[blocks in formation]

Falkland Islands, case of considered, i. 571.
Farmer's Letters, the, i. 274.

Farewell Address, Washington's, i. 254; authorship of, 261.
Farmington and Hampshire Canal, ii. 147.
"Father of the Revolution," i. 820.
Federal Constitution, Patrick Henry's speeches on the, i.

18, 28, 28; the ratifying and non-ratifying States, i. 31;
James Wilson's speech on the, 74; speeches of James
Madison on the, 127; speech of Edmund Randolph on
the, 165; speeches of Alexander Hamilton on the, i. 187,
191, 195, 198, 200: Charles Pinkney's observations on,
862; speeches of Oliver Ellsworth on, 404, 406; difficul-
ties attending the adoption of, in Massachusetts, ii. 34;
speeches of John Marshall on, 10, 16; James Hillhouse's
propositions to amend the; opinions of Chief Justice
Marshall; Wm. H. Crawford, James Madison and Chan-
cellor Kent, 145, 146.

Federal Convention, account of, i. 373, 455.
Federalist, the, i. 157; the origin of, 185; authors of, 126.
Ferdinand, King of Spain, ii. 341.
FILLMORE, MILLARD, íi. 860, 581.

Finances, speech of John Witherspoon on the, i. 305.
FINLEY, SAMUEL, Presiden: of New Jersey College, i. 262,

FITCH, MARY, wife of Rev. James Hillhouse, ii. 144.
Florida, East, Wm. Hunter's speech on the seizure of, ii.
336, 353.

FOOTE, GEN. H. S., ii. 580.

FOOT, MR., of Connecticut, ii. 860; resolution of, 370, 399,
556, 557, 578; Daniel Webster's speech on, 870; R. Y.
Hayne's speech on, 557.

Force Bill.-See Revenue Collection Bill.
Foreign Missions, Board of, i. 263.

Foreign Ministers, R. G. Harper's speech on the appoint-
ment of, i. 503.

FORDYCE, CAPT., at the battle of the Great Bridge, ii. 8.
FORRESTER, MR.-See Knapp's trial.

Forsey and Cunningham, the case of, i. 350.
FORSYTH, MR., of Louisiana, ii. 381.

Fort George, Scotland, Thomas Addis Emmet confined in,
i. 527.

Fort Necessity, Washington at, i. 251.

"Fort Wilson," account of, i. 66.

FOSTER, MR., of New Hampshire, ii. 373.

Fowl-town, destruction of, ii. 277.

Fox, CHARLES, compared with William B. Giles, ii. 190; in
Parliament, 247.

France, speech of R. G. Harper on the aggressions of, i. 491.
FRANCIS, DR. JOHN W., his sketch of Chancellor R. R. Living
ston, i. 351; comparison of Daniel Webster and Gouver
neur Morris, 456.

FRANKLIN, DR. BENJAMIN, i. 153, 286, 802, 309, 850; ii. 41,
812, 458; Commissioner of Peace at Paris, i. 156; Preface
to The Farmer's Letters, 274; letter from the Duke
D'Enville to, ii. 130; on capital punishment, 233.
FRANKLIN, WILLIAM, Governor, appearance before Con-
gress, i. 293.

FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA in 1741, ii. 350.

"Free Ships make Free Goods," i. 147.
"Free Trade and Seamen's Rights," ii. 272.
FRENEAU, PHILIP, Editor of the National Gazette, attacks
against the proclamation of neutrality, i. 521.
French Aggressions, R. G. Harper's speech on, i. 491.
French Court, interview of John Jay, Dr. Franklin, and
Mr. Jefferson, with a secret agent of the, i. 153,
Frontier Posts, surrender of, 1794, i. 114, 116.
FULTON, ROBERT, i. 851; ii. 430.


