
Supp 1790. PIL 112A

From the Altar-tomb of Staunton in the Church of Castle Donnington.




Embellished with a View of CLIFFORD'S TOWER near YORK CASTLE; a Monumental Brafs from CASTLE DONINGTON; fome curious SEALS, A SPOON, KEY, &C.


Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament 1155 | City of Worcester-Bermondsey Gate 1160 Clifford's Tower, near Castle at York 1161 On the Improvement of British Wool 1162 Remarks on the late Edition of the Tatler 1163 Bleeding Cancers & acrid Humours cured 1164 Mr.Williamfon in Reply to Mr. Berington1165 Meat kept by Treacle-Relph, a Poet 1166 Anecdotes and Ode of Elizabeth Bentley 1167 Epitaph on Cha. I.-Address to Diffidents 1168 Wefton's Preface to Woodmen of Arden 1169 Madonna of St. Luc--Madonnasin England 1173 Simon Young's fad Confeffion in extremis ib. Portraits in Oxford Almanacks-Paoli 1174 Old Spoon, Seals, and Key, illuftrated 1177 Chronolog.Error pointed out to Mr.Wefton ib. Retainer of Counfel by the D. of Somerset 1178 Polwhele's Queries for Hift.of Devonshire 1179 Fairy Rings-Singular Inventory of 1382 1186 HeraldicQuery-The Clerical Character 1181 Affinity of Languages-Fellows of Coll. 1182 Mr.Wakefield defended-Bishop Lowth 1183

On the Penal Laws--Eyes drawingStraws1185 A remarkable Epitaph from Farley Castle1186 An original Letter from Oliver Cromwell ib. Character of A. Bower and Orator Henley 1181 Of directing Letters-Statues at Windfor 1189 Drury's Madagascar-Conduct of Clergy 1190 Old Custom at Kidderminster-Bandog 1191 Mifcell. Rem.-Equalization of Livings 1192 A Yule Log causes an accidental Lawfuit 1193 Providential Escapeof aChildfrom Drowningib. Origin of WordTONTINE-A Aveword 1 194 Favourite Words used in an abfurdManner1195 Remarkson Gough's new Edition ofCamden ib. Extraordinary Price of Leicesterth. Sheep 1196 Anecdotes & Character of the late Mr. Dade ib. Scotch Epifcopalians-Pope and Dryden 1197 Accurate Lift of T.Warton's Publications 1198 Dr. Lort's Writings-Epitaph tranflated 1199 Epitaph on Gen. Oglethorpe at Cranham 1200 Review of New Publications continued 1201 Births, Marriages, Obituary, &c. &c. 1209 Hiftorical Chron.-Speaker'sSpeech,&c. 12 13



COMMONS. Dec. 9.

no government, fo far from measures being taken to punish the offenders,

MR. Pelbam prefented a petition for they were not even cenfured.

repairing and widening a road

leading to Lewes in Suffex.

Mr. Martin presented a petition from Mr. Horne Tooke, refpecting the late election for Weftminster; which was of fo extraordinary a nature, that, after it had been read four times, it seemed to be a doubtful cafe with the Houfe whether it could with propriety be entitled a petition. The moft remarkable paffages of this extraordinary compofition were in fubftance as follows:

It afferts, that there are 17,292 inhabitants, refident in Weftminster, who have votes for only two members of Parliament, though, in point of number and property, they equal others who return 100 members. It boldly and daringly affirms, that feats, the majority of feats in the Houfe of Commons, are rented and bought like cattle at a fair, or in a market. It declares that, during the last three elections in Weltminfter, violence, purposely armed, was ufed-the moft daring outrages were permitted and encouraged-two murders were committed-and, as if we had no court of justice, no attorney-general,

Mr. Horne Tooke then adds, that the former fcrutinies having coft fo much money (one 14.000l.), and having been a perfecuted and profcribed man for 20 years paft, he could not prefume to adopt that mode, on account of the enormous expences which would neceffarily attend it. He goes fo far as to fay, that the qualification of a candidate of 300l. a year were perfectly ridiculous, fuch a man being incapable of 1pending perhaps 50, nay 100,000l, in allerting his right by a fcrutiny.

