
of my closet and in the great congregation; that my wandering thoughts may be fixed on heavenly things, my tumultuous desires and passions composed, my cold and languid affections quickened and inflamed with holy hope and seraphic love! In entering thy courts give me an attentive ear and an humble mind, that I may offer up my prayers with fervour and my praises with joy, and hearken to thy word with reverence and fear. But O my God, merciful and gracious, my soul groans under the load of its infirmities. When my spirit is willing my flesh is weak. My understanding is feeble and imperfect, my will wayward and perverse, my fancy wild and unfixed, my affections wander after strange objects, and all my senses minister to vanity and folly. Pity me then O my God, incline thine ear unto me when I pray, and enable me to pray acceptably. Make me not only a hearer of thy word, but a doer also, that keeping faith and a good conscience I may live in all godliness, honesty, and sobriety before thee and my fellowmen; that thus passing thy holy day in the manner which thou didst design in its appointment, I may never defeat its gracious purposes, but that it may be, in my observance of it, an emblem of that heavenly sabbath which will still continue when time itself shall be no more. Grant this for the sake of thy Son, my risen Lord and victorious Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

THE grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, &c.

A Prayer for Sunday Evening.

OUR Father, who art in heaven, &c.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast established the heavens and the earth in a wonderful order, making day and night to succeed each other for our comfort and refreshment; I cast myself in all humility before thy divine Majesty, begging of thee mercy and protection both this night and


O Lord, pardon all my sins, my vain thoughts, my light and rash words, my unlawful desires and ungodly deeds. But more especially I beseech thee, to pardon the imperfections of my services this day either in the secrecy of the closet, or in the worship of thy courts. Mercifully receive the prayers which I have offered unto thee, have compassion on my infirmities, forgive the dulness of my spirit, the coldness of my affections, and all the carelessness and indevotion of my wandering mind. Sanctify to me the means of grace, and let them never by my blindness and unworthiness be made of none effect.

O let me not fall into the way of hearing thy word without profit, nor of drawing near to thee with my lips while my heart is far from thee. Quicken my soul which cleaveth to the dust, spiritualize my groveling affections, and touch my

lips as it were with a coal from the altar; that my prayers and praises rising to heaven like the incense, may be an acceptable offering in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O GOD of infinite mercy, who hast compassion on all men and relievest the necessities of all who call on thee for help; hear the prayers of thy servant, who though unworthy to ask any thing for himself, yet in humility and duty is bound to pray for others.

O let thy mercy descend upon thy Church universal. Preserve her in truth and peace, in unity and safety, amidst storms and troubles and against all temptations and trials; that offering to thy glory the never-ceasing sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving, she may advance the honour of her Lord, be filled with his Spirit, and made a partaker of his everlasting glory.

In mercy remember the President of these United States. Preserve his person in health and honour, support him in his just and lawful authority, bless the country committed to his charge with peace and plenty, keep him perpetually in thy fear and favour, and crown him with glory and immortality in the world to come.

Remember them that minister in holy things. Let them be clothed with righteousness, and thoroughly instructed in the word of truth. Grant

to them zeal for the salvation of men, wisdom to conduct their several charges, and purity to become examples to their flocks; that both by their labours and their lives they may promote the honour of thy kingdom, and that being burning and shining lights we may rejoice in their light and glorify Thee our Father in heaven.

Remember all to whom I am bound by their benefits or prayers, returning their kindness doubly into their own bosoms and rewarding them with eternal glory. Grant this O Lord, for the sake of our Advocate and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

AND as I pray unto Thee O God for myself and others, so I praise and bless thy holy name for all thy goodness and loving-kindness to me and to all men. I give Thee hearty thanks for my preservation the day past, and all the other blessings of this life; but above all for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by the death and passion of our Saviour Christ, who did humble himself, even to the death upon the cross for us miserable sinners who lay in darkness and in the shadow of death, that he might make us the children of God and exalt us to everlasting life. O teach me to express my thankfulness, by submitting myself entirely to thy holy will and pleasure, and by studying to serve thee in true

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holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. Accept O Lord, of these my prayers and praises, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen.

THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.

A Morning Prayer.

OUR Father, who art in heaven, &c.

LMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies, I thine unworthy servant do give thee most humble and hearty thanks, for all thy goodness and loving kindness to me. Blessed be thy name for creating me out of nothing, for bestowing upon me a healthful body and sound mind, for giving me a being from honest parents and in a Christian land, and for receiving me by adoption into thy holy Church, where thy true religion is purely taught and thy sacraments rightly and duly administered. Blessed be thy name for all the known, or unobserved deliverances and favours, which in thy watchful providence and fatherly care, thou hast hitherto bestowed upon me through the whole course of my life. I thank thee O Lord, that notwithstanding the errors and ignorances, the vices and vanities of my youth, and the follies and faults of my riper years, thou hast still dealt mercifully with me; that thou didst not cut me off in

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