GADSDEN, CHRISTOPHER, i. 310; biographical notice of, 118;
speech of in the South Carolina Commons House of As-
sembly, 833; controversy with Wm. Henry Drayton,481.
GAGE, GEN. THOMAS, i. 45, 52, 288, 410.
GAINES, GEN. EDMUND P., in the Seminole war, ii. 284.
GALLATIN, Albert, ancestors and birth of; death of his

parents, ii. 180; education and graduation at Geneva
University; Müller, the historian, and De Lolme; Du-
mont, 130; embarkation for Boston; letter of recom-
mendation to Dr. Franklin, 180; arrival at Cape Ann;
journey to Boston; removal to Machias, Maine; the de-
fence of Passamaquoddy, 181; appointed teacher in
Harvard College; removes to Virginia, 181; Patrick
Henry; Western expedition; interview with General
Washington, 181; settles in Fayette County, Pennsylva-
nia; political career; whiskey insurrection; his course;
his speech on the, 132; elected to Congress; appointed
Secretary of the Treasury, 288; treaty of Ghent, 249;
appointed minister to France and Great Britain, 182;
his diplomatic career; return to the United States; re-
tires from public life, 183; currency and banking; phi-
lological studies; Ethnological Society; "war with Mex-
ico;" essays on the, 133; his death, 133; notices of, i.
494, 506; ii. 22, 54, 130, 261, 442; his seat in the Senate
of the U. S. contested, 34.

[ocr errors]

· Speech on the British treaty, 1794; resolution in
relation to; the expediency of; consequences of
a refusal to carry it into effect; negroes; western
posts, 134, 138; Mississippi, 135; future intercourse
between the United States and Great Britain; West
Indies; "free bottoms make free goods," 186;
privateering; rights of British subjects holding lands in
the United States, 137; confiscation, 138; British debts;
the western ports the only positive loss from a defeat of
the treaty, 139; British influence over the Indians;
reference to the remarks of Messrs. Nicholas and Hill-
house, 140; consequences of a rejection of, 141; post-
ponement suggested, 143.

GALLOWAY, JOSEPH, i. 273; biographical sketch of, 66.
Garden's Anecdotes, i. 861.

GARLAND, H. A., his life of John Randolph of Roanoke, il


France, observations on the dispute between the United GASTON, WILLIAM, birth and descent; sketch of his father

States and, i. 489.

ii. 583; early education; enters college at Georgetown;

graduates from Princeton College with highest honors;
practises law; election to the House of Delegates; elect-
ed to Congress; discussion to expunge the previous
question from the House, 534; elevated to the Bench of
Supreme Court of North Carolina; his decease, 585;
speech on the Loan Bill, 535, 558; extract from his
speech on the "Thirty-second Article" in the North
Carolina Convention, to amend the State Constitution,
553, 554.

Speech on the Loan Bill, 1814; Mr. Grundy's doctrine
of moral treason, ii. 535; case of Harry Croswell; opposes
the appropriation as unnecessary, and a scheme to carry
on an invasion of Canada, 537; answer to Mr. Ingersoll;
"free ships make free goods;" Mr. Jefferson's letter to
Genet, 24th July, 1793, quoted, 589; Indian wars insti-
gated by the British, 540; impressment of seamen not a
cause of the war, 541; orders in council, 542; alliance
with France; the dispute about seamen, how to be set-
tled, 543; the tendency of the invasion of Canada, 544;
British allegiance; the cases of Colonel Townly and
Eneas Macdonald, 546; the effects of a war in Canada,
546, 548; conscription in France; probability of success
in Canada considered, 549; Gottenburg mission, 551;
evils of violent opposition and intemperate party spirit
considered, 552.

GATES, GEN., letter from General Burgoyne to, i. 299;
at Saratoga, 450; notice of, ii. 366.

GENET, CITIZEN, the Revolutionary labors of; some ac-
count of, i. 109, 496; ii, 22, 27, 28.

Geneva, Switzerland, University of, ii. 130.
GEORGE II., death and funeral of, i. 2, 224.

GEORGE III., Coronation of, i. 224; his reign a "war reign;"
an account of, 570.

Georgetown, D. C., ii. 489; college at, 534.

GERARD, M., i. 66; sails for France, i. 156.

Germantown, Pa., battle of, ii. 8.

Germantown, Va., birth-place of John Marshall, ii. 7.

GERRY, ELBRIDGE, i. 59; ii. 59, 248, 873; envoy to France,
ii. 9.

