
XX. Et cum exultarent fancti omnes, ecce Sathan, princeps et dux mortis, dixit ad principem inferorum, Appara fufcipere ipfum Jefum Nazarenum, qui gloriatus eft fe Filium effe Dei, et eft homo timens mortem, et dicens, Triftis eft anima mea ufque ad mortem. Et multa mihi mala inferens, et pluribus aliis, quos ego cæcos feci et claudos, infuper et quos ego variis dæmoniis vexavi, ipfe verbo fanavit. Et quos ad te mortuos perduxi, hos ipfe a te abftraxit. Refpondens autem princeps inferorum ad Sathan, dixit, Quis eft ifte princeps tam potens, quum fit homo mortem timens? Omnes enim potentes terræ mea potestate subjecti tenentur, quos tu fubjectos perduxifti tua potentia. Si ergo potens eft in humanitate, vere dico tibi, omnipotens eft et in divinitate, et potentiæ ejus nemo poteft refiftere. Et quum dicit fe ti mere mortem, capere te vult; et væ tibi erit in fempiterna fecula. Refpondens autem Sathan, dixit ad principem Tartari, Quid dubitafti et ti


XX. While all the faints were rejoicing, behold Satan, the prince and captain of death, faid to the prince of hell, Prepare to receive Jefus of Nazareth himself, who boafted that he was the Son of God, and yet was a man afraid of death, and faid, My foul is forrowful even to death. Befides, he did many injuries to me and to many others; for those whom I made blind and lame, and thofe also whom I tormented with feveral devils, he cured by his word; yea, and those whom I brought dead to thee, he by force takes away from thee. To this the prince of hell replied to Satan, Who is that fo powerful prince, and yet a man who is afraid of death? For all the potentates of the earth are fubject to my power, whom thou broughtest to fubjection by thy power. But if he be (fo) powerful in his human nature, I affirm to thee for truth, that he is almighty in his divine nature, and no man can refift his powere When therefore he said he was afraid of death, he defigned to enfnare thee, and unhappy it will be to thee for everlast

ing ages. Then Satan replying, said to the prince of hell, Why

a Matt. xxvi. 38.

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muifti fufcipere illum Jefum Nazarenum, adverfarium tuum et meum? Ego enim tentavi illum, et populum meum antiquum Judaicum excitavi zelo et ira adverfus eum. Lanceam exacui ad paffionem ejus, fel et acetum miscui, et juffi ei dare potum; et lignum præparavi ad crucifigendum eum, et clavos ad perforandum manus ejus et pedes; et in proximo eft ejus mors, et perducam eum ad te, fubjectum mihi et tibi. Refpondens autem princeps Tartari, dixit, Tu mihi dixifti, quia ipse est, qui mortuos a me abftraxit. Qui hic detenti funt dum viverent in

terris, non fuis potentiis, fed divinis precibus ablati funt, et omnipotens eorum Deus abftraxit eos a me. Quis ergo eft ifte Jefus Nazarenus, qui fuo verbo mortuos a me traxit fine precibus? Forfitan ipfe eft, qui Lazarum quatuor diebus mortuum, fœtentem, et diffolutum, quem ego mortuum detinebam, tedivivum fuo imperio a me traxit. Refpondens Sathan ad principem inferorum, dixit, Ipfe eft ille

and was rotten, and of whom fon, yet he brought him to life

didst thou express a doubt, and waft afraid to receive that Jefus of Nazareth, both thy adversary and mine? As for me, I tempted him, and stirred up my old people the Jews with zeal and anger against him; I fharpened the Spear for his fuffering; I mixed the gall and vinegar, and commanded that he should drink it; I prepared the cross to crucify him, and the nails to pierce through his hands and feet; and now his death is near at hand, I will bring him hither, subject both to thee and me. Then the prince of hell answering, faid, Thou faidft to me just now, that he took away the dead from me by force. They who have been kept here till they should live again upon earth, were taken away hence, not by their own power, but by prayers made to God, and their almighty God took them from me. Who then is that Jefus of Nazareth, that by his word hath taken away the dead from me without prayer to God? Perhaps it is the fame who took away from me Lazarus, after he had been four days dead, and did both ftink had poffeffion as a dead peragain by his power. Satan


answering, replied to the prince of hell, It is the very fame


Jefus Nazarenus. Hæc audiens princeps inferorum, dixit ad eum, Adjuro te per virtutes tuas et meas, ne perducas eum ad me. Ego enim tunc, quando audivi imperium verbi ejus, contremui timore perterritus, et omnia officia mea impia fimul mecum conturbata funt, nec ipfum Lazarum retinere potuimus; fed excutiens fe, per omnem malignitatem et celeritatem falvus exivit a nobis; et ipfa terra, quæ tenebat Lazari corpus mortuum, ftatim reddidit vivum. Ego autem Ego autem nunc fcio, quod hæc ita potuit facere Deus omnipotens, qui potens eft in imperio fuo, et potens in humanitate, qui et Salvator eft generis humani. Hunc ergo ne perduxeris ad me; omnes enim illos, quos hic detineo fub incredulitate carceris claufos, et vinculis peccatorum conftrictos, folvet, et ad æternam vitam fuæ divinitatis perducet.

