




(Abridged from the Middleton Albion.) On Monday, Dec. 26th, a very interesting meeting took place in the lower room of the New Jerusalem Schools, Back Woodstreet, Middleton; the occasion being the reception of the above-named gentleman to the pastorate of the New Jerusalem Temple. Previously there had been no stated minister at the place, but the majority of the members deemed it desirable that this void should no longer exist. After considering the importance of the step, and the inconveniences the members had experienced from time to time for the want of a regularly appointed minister, their choice fell upon the Rev. W. Rothery. Mr. Rothery was accompanied by his amiable and accomplished wife, a lady well known in the literary world as the authoress of many highly popular works, such as "The Wedding Guests," "Stories for Children," &c. She is also greatly respected as the daughter of the much revered and lamented Jos. Hume, Esq., late M.P. for Montrose. Judging from the happy smiling faces, and the cordial expressions of welcome which greeted the Rev. gentleman and his lady, the occasion must have been highly gratifying to them. After tea, the company adjourned to the upper school, which was most beautifully adorned with Christmas emblems, evergreens, mottoes, &c., arranged with due regard to order, neatness, and artistic effect. Over the platform was the following beautiful sentiment from Swedenborg's writings, neatly worked in flowers: "All Religion has relation to life, and the life of Religion is to do good." On the platform were the following ministers :-The Rev. W. Rothery, Rev. J. Boys, Rev. J. B. Kennerley, Mr. T. Mackereth, Mr. F. Smith. Several friends from Rochdale, Oldham, and other places, were also present. The Rev. J. Boys was appointed to the chair. The proceedings were opened by singing and prayer; after which the CHAIRMAN proceeded to explain, in earnest and impressive language, the relative duties and responsibilities of pastor and congregation, and while en

forcing the obligation of zeal and devotion on the part of the former, dwelt equally upon the necessity of sympathy, coöperation, and kindly feeling on the part of the latter.

Mr. JOHN HOLT then read an address to the Rev. William Rothery on his introduction to the members of the society as their pastor, of which we can only give the salient points. The address stated that the members, seat-holders, and friends, desired to give him a hearty welcome as their pastor. The society had long felt the necessity of having an experienced minister residing amongst them they had long seen that their chief want had been a man to whom they could look for spiritual advice and consolation, in seasons of joy and sorrow, of prosperity and adversity. A pious and judicious minister, as a faithful watchman, warns his people against dangers, and a wise pastor carefully attends his flock, leading them by safe paths to rich pastures. They regarded Mr. Rothery as eminently qualified to perform these duties and uses of the sacred office.

At the conclusion of the address, Mr. ROTHERY rose and acknowledged the compliment which had been paid to him in a very becoming and sympathetic manner. He observed that the address which had just been read could not be otherwise than gratifying, as it was always a pleasing occasion to find any amount of true kindness shown to them, it being also one of the distinguishing characteristics of our Lord. He was thankful for the respects of his friends. With regard to the qualifications of a Christian apostle, they were very great indeed on comparison; one of the inherent qualities should be, love for his Maker, beyond all the love for our fellowcreatures. He (the speaker) had, as many were aware, been a clergyman of the Church of England for sixteen years, and during that time his chief purpose had been to preach the truth in sincerity as contained in God's Word. (Hear, hear.) He therefore came amongst them not to preach another Gospel than that he had hitherto observed, not to set before them a new creed, but to preach the truth alone. Neither was he circumscribed in his doctrine, for he did not believe that any particular sect were


exclusively the Lord's elect; but that any one accepting and emulating the principles He set forth, were equally members of His flock, and shared in His spiritual guardianship. He (the speaker) would do his utmost to prosper the intelligence of his people. No person would have occasion to say that he had felt timid or indifferent, but every clergyman would find him a good ally. By way of recommendation, for their future advancement, he would suggest that they establish a night school. He would not limit it to their own sect; but for all who chose to take advantage of it, irrespective of creed or profession. In referring to the life of our Saviour, he urged them to glorify Him in the highest state of their being, then would peace descend upon their natural lives, and rest there, independent of sect, rank, or condition. He came amongst them with the intention of doing good, and nothing should he disapprove of more than for an individual to greet him with unpleasant remarks on his neighbours. (Hear, hear.) If they read Macaulay's History of England, they would find that scandal was one of the evils which William III. utterly detested, as was evinced in his remarks in reference to Tillotson. He trusted what he had said would prevent any one from bringing scandal to him. There was only one true Prince of their profession they were to follow-the Lord Jesus Christ. External teaching was well enough, but without the teachings of the Eternal Word it was not sufficient. He did not think any one could build up the Church of the Lord. The Lord was the head, and he it was who would build up the church of his disciples. Let them so live that He would regard their lives, and make them partakers of His own heavenly kingdom. In conclusion, he would say, "Brethren, pray for me; pray that I may devote my time to the Blessed Saviour, and when I go from you to minister away from the chapel, you will see that it is not I, but the Lord who was speaking."-(The rev. gentleman sat down amidst great applause.)

