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ブックス ANIMAL MECHANISM : a Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. By Professor... の書籍検索結果
" ANIMAL MECHANISM : a Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion. By Professor EJ Marey. With 117 Illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5*. XII. THE DOCTRINE OF DESCENT AND DARWINISM. By Professor Oscar Schmidt. With 26 Illustrations. Fourth... "
Heredity: a Psychological Study of Its Phenomena, Laws, Causes, and ... - 3 ページ
Théodule Ribot 著 - 1875 - 393 ページ
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A Lost Love

Ashford Owen (pseud. [i.e. Anne Charlotte Ogle.].) - 1833 - 300 ページ
...Descent and Darwinism. By Profeswr Oscar Schmidt. With 26 Illustrations. Fourth Edition. Crown Svo, 5*. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion...Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Fifteenth Edition. Crown Svo, 5*. XIV. Fungi : their Nature, Influences, Uses, etc. By MC Cooke, MD, LL.D. Edited by the...

Guienne: Notes of an Autumn Tour

Algernon Taylor - 1879 - 218 ページ
...Darwinism. By Prof. Oscar Schmidt. With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown Svo. Cloth, price 5$. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5-r. XIV. Fungi ; their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c. By...

Stephen Langton

Charles Edmund Maurice - 1872 - 332 ページ
...Oscar Schmidt (Strasburg University). With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL. D. Seventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$. XIV. Fungi ; their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c....

Briefs and Papers: Sketches of the Bar and the Press

Thomas Wemyss Reid - 1872 - 336 ページ
...MA, LL.D. Edited by the Eev. MJ Berkeley, MA, FLS With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition. 5s. XV. THE CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF LIGHT AND PHOTOGRAPHY. By Dr. Hermann Vogel (Polytechnic Academy of Berlin). Translation thoroughly revised. With 100 Illustrations. Third Edition....

Imitations: From the German of Spitta and Tersteegen

Karl Johann Philipp Spitta, Lady Emily Augusta Durand - 1873 - 224 ページ
...Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. By Professor Oscar Schmidt. With 26 Illustrations. Seventh Edition. $s. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Twentieth Edition. $s. XIV. Fungi : their Nature, Influences, and Uses. By MC Cooke, MA, LL.D. Edited...

Slavonci Fairy Tales: Collected and Translated from the Russian, Polish ...

John Theophilus Naaké - 1874 - 328 ページ
...Oscar Schmidt (Strasburg University). With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5*. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, prioe v<XIV. Fungi j their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c. By MC...

Theology in the English Poets: Cowper--Coleridge--Wordsworth--and Burns

Stopford Augustus Brooke - 1874 - 396 ページ
...by the Rev. MJ Berkeley, MA, FLS With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. price 5.r. XV. THE CHEMICAL EFFECTS OF LIGHT AND PHOTOGRAPHY. By Dr. Hermann Vogel (Polytechnic Academy of Berlin). Translation thoroughly revised. With 100 Illustrations. Third Edition....

Socialism: Its Nature, Its Dangers, and Its Remedies Considered

Moritz Kaufmann - 1874 - 380 ページ
...(Strasburg University). With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5J. XIII. The Hiitory of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5*. XIV. Fungi ; their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c. Bv MC...

Shelley Memorials: From Authentic Sources

lady Jane Gibson Shelley - 1875 - 348 ページ
...Schmidt (Strasburg University). With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5-1-. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL.D. Eleventh Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$. XIV. Fungi ; their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c. By MC...

For Sceptre and Crown: A Romance of the Present Time, 第 1 巻

Gregor Samarow - 1875 - 362 ページ
...Oscar Schmidt (Strasburg University). With 26 Illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price 5$. XIII. The History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. By JW Draper, MD, LL. D. Eighth Edition. Crown 8vo. Cloth, price $s. XIV. Fungi; their Nature, Influences, Uses, &c....

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