
the proper perfon to appeal to for re-
drefs, what defcription the knights fhould
be of, and efpecially what provifion is
left, and by whom, for those of the new-
intended foundation.
F. P.


July 25.
AVING frequently read accounts

tree, I trouble you with the inclofed,
which happened at the time therein men-
tioned, in Warwick fhire; as also with a
remarkable circumftance attending an
ewe sheep.

On Monday, May 17, 1784, three
rearing cow-calves, about three months
old, got out of the croft into which they
were turned to grafs, into a drying-yard,
where there was a yew-hedge, and, as is
fuppofed, ate very plentifully of the yew.
Suckle was afterwards given them as
ufual in the afternoon; but the next
morning, two of them were found quite
dead, and the third dying. To that a
few fpoonfuls of oil were given; but it
did not live half an hour after. The
three calves were opened and skinned,
and the entrails thrown upon a muck-
hill, where the dogs got to them, and ate
fome of them. Of thefe dogs a Dane-
dog went out afterwards with the fer-
vants and horfes, and was observed to
drink at a fpring, foon after which, he
dropped down dead. On bringing him
home, being much alarmed for the fafety
of a favourite blood-hound, and not then
having been informed of the other dog
dying immediately after drinking, fome
fweet oil, it was thought, might relieve
the hound. Accordingly, a common
drenching-horn full was given him; but
he, in about five minutes, alfo died.
Many other dogs ate of the fame en-
trails, but none of them feem to have re-
ceived any hurt from it; particularly
two pointers, that were feen to eat vora-
ciously, one of which is ftill living, the
other died of old age in January, 1790.
The circumstance which is fuppofed to
have rendered the yew innoxious to them

was, that the moment the effect of drink

ing was perceived, by the death of the
other two dogs, the pointers were tied up,
and kept without water, or any other li-
quid, for the pace of fourteen hours;
and this feems to prove that yew is in-
noxious to the ftomach, unless put into
fermentation by drinking after it. The
yew-leaves, quite green, were found both
in the entrails of the calves and the dogs
killed by it; and the entrails were perfo-
rated through with fall holes, which

certainly occafioned the deaths of thofe animals.

In March, 1781, an ewe-1 -fheep yeaned a ram-lamb; and, in about eight or ten days after, again yeaned two, viz. an ewe and a ram. The firft of these, and the ewe-lamb, were left with the dam; the youngest ram-lamb was taken from her,

days the ewe-lamb died, the other lamb being too ftrong, and fo taking all the ewe's milk from it. The ram-lamb, which was reared a kade, was killed on the 21ft of December, 1785, as a wether (after being theared four times), and weighed, when dreffed, 111lb. J. L.


July 28. THE fubfequent remark of Mr. Tyrwhitt, in his edition of Rowley, 8vo, 1778, I fufpect to have been made too precipitately, as the paffages from Chaucer, taken promifcuously, may tend to prove. Speght's edit. 1598. Should no infertion of the kind have previously appeared, please to infert the following.

"This leads me to a capital blunder that runs through all these Poems, and would alone be fufficient to deftroy their credit; I mean the termination of verbs in the fingular number in N. I will fet down a number of inftances in which ban is ufed for the prefent or paft fingular of the verb bave; only premifing, that ban, being an abbreviation of baven, is never ufed by any antient writer, except in the preient time plural and the inanitive mode." Appendix, p. 321.

Han, in the following paffages, is, doubtlefs, fingular; though Chaucer, I am aware, is indifcriminate in its use.


For this paling study ban treshed' our wittes, and our understanding ban excited in concideracion of trouthe by fharpeneffe of their reasons." Teft of Love. Angell upon Angell, Man upon Man, and Devill upon Devill, ban a maner of foverainty." ib.


Every man upon the crowne

That all the hall ban to fowne. FAME,b.III.
This Eolus anon up ftert
And with his blacke clarion
He ban to blafen out a fown.
Of this injury and this greate unright
To the Goddess that hereof ban a fight.



