldt, 1873


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333 ページ - Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection " and " Inheritance
128 ページ - Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, Allusions, and Words that have a Tale to Tell.
259 ページ - Leishman A SYSTEM OF MIDWIFERY, including the Diseases of Pregnancy and the Puerperal State. By WILLIAM LEISHMAN, MD, Regius Professor of Midwifery in the University of Glasgow ; Physician to the University Lying-in Hospital; Fellow and late Vice-President of the Obstetrical Society of London, etc.
81 ページ - The Engineer's Handbook ; explaining the principles which should guide the young Engineer in the Construction of Machinery.
336 ページ - The SATURDAY REVIEW says of them, " We have seen not a few elegant specimens of Mr. Woodbury's new process, but we have seen none that equal these. " Reynolds.— SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS AS A PORTRAIT PAINTER. AN ESSAY. By J. CHURTON COLLINS, BA Balliol College, Oxford. Illustrated by a Series of Portraits of distinguished Beauties of the Court of George III. ; reproduced in Autotype from Proof Impressions of the celebrated Engravings, by VALENTINE GREEN, THOMAS WATSON, FR SMITH, E. FISHER, and others....
479 ページ - Values; a Dictionary of all Coins known in Ancient and Modern Times, with their Values ; the Gold and Silver Product of each State to 1870 ; List of Works on Coinage ; the Daily Price of Gold from 1862 to 1871.
346 ページ - World : a Simple Account of Man in Early Times. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 3$. A Special Edition for Schools. Price is. The Childhood of Religions.
467 ページ - Gilmore. — STORM WARRIORS ; OR, LIFE-BOAT WORK ON THE GOODWIN SANDS. By the Rev. JOHN GILMORE, MA, Rector of Holy Trinity, Ramsgate, Author of "The Ramsgate Life-Boat,
277 ページ - A SYSTEMATIC VIEW of the SCIENCE of JURISPRUDENCE. By SHELDON AMOS, MA Professor of Jurisprudence to the Inns of Court, London. 8vo. price 18s. A PRIMER of the ENGLISH CONSTITUTION and GOVERNMENT By SHELDON AMOS, MA Professor of Jurisprudence to the Inns of Conrt.
324 ページ - The Debater ; a Series of Complete Debates, Outlines of Debates, and Questions for Discussion. *By F. ROWTON. Fcp.