The Rev. J. B. KENNERLEY gave, in eloquent terms, a cordial welcome to his reverend brother, and promised him all the coöperation and assistance in his power. He urged upon his hearers a more zealous practice and enforcement of the heavenly doctrines, and concluded


by expressing a hope that God's blessing would rest on their minister, and that they might all meet in the church triumphant in heaven.

Mr. ROTHERY at this stage explained that he did not do justice in his remarks to the address they had presented him, in not returning thanks for the compliment paid to his wife.

Mrs. ROTHERY, on her own behalf, said-I have great pleasure in thanking you for the great kindness we have received from you and every member of the church. I believe you all wish well to my husband, and I hope and trust that we shall always be happy so long as we work together.-(Applause.)

Mr. F. Smith, Mr. Mackereth, Mr. S. Lawton, and Mr. E. Howarth subsequently addressed the meeting, the latter gentleman making especial mention of the children and of the proposed night-school. We regret that the length to which this notice has already extended will not admit of any report of their speeches. In reply

Mr. ROTHERY had great pleasure in accepting the care of the children, for he had had great experience in schools, from grammar schools downwards. He always thought it a duty in getting these children together and giving them the highest education that lay in his power; (Hear, hear.) and he had always had charge of them. He gave an instance of the difficulties he had encountered in a remote parish, from his attempt to form one of these schools. He felt the want of interested friends, there being few gentry in the neighbourhood; but he was so far successful that he succeeded in establishing a school for the children, whose joy can be better imagined than described, some of them, in fact, would bring him sweetmeats in the ecstacy of their affection. He was sure it would be his pleasure to impart to the children assigned to his care instruction useful to them and of service for ever. (Hear, hear.)

At intervals during the addresses, pieces were sweetly sung by the children, conducted by Mr. G. Wrigley; and this most important and agreeable meeting terminated with votes of thanks to the chairman and others.

DEPTFORD.-The New Church in this neighbourhood is beginning to show signs of increased life. A little society was

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established a few years ago by Mr. Joseph Rhodes; but business took that gentleman to Spain, and its growth was stayed. However, a faithful few held on; and now, upon Mr. Rhodes's return, they are increasing in numbers and strength. A meeting was held October 30th, at which it was resolved that divine service, accompanied by readings from Swedenborg, should be conducted on Sunday mornings by one of themselves;-the service in the evening being conducted, as heretofore, by a missionary. It was also resolved that a society should be formed, to meet regularly for the transaction of business, and the appointment of proper officers to carry on the affairs of the church efficiently; and it was proposed that these meetings should be presided over by a member of the Missionary and Tract Society.

On December 1st a public meeting was held, at which Dr. Bayley, Mr. R. Gunton, and Messrs. Moss, Pilkington, and Rodgers were present, and several effective speeches were made. On January 1st the members met to form themselves definitively into a society of the New Church, by signing the declaration required for that purpose. Mr. Rhodes was re-instated in his old position of leader, and a treasurer, librarian, and secretary were appointed; the place of meeting for the present being the Alliance Temperance Hall, Union-street, Deptford. During the discussion of these arrangements several interesting questions of policy were raised, two important ones being these: -1. Is it desirable that young or weak societies should be constituted as 66 independent," when the fact is not so ?-Would it not be well for a properly organised Central Missionary Society to take regular charge of all such, and preside over them, appointing proper officers in each to carry on the work, till they are strong enough in numbers, talent, and wealth, to walk alone? 2. Is it desirable in these inchoate societies to make the "declaration" a condition of membership? A consideration of these is recommended to the leading members of the New Church, and it is hoped that its missionary enterprise may be carried on with more vigour.

