
τῷ ἡγεμόνι Κατελλίῳ, (1. Κασελλίῳ) ὡς ἀναπείθοντα τὲς ὄχλες ἐπὶ καινῇ διδασκαλία Χρισιανῶν, καὶ κατὰ τὸ δόγμα τα Καίσαρος ἀπολεῖ αὐτὸν, καὶ σὺ ἕξεις τὴν γυναῖκά σε, καὶ ἡμεῖς διδάξομεν, ὅτι ἣν λέγει ὗτος ἀνάςασιν γενέσθαι, ἤδη γέγονεν ἐφ ̓ οἷς ἔχομεν τέκνοις, καὶ ἀνέςημεν, Θεὸν ἐπιγνόντες. Ὁ δὲ Θάμυρις ακέσας παρ' αὐτῶν ταῦτα, καὶ πλησθείς ζήλε καὶ θυμε, ὄρθρα αναςας, απἦλθεν εἰς τὸν οἶκον Ονησιφόρε, μετὰ ἀρχόντων, καὶ δημοσία, καὶ ὄχλε ἱκανὲ μετὰ ξύλων, λέγων τῷ Παύλῳ· Διέφθειρας τὴν Ἰκονιέων πόλιν, ἔτι δὲ καὶ τὴν ἡρμοσμένην μοι Θέκλαν, ἵνα μὴ θελήσῃ μοι γῆμαι ἄγωμεν ἓν ἐπὶ τὸν ἡγεμόνα Καςέλλιον. Καὶ πᾶς ὁ ὄχλος λέγει Απάγαγε τον μάγον, διέφθειρε γὰρ ἡμῶν πάσας τὰς γυναῖκας, καὶ συνεπείσθησαν αὐτῷ πάντες οἱ ὅχλοσο

before the governor Caftellius, as one who endeavours to perfuade the people into the new he, according to the order of religion of the Chriftians, and Cafar, will put him to death, by which means you will obtain your wife; while we at the fame time will teach her, that the refurrettion which he peaks of, is already come, and confits in our having children; and that we then arofe again, when we came to the know

ledge of God. Thamyris haying this account from them, was filled with hot refentment; and rifing early in the morning, he went to the houfe of Onefiphorus, attended by the magiftrates, the jailor, and a great multitude of people with faves, and faid to Paul, Thou baft perverted the city of Iconium, and, among the reft, Thecla, who is betrothed to me, fo that now Thou he will not marry me. fhalt therefore go with us to the governor Caftellius. And all the multitude cried out, Away with this impoftor [magician]; for he has perverted

the minds of our wives, and all the people hearken to him.


Καὶ τὰς πρὸ τὸ βήματος ὁ Θάμυρις, κραυγῇ μεγάλη


Then Thamyris standing before the governor's judg


εἶπεν· ̓Ανθύπατε, ὁ ἄνθρωπος ἔτος ἐκ οἶδα πόθεν ἐςὶν, καὶ ἐκ ἐᾷ γαμεῖν τὰς παρθένες εἰπάτω ἂν ἐπὶ σᾶ, τίνος ἕνεκεν ταῦτα διδάσκει. Ὁ δὲ Δη μᾶς καὶ Ἑρμογένης εἶπον τῷ Θαμύριδι· Λέγε αὐτὸν Χρισιανὸν, καὶ ἀπολεῖται συντόμως. Ὁ δὲ ἡγεμὼν ἔζησεν τὴν διάνοιαν αὐτῇ, καὶ ἐκάλεσε τὸν Παύλον, λέγων· Τίς εἶ;

ὅ, τι διδάσκεις; ἐ γὰρ μικρῶς σε κατηγορᾶσιν. Καὶ ἦρεν τὴν φωνὴν αὐτῷ ὁ Παῦλος, λέγων· Εἰ ἐγὼ σήμερον ανακρίνωμαι, τί διδάσκω, ἄκεσον, ἀνθύπατε· Θεὸς ζηλωτῆς, Θεὸς ἐκδικήσεων, Θεὸς ἀπροσδεὴς, χρήζων τῆς τῶν ανθρώπων σωτηρίας, ἔπεμψεν με, ὅπως ἀπὸ τῆς φθορᾶς καὶ τῆς ἀκαθαρσίας ἀποσπάσω αὐτές, καὶ πάσης ἡδονῆς τε καὶ θανάτε, ὅπως μηκέτι α μαρτάνωσιν. Διὸ ἔπεμψεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν ἑαυτῇ παῖδα Ἰησαν Χρισὸν, ὃν ἐγὼ εὐαγγελίζομαι, καὶ διδάσκω ἐν ἐκείνῳ ἔχειν. τὴν ἐλπίδα τὲς ἀνθρώπες· ὃς μόνος συνεπάθησε πλανωμένῳ κόσμῳ, ἵνα μηκέτι ὑπὸ κρίσιν