Specch on the judiciary bill, 205; difference of opin-
ion on the subject, 205; history of the government, 206;
reply to Mr. Morris, 207; the existing judiciary law ex-
amined, 208; appointment of judges, 209; compensation
of judges, 210; sinecure offices, excluded from the fed-
eral government, 211; independence of the English ju-
diciary explained, 212; English and United States judges
compared, 212; consequences of the doctrine against the
repeal examined, 218; history of the law to be repealed,
214; how carried into effect, 215; expediency of the re-
peal, 216; case of Messrs. Green and Read; number of
causes instituted at the courts, 1796, 1801, 216.

| Glasgow, Scotland, University of, ii. 144.
GODDARD, CALVIN, see Hartford Convention.
GODWIN, PARKE, his sketch of the life of John C. Calhoun,
ii. 471.
GOODRICH, CHAUNCEY, the personal appearance of his wife,
i. 481.

GOODWIN, ROBERT M., trial of; Sampson's report of; T. A.
Emmett's argument in the trial of, i. 537.
GORDON, WILLIAM, history of the American war, i. 274.
GORE, CHRISTOPHER, birth and parentage of; education;
career at college; studies law; the invasion of Rhode
Island, i. 410; his success in business; elected to the
Massachusetts federal convention; appointed United
States attorney; goes to England; assists in the settle-
ment of the claims for British spoliations; his life in
England; return to America; elected to the legislature
of Massachusetts; prepares State papers; elected Gov-
ernor; declining health; literary and benevolent activ-
ity, 411; personal appearance; his death; sketch of his
life in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, 412; no-
tices of, ii. 358, 94; speech in the Senate of the United
States, on the prohibition of certain imports, 1814, 412;
speech on direct taxation, 417.

Government, national, federal, i. 37.

GRAHAM, MISS, wife of Lewis Morris, i. 454.

GRANT, Charles, JR., ii. 406; letter from, 407.
GRAY, HARRISON, account of, i. 557.

Ghent, Treaty of, consummated, ii. 55; contrasted with the GRAY, SAMUEL, i. 60, 63.
treaty of Fort Jackson, 275.

GIBBS, GEORGE, memoirs of the administration of Washing-

ton and Adams, i, 431.

GILES, WILLIAM B., Sketch of the life of; elected to Con-
gress; opposition to the British treaty; retires from
Congress and is elected to the Virginia House of Dele-
gates; his career; re-election to Congress; transferred
to the Senate; acknowledged leader of his party in that
body, ii. 189; his resignation, and reasons for that step;
letter to the Governor of Virginia, 189; re-estion to
the House of Delegates; reply to Mr. Clay's speech on
the tariff; elected Governor; his death; Jefferson's let-
ter to, on consolidation, 577; estimate of his character,
by Thomas H. Benton, 190; compared with Charles
Fox, 190; notices of, ii. 55, 80, 62, 577.

Speech on the British treaty; refusal of the President
to lay the papers relating to the, before the House;
considered, 190; examination of the treaty; inexecution
of the treaty of peace, 191; British subjects, 192; British
debts, 193; morality of sequestration considered, 195;
East and West Indian trade, 196; equalization of duties,
197; enemy's property in American vessels subject to
condemnation, 197; contraband goods defined, 198; con-
sideration of the article "prohibiting American citizens
from entering into any foreign service against Great
Britain," 199; impressment, 199; privateering against
France, 200; probable consequences of refusing or giving
efficacy to the treaty, 200; believes the treaty to be a
bad one, 205.

GRAY, WILLIAM, examination of before the Massachusetts
legislature, in relation to the impressment of Ameri-
cans, ii. 543.

Great Bridge, on Elizabeth river, Va.; account of the ac-
tion at, 1775, ii. 8; bravery of Capt. Fordyce and Col.
Stevens at, 8.

Great Britain, Address of the colonies to; names of the
committee appointed to draft it, i. 43, 159; non-inter-
course with; Boudinot's speech on 270; address to the
inhabitants of, 350; eulogium on "brave men who have
fallen in the contest with," 1779, 858.

Greek Prosody, the rudiments of, by James Otis, i. 2.
GREEN, ASHBEL, life of, i. 293.

GREENE, N., GENERAL, tribute to the bravery of, i. 122; reads
Ramsay's History of the Revolution in South Carolina,
809; notices of, 448, 450, 489, 559, ii. 366.