perfon, Jefus of Nazareth. Which when the prince of hell heard, he faid to him, I adjure thee by the powers which belong to thee and me, that thou bring him not to me. For when I heard of the power of his word, I trembled for fear, and all my impious company were at the fame difturbed; and we were not able to detain Lazarus, but he gave himself a shake, and with all the figns of malice, he immediately went away from us; and the very earth, in which the dead body of Lazarus was lodged, prefently turned him out alive. And I know now that (he is) almighty God, (who) could perform fuch things, who is mighty in his dominion, and mighty in his human nature, who is the Saviour of mankind. Bring not therefore this perfon hither, for he will fet at liberty all those whom I hold in prison under unbelief, and bound with the fetters of their fins, and

will conduct them to everlasting life.

XXI. Et quum hæc ad invicem loquerentur Sathan et princeps inferorum, fubito facta eft vox ut tonitruum et


XXI. And while Satan and the prince of hell were difcourfing thus to each other, on a fudden there was a voice

* John xi,




fpiritualis clamor, Tollite portas, principes, veftras; et ele vamini, portæ æternales, et introibit Rex Gloriæ. Hæc autem quum audiffet princeps Tartari, dixit ad Sathan, Recede a me, et exi de meis fedibus foras: fi potens es præliator, pugna adverfum Regem Gloriæ. Sed quid tibi cum ifto? Et ejecit foras Sathan de fedibus fuis. Et dixit princeps ad fuos impios miniftros, Claudite portas crudeles areas, et vectes ferreos fupponite, et fortiter refiftite, ne captivi ducamur in captivitatem. Hæc autem audiens omnis multitudo fanctorum, cum magna voce increpationis dixerunt ad principem inferorum, Aperi portas tuas, ut intret Rex Gloria. Et exclamavit divinus ille propheta David, dicens, Nonne quum effem vivus in terris, bene vobis prædixi? Confiteantur Domino mifericordiæ ejus, et mirabilia ejus filiis hominum: quia contrivit portas æreas, et vectes ferreos confregit. Sufcepit eos de via iniquitatis eorum; propter


as of thunder and the rushing of winds, (saying) a Lift up your gates, O ye princes; and be ye lift up, O everlasting gates, and the King of Glory fall come in. When the prince of hell heard this, he faid to Satan, Depart from me, and be gone out of my babitations: if thou art a powerful warrior, fight with the King of Glory. But what haft thou to do with him? And he caft him forth from his habitations. And the prince faid to his impious officers, Shut the brass gates of cruelty, and make them faft with iron bars, and fight courageously, left we be taken captives. But when all the company of the faints heard this, they fpake with a loud voice of anger to the prince of hell, Open thy gates, that the King of Glory may come in. And the divine prophet David,. cried out, faying, Did not I, when on earth, truly prophefy (and fay), O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnefs, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he hath broken the gates


of brafs, and cut the bars of iron in funder. He hath taken them because of their iniquity, and because of their un

a Pfalm xxiv. 7, &c.

b Pfal. cvii. 15, &c.


injuftitias enim fuas humiliati funt. Et poft hæc alius propheta (viz. S. Efaias) fimiliter ait ad omnes fanctos, Nonne quum effem in terris vivus, bene prædixi vobis, Exfurgent mortui, et refurgent qui in monumentis funt, et exultabunt qui in terris funt; quoniam ros, qui eft a Domino, fanitas eft illis. Et iterum dixi, Ubi eft, mors, victoria tua? Ubi est, mors, ftimulus tuus? Hæc autem audientes omnes fancti ab Efaia, dixerunt ad principem inferorum, Aperi nunc portas tuas, et vectes ferreos fubmove, quoniam jam vinctus eris, et nullius potentiæ. Et facta eft vox magna, tanquam fonus tonitrui, dicens, Attollite portas, principes, veftras ; et elevamini, portæ infernales, et introibit Rex Gloriæ. Videns autem princeps inferorum, quod duabus vicibus clamaverat, quafi ignorans, dicit, Quis eft ifte Rex Gloriæ ? David vero refpondens ad principem inferorum, dixit, Ifta verba clamoris cognofco, quoniam ego eadem per fpiritum ejus vaticinatus fum.


righteousness they are afflicted. After this, another prophet (viz. holy Isaiah) spake in like manner to all the faints, Did not I rightly prophesy to you, when I was alive on earth? The dead men fhall live, and they fhall rise again who are in their graves, and they fhall rejoice who are in earth; for the dew which is from the Lord, fhall bring deliverance to them. And I faid in another place, O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy fting? When all the faints heard these things spoken by Isaiah, they faid to the prince of hell,


Open now thy gates, and take away thine iron bars; for thou wilt now be bound, and have no power. Then was there a great voice, as of the found of thunder, saying, Lift up your gates, O princes; and be ye lifted up, ye gates of hell, and the King of Glory will enter in. The prince of hell perceiving the fame voice repeated, cried out, as though he had been ignorant, Who is that King of Glory? David replied to the prince of hell, and faid, I understand the

words of that voice, because I spake them by his spirit. And

a Ifai. xxvi. 19.

Pfal. xxiv. 7, &c.

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