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.-The Christmas soirée of this society was held on Tuesday evening, December 27th, at the

Norfolk Hotel, Grey-street; when between seventy and eighty of the friends gathered in a pleasant re-union, under the presidency of their minister, the Rev. W. Ray. The programme included a series of addresses, readings, and vocal music, in which a number of members and friends took part. The readings were a new feature on this occasion. The perspicuous doctrines of the New Church were not lost sight of, as the speeches testified, and the chairman commended to the attention of all present, the course of lectures now being published by Dr. Bayley, as a Colenso antidote. After a very pleasant evening the meeting separated at ten o'clock, after singing a hymn.

MELBOURNE.-On Sunday, December 11th, the Rev. E. Madeley visited this society, for the purpose of administering the sacraments. On this occasion he delivered two discourses, and the attendance manifested much interest in the subjects and preacher. The sacramental service, which is held here in the afternoon, and is a separate service, was very impressive. It is believed that not one member was absent, and it is gratifying to be able to state that this is by no means an exceptional case in this society. Mr. Madeley remained at Melbourne several days, and during his stay, visited every member and attender, bestowing upon each a word of encouragement and kindness. Our dear and respected friend seemed full of happiness and energy whilst amongst us, and did not fail to communicate somewhat of the same blessed spirit to those he ministered to. J. F. P.

GIFT TO THE SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.We understand that Mr. Finnie, who, to his other good works of endowing The National Missionary Institution and The Pension Fund, lately added that of printing, at his own expense, "Goyder's Spiritual Meditations and Prayers," has presented 800 copies of that admirable and useful book to the Swedenborg Society. We hope to be able in our next number to inform our readers how the society intends to dispose of them for the benefit of the members of the church.

DERBY.-The friends at Derby have long felt the desirability of obtaining a new and more eligible schoolroom. The one they now use is low, damp, and dark,


being situated below their present chapel. Some time ago, a Mr. Band bequeathed a legacy of £10. toward this object, and the Derby society has since endeavoured to increase the fund, of which this formed the nucleus. The smallness of their numbers, the burden of a considerable debt, and their heavy current expenses, prevented the friends from advancing very rapidly in this direction. They were, however, enabled to add £10. more to the legacy. A Christmas-tree and bazaar was held on the 27th, 28th, and 29th December, and the proceeds were to be devoted to this purpose. A Derby newspaper thus notices the circumstance:

"The Bazaar at Babington Lane Chapel. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, the 27th, 28th, and 29th instant, the congregation meeting for worship in Babington-lane chapel, held a bazaar and Christmas-tree in the schoolroom. Under the ministry of the Rev. John Hyde, this society of The New Jerusalem Church' has very markedly increased in numbers and usefulness, and to accommodate the schools established in connection with this place of worship, another and more convenient room has been found absolutely necessary. Accordingly a bazaar was projected and got up. * * * The room was crowded during these evenings, and we understand that the profits realized have been something considerable."

Tht proceeds of the three evenings were over £75., leaving a clear profit of nearly £52. Several friends belonging to other societies contributed articles, for which the Derby society desires to express its sincere gratitude. The bazaar was under the superintendence of Mrs. Roe and Miss Holme, who were heartily assisted by young and old. Some of the articles contributed were the manufacture of the sewing-class established in connection with the Sunday-school, under the direction and tuition of the Misses Holme an idea which may be worthy of imitation in other societies.

The Christmas tea meeting was held on 26th December. Mr. E. Austin, of the South London Society; Mr. Hyde, of London; and Mr. Cooke, of Birmingham, were present and took part in the instruction and entertainment of the large assembly. Mr. Madeley, Mr. Barton, Mr. Clemson, and Mr. Ward also addressed the meeting. The schoolroom was beautifully decorated, and speeches,


music, and conversation enabled the party to pass a most delightful and useful evening.

We have received the programme for the current quarter of the proceedings of the Derby Junior Members' Society. It includes lectures and readings on various subjects, by the Revs. J. Hyde and Quant, and Messrs. Cooke, Twills, Fox, Pegg, Holme, Simpson, and others.

NEWCHURCH.-The society here has hired a house at Boothfold, a short distance from the railway station, containing a large room, suitable for a place of worship, which has been prepared for that purpose, and on Sunday, the 18th December last, the Rev. W. Woodman preached the opening sermons; in the afternoon, on "A City of Habitation;" (Psalm cvii. 7.) and in the evening, on "The Waters of the Sanctuary." (Ezekiel xlvii. 1-5.) The attendance on each occasion was very fair; the preacher was lucid and earnest in setting forth some of the principal doctrines of the New Jerusalem, and the audience was very favourably impressed. The society has also commenced a Sunday school, which as a beginning, promises very well. The teachers and scholars had a social meeting on the first Saturday of the year. Tea as refreshment, and speeches and recitations as recreation, made the evening both pleasant and useful.

