[blocks in formation]

Assessment in depreciated currencies, 67; in Lourenço Marques and Inhambane,
512; Canada, 691; New Zealand, 775; Australia, 804.

Discriminatory effect, 66, 69; in Canada, 661, 718.

Valuation for assessment of, in Belgian Congo, 124, 125; Syria, 271; Cameroons, 273;
Dutch East Indies, 473; Mozambique, 509, 512; Zanzibar, 304 fn.; Nyasaland,
304 fn.; Newfoundland, 734; South Africa, 751; Portuguese India, 525 fn.
Official valuations, in Syria, 271; Egypt and Sudan, 304 fn., 358; India, 334;
Morocco, 208 fn.; Dutch East Indies, 473; Curaçao, 475.

Use of, in export duties, 51; in Mozambique, 514; Angola, 506; Guinea, 524;
Curaçao, 476.

Use of, in import duties: In the Dominions, 49, 728; British East Africa, 304,
British Oceania, 314; India, 334; Conventional Basin of the Congo, 88, 401;
Morocco, 208, 211; French West Africa, 197; French Oceania, 200; German
colonies, 242; Italian colonies, 384; Korea, to 1920, 443; Kiaochow, 447; Kwan-
tung, 448; Dutch East Indies, 469; Dutch Guiana, 474; Curaçao, 475; Timor,
526; Philippines, 599; American Samoa, 615; mandated territories, 271, 273,

fghanistan, 8.


Map of, 26.

Spheres of influence in, 6.

Treaty restrictions on liquor trade in, 89, 122.

greements. (See Treaties.)

laska not a colony, 9, 572, 578.

lcoholic liquors, 15.

Sale restricted by Brussels treaties, 89; proposed revision of Brussels treaties, 122.
Discrimination by classification of, 246, 358.

Preference upon, in Great Britain, 817; Canada (1919), 699; British West Indies,

No preference upon, in Canada, 665, 695.

General legislation in Portuguese tariffs, 495.

Rates on, 26.

British West Africa, 312; Eritrea, 380, 390; Dahomey and Togo, 217; Angola,.
495, 498 fn.; French India. 218; British free ports, 294; German South-
west Africa, 250; French West Africa, 217.

Monopolies, 295.

Algeciras, act of, 27, 206, 207.


Tariff system, 179; summary, 183.

Treaty provisions, 146.

Relations with Tunis and Morocco, 180, 185, 210.

Export duties, 183.

Coasting trade, 151.

Acquisition, 3, 131.

Part of France, 9, 153.

Exports to France, 55, 179.

Commercial importance, 134, 179.

Government, 139.

Ambriz, tariff, 500.

American Samoa

Tarif 615

Tarif making, 376.

Open-door treaty, 241, 577.

Acquisition. 4.

Description 6!1.

Anglo-belgian India Rubber Co. The Air, 104, 105, 126.

Anglo Egyptian Sudan, 281, 298.

Tariff, 303, 305.

Treaty relations with Eritrea 3×8.


Tariffs 49; summary. 506.

Admission of products of, to Portugal. 430.

Duties on alec holic beverages, 495.

Anticolonial movement, 3.

Antidumping laws:

Preferences in Canadian, 66, 692, 718.
British. 827.

New Zealand's, 775 fn.

Australian. 801, 804.

Antigua 315, 707.

Tariff, 318.


The colonial empires, 5.
Belgian Congo, 115.
French colonies, 133.

German colonies, 230,

Mandated territories. 269.

British Empire, 5, 282.

Free ports, 294.
Malay States, 296.

East African colonies, 300.
West Africa, 306.

Oceania, 310.

West Indies, 316.
Miscellaneous, 322.
India, 325.

Newfoundland, 727.

Italian colonies, 374.
Japanese Empire, 425.

Netherlands Empire, 451.

Portuguese Empire, 480.

Spanish Empire, 532.

United States and Territories, 573.



Treaties limiting sale of, 89, 90, 120; proposed revision of treaties, 123,

Rates on, in Central Africa limited, 26; limitation removed (1910), 26; in India.


Regulation or prohibition of importation of. Abyssinia, 381: Morocco, 209.

Map of, 4.

Spheres of influence in, 6.

Asquith, Herbert Henry, 654, 791.

Assessment of duties. (See Ad valorem duties.)

Assimilated colonies:

Definition of tariff assimilation, 33.

List of colonies, 36.

French policy, 143, 147, 151, 162, 179, 185; summary, 156, 168.

Japanese policy, 439.

United States policy, 578, 597, 607.

Political assimilation, 9.

Atrocities, Belgian, 90 fn.

