
nite ad me, fancti mei omnes, qui creati eftis ad imaginem meam, qui per lignum, et diabolum, et mortem damnati eftis; modo vivite per lignum crucis meæ, diabolo mundi principe damnato, et morte proftrata. Tunc ftatim omnes fancti Dei fub manu altiffimi Dei adunati funt. Tenens autem Dominus Jefus manum Adæ, dixit ad eum, Pax tibi cum omnibus filiis tuis juftis meis. Adam vero genibus Domini Jefu Chrifti advolutus, lachrymabiliter deprecatus eft eum, obfecratione humili cum voce magna, dicens, Exaltabo te, Domine, quoniam fufcepisti me, nec delectafti inimicos meos fuper me. Domine Deus, clamavi ad te, et fanafti me. Domine, eduxifti ab inferis animam meam, falvasti me a defcendentibus in lacum. Pfallite Domino, omnes fancti ejus, et confitemini memoriæ fanctitatis ejus. Quoniam ira in indignatione ejus, et vita in voluntate ejus. Similiter et omnes fancti Dei genibus


Come to me, all ye my faints, who were created in my image, who were condemned by the tree (of the forbidden fruit), and by the devil and death live now by the wood of my cross; the devil, the prince of this world, is overcome, and death is conquered. Then presently all the faints were joined together under the hand of the moft high God; and the Lord Jefus laid hold on Adam's hand, and said to him, Peace be to thee, and all thy righteous pofterity, which is mine. Then Adam, cafting himself at the feet of Jefus, addreffed himself to him with tears, in humble language, and a loud voice, faying ", will extol thee, O Lord, for thou haft lifted me up, and haft not made my foes to rejoice over me. O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou haft healed me. O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave; thou haft kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. Sing unto the Lord, all ye faints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. For

a. I

bis anger endureth but for a moment; in his favour is life. In like manner all the faints, proftrate at the feet of Jefus,

a Pfal. xxx. 1, &c.


Domini Jefu advoluti, una voce dixerunt, Advenifti, Redemptor mundi, ficut per legem et prophetas tuos fanctos prædixisti, jam factis adimplesti. Redemifti vivos per crucem tuam, et per mortem crucis ad nos defcendifti, ut eriperes nos ab inferis et morte per majeftatem tuam. Domine, ficut pofuifti titulum gloriæ tuæ in cœlo, et erexifti titulum redemptionis crucem tuam in terris: ita pone, Domine, fignum in inferno victoriæ crucis tuæ, ne mors dominetur amplius. Et extendens Dominus Jefus manum fuam, fecit fignum crucis fuper Adam, et fuper omnes fanctos fuos, et apprehendens dextram Adæ, afcendit ab inferis, et omnes fancti Dei fecuti funt eum. Tunc Propheta ille regius, fanctus David, fortiter clamavit, dicens, Cantate Domino canticum novum, quia mirabilia fecit. Salvavit fibi dextra ejus, et brachium fanctum ejus. Notum fecit Dominus falutare fuum, in confpe&u gentium revelavit juftitiam fuam.

Et omnis multitudo

faid with one voice, Thou art come, O Redeemer of the world, and haft actually accomplished all things, which thou didst foretell by the law and thy holy prophets. Thou haft redeemed the living by thy cross, and art come down to us, that by the death of the cross thou mighteft deliver us from hell, and by thy power from death. O Lord, as thou haft put the enfigns of thy glory in heaven, and haft fet up the fign of thy redemption, even thy cross on earth; fo, Lord, set the fign of the victory of thy cross in hell, that death may have dominion no longer. Then the Lord ftretching forth his hand, made the fign of the cross upon Adam and upon all his faints, and taking hold of Adam by his right hand, he ascended from hell, and all the faints of God followed him. Then the royal Prophet David boldly cried out, and faid, a O fing unto the Lord a new fong, for he hath done marvellous things; his right hand and his holy arm have gotten him the victory. The Lord hath made known his falvation, his righteoufnefs bath he openly

fhewn in the fight of the heathen. And the whole multitude

Pfal. xcviii. 1, &c.


fanctorum refponderunt, dicentes, Hæc eft omnis gloria omnibus fanctis Dei, Amen, Halleluia. Et poft hæc exclamavit Habacuc Propheta, dicens, Exifti in falutem populi tui ad liberandum populos tuos. Et refponderunt omnes fancti, dicentes, Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, Deus Dominus et illuxit nobis. Hic eft Deus nofter in æternum et in seculum feculi, ipfe reget nos in fecula, Amen. Sic et omnes prophetæ de fuis laudibus facra referentes, fequebantur Dominum.

XXV. Dominus autem tenens manum Adæ, tradidit Michaeli archangelo, et omnes fancti fequebantur Michaelem archangelum, et introduxit in Paradifo gratia gloriofa; et occurrerunt eis obviam duo viri vetufti dierum; interrogati autem a fanctis, Qui eftis vos, qui nobifcum apud inferos nondum fuiftis, et in Paradifo corpore collati eftis? Refpondens unus ex eis, dixit, Ego fum Enoch, qui verbo tranflatus fum; hic ifte qui mecum eft, Helias Thef

a Pfal. cxlix. 9.