Gregg's Resolution, John Randolph's speech on, ii. 157, 159.
GREGORY, PROFESSOR, in the medical university of Edin-
burgh, i. 346.

GRENVILLE, LOED, commissioner of Great Britain, i. 157.
GRIDLEY, JEREMIAH, i. 1; defends the writs of assistance, 2;
biographical sketch of, 2; ii. 446.
GRUNDY, FELIX, ii. 494, 540, 550; remarks on the Wabash
massacre, 183; further remarks of, 185; his doctrine of
moral treason, 535.

GUION, JOHN J., ii. 580.


HAINES, CHARLES G., i. 526, 528.
HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, "of Grange," i. 183; birth and early
education of, fondness of literary pursuits; merchant
life in Santa Cruz; habits of study; description of the
hurricane of the Leeward Islands; removal to New
York; the grammar school at Elizabethtown, New Jer-
sey; his tutor, Francis Barber, i. 183; enters college;
his career; his doggrel rhyme; the "meeting in the
fields," to consider the Boston port bill; his speech; po-
litical writings; controversy with Dr. Cooper; military
service battles of Long Island; White Plains; Trenton
and Princeton; appointed to Washington's staff; his
popularity and services; surrender of Burgoyne; visit
to Albany, 184; bravery at the battle of Monmouth;
public finances; anonymous letter to Robert Morris;
letter to Mr. Duane on the reorganization of the gov-
ernment; origin of the "Federalist;" marries Miss
Schuyler; established in the State of New York; retires
rom the family of Washington; plan of a national
bank; bank of North America; bank of Fennsylvania;
"The Continentalist;" bravery at Yorktown; com-
mences the study of law, 185; appointed to Congress;
essays under the signature of "Phocion;" replies of
"Anti Phocionite" and "Mentor; " elected to the Gen-
eral Assembly; the federal convention; "The Federal-
ist," i. 126; the Vermont difficulties; appointed Secre-
tary of the Treasury; the war between England and
France; writes under the signature of "No Jacobin,"
and "Pacificus;" Jay's treaty; returns to the practice of
law; his success; "Titus Manlius;" troubles with
France; appointed inspector-general of the provincial
army; his death, 186, 187; Gouverneur Morris' oration
on, 487; Harrison Gray Otis' eulogy upon, 559; notices
of, 447, 489, 559, 564, 565; ii. 84, 134, 218, 812.

Speech on the Federal Constitution; consequences of
a rejection, 187; thirteen different bodies embarrassing
requisitions; sufferings of the States in 1779, 80; want of
a vigorous government; New York exposed to invasion;
wholly complied with requisitions; coercion; old con-
federation could not be formed on federal principles,
188; Amphictyonic league; Philip; Dutch, German and
Prussian governments; Lycian and Achæan leagues;
clashing of interests, 189; representation of three-fifths
of the negroes and taxation; representation; number
of the whites, 190; state governments; their advantages
over the national government; no danger from the fed-
eral head to the States, 191; representation further con-
sidered, 191; aristocracy; the federal farmer; large and
small districts; the rich and the poor, 193; the old con-
federation; notices the; republics founded on a firm
basis; federal constitution a cure, and will answer ben-
eficial purposes, 194; speech in opposition to Gilbert
Livingston's amendment; for some permanent body, of
limited numbers; another to possess popular features,
195; recall would "make the Senator a slave;" unrea-
sonable apprehension of State governments; local preju-
dices, 196; senatorial terms; senators will look up to
the States; the duties of senators; responsibility, 197;
two objects in government; safety and energy, people
irresistible; factions; legislature of Rhode Island, "the
picture of a mob;" the Senate should be so formed as
to operate as a check on the State governments, 198;
senatorial terms; equal votes in the Senate; State gov-
ernments inviolable; factions grow out of State preju-
dices; self-interest, 199, 200; corruption in the Presi-
dent's disposal of offices, 200; free representation and

mutual checks; representatives return to the people,
200; sword and the purse; representation; distribution
of powers; civil list, 201; exclusive revenues, 201, 202;
loans; extent of a representative government; not the
interest of the national to destroy the State govern-
ments, 202; jurisdiction of the two governments, 203, 204.
Speech in the case of Harry Croswell; liberty of the
press, 204; the indictment of Croswell, 205; libelling,
a crime; Lord Camden; Blackstone and Hawkins; defi-
nition of a libel; quotation from Lord Loughborough,
206, 207, murder; manslaughter; duelling; Lord Mans-
field; Dean of St. Asaph's case, 207, 208; "Falsehood
must be the evidence of libel," 209; power and right
equivalent in politics; power of the jury a "landmark
to liberty," 211; the decla atory law of Great Britain not
binding; Mr. Fox's bill; Lord Mansfield, 214.

