
Venit autem Nicodemus ferens fecum mixturam myrrhæ et aloes, quafi libras centum, et depofuerunt Jefum cum lacrymis de cruce, et ligaverunt illum in linteis cum aromatibus, ut mos fepeliendi eft Judæis, et pofuerunt illum in monumentum novum, quod Jofeph conftruxerat, et de petra excidi curaverat, in quo nullus homo pofitus fuerat, et advolverunt faxum magnum ad oftium fpeluncæ.

governor gave him leave. And Nicodemus came, bringing with him a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pound weight; and they took down Jefus from the cross with tears, and bound him in linen cloaths with spices, according to the cuftom of burying among the Jews, and placed him in a new tomb, which Jofeph had built, and caused to be cut out of a rock, in which never any man had been put; and they rolled

a great ftone to the door of the fepulchre.

XII. Audientes autem iniqui Judæi, quia corpus Jefu petiit et fepelivit, quærebant et Nicodemum, et iftos quindecim viros, qui dixerunt ante præfidem, quia non eft natus de fornicatione, et alios bonos qui opera bona declaraverant. Omnibus autem occultatis præ timore Judæorum, folus Nicodemus oftendit fe eis. Quomodo ifti ingreffi fynagogam? et refponderunt ei Judæi, Et tu quomodo aufus es ingredi fynagogam, quia confentiens Chrifto eras? Pars illius tecum fiat in futuro feculo. Et refpondit Nico

XII. When the unjust Jews heard that (Joseph) had begged and buried the body of Jefus, they fought after Nicodemus, and those fifteen men who had teftified before the governor, that (Jefus) was not born through fornication, and other good perfons, who had shewn any good actions towards him. But when they all concealed themselves through fear of the Jews, Nicodemus alone fhewed himself to them, (and faid) How can fuch perfons as thefe enter into the fynagogue? The Jews answered him, But how durft thou enter into the fynagogue, who waft a confederate with Christ? Let thy lot be along with him in the other world. Nicodemus anfwered, Amen; fo may


demus, Amen; fic fiat, ut
mihi fit cum ifto in reg-
no fuo. Similiter et Jofeph,
quum afcendiffet ad Judæos,
dixit eis, Quare contriftati
eftis adverfum me, quia petii
a Pilato corpus Jefu? Ecce,
in monumento meo pofui
eum, et involvi in findone
munda, et appofui lapidem
magnum ad oftium fpeluncæ.
Ego bene egi circa iftum ;
vos enim non bene egiftis
adverfus juftum, ut eum cru-
cifigeretis, fed aceto potaftis
eum, et fpinis eum coronaftis,
et flagellis laceraftis eum, et
fanguinem ejus imprecati ef-
tis. Hæc audientes Judæi,
contriftati funt animo et con-
turbati. Et apprehenderunt
Jofeph, et jufferunt eum cuf-
todiri ante diem fabbati ufque
poft diem fabbatorum. Et
dixerunt ei, Agnofce, quia
hac hora non competit aliquid
agere adverfum te mali, donec
primum fabbatum illucefcat.
Scimus autem, quia nec fe-
pultura dignus eris, fed dabi-
mus carnes tuas volatilibus
cœli et beftiis terræ.
fpondit Jofeph, Ifte fermo
fimilis eft Goliæ fuperbo, qui
exprobravit Deum vivum ad-
verfus fanctum David. Scitis

it be, that I may have my lot with him in his kingdom. In like manner Jofeph, when he came to the Jews, faid to them, Why are ye angry with me for defiring the body of Jefus of Pilate? Behold, I have put him in my tomb, and wrapped him up in clean linen, and put a ftone at the door of the fepulchre: I have acted rightly towards him; but ye have acted unjustly against that juft perfon, in crucifying him, giving him vinegar to drink, crowning him with thorns, tearing his body with whips, and prayed down (the guilt of) his blood upon you. The Jews at the hearing of this were difquieted and troubled; and they feized Jofeph, and commanded him to be put in cuftody before the fabbath, and kept there till the fabbath was over. And they said to him, Make confeffion; for at this time it is not lawful to do thee any harm, till the first day of the week come. But we know that thou wilt not be (thought) worthy of a burial; but we will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and the beafts of the earth. Jofeph anfwered, That fpeech is like (the fpeech of) proud Goliah, who reproached the living God (in fpeaking) against David.



autem vos, Scribæ et Doctores, quia Deus dicit per Prophetam, Mihi vindictam, et ego retribuam, mihi tantum quod promittis malum. Potens eft Deus, quem in cruce fufpendiftis, eripere me de manu veftra. Super vos omne facinus veniet. Præfes enim, quando manus fuas lavit, dixit, Mundus fum ego a fanguine, jufti hujus. Et vos refpondentes clamaftis, Sanguis ejus fuper nos et noftros filios. Sicut dixiftis, et pereatis in æternum. Audientes autem Judæi fermones iftos, exacerbati funt animo nimis; et apprehendentes Jofeph, incluferunt eum in cubiculum, ubi non erat feneftra. Signaverunt oftium cubilis fuper clavem; Annas et Caiphas cuftodes pofuerunt, et confilium fecerunt cum Sacerdotibus et Levitis, ut congregarentur omnes poft diem fabbati; et cogitaverunt quali morte occiderent Jofeph: hoc facto, jufferunt principes Annas et Caiphas præfentari Joseph.

