
Home Chronicle.


THE Meeting for the Half-Yearly Distribution of Profits, arising from the Sale of the Evangelical Magazine, will be held at Baker's Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, on Tuesday, the 4th of July, at eleven o'clock. The Auditors will meet at ten.


To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.

Sir,-A letter upon the above subject, addressed, through the columns of a contemporary, to Mr. Sherman, is commended to the serious attention of all evangelical ministers in England. The churches of Christ, disconnected with the Free Protesting Church in Scotland, have many reasons for aiding their brethren in that country, who have taken their stand for Christ's royalty.

Sympathy in their sufferings and reproaches for the Redeemer's name is undoubtedly the legitimate principle for those who have entered into the holy object for which the late meeting at Exeter-Hall was convened; and whose souls glow with the ardour of catholic charity which it was there aimed to kindle. To the initial desire of "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" the exhortation "strengthen thy brethren" will have the force of a cardinal commandment; and by such should be met with a prompt expression of appreciating regard for the witnessing servants of Christ.

Let the enemies of spiritual religion, and the partizans of political systems affect, as they may, to disparage the conduct of those men in Scotland whose decision in the cause of Christ commences an era in the history of the Catholic church-their names will descend, in the chronicles of ecclesiastical reform, adorned with a halo of blended simplicity and self-denial, which has no parallel among fanatics and factionists in any age. Sincerity in sacrifice for any thing merits admiration. Sincerity in sacrifice for religion is specially admirable, as it is equally seldom to be met with, and is tested, when it does exist, by more than the common trials of moral integrity. Our brethren in Scotland have too candidly and clearly explained themselves, to leave a doubt that their object and their course, so far, are such as became them and such as claim sympathy from those with whom Christ is all. At a time, too, when the powers of hell and the

earth are rallying for a bold assault on the city of God,-when the mine and the mask, and the visible machinery and munitions of war, are all in operation against the walls of Jerusalem, it would appear that the simultaneous movements of evangelical Christendom toward a centralization on the platform of the word, under the banner of the crown of Christ, and by covenanting bond to know nothing but his blood and righteousness, is a call from the Captain of the host of God, to "come forth to the help of the Lord against the mighty." In short, assuming that in its main design and preponderating motives the protesting church in Scotland is right, our principle of unity is imperfect, and our zeal for union is not from the Spirit, if we do not sympathize with it in its present peaceful contending.

Gratitude has been a standing debt of the English evangelical churches to our Scottish brethren now protesting. The writer testifies from personal knowledge to the kind'ness and munificence with which deputations from all the evangelistic institutions in the empire have been received by the northern brethren, at least by that portion of them which has asserted the legitimate supremacy. As a director of the Irish Society, the committee of which, with two "honorary" exceptions, has from its commencement been in the hands of Episcopalians-as a pleader for the Wesleyan missions, which also is exclusive in its management-and as a member of the Irish Evangelical Society, he has witnessed the ready and cordial co-operation of the Scots evangelical ministers and their people in the holy work of propagating the gospel of the grace of God.

The platforms of the Assembly, and the Hopetown rooms at Edinburgh, and the Trades' Hall at Glasgow, have often resounded with the hearty welcome of the representatives of religious England and Ireland, of several denominations; and in three out of four parish pulpits in those and other places has the writer successfully appealed to the voluntary munificence of Presbyterian piety, on behalf of foreign ecclesiastical objects. Never can he forget the result of a deputational visit once made by him on behalf of

the Irish Evangelical Society, when, after many delays and disappointments, from unusual inclemency of the season, between eight and nine hundred pounds was the amount of proceeds from a charity, warm in the degree of the climate's coldness.

And does not sound policy, as much as sympathy and gratitude, urge our liberal assistance of the brethren of the Scottish secession? When the pressure of their incipient difficulties is abated, and the tumult of local excitement subsides, may it not be that the recognition of kindred principle, and the recollection of practical interest, in their present struggles, would lead the protesting and free churches in Scotland to seek a closer correspondence, if not a positive communion with the evangelical churches on the south of the Tweed? What they have done toward providing for the exigency of their circumstances, is truly a marvel of magnanimity and magnificence, under the weight of commercial distress, which has for some years rested upon the country. After the amount of pecuniary contribution to the church extension scheme, which has already studded Scotland with probably five hundred churches, in addition to the old places of Divine service, to deliberately, and, with determination, set about raising funds for the erection of four or five hundred more, as a first instalment of voluntary zeal for the glory of Christ, is an argument of claims upon catholic aid, to which there is no answer; whilst it guarantees an adequate return in due time for any service that we can render them now.