Australia (See also Table of contents, p. 779):

Preferences in import duties, summary, 48, 807.

Tariff policies before 1907, 779; establishment of preferences, 794.

Tariff of 1920, 799.



Agreement with South Africa, 784; negotiations with Canada, 785; New Zea-

land, 787.

Intermediate tariff, 800.

Preferential features of customs administration, 802.

Tariffs of Papua and Norfolk Island, 805.

Preference to products of New Hebrides, 806.

Wine industry, 358.

Acquisition, 281.


Treatment of British products, 636.

Treaty relations with Canada, 724.

Automobiles, 156 fn., 186, 295, 297 fn., 324, 332 fn., 361 fn., 492 fn., 772; left-

hand drive prohibited, 295 in., 314 fn.

Azores, 478, 479, 489.

Tariff, 492, 493; duties on alcoholic beverages, 495.

Bahamas, 284, 292, 315, 708.

Tariff, 318, 364.

Relations with Canada, 705, 706; shipping subsidy, 715.

Bahrein Islands, 298.

Tariffs, 303.

Balance of trade:

Colonial, with mother countries, 76.

Belgian Congo, 116.

Morocco, 139.

Bermuda, 315.

India, 329.

Libia, 420.

Spanish colonies, 534.

Balfour, Arthur J., 653, 655, 656, 682.

Baluchistan, 326, 336.

Banks and colonial trade, 76.

Barbados, 284, 290, 315, 707.

Tariff, 318, 363.

Offer of reciprocity, 703.
Shipping subsidy, 715.

Barotseland. (See Northeastern Rhodesia.)
Basutoland, 281, 737, 738, 755.

In South African Customs Union, 712.

Bechuanaland. 281, 738, 755.

In South African Customs Union, 742.

Belgian Congo (see also Table of contents, p. 80, and Congo Free State);

Tariff policy, 119.

Treaty obligations, 119, 120.

Restoration of the open door, 126.


Development of colonial empire, 3, 80.

Trade with colonies, 19, 117.

Commercial treaties, 29, 677. (See also Treaties, open-door.)

Treatment of colonial products, 58, 123.

Annexation of Congo Free State, 114.

British treaty with, €35, €45.

Benadir, 373, 401.

Benguela, tariff, 502.

Berlin, conference of. (See Conference of Berlin.)

Bermuda, 284, 315, 708.

Tariff, 318.

Rejects Canadian agreement, 363, 365; relations with Canada, 705, 706.

Bhutan, 283, 326.


General references on tariffs, 835.

Treaty collections, 834.

Congo Free State and Belgian Congo, 128.

France, 223.

Germany, 263.

British Crown colonies, 370.

[ocr errors]

Great Britain and the Dominions, 832.

Bibliographies- (nt nued.
Italy, 422.
Japan, 448.

Netherlands, 476.
Portugal, 527.
Spain, 569.

United States, 629.

Bismarck, 4.

Calls conference of Berlin, 83, 229.

Colonial policy, 228.

Bond-Blaine convention, 639, 732, 733.

Borden, Premier, 814.

Botha, General, 655, 748, 749.

Bounties (see also Brussels sugar convention, and Tariffs, countervailing:

Early Dutch, 461.

British colonial tariff policy in the Crown colonies (see also Table of contents, p. 279
Treaties, 288.

[blocks in formation]

Minor, 358.

Cyprus, 360.

West Indies, 362.

Rhodesia, 649.

Disappearance (1842-1855), 634.

Preferential movement in Crown colonies, significance of, 370.

British Crown colonies:

Tariff policy in, Ch. V, p. 279; summary, 38, 292, 367.
Preferences in import duties, 47, 360, 362, 367, 649.
Preferences in export duties, 53, 337, 339, 352, 361.

Value of British preference to, 824.

British East Africa, 290, 298, 303 (see Kenya).

British Empire (see also Great Britain, and under names of colonies):

Area and population, 5, 282.

Treaties, 289.

British Guiana, 281, 284, 315, 707.

Tariff, 263, 318, 364.

Shipping subsidy, 715.

British Honduras, 280, 284, 708.

Tariff, 318, 364.

Relations with Canada, 705, 706; shipping subsidy, 715.

British North Borneo, 281, 321.

Tariff, 324.

British Oceania, tariffs, 297, 314, 324.

British Somaliland, 281, 298.

Tariff, 303.

British South Africa (see also Table of contents, p. 737, and Union of South Africa):

Tariff policy, summary, 760.

Tariff history, 738.

British preference (1903-1910), 742.

Tariff since 1910, 748.

Relations with other Dominions, 752; with Mozambique, 754.

Acquisition, 281, 737.

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