Speech on the revenue system, 215; the Hartford con-
vention, 218; non-compliance of New Hampshire, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, with the requisi-
tions of Congress, 1782, 1787; payments of the several
States; impost; foreign debt, 220; paper money; its
value in the several States, 221; standing armies a source
of real danger to the liberties of the people; the Ro-
mans; a dissolution of the Union soonest effected by
"sowing jealousies of the federal head," &c. 223.
HAMILTON, JAMES, notice of, i. 188.
HAMILTON, JOHN C., his life of Alexander Hamilton, i. 183,

HAMMOND, MR., British Minister, i. 100, 481; ii. 449.
HANCOCK, JOHN, i. 60, 309, ii. 406; ancestors and birth of;
death of his father; early education and graduation at
Harvard College; mercantile life; visits England in
company with Thomas Pownal, ex-governor of New
Jersey; funeral of George II.; coronation of George
III.; death of his uncle; receives his immense estate,
i. 224; elected to the General Assembly; chosen speak-
or; political activity; seizure of sloop Liberty; the Bos-
ton massacre; removal of the troops; oration com-
memorative of the massacre; John Adams' notice of it,
225; speech attributed to, 225 (note); elected President
of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, and Presi-
dent of Congress; Declaration of Independence; resigns
his position in Congress; elected Governor of Massa-
chusetts; the federal constitution; his death; estimate
of his character and services, 226; oration on the Boston
massacre, 227.

HANCOCK, THOMAS, death of, i. 224; death of the wife of

HANNIBAL, the victories of, i. 503.
Harlem, N. Y., i. 453.

HARPER, ROBERT GOODLOE, i. 372; ii. 58; birth and ances-
try of; removal to North Carolina; enters the Ameri-
can service; college life; discourse on "The Proper
Objects of Education," i. 489; settles in Charleston,
S. C.; studies law; his success; political writings;
elected to the legislature; retirement, and election to
Congress; the British treaty; he advocates it, 489;
"Observations on the dispute between the United States
and France;" speeches in Congress; marriage; removal
to Maryland; his practice, 489: trial of Judge Chase;
elected to Congress; speech in honor of the Russian
victories; appointed General; the attack on Baltimore;
the colonization of Africa; slavery; Ohio and Chesa-
peake Canal, 490; his death; an account of, by William
Wirt, 490.

Speech on the aggressions of France; refusal by the
French Directory to receive Mr. Pinckney; Message
of the President; answer from the Congress; concilia-
tory measures recommended; concessions to be offered

propriety of the recommendation, 491; answer to Mr.
Nicholas of Virginia; address from Mecklenburg Coun-
ty, 492; recommendation unconstitutional and impolitic;
"Is the concession necessary?" 493; law of nations, 493;
rights of neutral ships; corrects Mr. Gallatin, 494; “Is
concession valuable to France ?" 495; M. de la Croix's
summary; M. Adet's correspondence; decrees of July
4th, 1796, and March 2d, 1797; Mr. Genet's recall, 497;
the policy of France; conduct of England, 498; France
and Austria, 499; consequences of a war, 500; object of
France to compel the United States to break the British
treaty; conduct of France; anecdote of the daughter of
Louis XVI., 501.