Let us not stop to examine the peculiar, and, perhaps, infelicitous phraseology, which the jealousy of their own principles may induce some of them to employ: "Great men are not always wise." Great revolutions are not accomplished without some discrepancies. To all intents and purposes, the secession is an assertion of voluntaryism, absolute as the most decided enemy to state endowments could wish. In fact it is a practical declaration, to which our most eloquent ratiocinations upon the theory of willinghood must submit. Let them have their fancy for their deed, until they shall have worked themselves into conviction of their innocent fallacy.

With the communications of congratulation and encouragement that it may be hoped will pour into the October assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, from our Nonconforming bodies, let a hearty tender of better service be made, in the proffer of our pulpits, and in the commissioned invitation of our people to the acceptance of what they may be able to give of their pecuniary means. A more grateful memorial of religious revival in British Dissent, a more auspicious manifestation of rallying

energy for the battle of Armageddon, a more consistent carrying out of the measure of THE GLORIOUS FIRST OF JUNE, cannot be imagined, than a simultaneous invitation from Nonconforming England to Protesting Scotland.

I am, sir, very faithfully yours,


Annual Meeting, May.

Chairman, the Earl of Chichester. The report was read by J. S. Reynolds, Esq., the honorary secretary, and the meeting addressed by the Bishop of Norwich, J. Labouchere, Esq., and the Rev. Messrs. White and Bickersteth.


Twelfth Anniversary, May 8.

The Bishop of Winchester occupied the chair, and prayers were read by the Rev. J. Baylee, the clerical secretary.

The report showed the prevalence of Sabbath-breaking, especially in the vicinity of London, detailed the steps taken by the society to correct the evil, and stated several instances in which its labours had been successful. During the year, the sum of 9307. 15s. 9d. had been received, and the payments had amounted to 9297. 8s. ld.; leaving a balance in the hands of the treasurer of 11. 7s. 8d. The debts owing by the society on the 31st of March last amounted to 2751. 2s.

The meeting was addressed by J. P. Plumptre, Esq., M.P., the Dean of Salisbury, the Rev. Messrs. Preston and Davies, Captains Fishbourne and Saumarez, and by Joseph Wilson, Esq.


Tenth Anniversary, May 8.

The chair during the evening was occupied by C. Hindley, Esq., M.P., and G. F. Young, Esq.; and prayer was offered by the Rev. C. Gilbert.

The Rev. R. Ferguson read the report. It commenced by some remarks on the claims of seamen, and then proceeded to detail the society's proceedings with regard to the port of London. There was no port in the kingdom where the means of religious instruction were more abundant. The Thames missionary reported, that many seamen had

not only heard the glad sound of salvation, but had obtained redemption through the blood of the Lamb. A larger measure of success had attended their labours among seamen, than during any former year. Hundreds of Bethel captains were now solemnly pledged to the cause in which the society were engaged; both Bethel captains and Bethel ships were multiplying every year. The benefits of the distribution of religious tracts were beyond dispute. On board ships, sailing to almost every port in the world, there were no fewer than from 500 to 600 loan libraries. During the past year the day and Sunday-schools had been placed on a more efficient plan of operation. In connexion with the sailors' chapel, a Christian society had been formed, and nearly 200 seamen enrolled as communicants. The appeal which had been made on behalf of the Lascars had met with but a feeble response. In reference to provincial operations, the report detailed the society's procedure at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sunderland, Scarborough, Whitby, North and South Shields, &c. The foreign operations were then brought under review, and illustrated the beneficial results accruing from the labours of the institution. The committee had, to a great extent, felt the pressure of the times. The subscriptions had considerably fallen off, and there was a defalcation upon the year of about 9001.

The resolutions were moved and sustained by the Rev. Messrs. G. Smith, Dobson, J. W. Richardson, E. E. Adams, Burnet, and Morris; also by J. Pain, Esq., and RearAdmiral Young.


Seventh Anniversary, May 3.

Captain Sir E. Parry, R. N., occupied the chair. Captain Cotton read the report, which detailed interesting facts connected with the operations of the society in several of the Colonies. The proceeds of the society for the year were reported to be 3,2257. 10s. Addresses were delivered to the meeting by the Rev. Messrs. Yorke, Stowell, Bickersteth, Noel, Ciose, C. W. Wilson, Hanson, and Chave.


Thirty-first Anniversary, May 4.

The chair was occupied by Lord Bexley, the president of the Society.