Mr. Pulteney was of opinion, that the author of that petition fhould be obliged to enter into a recognizance to pure the object at which it feemed to aim, or to abandon it entirely.

Mr. Jekyll was of opinion, that this petition, not being drawn in the usual form and flyle of election petitions, ought not to be taken into confideration, but that it ought to be rejected. He thought alfo that the writer of the peti tion merited punishment.

Mr. Fox was of opinion, that any paper prefented to the Houfe, containing a prayer to obtain tome redrefs, what

ever extraneous matter it might contain befides, came under the denomination of a petition, and was therefore included under the general idea of ele&ion petitions, as ftated in Mr, Grenville's bill; and, fo far from rejecting this petition, according to the opinion of the Hon. Gentleman who preceded him, he wifhed that an early day might be ap pointed to take it into confideration.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, after paying a handfome compliment to Mr. Fox, adopted his ideas, which he expanded and illuftrated in the moft clear and diftin&t manner. It was his with that the petition fhould come regularly before the committee, who fhould. report it to the Houfe; after which the Houfe might make ufe of the power with which it is confiitutionally invefted, to reject, or even cenfure, the petition, and, if neceffary and proper, to punish the writer.

Mr. Bearcroft agreed nearly in opinion with the two preceding speakers. Sir William Young thought that it ought not to be admitted; and he quot ed a precedent of the year 1743, which he conceived would authorize the rejecting the petition.

The Mafter of the Rolls faid, if the petition was twenty times more abufive, it must be received by the Houfe if it put an undue election to iffue. He fuggefted referring fo much of the petition to a committee as complained of an undue election.

Col. Hartley faid a few words against the indecent difrefpectful expreffions contained in the petition.

It was then agreed by the House, that the petition fhould be taken into confideration on Friday, the 4th of February. Mr. Pulteney noticed to the House a difficulty the petitioner against the election for Dumfries, &c. laboured under by the election act, which ftated, that a recognizance fhould be entered into within 13 days after the prefentation of the petition, and that two days notice of entering into fuch recognizance fhould be delivered to the fitting member, or to his known agent. The difficulty was, that Patrick Millar, efq. the fitting member, had not taken his feat, nor could be found. His with was to move, that notice served to the clerk of that House should be deemed good fervice, unless the faid Patrick Millar fhould take his feat on or before Friday


Mr. Adam hoped, that, as the Houfe

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had a difcretionary power of enlarging the time of entering into this recognis nizance, they would think this a fit cafe for exercifing that difcretionary power, Mr. Millar being in Ireland in the fervice of his country.

This propofition was agreed to, and the time for entering into the recognizance enlarged to the 22d of December.

Mr. Burke rofe to move, that the House do resolve itself into a committee of the whole Houfe, to confider the state in which the impeachment of Warren Haftings, efq. was left at the diffolution of the laft Parliament, on Friday fe'nnight.

After fome conversation between Mr. Bafard, Mr. Mitford, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Pitt, it was agreed to. Adjourned.

Dec. 10.

A petition was prefented against the members for Shaftesbury, which was ordered to be examined on the 24th of May.

The land and malt tax bills were read the first time.

The House next refolved itself into a committee of the whole Houfe, to confider further of the fuppl:es to be grant ed to his Majefty, Mr. Gilbert in the chair.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer then rofe to move the expences for the armaments; which he did, deducting from each eftimate money advanced from the vote of credit.