Speech on the appointment of Foreign Ministers;
reply to Mr. Nicholas, 503, 504; reply to Mr. Gallatin,
503, 504; Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney, 504; Washing-
ton, "an assassin," 505; explanation of Mr. Nicholas,
505; further reply to Mr. Gallatin; salaries of ministers,
506; power of the House of Representatives over the
appointment of Foreign Ministers, 507; responsibility
of the President; "From what source is the office of
Foreign Ministers derived?" 508; explanation of Mr.
Gallatin, 509; two modes by which an office may exist,
509; inchoate office; ministers to Berlin and Lisbon,
511; political knaves and honest fanatics, 512; philoso-
phers the pioneers of revolution; "Satis eloquentiæ,
sapientiæ parum ;" Jacobins, their armies, 513; philoso-
phers and Jacobins in America; revolution the result of
expense, war, and oppression; the destruction of free
governments, how attained; England and Poland;
Cortes of Spain, and Ximenes; States General of France
and Richelieu and Mazarine; Germany and Russia, 514;
Cæsar and Rome; England and Cromwell; consequence
of the amendment to the United States; remarks of Mr.
Thatcher, of Massachusetts, 515; the utility of foreign
ministers, 516; Consuls, and Consul Ministers, 517; the
mission to Berlin; ministers necessary to protect the
rights of citizens in foreign countries, 518; political con-
nections with foreign States; remarks of Mr. Findley,
of Pennsylvania, 519; allusion to Messrs. Jefferson and
Hamilton; war system, 520; neutrality 521; alliance
with France, 522; Mr. Monroe quoted, 523.
HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY, ii. 855, 860; destruction of the
Mississinaway towns, ii. 277.

HART, MR., testimony in the trial of J. F. Knapp, ii. 408.
Hartford Convention, account of the, i. 558; ii. 375, 388, 558,

Harvard University, ii. 422; removed to Concord, Massa-
chusetts, 1775, i. 410; lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory,
before the senior and junior sophisters of, by John Q.
Adams, ii. 251; "Phi Beta Kappa, society of; Joseph
Story's discourse before the, 424.

HATFIELD, RICHARD, letter from John Jay to, quoted, i. 158.
HAWLEY, MR., ii. 446.

Hawkins, Fort, letter from William Bell to the command-
ant of, ii. 276.

HAYCOCK, MR.-See trial of R. M. Goodwin.

HAY, GEORGE, in the trial of Aaron Burr, i. 174, 372.
HAYNE, ISAAC, Col., notice of, ii. 555.

HAYNE, ROBERT Y., birth; descent; early education; prac-
tises law; election to the United States' Senate; resig-
nation; acceptance of Governorship of South Carolina;
career in the Senate, ii. 555; Ordinance of Nullification;
Compromise Act; death; his character and appear-
ance, 556, 557; Daniel Webster's reply to, 370; sketch
of the Life of Dr. David Ramsay, ii. 310; notice of, ii.

Speech on Mr. Foot's resolution; reply to Mr. Web-
ster's first speech, and the remarks of Mr. Benton, ii.

557; the coalition; Banquo's ghost; Nathan Dane; Hart-
ford Convention, 558; public lands ought not to be
treated merely as "a fund for revenue," 559; the feel-
ings of the different portions of the country concerning
internal improvement contrasted; the East, West, and
South, 559; the Cumberland Road; American system,
560; the South repudiates the idea that a pecuniary de-
pendence on the Federal Government is one of the
legitimate means of holding the States together; reply
to Mr. Webster's tribute to Ohio, 561; influence of sla-
very on individual and national character, 562; slave
labor, the product of; relative importance to the Union
of the Southern and Eastern States; Matthew Carey,
563; difference of opinion as to the effect of slavery on
national wealth and prosperity; Southern States unsur-
passed in their devotion to liberty; consolidation, 564;
national republicans; federalists; praises of the tariff to
be sung to the tune of Old Hundred, 565; allusion to
Mr. Webster's speech on the tariff, in 1824, 566; "Will
carry the war into the enemy's country;" conduct of the
South during the Revolution; the war of 1812, 567;
conduct of New England during the war, 568; Massa-
chusetts, 569; Boston banks; measures adopted to em-
barrass the financial operations of government, 570;
Massachusetts clergymen, 571; Samuel Dexter; Hart-
ford Convention, 572; Mr. Adams and the Embargo,
573; consolidation leads to disunion; Josiah Quincy
quoted; peace party in New England; the democracy
of New England, 574; the doctrine of 1798; the doctrine
of South Carolina; Virginia Resolutions of 1798; Madi-
son's report of 1799, quoted, 575; protest of the Vir-
ginia Legislature, 1825, 576; Jefferson's letter to William
B. Giles; quotation from James Hillhouse, on the em
bargo, 577; "Resistance to unauthorized taxation," a
principle sacred to the South, 578.