The Rev. F. Dollman having read prayers, proceeded to read the report, which commenced with a statement of the operations of the Society in respect to sailors of the

royal navy and the merchant service; of whom there are said to be not fewer than 200,000, besides 100,000 boatmen, belonging to this country. During the past year, 3,955 ships and other vessels had been visited or revisited, on board which 1,232 English Prayer-books, and thirty-five in foreign languages, and five books of homilies, had been sold at reduced prices; 600 books of select homilies, and 402 homily tracts, had been supplied gratuitously; making a grand total, since the year 1824, of 41,545 vessels visited, in the port of London only, and of 21,938 books of Common Prayer, and 267 books of homilies, sold at reduced prices. Also, during the last fifteen years, about 1,000 copies of Family Prayers, and 16,468 Select Homilies, supplied to ships gratui tously. The plan of lecturing upon the homilies had been carried into effect with a view to show the scriptural character of the Church of England. The Committee had communicated with the delegates of the Oxford press on the subject of the alterations in the punctuation of the Prayer-books, and had received an assurance that their communication would be attended to. A correspondent at Medina had called the attention of the Committee to an omission in their edition of the German Prayer-book, viz., the declaration at the end of the communion with respect to kneeling. This omission was the more remarkable, as No. 90 of the Tracts for the Times declared that declaration as the least defensible of any of the formularies of the Protestant Church of England, while Bishop Hopkins spoke of it as the best defence against Popery. That omis sion had been supplied, as well as that of the calendar. The Society had translated the whole or parts of the Liturgy into twentyseven different languages. The Chinese translation, by the late Dr. Morrison, so favourably spoken of by Professor Kidd, of the Anglo Chinese College, had gone through four editions of 2,000 copies each; and the Committee requested a special fund for another reprint. The Society's publications were circulating with great benefit in India, Western Africa, Medina, Canada, South Sea Islands, Spain, &c. A homily in Hebrew was in course of publication. The Society's income for the past year had amounted to 2,5907., including a legacy of 2501. from the late Rev. T. Natt. By declining to make any grants, except under very peculiar circumstances, and limiting the issues from the depository, the debt of the Society had been reduced nearly one-fourth. The total number of books issued during the past year was 11,872 bound books, and 29,995 homily tracts, making a grand total since the establishment of the Society of 424,592 bound books, and 2,574,113 tracts.

The resolutions were moved and sustained

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The chair was occupied by S. Gurney, Esq., the Treasurer.

The Rev. J. Jefferson (Secretary), read the report. It commenced by paying a welldeserved tribute to the memory of the late Rev. N. M. Harry, who was for some years the efficient secretary of the society. The labours of Mr. Rigaud, one of the society's agents, were then detailed. The agency

fund had been increased, but additional subscriptions were needed, in order fully to carry out the design. The general operations had been carried on with considerable encouragement. The publications of the society had been circulated to at least as great an extent as in former years. The American Peace Society continued to labour with assiduity and zeal, and with much success. In France it was hoped that there was an increased feeling in favour of peace. The report then expressed the gratification of the Committee at the termination of the wars in Afghanistan and China, and, after alluding with approbation to the formation of a society for the prevention of duelling, concluded by calling attention to the ensuing Peace Convention. From the cash account it appeared that the total receipts for general purposes during the past year were 6751. 28. 10d.; the expenditure, 6597. 12s. 1d. but the society was under liabilities to the amount of 3507. On account of the agency fund, there had been received 1737. 138.; expended, 2167.

The resolutions were moved and seconded by J. Scoble, S. Rigaud, J. S. Buckingham, J. Backhouse, H. Macnamara, and J. Tappan (America), Esqrs.; also by the Rev. Messrs. Clarke (Fernando Po), Burnet, and Hargreaves; and by Dr. Lee.



The forty-sixth anniversary of this institution was held on the 12th of April, at the Rev. G. Clayton's Chapel, Walworth. The Rev. James Hill, of Clapham, preached in the morning, from Gal. i. 24. The annual meeting was held in the evening, Thomas Kingsbury, Esq., of Putney, in the chair. A highly encouraging report of the society's operations was read by the Rev. J. E.

Richards, and interesting addresses delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Ady, Clayton, Campbell, Morris, Rogers, Richard, Ashton, and E. Dawson, Esq. The devotional services were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. Soule, Campbell, Kent, and Mirams.

In the course of the past year, the society has been deprived of one of its valued missionaries, the Rev. J. V. Widgery, who laboured most assiduously and successfully under its auspices during a period of twenty years.

The society has also had to mourn the loss of its devoted and long-tried friend, the Rev. T. Jackson, of Stockwell, who for the same number of years was one of its gratuitous secretaries, and to the close of life was engaged in the promotion of its interests. There is, however, cause to rejoice, amidst these bereavements, that the reports from its several stations were never more gratifying; and it is earnestly hoped that God will raise up other friends to supply the vacancies made by death, and that the future prosperity of this Home Mission will greatly exceed its past success.