ment-feat, fpake with a loud voice in the following manner: O governor, I know not whence this man cometh; but he is one who teaches that matrimony is unlawful. Command him therefore to declare before you for what reagons he publifhes fuch doëtrines. While he was faying thus) Demas and Hermogenes (whifpered to Thamyris, and) faid ; Say that he is a Chriftian, and he will prefently be put to death. But the governor was more deliberate, and calling to Paul, he faid, Who art thou ? What dof thou teach ? They feem to lay gros crimes to thy charge. Paul then fpake with a loud voice, faying, As I am now called to give an account, Ο governor, of my doctrines, I defire your audience. • That • God, who is a God of vengeance, and who ftands in • need of nothing but the fal'vation of his creatures, has 'fent me to reclaim them 'from their wickednefs and • corruptions, from all (fin• ful) pleafures, and from • death ; and to perfuade them

to fin no more. On this ' account, God fent his Son • Jefus Chrift, whom I preach,

⚫ and in whom I inftruct men to place their hopes, as that ⚫ person who only had fuch compaffion on the deluded world,

• that

ὦσιν, ἀνθύπατε, ἀλλὰ πίςιν ἔχωσιν, καὶ φόβον Θεῖ, καὶ γνῶσιν σεμνότητος, καὶ ἀγάτην αληθείας. Εἰ ἔν ἐγὼ τὰ ὑπὸ θεῖ μοι ἀποκεκαλυμμένα διδάσκω, τί ἀδικῶ, ἀνθύπατε;

Ὁ δὲ ἀνθύπατος ακέσας ταῦ τα, ἐκέλευσεν δεθῆναι τὸν Παῦλον, καὶ εἰς φυλακὴν βληθῆναι, μέχρις ἂν εὐσχολήσας ακέσηται αὐτῇ ἐπιμελέτερον. Ἡ δὲ Θέκλα νυκτὸς περιελομένη τὰ ἑαυτῆς ἐνώτια, ἔδωκεν τῷ πυλωρῷ, καὶ ἤνοιξεν αὐτῇ τὰς θύρας, καὶ ἀπῆλθεν εἰς τὴν φυλάκων· καὶ δᾶσα τῷ δεσμοφύλακι κάτοπτρον αργύξεον, εἰσῆλθεν πρὸς τὸν Παῦ λον· καὶ καθεσθεῖσα παρά τες πόδας αὐτῶ, ήκεσεν τὰ μεγαλεῖα τῇ Θεῖο καὶ ὡς ἐδὲν ἐδώκει (1. ἐδεδίει) πάσ χειν ὁ Παῦλος, ἀλλὰ τῇ τῇ Θες βοηθεία παῤῥησίᾳ ἐπολιτεύετο, κακείνης ηὔξανεν ἡ πίςις, καταφιλέσης τὰ δεσμὰ



Ως δὲ ἐζητεῖτο Θέκλα ὑπὸ τῶν Ιεδαίων (1. ex Metaphrafte οἰκείων) καὶ Θαμύείδος, ὡς ἀπολλυμίνη, κατὰ

• that it might not, Ο go'vernor, be condemned, but 4 have faith, the fear of God, • the knowledge of religion, * and the love of truth. that if I only teach those

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things which I have receiv'ed by revelation from God, 'where is my crime?' When the governor heard this, he ordered Paul to be bound, he hould be more at leifure and to be put in prifon, till to hear him more fully. But, in the night, Thecla taking off her ear-rings, gave them to the turnkey of the prifon, who then opened the doors to her, and let her in; and when she made a prefent of a filver allowed to go into the room looking-glafs to the jailor, was where Paul was; then fhe fat down at his feet, and heard from him the great things of God. And as the perceived Paul not to be afraid of fuf

fering, but that by divine af

fiftance he behaved himself

with courage, her faith fo far

increased, that she kiffed his chains.


At length Thecla was miffed, and fought for by the family and by Thamyris in every ftreet, as though the



τὰς ὁδὲς ἐδιώκετο. Καὶ τὶς τῶν συνδέλων τα πυλωρός μήνυσεν αὐτοῖς, εἰπὼν ὅτι νυκτὸς ἐξῆλθε. Καὶ ἀνέτασαν τὸν πυλωρὸν, καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς, ὅτι πεπόρευται πρὸς τὸν ξένον, εἰς τὸ δεσμωτήριον. Καὶ ἀπἦλθον, καθὼς εἶπεν αὐτοῖς, καὶ εὗρον αὐτήν· καὶ ἐξελθόντες ἐκεῖθεν, τὲς ἔχλες ἐπεσπάσαντο, καὶ τῷ ἡγεμόνι ἐνεφάνισαν τὸ γεγονός. Καὶ ἐκέλευσεν ὁ ἡγεμὼν ἄγεσθαι τὸν Παῦλον ἐπὶ τὸ βῆμα ἡ δὲ Θέκλα ἐκυλίετο ἐπὶ τῇ τό πε, ξ ἐδίδασκε καθήμενος ἐν τῇ φυλακῇ ὁ Παῦλος. Ὁ δὲ ἡγεμὼν ἐκέλευσεν κακείνην γεσθαι ἐπὶ τὸ βῆμα· ἡ δὲ μετὰ χαρᾶς ἀπίει ἀγαλλομένη. Ὁ δὲ ὄχλος, προσαχθέντος τᾶ Παύλο, πάλιν περ ρισσοτέρως ἐβόα· Μάγος ἐςιν, αἴρε αὐτόν. Ηδέως δὲ ἤκασεν ὁ ἀνθύπατος τῇ Παύλε ἐπὶ

