Heredity: a Psychological Study of Its Phenomena, Laws, Causes, and Consequences: From the French of Th. Ribot ...H. S. King & Company, 1875 - 393 ページ |
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action admitted Æschylus animal appears atavism become brain brother cause character characteristics Charles Charles Martel Cheaper Edition child Cloth complex consanguineous consciousness consequently constitution Darwin daughter deaf-mutes Demy 8vo descendants doctrine epilepsy evolution existence experience explain external facts faculties father Fcap grandfather grandson habit hallucination Hence Herbert Spencer hereditary transmission human hypochondria hypothesis idea Illustrations individual influence inherited insanity instances instinct intellect intelligence law of heredity less Lucas Marozia mechanism melipona memory mental metaphysical mind modes monomania morbid mother mulatto nature nephew nervous noumenon observed organic Origin of Species parents passions Pepin the Short phenomena physiological physiological heredity poet possessed post 8vo primitive produce psychical psychological heredity qualities question race racter reflex action regard remarkable resemblance result sensations sentiments simple Small crown 8vo species spontaneity suppose talent tendency thought tion transmitted unconscious vols دو
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