HEATH, WILLIAM, General, i. 59.
HEMANS, MRS. ii. 428.

HENRY, PATRICK, i. 42, 43, 120, 126; ii. 156, 454; birth of, i. 8;
his ancestors; the oratory of his uncle, William Win-
ston; his youth and fondness of fishing, 8; a mer-
chant's clerk; established in trade and becomes bank-
rupt; his marriage, 8; turns farmer; resumes mer-
cantile pursuits and again fails, 9; commences the
study of law; enters upon practice; the Parson's
cause, 9; success in his profession, 10; elected to the
House of Burgesses; opposition to the Stamp Act;
elected to the first Congress, 1774; his speech; mem-
ber of the Virginia Convention; his resolutions advo-
cating a military defence of Virginia; appointed with
George Washington to prepare a plan of defence, 10;
leads a body of troops against Lord Dunmore; his suc-
cess; elected governor of Virginia, 1777, 1778; declines
a reduction; death of his wife; removed to Henry
County; marries Dorothea Dandridge; resumes the
practice of law, 11; chosen to the State Assembly; de-
fence of the loyalists; opposes the "restraints upon
British commerce;" advocates intermarriages of the
whites and Indians; again elected governor; resigns;
a member of the Federal Convention of Virginia; re-
tirement from public life; offered the office of Secre-
tary of State, by President Washington; re-elected
governor, 11; declining health; alarmed at the alien
and sedition laws; offers himself as a candidate for the
House of Delegates; his speech at the March court,
1798, 12; his support of the constitution; his election;
last illness and death, 13; his frienship for Albert Gal-
latin, ii. 131.

Speeches on the Federal Constitution, 19, 14, 92; alarm-
ed at the proposed change of government, 18; the con


HOPKINSON, JOSEPH, i. 372; at the New York Convention,
1812, 558.

HOTTINGUER, M., his ball in honor of the treaty between
Great Britain and America, 1814, ii. 261.

HOWE, LORD, message from, to Congress, i. 293; will never
acknowledge the Independence of America, 295; pro-
ceedings of Congress in relation to the message of, 296;
John Witherspoon's speech on the conference with, i.


Hudibras, quoted, ii. 876.

Huguenots, i. 151, 183; ii. 52, 237.

stitution a consolidated government; denies the right | Honduras, English settlements in, i. 571.
of the Federal Convention to say "We the people" in- | HOPKINS, STEPHEN, i. 296.
stead of "We the States," 14; object of the convention
extended only to amend the old system, 14; encomium
upon General Lee, 14; objects to the expression "We
the people," 14; liberty; suspicion a virtue, 15; eulogy
on the confederation, 15; representation, 15, 35; amend-
ments, 16; militia, 17; Virginia Bill of Rights, 17, 19;
the judiciary, 20; tax gatherers, 20, 27; powers of the
President; "squinting towards monarchy," 20; elec-
tions, 21, 38, 39; expenditures of public money; treaty
power, 21; remarks on the confederacy of Switzerland,
22, 25; opposition to the constitution, 22; second speech,
23; remarks on Mr. Randolph's letter, 23; case of Josiah
Phillips, 24; navigation of the Mississippi, 25; Spanish
transactions, 25; the federal convention confined to
revision only, 26; remarks on the Government of Hol-
land, 26; style of "We the people" to oblige those
likened to a "herd," 27; representation by "impli-
cation," 28; "implication" in England, 28; third
speech, 28; navigation of the Mississippi; danger from
France; the ambassador at Paris, 29; Holland, Mary-
land, Virginia and Pennsylvania, 29, 80; ratifying and
non-ratifying States, 81; an American dictator, 82;
Virginia and North Carolina, 33; patriotism and genius
of Virginia, 33; checks, 34; sheriffs to be collectors of
revenue, 85; government, national-federal, 87; State
legislatures shorn of their consequence, 87; Albany
confederacy, 87; origin of the American revolution, 37;
treaty with France, 38; the absurdity of adopting and
amending afterwards, 38.

[ocr errors]

"Henry's mission to Boston," ii. 267.

Helvetic Confederacy, i. 248, 366.

HEWES, JOSEPH, 1, 296.

