
Jefus, et ea quæ in libris continentur; et explicabat libros, et Legem, et præcepta, et ftatuta, et myfteria quæ in libris Prophetarum continentur, res, quas nullius creaturæ intellectus percepit. Dicebat ergo magifter ifte, Ego hactenus talem fcientiam nec vidi, neque audivi ! quis putas puer ifte erit?


(He had read) both books, and the things which were contained in books. And he explained to them the books of the Law, and precepts, and statutes, and the mysteries which are contained in the books of the Prophets; things which the mind of no creature could reach. Then faid that Rabbi, I never yet have feen or heard of fuch

knowledge! what do you think that boy will be?

LI. When a certain Aftronomer, who was prefent, afked the Lord Jefus, Whether he had ftudied Aftronomy? The Lord Jefus replied, and told him the number of the spheres and heavenly bodies, as alfo their triangular, square, and fextile afpect; their progreffive and retrograde motion; their fize and several prognoftications; and other things, which the reafon of man had never discovered.

LI. Cumque adeffet ibidem philofophus Aftronomia peritus, rogaretque Domi num Jefum, num aftronomia ftuduiffet? Refpondebat ipfi Dominus Jefus, exponebatque numerum fphærarum, et corporum cœleftium ; eorumque naturas et operationes, oppofitionem, afpectum triquetrum, quadratum et fextilem; progreffionem eorundem et retrogradationem; computum denique et prognosticationem ; aliaque, quæ nullius unquam hominis ratio perveftigavit.

LII. Aderat quoque inter illos philofophus, medicinæ et naturalis fcientiæ peritiffimus; qui cum rogaffet Dominum Jefum, An medicinæ ftuduiffet? Refpondens ille expofuit ipfi phyfica et meta

LII. There was also among them a philofopher well skilled in phyfick and natural philofophy, who afked the Lord Jefus, Whether he had ftudied phyfick? He replied, and explained to him phyficks


phyfica, hyperphyfica et hypophyfica; virtutes quoque corporis et humores, eorundemque effectus; numerum item membrorum et offium, venarum, arteriarum, et nervorum; temperamenta etiam, calidum et ficcum, frigidum et humidum, quæque ex hifce orirentur; quænam effet operatio animæ in corpus; ejufque fenfationes et virtutes; facultates loquendi, irafcendi, appetendi; denique congregationem et diffipationem; aliaque, quæ nullius creaturæ intellectus unquam penetravit. Tunc furgebat philo fophus ifte, et Dominum Jefum adorabat; et, O Domine Jefu, inquit, ab hoc tempore ero difcipulus tuus et fervus.

LIII. Dum hæc et alia inter fefe loquebantur, aderat Domina diva Maria, poft quam ipfum quærens triduum cum Jofepho circumiviffet: videns ergo eum inter doctores fedentem, perque vices. ipfos rogantem et respondentem, dicebat illi, Mi fili, quare ita fecifti nobis? Ecce ego et pater tuus te magno cum

and metaphyficks, alfo those things which were above and below the power of nature; the powers alfo of the body, its humours and their effects; alfo the number of its members, and bones, veins, arteries, and nerves; the feveral conftitutions of body, hot and dry, cold and moift, and the tendencies of them; how the foul operated upon the body; what its various fenfations and faculties were; the faculty of fpeaking, anger, defire; and lastly, the manner of its compofition and diffolution; and other things, which the understanding of no creature had ever reached. Then that philofopher arose, and worshipped the Lord Jefus, and faid, O Lord Jefus, from henceforth I will be thy difciple and fervant.

LIII. While they were difcourfing on these and such like things, the Lady St. Mary came in, having been three days walking about with Jofeph, feeking for him. And when the faw him fitting among the doctors, and in his turn propofing questions to them, and giving answers, fhe faid to him, My fon, why haft thou done thus by us? Behold, I and thy father have


labore quæfivimus. At ille, Quare, inquit, me quærebatis? An nefciebatis, decere me, ut in domo patris mei verfer? Sed ipfi non intelligebant verba quæ cum ipfis loquebatur.

Tunc doctores

ifti rogabant Mariam, Hiccine ipfius effet filius? et annuente ipfa, O te felicem, aiebant, Maria, quæ hunc talem peperifti. Revertebatur autem cum eis Nazaretham, et omnibus rebus morem ipfis gerebat. Et mater ejus confervabat omnia verba ifta in corde fuo. Dominus vero Jefus proficiebat statura, et fapientia, et gratia apud Deum et homines.

