
See, round her bed, light floating on the air,
Young Love himself his purple wings display;
When sudden, shrieking at the dismal glare
Of funeral torches, far he speeds away.



Into Latin Prose.

It is certainly the proper education we should give ourselves, to be prepared for the ill events and accidents we are to meet with in a life sentenced to be a scene of sorrow: but instead of this expectation, we soften ourselves with prospects of constant delight, and destroy in our minds the seeds of fortitude and virtue, which should support us in hours of anguish. The constant pursuit of pleasure has in it something insolent and improper for our being. There is a pretty sober liveliness in the ode of Horace to Delius, where he tells him, loud mirth, or immoderate sorrow, inequality of behaviour, either in prosperity or adversity, are alike ungraceful in man, that is born to die. Moderation in both circumstances is peculiar to generous minds; men of that sort ever taste the gratifications of health, and all other advantages of life, as if they were liable to part with them, and when bereft of them, resign them with a greatness of mind which shows they know their value and duration. The contempt of pleasure is a certain preparatory for the contempt of pain: without this the mind is as it were taken suddenly by an unforeseen event; but he that has always, during health and prosperity, been abstinent in his satisfactions, enjoys, in the worst of difficulties, the reflection, that his anguish is not aggravated with the comparison of past pleasures which upbraid his present condition. Tully tells us a story after Pompey, which gives us a good taste of the pleasant manner the men of wit and philosophy had in old times of alleviating the distresses of life by the force

of reason and philosophy. Pompey, when he came to Rhodes, had a curiosity to visit the famous philosopher Posidonius; but finding him in his sick bed, he bewailed the misfortune that he should not hear a discourse from him; but you may, answered Posidonius ; and immediately entered into the point of stoical philosophy, which says pain is not an evil.-Spectator.


Into Latin Hexameters.

As shakes the bough of trembling leaf,
When whirlwinds sudden rise;

As stands aghast the warrior chief,
When his base army flies;

So shook, so stood, the beauteous maid,
When from the dreary den

A wrinkled hag came forth, arrayed
In matted rags obscene.

Around her brows, with hemlock bound,
Loose hung her ash-grey hair;

As from two dreary caves profound
Her blue-flamed eye-balls glare.
Her skin, of earthy red, appeared
Clung round her shoulder bones,
Like wither'd bark, by lightning seared,
When loud the tempest groans.



Into Greek Iambics.

Thus spake our Fathers :-And shall we endure
A degradation which they 'd died to think of?
Bear from a foreign Slave what never Cæsar,
In all his plentitude of power, attempted?

This soil we have created for ourselves;
By our own industry we form'd it all,
Changing the habitation of wild Bears
Into bright fields and social haunts of Men;
The Dragon's fiery Brood we have extinguish'd;
The misty chaos, the death-pall, that spread
O'er Nature's fairest works, we 've rent asunder;
We've drain'd the Fen, burst through the solid Rock,
O'erarch'd the dark Abyss and foaming Torrent,
And op'd new Realms of wonder to Mankind!


Into English Prose.

Itaque et provinciam ornatam, et spem non dubiam triumphi neglexi. Sacerdotium denique, quum (quemadmodum te existimare arbitror) non difficillime consequi possem, non appetivi. Idem post injuriam acceptam, quam tu rei-publicæ calamitatem semper appellas, ego meam non modo non calamitatem, sed etiam gloriam, studui quam ornatissima senatus, populique Romani de me judicia intercedere. Itaque et augur postea fieri volui, quod antea neglexeram; et eum honorem, qui a senatu tribui rebus bellicis solet, neglectum a me olim, nunc mihi expetendum puto. Huic meæ voluntati, in quâ inest aliqua vis desiderii, ad sanandum vulnus injuriæ, ut faveas, adjutorque sis, quod paullo ante me negaram rogaturum, vehementer te rogo; sed ita, si non jejunum hoc nescio quid, quod ego gessi, et contemnendum videbitur, sed tale, atque tantum, ut multi nequaquam paribus rebus honores summos a senatu consecuti sint. Equidem etiam mihi illud animum advertisse videor : (scis enim, quam attente te audire soleam) te non tam res gestas, quam mores, instituta, atque vitam imperatorum spectare solere, in habendis, aut non habendis honoribus. Quod si in meâ causâ considerabis, reperies, me exercitu imbecillo contra metum maximi belli, fir

missimum præsidium habuisse, æquitatem et continentiam. His ego subsidiis ea sum consecutus, quæ nullis legionibus consequi potuissem: ut ex alienissimis sociis amicissimos, ex infidelissimis firmissimos redderem, animosque novarum rerum exspectatione suspensos, ad veteris imperii benevolentiam traducerem. Sed nimis hæc multa de me, præsertim ad te, a quo uno omnium sociorum querela audiuntur; cognosces ex iis, qui meis institutis se recreatos putant. Quumque omnes uno prope consensu de me apud te ea, quæ mihi optatissima sunt, prædicabunt: tum duæ maximæ clientelæ tuæ, Cyprus insula, et Cappadociæ regnum, tecum de me loquentur. Puto etiam regem Deiotarum, qui uni tibi est maxime necessarius. Quæ si etiam majora sunt, et in omnibus sæculis pauciores viri reperti sunt, qui suas cupiditates, quam qui hostium copias vincerent: est profecto tuum, quum ad res bellicas hæc, quæ rariora et difficiliora sunt, genera virtutis adjunxeris, ipsas etiam illas res gestas, justiores et majores putare.— CICERONIS Epistolæ.


Into Greek Prose.

The Regency at Lacedæmon has resolved to make an irruption into Attica, if we attempt anything adverse to Potidæa, hearing that, on the declaration of hostilities by Corinth, we ordered the Potidæans, whose infidelity we had detected, to demolish the wall facing Pallene. In reliance on their treason, Perdiccas and the Corinthians had entered into confederacy, and were exciting the defection of our Thracian auxiliaries. Perdiccas prevailed with the Chalcidians to dismantle all their towns upon the seaside, and to congregate in Olynthos. We made a truce, and afterward a treaty, with Perdiccas: he evacuates the territory he had invaded; we strictly beleaguer the revolted Potidæa. The ephors of Lacedæmon now summon to appear before them not only their allies, but whosoever has any complaint to prefer against the Athenians. Here

upon the Megaræans come forward, and protest that they have been prohibited from our markets, contrary to treaty; and what is worse, that we exclude them from the possession of Potidæa, so convenient for extending their power and authority into Thrace.-W. S. LANDOR.


Into Latin Prose.

The arrival of the emperor in Spain filled his subjects who had been in arms against him with deep apprehensions; from which he soon delivered them, by an act of clemency no less prudent than generous. After a rebellion so general, scarcely twenty persons, among so many criminals obnoxious to the law, had been punished capitally in Castile. Though strongly solicited by his council, Charles refused to shed any more blood by the hands of the executioner; and published a general pardon, extending to all crimes committed since. the commencement of the insurrections, from which only fourscore persons were excepted. Even these he seems to have named, rather with an intention to intimidate others, than from any inclination to seize them; for when an officious courtier offered to inform him where one of the most considerable among them was concealed, he avoided it by a good-natured pleasantry; "Go," says he, "I have now no reason to be afraid of that man, but he has some cause to keep at a distance from me, and you would be better employed in telling him that I am here, than in acquainting me with the place of his retreat." By this appearance of magnanimity, as well as by his care to avoid everything which had disgusted the Castilians during his former residence among them; by his address in assuming their manners, in speaking their language, and in complying with all their humours and customs, he acquired an ascendant over them which hardly any of their native monarchs

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