HEWITT, JOHN, murder of, i. 427.

Hildreth's History of the United States, i. 104.
HILLHOUSE, JAMES, REV., notice of, ii. 144.
HILLHOUSE, JAMES ABRAHAM, notice of, ii. 144.
HILLHOUSE, JAMES, ii. 577; birth and education of; college
life; invasion of New Haven, 144; elected to the State
Legislature; treasurer of Yale College; chosen to Con-
gress; remarks on the ratio of representation; elected
to the Senate; propositions to amend the Federal Con-
stituti;-Chief Justice Marshall's letter on the sub-
ject, 145; William H. Crawford's opinion; opinions of
James Madison and Chancellor Kent; elected com-
missioner of the Connecticut School Fund; his success,
146; the Farmington and Hampshire Canal; his last
days and death, 147.

Speech in the case of John Smith, for participation in
the conspiracy of Aaron Burr; reply to Mr. Adams, of
Mass., 147; case of William Blount, referred to; Ken-
tucky memorial, 148; case of Mr. Marshall considered,
149; Elias Glover; Aaron Burr, 150; Smith's intimacy
with Aaron Burr; case of, compared with that of Com-
modore Truxton, 151; deposition of General Eaton con-
sidered, 152: Washita settlement; conduct of Mr. Smith
reviewed, 158; testimony of Colonel James Taylor; the
"Querist;" secret societies, 154; remarks on the Brit-
ish treaty, ii. 140.

ILLHOUSE, WILLIAM, notice of, ii. 144.

HFMAN, OGDEN, in the case of the Neriede, ii. 96.
Holland, government of, i. 26, 29.

HOLLAND, LORD, ii. 84.

HOLMES, A., his memoir of the French Protestants who

settled at Oxford, Mass., ii. 237.

Hudson River, secret committee, appointed by the New
York Convention, to obstruct the, i. 153.
HUNT, JAMES, ii. 439.

HUNT, WILLIAM P., ii. 441.
HUNTER, JOHN, ii. 335.

HUNTER, WILLIAM, birth; descent; early education; grad-
uates from Brown's University; studies medicine; en-
ters Temple at London as student at law; dintinguished
associates; admission to Rhode Island Bar; elected to
General Assembly; chosen United States Senator, ii.
335; his politics; speech on the seizure of East Florida,
336, 353; questions constitutionality of Missouri restric-
tion; appointed Chargé d'Affaires to Brazil; life at Rio
de Janeiro; elevation to position of Minister Pleni-
potentiary; returns home; his decease; anecdotes, 336.

Speech on the proposition for seizing East Florida;
importance of the question considered, ii. 337 conse-
quences of a war with Spain, 338; further remarks; the
proposition, a presidential measure, 339; debates upon
the theories of a constitution in relation to the observ-
ance of treaties, are idle, 341; the measure is to wage
war against Spain; offensive war, 342; Mr. Madison's
definition of war, 842; there cannot be constitutionally
a constructive declaration of war, 343; the measure un-
constitutional; causes of the measure, 343; treaty of
1795, 844; negotiation with Spain considered, 345;
Louisiana convention with France, 844; President
Jefferson's message, 1808, considered, 345; mission of
Don Onis, 845; Mr. Ross's resolutions; Spanish spoli-
ations, actual sufferers from, 346; further remarks;
the necessity of the measure, 847; Spaniards will ex-
cite the Indians; black troops, 848; insurrections; war
with Spain will ruin the war with England; case of
Mathews, 349; Louis XIV., and Frederick of Prussia;
seizure of the Danish fleet by England considered,
850; political consequences resulting from the measure,

[blocks in formation]

Increase of the Navy, Henry Clay's speech on an, ii. 261.
Indian Corn, amount exported from the United States in
1803, ii. 299.

Indians, the American, i. 470; Samuel G. Drake's history
of the, ii. 355; fate of the, 438.
INGERSOLL, JARED, ii. 52, 506.

HOLMES, MR., of Massachusetts, remarks on the Seminole Imports, for protection, unconstitutional, ii. 488.

war, ii. 279, 284.

Hols New York Gazette, i. 350, 454.

Inaugural Address, of John Adams, 1797, i. 248; of George
Washington, 1789, 252.

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