MEMBERS' BOOK FOR SOCIETIES.-Mr. Pitman has just prepared for the Deptford society a book, properly ruled with suitable columns, in which the members will enter their names; and thinking it possible that other societies may desire such a book, I take this opportunity of saying that they may obtain one by applying to Mr. Pitman, 20, Paternoster-row.


EMBSAY.-On Saturday evening, December 31st, a meeting was held in the chapel, at which about 136 persons were present. After tea, a short address was given by the president. The Report of the Sunday school was then read; it showed the school to be in a prosperous condition, and concluded by exhorting parents, teachers, and scholars to renewed and increased exertion. The meeting was afterwards addressed by Mr. Burrows, of Accrington, on the subject of spheres; the address was ap

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propriate and interesting. He was followed by Mr. Swinburn, Colporteur of the Yorkshire Association. Several pieces were read by some of the friends, and the singing class added to the delight of the evening.

ACCRINGTON.-Meeting for the Reception of Mr. E. J. Broadfield, B.A., as Minister of the Society.-This meeting, held on Thursday, December 29th, 1864, in the large upper schoolroom, was one of the most agreeable character. After a tea meeting, at which 500 members and friends were present, Mr. Grimshaw, being invited to preside, gave an outline of the history of the New Church Society from its first commencement in Accrington; and noting the steady progress it has made, spoke of the future in very hopeful terms. He then called upon the following gentlemen to address the meeting: Messrs. F. N. Haywood, G. Bury, H. Cunliffe, W. H. Pilkington, M.D., Scotson, J. Broadfield, E. Whitehead, and W. Westall, and the Revds. E. D. Rendell and R. Storry, by each of whom addresses of varied character were made,-all however were of such a nature as to afford a series of pleasing emotions and high hopes for the future.

Mr. E. J. Broadfield, in his reply to the chairman's call, and to the expressions of esteem and encouragement uttered by the several speakers, recounted with gratitude the many tokens of affectionate regard that he had already received at the hands of the members, modestly disclaiming much of the ability attributed to him; referred in affectionate and respectful terms to the labours of past ministers in Accrington, promised his best efforts on behalf of the society, and closed with a reference to one of the texts bearing upon the blessings of "dwelling together in unity,"-showing that real unity consisted in variety of opinion, linked by mutual brotherly love. His remarks elicited well-merited approbation. At intervals the speeches were interspersed with vocal music by members of the choir, under the direction of Mr. James Cunliffe, which afforded universal delight. Refreshments were also frequently handed round; and the meeting closed happily about ten o'clock. H.

STUDENTS AND MINISTERS' AID FUND. To the Editor.-Dear Sir,-The committee of the Students and Ministers'

Aid Fund have received a Report from the Rev. O. P. Hiller, who has been appointed, by the New Church College, as superintendent of the theological studies of the students for the ministry. In the belief that it will afford gratification to the subscribers to the fund and to the church generally, the following extracts from the Report are transcribed: "I have for nearly two months past met weekly with the students, on Thursday evenings. I find them four very intelligent young men, all having excellent capacity, and so far as I can at present judge, a suitableness for the important office for which they are preparing themselves.

"I am reading with them Swedenborg's Divine Providence in the Latin, and the Gospel of John in the Greek, making at the same time such explanations of doctrine as the passages which we peruse call for. I also instruct them carefully in public readings and delivery, and in composition, as well as in many other particulars which a minister's experience makes known to him."

I am, &c., on behalf of the Committee,

MANCHESTER.-Presentation.-On Wednesday evening, December 28th, the annual Christmas soirée of the members of the congregation was held in the large school-room, Peter-street; tea and dessert were provided. In the course of the evening a handsome piano, by Collards, was brought upon the platform, and Mr. Broadfield, requesting the attention of the meeting, said a pleasing duty had fallen to his lot. There was amongst them a gentleman whom he had had the pleasure of knowing for upwards of twenty years, and whose use to the society during that period had been very great; he need not say that he alluded to Mr. Henry Antonie, their worthy secretary, and on behalf of the society he asked his acceptance of the piano, as a small acknowledgment of services rendered for twenty years as one of their honorary organists, and hoped he (Mr. Antonie) might long be spared to continue his labours amongst them. (Loud applause.)

Mr. ANTONIE, who felt much this unexpected manifestation of kindly feeling, said he had not deserved so substantial a recognition of his services. What he had done he had done willingly; it had

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