
quainted him with the last mentioned occurrence, and added: "I will go to the East, and preach the Gospel of Christ, but I will be always the enemy of this antichristian tyranny of Rome. I will preach the pure doctrine of Christ, without adulterating it with Popery." This letter came into the hands of the Inquisition, as did also some of my other letters which I wrote to different friends, entreating them to assist Mr. Taunucaso, an eastern gentleman of the Propaganda, who was endeavouring to translate the Bible into his nive language. The Inquisition opened likewise the letters which my English and German friends wrote to me; and my German friends, who were at Rome, learnt that I was in great danger, and' they recommended me to the Prince of Bavaria, who was at that time at Rome, and who wrote upon the occasion to his father, the King of Bavaria, and assured me that he would protect me. But the same day that the Prince of Bavaria left Rome, for Naples, Cardinal Litta sent for meI entered his room, and he said to me, "We are informed of the correspondence which you still maintain, notwithstanding I have warned you several times. We know, by that correspondence, your sentiments and your manner of thinking. These are entirely opposite to the Pope's, and if you should stay any longer in the Propaganda, you would taint your companions with your sentiments. You must therefore, by express command of the holy father, remain a prisoner till you leave Rome, and return to Vienna." Hereupon I was compelled to stay three

hours in the house of an advocate of the Inquisition, where I was watched by a little dwarf, (without having permission to see any of my friends,) till the post coach came to the door, about twelve o'clock at night. A disguised soldier was my companion as far as Bologna, and from thence I wrote a letter to the Cardinal Litta, complaining that I had been condemned without his having examined me.

Cardinal Lant, the Governor of Bologna, was orced to receive me with all kindness, and to give me a companion to Vienna. He gave me a physician, whose anxiety to know my internal sentiments shewed me that he was a member, or a spy of the Inquisition. Having arrived at Vienna, I delivered the letters which Cardinal Litta gave me for the Pope's Ambassador at Vienna, and I said to him that I would take refuge under the protection of the Austrian Government, if they would not give me my liberty. But I promised him never to seek vengeance, and I said that I would act conscientiously and with freedom. He seemed satisfied with my declaration, and having been informed, before my arrival at Vienna, of the particulars of my correspondence, he gave me full account thereof, and delivered me the following letter from Cardinal Litta.

"Dear Wolf,

"The letter, which you have written to me from Bologna, although it has made more poignant that sorrow, which I have ever felt from the moment


that I was obliged to take the resolution of sending you away from Rome, gives me, nevertheless, some ground for consolation, since you assure me, that you will ever love the holy Catholic Church. I fear, on the other hand, that in your understanding, and perhaps in your heart, you make a distinction between the Catholic Church and its head, who is the Pope. But I flatter myself, that in future your sentiments may be more sincere than they have been in times past. I myself warned you personally, and through the medium of Ostini, hany times, to break off your dangerous correspondences; you did not obey me; and having had more confidence in some pretended friends, than in persons who sincerely wished and acted well towards you, you manifested, even without restraint, your opinions and intentions. From this it was seen clearly, that instead of being grateful and attached to that See of Rome which nourished you, and which is the true centre and mistress of the universal Church, you cherished, on the contrary, sentiments of aversion, nay even of horror, for this good mother: that secretly you were beginning to be in a disposition to render of no avail the cares of the Propaganda, by proposing to yourself, if sent to the East, objects and purposes totally different from those which the Holy College has in view. With such sentiments you would have corrupted your companions, brought up in true obedience and attachment to the Holy See. In consequence of these things, which I stated before announcing to you your departure, and which you could not, nor can now

deny, it became necessary to remove you from the College of Pope Urban. Nevertheless, even in this case, it was proposed to retain you some time longer at Rome, in Consideration of that countenance and support, which you, conscious, perhaps, of the danger to which your practices exposed you, contrived to procure for yourself. You, who judge me capable of punishing without a just motive, and without forewarning, or listening to reason, will not believe me if I tell you, that this resolution, tich I was unavoidably led, has given me the greatest pain; but God knows how much I have suffered, and how much I still suffer! I never supposed you to be a member of the Bible Society, in which there is no wonder, that many good persons have unawares enrolled themselves, because the venerable name of the

which are the writing and word Holy Scriptures,

of God, naturally must attract minds zealous for the divine glory, and the salvation of their neighbours. But it is precisely of the most excellent things that the greatest abuse is made. I hope, however, in the mercy of the Lord, and in his omnipotence and infinite wisdom, that he will bring good out of evil, as he has brought forth light from darkness, and the creature from nothing. But without a special aid, which we ought to hope for from God, towards his Church, certain it is, that the enterprise of translating the Holy Scriptures into all languages, even the lowest and the most barbarous, and of multiplying and pouring forth copies of it, in order to give them into the hands of all persons, even the

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most stupid and rash, without the aid of any thing to explain the obscure meanings of it, and to solve those great difficulties, which were obstacles even to the acute and sublime understandings of the Augustines and Jeromes, cannot be denied to be a most dangerous thing, as opening the way to a thousand errors, which has been shewn before now, in the examples of the heretics, and as is seen more clearly, in the present day, by the more monstrous absurdities of the Methodists, and the other innumerable sects, who think that they see in the word of God their own ravings. What must one say, moreover, if, in the regulations of this Society, it is laid down as a fundamental point, that the most authentic version, must be the English, which has been convicted by our Irish Bishops, and English Vicars, of many errors, made by the pretended Reformers? What if, even among the German versions, there are adopted faulty and corrupt ones, as that of Luther, so much the more seducing than the others, from the purity and elegance of its language? The Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, does not shut up the heavenly treasure of the divine Scriptures, as some calumniate it, under the title of the Court of Rome, of which title I am not ashamed, but even boast, and ever have boasted; even amongst the disgraces of our exile professing myself to be a member of the court of Rome, and on that very account more united to the centre of unity, and to the sovereign See, the depository of the doctrine and power of Jesus Christ.-This See


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