
White and Kendale, at Northampton,
xcvii. Of Nicholson, for the murder of
Mr and Mrs Bonar, ci. Of Luke Heath,
at Gloucester, for murder, cv. Of Da-
niel M'Crory, at Carlisle, cxxxii


Fashions for January, II, ix-For Febru
ary, xvi-For March, xxvii-For April,
xxxvi-For May, xliv-For June, lxiv-
For July, lxxxvii-For August, cvii-
For September, cxxvi-For October,
cxl-For November, cl-For Decem-
ber, clviii

Festival in London, in celebration of the

victory of Vittoria, II, lxxvii, lxxix
Finances of the country, general view of
their present state, and the modes of
raising the supplies employed by Mr
Pitt and by his successors, I, 48, 49, 50,
Annual statement laid before parlia
ment, with a view of the imports for
three years, II, lxiv, lxv

Fire at Sidney College, Cambridge, vi and
xxii. In the Commercial Hall, London,
xxviii. Near Vauxhall, xcii. At Got-
tenburg, cxxiii. At Orpington, cxxvii.
In Red Lion Square, cxxix. In Shad-
well, cxxxi. At Nash Mill, Herts,
cxxxvii. At Manchester, cxxxviii
Fiume stormed by a British squadron, II,


Foot race between Cross and Rainer, on
Sunbury Common, II, xliii


Garion, foundation of the new bridge
there laid, II, lii

Garter, grand chapter of the knights of
the order, II, lxxxi

Gibraltar, fatal effects of a malignant fe
ver there, II, cliv


Halford, Sir Henry, his narrative of the
discovery of the body of King Charles 1.,
IL, Xxxiii-XXXV
Hamburgh taken possession of by the Danes
and French, I, 227
Hampton, official accounts of the defeat

of the Americans on that station, II,

Herring fishery at Wick, II, lxxxix
Hill, Sir Rowland, dislodges the French
from the valley of Bustan, I, 160. Near
Bayonne he defeats the main body of
the enemy under Soult, 197
Holland declares in favour of the allied
cause, I, 274. Condition of her people
since their union with France, 283-287.
Secret association in favour of the
Prince of Orange, 287, 288. The
Prince of Orange proclaimed, 291
Home, Sir Everard, his declaration re
specting the murder of Sellis, II, xix
Hull, the American general, defeated op-
posite Fort Niagara, I, 118

Hunt, Messrs, editors of the Examiner,
sentenced to fine and imprisonment,
II, xi
Hydrophobia, two cases of it described,
II, cx-cxiv. Case of James Sharp at
Newcastle, cliv

I. J.

India, ecclesiastical establishment for Bri-
tish subjects resident there, I, 135, 196
Ireland, report of commissioners on the
state of education in that country, II,

Isle au Noir, official account of the capture
of two American vessels off that fort,
II, clxxiii

Java, his majesty's ship, official account
of her capture, II, cxli
Johnstone, Mr Cochrane, his speech on

moving for the production of documents
respecting the Princess of Wales, I, 82
Joseph (Buonaparte) sketch of his charac-
ter and conduct during his intrusion in
Spain, I, 143, 144

Jury trial, reflections on its introduction
into Scotland, I, 301-250


Katzbach, battle of the, I, 255
Kea King, the Emperor of China, a singu
lar statement of his received in Canton,
II, cccxxxiii
Kingston, fruitless attempt of the Ameri-
can aquadron on that port, II, cxiii

[blocks in formation]

Macdonell, Major, defeats the Americans
at the junction of Lakes Ontario and
Erie, I, 116

Madison, President, his message to Con-
gress, II, cclxxii

Manifesto of Austria, on declaring war
against France, I, 250, 251, 252, and
II, ccxcix

Missionaries, animadversions on their zeal
and exertions, I, 186, 137, 138
Monument to Mr Pitt's memory in Guild-

hall, II, xxii, xxiii; and in Westminster
Abbey, xc

Moore, Ann (the fasting woman) her de
tection and confession, xxxix
Moreau, General, arrives from America,
and joins the allies, I, 254. He is mor-
tally wounded before Dresden, 256.
Particulars respecting his death, II, cxiv
and cxxxiii. His widow created a prin-
cess of the Russian empire, cxíx. Fu
neral service to his memory in the
French chapel, ib. His interment in St
Petersburg, cliv

Morrison, Lieutenant-Colonel, defeats the
Americans under General Hampton, I,


Murat resigns the command of the French
army in Germany, I, 207
Murray, Sir John, with the Anglo-Sicilian
army, joins General Elio in Murcia,
and repulses Suchet, I, 167. Official
account of the action, II, cxlvii. He
receives instructions from Lord Wel-
Engton for an attack on Tarragona,

I, 168, 169, which he invests, 170. He
raises the siege, and reimbarks the ar-
my, 171, His letter to Lord Welling
ton on the failure of the expedition, ib.
His subsequent defence, 174-177. The
views taken of his conduct by his accu-
sers, 177-183. He is brought before a
court of military enquiry, and acquit
ted, 183