LIV. Atque ab hoc die miracula, arcana, et fecreta fua occulere cœpit, et Legi operam dare; donec annum trigefimum compleret ; quando Pater publice illum ad Jordanem declaravit, hac cælitus voce demiffa, Hic eft filius meus dilectus, in quo acquiefco; præfente Spiritu Sancto in forma columbæ candida.

LV. Hic eft quem fupplices adoramus, quoniam effentiam nobis et vitam dedit, et

been at much pains in seeking thee. He replied, Why did ye feek me? Did ye not know that I ought to be employed in my father's house? But they understood not the words which he said to them. Then the doctors afked Mary, Whether this were her fon? And when she said, He was, they faid, O happy Mary, who haft born fuch a fon. Then he returned with them to Nazareth, and obeyed them in all things: and his mother kept all these fayings in her mind; and the Lord Jefus grew in ftature, and wisdom, and favour with God and Man.

LIV. But from this time he began to conceal his miracles and fecret works, and gave himself to the study of the Law, till he arrived to the end of his thirtieth year; at which time the father publickly owned him at Jordan, fending down this voice from heaven, This is my beloved fon, in whom I am well pleased; the Holy Ghoft being also prefent in the form of a dove.

LV. This is he whom we worship with all reverence, because he gave us our life


ex uteris matrum noftrarum nos eduxit; qui corpus humanum propter nos affumpfit, nofque redemit, ut complecteretur nos æterna mifericordia, et gratiam fuam ex liberalitate et beneficentia, ex generofitate et benevolentia nobis exhiberet. Ipfi fit gloria, et laus, et potentia, et imperium, ab hoc tempore in fempiterna fæcula. Amen.

Explicit Evangelium Infantia totum, auxilio Dei fupremi, fecundum ea quæ in archetypo invenimus.

and being, and brought us from our mother's womb; who, for our fakes, took a human body, and hath redeemed us, that so he might embrace us with everlasting mercy, and fhew his free, large, bountiful grace and goodness to us. To him be glory and praife, and power, and dominion, from henceforth and for evermore. Amen.

The end of the whole Gospel of the Infancy, by the affiftance of the fupreme God, according to what we found in the original.


A Gospel of our Saviour's Infancy under the Name of Thomas.

HIS Gofpel, or fragment of a Gofpel, is of the fame


tenour and defign with the former, and is published here for the fame reafons. I transcribed it out of the learned Cotelerius's Notes on the Conftitutions of the Apoftles, 1. vi. c. 17. p. 348. who printed it out of a manufcript in the French King's Library, Numb. 2279.


Numb. VIII.

Λόγος εἰς τὰ παιδικά και μεγαλεία τη Κυρία καὶ Σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Ἰησε Χρις.


ΑΝΑΓΚΑΙΟΝ ἡγησάμην ἐγὼ Θωμᾶς ὁ Ἰσραηλί της, πᾶσι τοῖς ἐξ ἐθνῶν ἀδελφοῖς γνωρίσαι τὰ παιδικὰ καὶ μεγαλεία το Χρισέ, ὅσα ἐποίησεν ὁ Κύριος ἡμῶν καὶ Θεὸς Ἰησᾶς Χρισὸς γεννηθείς ἐν τῇ χώρᾳ ἡμῶν, ἐν τῇ Βηθλεὲμ, ἐξισάμενος· ὧν ἡ ἀρχή ἐσιν αὕτη,


Τὸ γὰρ παιδίον Ἰησᾶς πενταετής γενόμενος· βροχῆς δὲ γενομένης, καὶ παυσάσης τῆς βροχῆς, ὁ Ἰησᾶς ἔπαιζεν ἐπὶ διοδεύσει τινὸς ῥύακος, καὶ τα παραῤῥέοντα ὕδατα συνη γάγετο εἰς λάκκες, μεθ' ἑτέ ρων παίδων τῶν Ἑβραίων· καὶ αὐτὰ τὰ ὕδατα παραχρῆμα ἐγένοντο καθαρὰ καὶ ἐνάρετα· λόγῳ δὲ μόνῳ ἐπάταξεν αὐτὰ, καὶ πάντως ύπε

τάσσοντο αὐτῷ· ἐπάραντος

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When the child Jefus was five years of age, and there had been a fhower of rain, which was now over, Jefus was playing with other Hebrew boys by a running stream; and the water running over the banks, food in little lakes; but the waters inftantly became clear and ufeful again; he having fmote them only by his word, they readily obeyed him. Then he took

from the bank of the ftream


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