Let this be a favourable moment to

fuggeft that the mother and fifter of the

unfortunate author of the Poems of Row

ley are now living in Bristol. "Heu! nullis, quam fuis, magis ignotæ ;”—the



first, under the infirmities of age, reduced to indigence by a tedious illnefs; and her daughter (Mrs. Newton) confined under the same roof, to the drudgery of an un⚫ lucrative day-school, with abilities that, under fome aufpicious patronage, would not appear, perhaps, unworthy the fifter or genius of Chatterton. CLIMAX.

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Mr. URBAN, Bath, Aug. 3. ONSIDERING the entertainment I have for levert years paft received from your amufing Mifcellany, it is but fair I fhould, in return, add a trifle towards its fupport. I therefore prefent you with a profpect of Salisbury from Clarendon Park, by a young gentleman of that city. The chief objects are the cathedral and belfry; which laft edifice (during the Civil Wars a garrifon for the Parliament army) is now about to be taken down; and, when done, will give a beautiful view of the church from The High-ftreet. I have had an opportunity of feeing most of the cathedrals in this country, and fome on the Continent; and when the improvements carrying on by Mr. Wyatt, under the auspices of the Bishop, are finished, it will certainly vie with any of them; and have not a doubt but thofe, who in the beginning were rather inimical to the meafure, when the whole is compleated, will acknowledge their error, and give credit to thofe who planned, and put their ideas in execution.

You have alfo a fketch of the old Council-houfe in Sarumt, in the ftate it appeared before the fire which happened in November, 1780. It was built in Q Elizabeth's reign, on the fite where an elm-tree flood. A new building for the corporation is erecting (the plan by the late Sir Robert Taylor) at the expence of the Earl of Radnor, the recorder; a nobleman whole independent conduct in parliament, and exemplary behaviour in private life, have gained him the esteem of all ranks. Edward Poore, etq. is the law-recorder, a gentleman of urbanity, and of an antient family in the neigh bourhood. Mr. Hufey, one of its members, fhould not go without due praife, for many eflential fervices to the town. By his means, and at his coft, the old

gate was removed in Caftie-itrect, long confidered as a nuifance, and now makes a plealant opening to the Market-place. In short, a general fpirit of reform feems to have pervaded the city; and, if the navigation takes place, which is in contemplation, and much withed for by the mercantile part of the inhabitants as well

* See Plate II. † in the fame Plate.

as the refpectable gentry refiding there, it will place Salisbury on a par with most other cities.

As a Poftfcript to this hafty account, allow me to fay, that the College, the feat of Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, efq. has had great additions made to it, and is feen to good effect as you approach the town from the London road. The Infirmary is likewife a handfome pile, and well fupported by voluntary contributions. The medical gentlemen tho give their attendance are defervedly high in their profeffion; Dr. Grove as phyfician, and Mr. White as furgeon, nephew to the ingenious clergyman of that name, who lately published the Natural Hiftory of Selborne. J. ELDERTON.

Original Letter of the late Dr. HAWKESWORTH, with fome Lines written by bim on the celebrated RICHARDSON.

Dear Sir, Bromley, Jan. 3, 1771 from London to Bromley on Monday; FULFILLED my promife as I rode but the poft going hence only three days in the week, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I could not write till to-day. Our language has not the quaintnefs of the French, but it can exprefs fentiment with more melody and force. I make this declaration at my own peril; but it has always been deemed honourable to fuffer for our country. My beft compliments attend Mrs. I am, with fincere efteem, dear Sir, your obedient humble fervant, JOHN HAWKESWORTH. "He falls! the matchlefs mafter of the

heart, [tal art; Who fearch'd its depth with more than mor Whose words alone could all it feels exprefs, Whofe fkill gave laws to rule it, and to bless. Now left forlorn, in hopeless grief to figh,

It mourns that Richardfon was born to die !”



Shrewsbury, Aug. 2. N the review of the "Letters to and from Dr. Doddridge," p. 646. you are pleafed to fay, that "the editor, Mr. Stedman, was, if we miflake not, himself a pupil of Dr. D's, but conformed to the Eftablished Church." To clear up this mistake, permit me to oblerve, that I never had the honour of a perfonal knowledge of Dr. Doddridge; and was too young, when he died, to receive his acawho was a flrict conformit, took pains demical inftructions:-that my father, to have me educated in his own principles.