Murder of Hannah Leatham, II, i. Of
Eliza Cruickshank, ib. Of Mr Sex of
Penhurst, x. Of Mr Webb, near Frome,
xii. Of a French prisoner at Porchester,
xvi. Of G. Smith at Portsmouth by a
boy, xl. Of Mr and Mrs Thomson Bo-
nar, xlv, xlvi, xlvii. Of Mrs Stephens
at Woodford, xlvii. Of Robert Foun-
tain at Waltham, lxviii, Of Agnes
Watson at Woodsess, ib. Of Edward
Clifford at London, lxxxiii. Of Lieute-
nant Johnson, 15th regiment, xc.
Joseph Leuson at Finchley, cxii. Of
the Rev. Nicholas Westcombe, ciii. Of
Thomas M'Mahon, 69th foot, cvi. Of
Richard Glover in Monmouthshire by
his son, cxviii. Of a waterman at Ports-
mouth, cxxii. Of James Kelly, near
Lanesborough, cxxxviii. Of Mary Bate,
Warwickshire, cxlii. Of Francis Smyth,
Esq. Waterford, ib. Of a man servant
at Vauxhall, cliii



Ney, Marshal, defeated at Dennevitz, I,


Nivelle, storming of the French entrench-
ed lines on that river, I, 196, Official
account of it, II, ccxvii.ccxxi


Orange, Prince of, arrives at the Hague,
I, 297. He issues an address to the
people, 298 and clii. He enters Am
sterdam, 298


Palmerston, Lord, brings forward the ar
my estimates for the year, I. 64-67
Pampluna, description of, I, 161. Taken

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by the Spaniards under D'Espana, II.

Pancorbo, castle of, surrenders to the
Spaniards, II, clxxxvi
Parliament, meeting of, I, 3. Substance
of the arguments of opposition on the
address, 4-14; and of the ministry in
reply, 14-22. Prorogued, II, lxxvi
Patents granted in 1813, II, cccxxxi
Poetry. The Dance of Death, II, cccxxxv.
Romance of Dunois, cccxxxix. Song
for the Anniversary of the Pitt Club,
cccxl. The Ettericke Garland, cccxli.
Helen of Kirkconnell, cccxliii. Imita-
tion of Horace, cccxlv. Stanzas, cccxlvi.
Sonnet, cccxlvii

Pompeia, discoveries among its ruins, II,

Ponza, official account of its bombardment
and capitulation, II, clxxiv
Population and military force of the diffe-
rent belligerent powers, II, cxxxiv
Prayer, form of, for the victory of the 21st
June, II, lxix

Princess of Wales's letter to the Prince
Regent, 1, 75, 76, 77. Animadversions
on it, and on the conduct of her advi-
sers, 77-80. Her claims referred by the
prince to a commission, 80. Their re-
port, 80, 81. Her letters in conse-
quence to the lord chancellor and the
speaker, 81. Motion by Mr Cochrane
Johnstone for the production of docu-
ments on the subject, 82. Arguments
for and against the motion, 82, 83, 84.
Lord and Lady Douglas petition the
House to be re-examined, 84. Mr
Whitbread moves an address to the
regent for their punishment, ib. Sub-
stance of the arguments in support of
the motion and against it, 84-90.
Speeches of Lords Ellenborough, Ers-
kine, Grenville, and Spencer, in refe-
rence to this subject, 90, 91. Speech
of Mr Whitbread on his motion for the
examination of Lord Moira, 92, 93.
Lord Castlereagh's reply, 94. Address
of the city of London to her royal high-
ness, and her reply, II, xxxi, xxxii. Ŏf-
ficial documents relating to her case,

Proclamation by the King of Prussia, II,
cclxxi. Of the Spanish General Giron
to the French, cclxxxvi. Of Councillor
Roschmany to the Tyrolese, cclxxxvii.
Of the prince regent to the inhabitants

of Hildesheim, cclxxxviii. Of the diet
of the cantons of the Swiss Confedera-
tion, ib. Of the provisional government
of Amsterdam, cclxxxix. Of the general
government of the United Netherands,
ib. Of the Governor General of the
United Netherlands, ib. Of the Prince
of Orange, ccxcii and ccxciii. Of the
provisional government of Leyden,
ccxciv. Of Louis XVIII. to the French
people, ccxcvi. Of the electoral ministry
to the Hanoverians, cccxii. Of the Mar-
quis of Wellington to the French peo-
ple, cccxiii

Proctor, Col. defeats the Americans at
Frenchtoun, I, 116. He is repulsed in

an attempt on Fort Sundusky, and his
army made prisoners, 117

Prussia, King of, offers to mediate between
the belligerents, I, 211. His offer re-
jected by Buonaparte, ib. He enters
into alliance with Russia, ib. His ad-
dress to his people, and letter to the
Duke of Bassano, 212, 213
Publications in 1813, i