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τοῖς ὁσίοις ἔργοις τῷ Χρις. καὶ συμβούλιον ποιήσας, ἐκάλεσε τὴν Θέκλαν, λέγων αὐτῇ· Διὰ τί ἐ γαμεῖς κατὰ τὸν νόμον Ἰκονιέων τῷ Θαμύριδι ; Ἡ δὲ εἰσήκει, Παύλῳ ἀτενί

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had been loft; till one of the porter's fellow-fervants told them, that she had gone out in the night-time. Then they examined the porter, and he told them, that he was gone to the prifon to the frange man. They went therefore according to his die retion, and there found her ; and when they came out, they

and told the governor all that got a mob together, and went happened. Upon which he ordered Paul to be brought before his judgment-feat. Thecla in the mean time lay wallowing on the ground in the prison, in that same place where Paul had fat to teach her; upon which the governor alfo ordered her to be

brought before his judgmentfeat; which fummons the received with joy, and went. When Paul was brought thither, the mob with more vehemence cried out, He is a magician, let him die. Nevertheless, the governor at

tended with pleafure upon Paul's difcourfes of the holy works of Chrift; and, after a council called, he fummoned Thecla, and faid to her, Why do you not, according to the law of the Iconians, marry Thamyris ? She food ftill, with her eyes fixed upon Paul; and finding fhe made no



ζεσα· αὐτῆς δὲ ἐδὲν ἀποκρινομένης, Θεοκλία ἡ μήτηρ αὐτῆς ἀνέκραγε, λέγεσα. Κατάκαιε τὴν ἄνομον, κατάκαμε τὴν ἄνυμφον ἐν μέσῳ τῷ θεάτρα, ἵνα πᾶσαι αἱ ὑπὸ τέτε διδαχθεῖσαι γυναῖκες φοβηθῶσιν. Καὶ ὁ ἡγεμὼν ἔπαθεν μεγάλως, καὶ τὸν μὲν Παῦλον φραγελλώσας ἐξέβαλε τῆς πόλεως τὴν δὲ Θέκλαν


κατέκρινεν πυρίκαυσον. Καὶ εὐθέως ὁ ἡγεμὼν ἀναςας, ἀπἦλθεν εἰς τὸ θέατρον· καὶ πᾶς ὁ ὄχλος ἐξῆλθεν ἐπὶ τὴν ἀνάγκην τῆς θέας. Ἡ δὲ Θέκλα, καθάπερ ἀμνὸς ἐν ἐρήμῳ περισκοπεῖ τὸν ποιμένα, ἔτως κακείνη τὸν Παῦλον· καὶ ἐμβλέψας εἰς τὸν ὄχλον ἴδεν τὸν Κύριον καθήμενον ὡς τὸν Παῦλον, καὶ εἶπεν ἐν ἑαυτῇ· ̓Ανυπομονήτε με ἔσης, ἦλθεν ὁ Παῦλος θεάσασθαί με. Καὶ προσεῖχεν αὐτῷ ἀτενίζεσα. Ὁ δὲ εἰς ἐρανὲς ἀπίες θεωρέσης αὐτῆς. Οἱ δὲ παῖδες καὶ αἱ παρθένοι ἤνεῖκαν ξύλα καὶ χόριον, ἵνα ἡ Θέκλα καῇ. Ὡς δὲ εἰσήχθη γυμνή, ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ ἡγεμὼν, καὶ ἐθαύ. μασεν τὴν δύναμιν τῇ κάλλες αὐτῆς. Ἔτρωσαν δὲ τὰ ξύλα, καὶ ἐκέλευσαν αὐτὴν οἱ

reply, Theoclia her mother cried out, faying, Let the unjut creature be burnt; let her be burnt in the midst of the theatre, for refufing Thamyris, that all women may learn from her to avoid fuch pradices. Then the governor was ex ceedingly concerned, and ore dered Paul to be whipt out of the city, and Thecla to be burnt. So the governor arofe, and went immediately into the theatre; and all the people went forth to fee the difmal fight. But Thecla, juft as a lamb in the wildernefs looks every way to fee his fhepherd, looked around for Paul; and as the was looking upon the multitude, the faw the Lord (Jefus) in the likenefs of. Paul, and faid to herself, Paul is come to fee me in my diftressed circumfances. And the fixed her eyes upon him; but he inftantly afcended up to heaven, while the looked on him. Then the young men and women brought wood and ftraw for the burning of Thecla ; who, being brought naked to the fake, extorted tears from the governor, with furprize beholding the greatnefs of her beauty. And when they had placed the


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