Hab. iii. 13.

of faints anfwered, faying, a This honour have all his




Amen, Praife ye the Lord. Afterwards, the Prophet Habbakuk cried out,' and faid, Thou wenteft forth for the Salvation of thy people, even for the falvation of thy people. And all the faints faid, Bleffed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord; for the Lord hath enlightened us. This is our God for ever and ever; he fhall reign over us to everlasting ages, Amen. In like manner all the Prophets fpake the facred things of his praife, and followed the Lord.

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XXV. Then the Lord holding Adam by the hand, delivered him to Michael the archangel; and he led them into Paradife (filled) with mercy and glory; and two very antient men met them, and were afked by the faints, Who are ye, who have not yet been with us in hell, and have had your bodies placed in Paradife? One of them answeriug, faid, I am Enoch, who was tranflated by the word (of God;) and this man who is with me, is Elijah the Thifbite,


c Matt. xxiii. 39.

Gen. v. 24.


bites eft, qui curru igneo affumptus eft. Hic et ufque nunc non gustavimus mortem, fed in adventum Antichristi reverfuri fumus, divinis fignis et prodigiis præcincti, ad præliandum cum eo, et ab eo occidi in Jerufalem, et poft triduum et dimidium dierum iterum vivi in nubibus affumendi.

XXVI. Et quum hæc loquerentur fanctus Enoch et Helias, ecce fupervenit alius vir miferrimus, portans humeris fuis fignum crucis. Et quum viderunt omnes fancti, dixerunt ad eum, Quis es tu? quia vifio tua latronis eft; et propter quod portas crucem humeris? Quibus refpondens, ait, Vere dixiftis, quia latro fui, omnia mala faciens fuper terram; et Judæi crucifixerunt me cum Jefu; et vidi creaturarum mirabilia quæ facta funt per crucem Domini Jefu crucifixi, et credidi eum effe Creatorem omnium creaturarum, et Regem Omnipotentem; et deprecatus fum eum, dicens, Memor

who was tranflated in a fiery chariota. Here we have hitherto been, and have not tafted death, but are now about to return at the coming of Antichrift, being armed with divine figns and miracles, to engage with him in battle, and to be flain by him in Jerufalem, and to be taken up alive again into the clouds, after three days and a half.

XXVI. And while the holy Enoch and Elias were relating this, behold there came another man in a mife

rable figure, carrying the fign of the cross upon his shoulders. And when all the faints faw him, they said to him, Who art thou? For thy coun→ tenance is like a thief's; ana why dost thou carry a cross upon thy shoulders? To which he answering, faid, Ye fag right, for I was a thief, who committed all forts of wickednefs upon earth. And the Jews crucified me with Jefus; and I obferved the furprizing things which happened in the creation at the crucifixion of the Lord Jefus, and I believed him to be the Creator of all

things, and the Almighty King; and I prayed to him, saying,


2 Kings ii. 11.

Rev. xi. 11.


efto mei, Domine, dum ve- Lord, remember me, when

neris in regnum tuum. Statim fufcipiens deprecationem meam, dixit ad me, Amen dico tibi, hodie mecum eris in Paradifo. Et dedit mihi fignum iftud crucis, dicens, Hoc porta, et ambula in Paradifo; et si non dimiferit te ingredi angelus cuftos Paradifi, oftende illi fignum crucis, et dices ad eum, quia Jefus Chriftus filius Dei, qui nunc crucifixus eft, mifit me huc ad te. Quum hoc feciffem, dixi ad angelum cuftodem Paradifi hæc omnia; qui quum hæc a me audivit, ftatim aperiens introduxit me, et collocavit me ad dextram Paradifi, dicens, Ecce, modicum fuftine te hic, ut ingrediatur omnis generis humani pater Adam, cum omnibus filiis fuis fanctis et juftis Chrifti Domini crucifixi. crucifixi. Quum audiffent omnia verba latronis, omnes patriarchæ una voce dixerunt, Benedictus es, Deus Omnipotens, Pater æternorum bonorum et Pater mifericordiarum, qui talem gratiam peccatoribus ejus dedifti, et in gratiam Paradifi

thou comeft into thy kingdom. He presently regarded my fupplication, and said to me, Verily I fay unto thee, this day thou shalt be with me in Paradife. And he gave me this fign of the cross, faying, Carry this, and go to Paradife; and if the angel who is the guard of Paradise will not admit thee, fhew him the fign of the cross, and say unto him: Jefus Chrift, who is now crucified, hath fent me hither to thee. When I did this, (and) told the angel wha is the guard of Paradife all these things, and he heard them, he prefently opened the gates, introduced me, and placed me on the right hand in Paradife, faying, Stay here a little time, till Adam, the father of all mankind, fhall enter in, with all his fons, who are the holy and righteous (fervants) of Jefus Chrift, who is crucified. When they heard all this account from the thief, all the Patriarchs faid with one voice, Blessed be thou, O Almighty God, the Father of everlasting goodness, and the Father of mercies, who hast shewn fuch favour to those who were finners against him, and haft brought them to the


a Luke xxiii. 43.


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