Pyrenees, the theatre of several severe
conflicts, I, 185, 186, 187. The French
under Soult totally defeated in a gene-
ral battle, 189. Official details of these
operations, II, cxciii-cxcix


Reaping machine, trial of one at Dalkeith
invented by Mr Smyth, II, cxv

Riot at Perth among the Renfrew and
Fife militia, II, xiii. At Belfast, occasion-
ed by a procession of Orangemen, lxxiii.
At Clonmell, on account of the murder
of a soldier, cxxxvi

Robbery of Mrs Fletcher, Bristol, II, vii.
Of Mrs Eale, Somerset, viii. Of Mr
Bayley, xi. Of Miss Bakewell's house,
Swepstone, ib. Of Mr Nichol of Tor-
penhowe, xiii. At the fair of Dumfries,
ib. Of an Armenian near Pest, xiv.
Of the house of Mr Long of Essex, xxi.
Of the Norwich mail, 1. Of the house
of Mr Rothe of Cothenhill, lxxii. Of
M. Texier in Paris, lxxv. Of Thomas

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Romilly, Sir S. his speech on moving a
bill for the repeal of certain penal sta-
tutes, I, 87-40. His speech on the
third reading of the bill, 43-47
Roxburgh cause, decision on the last
branch of it by the Court of Session,
II, xl. Its final decision in the House
of Lords, cly


Sackett's Harbour, official account of Col.
Baynes' attack on the Americans posted
there, II, clxxi

Sadler, the aeronaut, his ascent from Not-
tingham, II, cxxxvii

Saxons and Westphalians desert the French
standard, and join the Crown Prince
during the battle of Leipzig, I, 271
Scheaffe, Gen. compelled to evacuate
Yorktown, I, 116. Official account of
the action, II, cxlix

Slave factory at Masuredo destroyed by
the Thais, II, cl

Solicitor General's speech in reply to Sir

S. Romilly on the penal code, 1, 40
Speech of the prince regent on opening
parliament, I, s. On its prorogation,
II, cclxxx. On re-opening parliament,

Sporting intelligence, II, xli, lv, lxxxviii,
civ, cxxxv, cxliii, cxliv
Stocks, price of, II, cccxxx

St Sebastian, description of, I, 160. Sur-
renders to the British and Spanish arms,
198. Official account of the storming
of the town, II, cciii-ccvii. Articles of
capitulation, ccix, ccx

Suicide of Mr Garrick engraver, II, viii.
Of the Hon. Mrs Gordon, xliii. Of R.
Brograve, Esq. liii. Of William Glo-
ver in Warwick jail, cxliii
Switzerland adopts 'the resolution of re-
maining neutral, I, 280


Thorn surrenders to the Russians, I, 222
Thunder storm at Margate, II, lxx. At
Brighton, cxliii

Tithing of common land, the law on this
point ascertained, cx

Treaty between Great Britain and Swe-

den, T, 243. Between Denmark and
the allies, 279. Between Portugal and
Algiers, II, ccxevii. Between the courts
of Vienna and St Petersburg, cccix
Trial of John Eadon at York for adminis-
tering unlawful oaths, II, i. Of Mr
White for libel, xvii, xviii; and sen-
tence, xli. Of James Henry, midship-
man, at Edinburgh, lxxi, lxxii. Of A.
Fountain and G. Turner Rowell for mur-
der, xci. Of John Britain for the mur-
der of his wife, xciii. Of White, Ken-
dale, and Howes, for robbing the Leeds
Mail, xcv. Of Nicholson for the mur-
der of Mr and Mrs Bonar, xcvii-ci. Of
James Maxey, at Norwich, for poison-
ing his wife, cviii. Of J. Boult, Hannah
at Yarmouth, for the murder of his wife,
cxix. Of J. Denton at the Old Bailey,
cxx. Of J. M. Landgraff at Jamaica,

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Vansittart, Mr, his speech on laying be
fore the commons his new plan of fi
nance, I, 51-57. A view of the leading
arguments brought forward against it,
57 63. His speech on proposing the new
taxes in aid of the sinking fund, 67-70
Vice-Chancellor's bill, its nature and ob-
ject, I, 28, 29. Substance of the argu-

ments for and against it, 30, 31, 32
Vincent, General, forced to abandon Fort
St George, I, 116. He defeats the Ame-
ricans at Forty Mile Creek, 117
Vittoria, battle of, I, 159, 154. Official
account of it, II, clxxx-clxxxiv


Wellington, Lord, appointed by the Cortes
generalissimo of the Spanish armies, I,
145. His plan of the ensuing campaign,
146. He enters Salamanca, 147. He
passes the Douro, ib. He gets posses-
sion of Toro, 149; and Burgos, 150.
He passes the Ebro, 151. He gains
the battle of Vittoria, 159, 154. He is
raised to the dignity of Field-marshal of
Great Britain, and created by the Spa-
nish government Duke of Vittoria, 157.
He enters France, 195. He storms the

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