But ye Scribes and Doctors know, that God faith by the Prophet, Vengeance is mine, and I will repay to you "evil equal to that which ye have threatened to me. The God whom you have hanged upon the cross, is able to deliver me out of your hands. All your wickedness will return upon you. For the governor, when he washed his hands, faid, I am clear from the blood of this just person. this juft perfon. But ye anfwered and cried out, His blood be upon us and our children. According as ye have faid, may ye perish for ever. The elders of the Jews hearing these words, were exceedingly enraged; and seizing Jofeph, they put him into a chamber where there was no window; they fastened the door, and put a feal upon the lock; and Annas and Caiaphas placed a guard about it, and took counfel with the Priests and Levites, that they fhould all meet after the Sabbath, and they contrived to what death they should put Jofeph. When they had done

this, the rulers, Annas and Caiaphas, ordered Joseph to be brought forth.

Here fomething feems to be left out.


a Deut. xxxii. 35. Heb. x. 30.


XIII. Hæc audiens omnis . XIII. When all the affem

congregatio, admirantes obftupuerunt, quia fignatam invenerunt clavem cubiculi, nec invenerunt Jofeph. Annas et Caiphas abierunt. Hæc omnibus admirantibus, ecce quidam de militibus, qui fepulchrum cuftodiebant, in fynagoga dixit, Quia nobis cuftodientibus monumentum Jefu, facta eft terræ motio, et vidimus angelum Dei, quomodo revolvit monumenti lapidem et fedebat super eum; et afpectus ejus erat ficut fulgur, et veftimentum ejus ficut nix; et præ timore effecti fumus velut mortui. Et audivimus angelum dicentem mulieribus ad fepulchrum Jefu, Nolite timere; fcio quod Jefum quæritis crucifixum; hic furrexit, ficut prædixit. Venite, et videte locum ubi pofitus erat; et cito euntes, dicite difcipulis ejus, quia furrexit a mortuis, et præcedet vos in Galilæam; ubi eum videbitis, ficut dixit vobis. Et convocantes Judæi omnes milites qui cuftodierant monumentum Jefu, dix

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bly heard this, they admired and were astonished, because they found the fame feal upon the lock of the chamber, and could not find Jofeph. Then Annas and Caiaphas went forth, and while they were all admiring (at Joseph's being gone), behold one of the foldiers, who kept the sepulchre (of Jefus), spake in the affembly, That while they were guarding the fepulchre of Jefus, there was an earthquake; and we saw an angel of God roll away the stone of the fepulchre and ↳ fit upon it; and his countenance was like lightning, and his garment like fnow; and we became through fear like perfons dead. And we heard an angel faying to the women at the fepulchre of Jefus, Do not fear; I know that ye feek Jefus who was crucified: he is rifen as he foretold. Come and fee the place where he was laid; and go presently, and tell his difciples that he is risen from the dead, and he will go before you into Galilee; there ye fhall fee him, as he told you.

Then the Jews called together all the foldiers who kept the fepulchre of Jefus, and faid to them, Who are thofe women,

• Matt. xxviii. 11, 12, &c.

Matt. xxviii. 1, 2, &c.


erunt eis, Quæ funt mulieres to whom the angel spoke? Why

illæ, ad quas angelus loquutus eft? Quare eas non tenuiftis? Refpondentes milites dixerunt, Mulieres nefcimus quæ fuerunt, et nos ut mortui facti fumus præ timore angeli; et quomodo potuiffemus apprehendere mulieres illas? Dixerunt illis Judæi, Vivit Dominus, quia non credimus vobis. Refpondentes. milites dixerunt Judæis, Tanta miracula facientem Jefum vidiftis et audiftis, et non ei creditis; quomodo nobis credituri eftis? Bene quidem dixiftis, Vivit Dominus, et vere vivit ipfe Dominus. Nos audivimus, quia ipfum Jofeph, qui fepelivit corpus Jefu, inclufiftis in cubiculo, fuper clavem fignantes, et aperientes non inveniftis eum. Date ergo vos Jofeph, quem in cubiculo cuftoditis, et nos dabimus Jefum, quem in fepulchro cuftodivimus. Refpondentes Judæi dixerunt, Jofeph nos dabimus, date nobis. Jefum. Jofeph autem in civitate fua Arimathia eft. Refpondentes milites dixerunt, Si Jofeph in Arimathia eft, et Jefus in Galilæa eft, ficut audivimus ab angelo dicente mulieribus. Hæc audientes Judæi timuerunt, dicentes ad

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did ye not feize them? The foldiers answered and faid, We know not who the women were; befides, we became as dead perfons through fear, and bow could we feize those women? The Jews faid to them, As the Lord liveth, we do not be→ lieve you. The foldiers anfwering, faid to the Jews, When ye faw and heard Jefus working fo many miracles, and did not believe him, how should ye believe us? Ye well faid, As the Lord liveth, for the Lord truly does live. We have heard that ye shut up Jofeph, who buried the body of Jefus, in a chamber, under a lock which was fealed; and when ye opened it, found him not there. Do ye then produce Jofeph whom ye put under guard in the chamber, and we will produce fefus whom, we, guarded in the fepulchre. The Jews answered, and faid, We will produce Jofeph, do ye produce Jefus. But Joseph is in his own city of Arimathea. The foldiers replied, If Jofeph be in Arimathea, and Jefus in Galilee, we heard the angel inform the women. The Jews hearing this, were afraid, and faid among themfelves, If by

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