The firft refolution was for the navy

The fecond for the army The third for the Ordnance The fourth for provifions to the East and West Indies

6. 1,565,000

64,000 151,000


The first, third, and fourth refolutions were agreed to without any oppofition. Upon the fecond being put,

Gen. Burgoyne thought it his duty to make fome obfervation on this fubject. It appeared to him, that the raifing independent companies was unneceffarily lavishing the public money. He went into a detail of calculation in order to make out this pofition. What was called a regiment of officers had been kept up at a great expence in time of peace, under an idea that, when a war broke out, thefe officers might command thofe new companies which it was deemed neceffary to raife. But, when the late difturbances broke out, new companies were raifed, commanded by new offcers. This was, in his opinion, a great and ufclefs expence. if, inftead of


chufing new officers, they had raised half-pay officers to full pay, this would have anfwered exactly the fame pur pofe; and, when the difturbances were over, they might eafily have reduced thefe officers to half-pay. He coneluded by lamenting, as a misfortune to the army, and as dangerous to the conftitution, that there was not a commander in chief, or any refponfible military officer, to anfwer for the advice he might give.

The Secretary at War contended, that the mode adopted, of raifing independ ent companies, was the best inode that could have been adopted in the emergency of the cafe, and that by fuch means 6,000 men had been raifed in lefs than fix weeks, which could not have been done by recruiting the old regi ments. The independent companies, however, were not to be established into new corps, but to fill up, as occafion might require, the old regiments.


Mr. Francis, Mr. Fox, Col. Tarleton, and Mr. Thompson, spoke again, and Mr. Pitt and Col. Phipps for, the refolution; after which it was adopted. Adjourned.


Dec. 13.

A petition of the Rev. Edward Timewell Bridges, claiming the Barony of Chandos, was prefented, and read, praying for an early day to hear the faid petition.

Thursday was appointed to confider the fame; notice of which was to be given to his Majesty's Attorney-general. The Duke of Montrofe moved an humble Addrefs to his Majefty, which was couched in terms that warmly acknowledged, and faithfully congratulated, his Majefty's very zealous and parental care for the welfare of his subjects, in bringing about a negotiation between this country and Spain. Commenting on the great advantages that this nation would derive from it, and paffing many elogiums on the very prudent conduct of the Ministry, he faid, refpecting the Convention, that Houle, he was well affured, would have but one opinion. The papers already on the table expounded all that was neceffary to be explained. Nothing now remained for their Lordships but to vote an humble Addrefs to his Majefty. The Duke then concluded by moving the Addrefs.

Lord Glasgow in a few words fecond, ed the motion.

Lord Coventry heartily concurred with the Noble Lords who made and feconded the motion. The wifdom of Adminiftration had been fo ftrongly manifefted as to be above praife, for they had procured us peace upon the moft folid grounds: much stronger than by parchment; for treaties might be broken if occafion offered: but our Minifters had fhewn them a fleet of 70 fail of the line; an argument of too powerful a nature to be trifled with.

Lord Rawdon faid, that the Addrefs, as far as it related to his Sovereign, did not come up to what he could with to exprefs; at the fame time, it went infinitely beyond with regard to Adminif tration; for how was it poffible for their Lordships to commend a conduct of which they were totally ignorant, a negotiation that they knew not how it had been tranfacted? Inftead of commendation, Ministry, in his opinion, were highly reprehenfible; and this confide ration would induce him to move the previous question upon the Addrefs moved for by the Noble Lord, that another might be introduced fully expreffive of their gratitude to his Majelty, and omitting any allution to Muiry. A Noble Lord had expreffed much fatisfaction in the hopes that, by fhewing Spain a powerful armament, we had fecured a lafting peace; but, in his mind, there was infinitely more fecurity in trusting to the faith of nations, than in a difplay of internal strength; for, although we might be the strongest now, the time might come when the cafe might be reverfed. What then must be the confequence? His Lordship then concluded with moving the previous question.

Lord Sydney declared that the motion made by the Noble Duke met his most warm fupport.

Lord Portchefer declared for the previous question, because he could not fee that we had acquired one fingle advantage by the Convention that we were not poffeffed of before; and that Mr. Mears, and the hips which had been feized at Nootka, had no bufinets there, and their being feized was no infult to the flag of this kingdom, becaule they failed under Portuguele colours.