Yours, &c.

T. S.

We are much obliged by the truly polite note which accompanied this letter's and fhall be glad to receive from Mr. S. the promifed communications. EDIT.


View of Salisbury, from Clarendon Park.

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(Continued from p. 608.)

5. The bumble Addrefs of divers of your
Majeftyes Loyal Subjects, of severall
Perfwafions, in the Corporation of
Leeds, and Places adjacent, in your
County of York.

WITH all becoming refentment we

humbly prefent our gratefull acknowledgements to Heaven and your Sacred Majefty, for your roval benig nity in the ample indulgence and indemnity vouchfafed us by your most gracious declaration : :-a noble teftimony of your Majefty's deference to Almighty God, in afferting his immediate dominion over confcience, as a thing no force can or ought to violate; and alfo of the tender respect your Majefty beares to the felicity of your fubjects, by confirming them in the poffeffion of their libertyes and propertyes, during your government; which Mercy and Righteoufneis, that meet and kiffe each other in your Majefty, we doubt not, wil be the stability of your throne

and times.

We adore that wife Providence which in this hath made your Majesty fuch a generous leading pattern to the princes of other people, and evidenced you a father to your own: thereby establishing your Majefty in your foveraignty, not only over our bodyes but hearts, thus doubly won upon, to entertain your Majefty in their most affectionate embraces. And from our very fouls we implore the Divine Goodness to return a thousandfold into your Majesty's bofom, for the honour put upon us, in taking our perions and rights into your favourable protection, and making an climate of our loyalty from our fidelity

to God and our confciences.

May your Majefty be bleft with a long, peaceable, and profperous reign, under the conduct of Celestial Wisdom and Grace, to an happy immortality.

Subfcribed, &c. &c.

6. Mr. MAYOR, June 30 (88). WE having but this day received an order of Countell, fign'd by ten Privy Counfellers, to the exact oblerving the ift of July for a thanksgivings-day for the great bleffing conferred on these nations by the birth of a Prince, do, by virtue of the faid order, directed to us, Deputy-lieutenants of the Weft Riding,

GENT, MAG. Auguf, 1790.

require of you to omit no ufual ceremony of thankfgiving for fo fignall a mercy and advantage conferred on thefe nations. Your complyance in this is expected from, your real friends and fervants, WALTER VAVASOUR, J. MIDLETON. Thefe to the Mayor of Leeds.



14 Dec. 1687.

fome goods, belonging to John Wates, THE King being informed, that and other Quakers of Leeds, which were feized and taken from them on account of their religious worship, do remain unfold in the hands of John Todd, who was conftable at the time of their feizure, or in the hands of fome other perfons; and his Majesty's intention being, that all his fubjects fhall receive the full benefit of his declaration for liberty of confcience, his Majefty commands me to fignify his pleasure to you, that you caufe the faid goods, belonging to the faid John Waites, and all other Quakers of Leeds, which were heretofore feized upon the account of religious worship, and are unfold, in forthwith reftored to their respective whofe hands foever they remain, to be owners, without any charge. Gentlemen, your affectionate friend and fervant,


I am,


To the Mayor and the Aldermen
of Leeds, in the County of Yorke,

A Coppy of Mr. SCUDAMORE's Letter
to Mr. ARNOLD, concerning Combe,
in Herefordshire, dated Kent Church,
Dec. 24, 1678.

THE Combe, in Herefordshire, hath about 500l. per annum belonging to it. All the neighbourhood testify that it is a place to which Popifh recufants and priefis do often refort, but cannot tell who is proprietor or owner of it. Its ftituation without, and appartments with in, argue it a place of habitation of fuch as are fearful of being difcover'd. It hath fair chambers; to each belongs a tudy; and in fome were found thairs, tables, and fandithes, as is ufual in colledges. We found a very fair library of books, which may be compared with fome of them in the halls and tolledges in either of the Univerfityes. We found about thirty folios, fome manufcripts lately written, many English books gaint Proteftant writers, as Laud, Chit


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