The Marquis of Lanfaowne faid, when he came into the Houfe it was not his intention to have troubled their Lord this

Lord fhips with a fingle word; but then he had not fuppofed it poffible that Minifters would have attempted to withhold thofe papers which, in his opinion, had been fo jufly required. When he had the honour to act with the prefent Miniftry in 1781, a peace and the falvation of this country were thought one and the fame thing; to accomplish and fecure this, it was thought requifite to act upon the broad batis of fimplicity. To preferve the peace then made, was confidered as the most effential advantage to this kingdom; and, whatever Minifters might think at prefent, it was the ground upon which they had erected their reputation. He approved of their conduct till the year 1787, when their whole fyftem began to change, and peace was no longer cherished as a bleffing. Meffengers were difpatching to all parts of Europe; we feemed to be taking part in every convulfion, and were exciting the Turks to murder the Ruffians, at the very time we were iffuing proclamations at home against profane curfing and fwearing. It was fomewhat fingular, he obferved, that, by fome means or other, his Majesty's prefent Minifters had very ingeniously contrived to give offence to almost every nation in Europe. He next adverted to the terms of the Convention, and reprobated it in the moft fevere terms. He ridiculed the idea of Minifters pledging themselves that there fhould be no Imuggling; and confidered the circumfcribed bounds as a prevention of our having any great benefits from the fithery.

Lord Grenville answered the Noble Marquis in a very nervous, animated fpeech, and happily combated mot of the arguments urged against the Addrefs. Lord Stormont fupported the motion for the previous queftion; which was put; when there appeared

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In the Commons, the fame day, petitions were prefented for

Great Grimsby; to be heard on Thurfday, May 26 Stockbridge, Tuesday, May 31 Bedford, Thuriday, June 2 Mr. Grey faid, that no one more applauded the wifdom of the Legislature than he did, in giving to the exe tive power the feparate night of nego

tiation; but, at the fame time, thought it proper that Parliament should guard against an abuse of that power, by exercifing its undoubted right of enquiry. He fhould, therefore, move for fuch papers as he conceived to be abfolutely neceffary for the Houfe to be put in poffeffion of, as a vote of approbation without them would be premature; for by them alone could the Houfe be enabled to judge whether the late difputes had been occafioned by the ambition and unjul claim of Spain, or by the rashness or ignorance of his Majefty's Minifters. He flated, that the papers of the negotiation of 1739, and of Falkland's Inland, had been prefented, which he would make not only a precedent, but an example for his motion this night. He contended that Miniflers keeping the difagreement a fecret from February to May formed to him a very fufpicious circumftance; they could have no motive but fear to prevent the negotiation from being made public. After contending upon the right and privilege of the Houfe to enter into a minute enquiry, he moved an Addrefs to his Majefty, that he would be gracioufly pleated to order copies of all claims made on the part of Spain, and of all reprefentations relative to Nootka Sound, and the fisheries in the South Seas, with the answers thereto, and the dates thereof, to be laid before the House."

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Mr. Pelham feconded the motion. He should have thought the Minister would himself have moved for the papers that might have enabled the House fairly to judge of the Convention. Every member ought to be in poffeffion of them before he could give a fatisfactory vote in his confcience for the Convention.

Mr. Wilberforce faid, he would venture to contend, in oppofition to the two hon. gentlemen who had gone before him, that the Houfe would fhew its true dignity in refifting the motion. Parliamentary enquiry, he faid, ought not to be fet on foot without juft grounds of fufpicion, or manifeft blame : he would referve it for important occafions, and not agree to its exercise on every petty fummons. Minifters had avoided the evils of war in the late negotiation; they had made an amicable fettlement between the two countries, and opened a way for advantageous treaties. He and his conflituents felt thankfully to the Minifter for his conduct; and the prefent Houfe of Commons would act honourably

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