The Rev. John Tayler.

On Wednesday the 12th of April, 1843, the Rev. John Tayler, late of Newport Pagnell College, was ordained to the pastorate of the church and congregation worshipping in the Independent chapel, Hounslow, Middlesex. The Rev. B. H. Kluht, of Twickenham, commenced the services with reading and prayer. The Rev. Josiah Bull, A.M., late Classical Tutor of Newport Pagnell College, delivered the introductory discourse; the Rev. Charles Gilbert, of Islington, proposed the usual questions; the Rev. Alexander Fletcher, A. M., of Finsbury chapel, London, offered up the ordination prayer, with imposition of hands; the Rev. T. W. Jenkyn, D.D., President of Coward College, delivered the charge; and the Rev. D. W. Aston, of Buckingham, addressed the church and congregation. The Rev. Messrs. West, of Sunbury; Stevens, of Hampton; Lord, of Walton; Newbury, of Feltham; and Porter, of Staines, took parts in the solemn and interesting services of the day, which were concluded with prayer by the Rev. J. Tayler, the newly ordained minister.

The Rev. Edward Tasker.

On Wednesday, April 4th, 1843, the Rev. Edward Tasker was ordained to the pastoral charge of the church and congregation worshipping in Mount Zion chapel, Sheffield.

On Tuesday evening, the Rev. R. S. Bailey, F.S.A., Principal of the People's Col

lege, delivered a discourse, full of power and genius, and Christian sympathy, as preparatory to the services of the morrow.

On Wednesday morning, the Rev. Thos. Smith, M.A., Classical Tutor of Rotherham College, commenced the interesting services of the day, by reading appropriate portions of Scripture and prayer. The Rev. W. H. Stowell, Principal and Theological Tutor of Masbro' College, delivered a learned and lengthened address on the nature of dissent and the constitution of a Christian church. The Rev. Samuel Bellamy asked the usual questions, and received the young minister's confession of faith, which, by showing how beautifully the Spirit adapts its workings of the kind of subject upon which it operates, leading the mind gradually over this diffi. culty, and beside that obstacle, pointing out the force of that argument or the cogency of proof of this series of ratiocinations, till at length the lights of conviction dawned with a softened radiance and loveliness, that be token their origin to be divine, produced sensations in the people, and excited emotions, that cannot soon die away. In the answers to the various questions there was an unconscious opening up of the depths of a deep-seated piety, an originality, power, and range of intellect, a delicacy of conception, the exquisite in tarte, and withal an elegance of diction that speedily called forth feelings of affection, admiration, and sympathy, at once vivid and powerful; and, in times like the present, were felt to be truly refreshing, when all the talent, and learning, and piety, and well-directed fervour of the whole wide range of the dissenting pastorate are likely to be needed in defence of principles to an extent never yet required in the history of congregationalism. The prognostications, therefore, of superior mental power manifested on the present occasion by this amiable, talented, and highlypromising young minister, must have been very gratifying to his brethren in the ministry, and doubtless filled the minds of his people with holy joy and gratitude. The ordination prayer was then offered up by the Rev. J. H. Muir, of Queen-street chapel, in strains most solemn, and in manner most sacred, with the imposition of hands. The Rev. Alexander Ewing, A.M., of Halifax, the minister's postor, gave an animated, practical, heart-searching, yet affectionate charge, after which the ministers, many students from Rotherham College, and other friends, to the number of nearly two hundred, sat down to a cold collation provided for the occasion.

In the evening, the Rev. S. Bellamy having conducted the devotional services, the Rev. James Parsons, of York, preached to an overflowing congregation, in his usually eloquent and powerful style, pursuing a

train of thought strikingly calculated to show the dignity and responsibility of the Christian minister, pointing out at the same time the late glorious openings of Providence for Christian enterprise on a scale, the amplitude of which could exhaust more than all the talent and piety-based, as they ought always to be, on vast stores of knowledge-which might at the present time be brought into operation.

The Rev. Mark Docker gave out the hymns during the whole of the services.


Market Harborough.

The trustees of the Independent chapel, in this town, beg to submit to their friends and the public the following statement, with the full belief that it needs no apology :

At the close of last year the old Independent meeting-house, which had been in existence nearly two hundred years, having been examined by two experienced architects, was found to be in so insecure a state, that either several hundred pounds must be expended upon it, or an entire new building erected. The congregation unanimously determined upon this latter alternative, intending, also, to place the new erection on the more eligible site heretofore occupied by the house and other buildings belonging to 'the minister for the time being, all of which were in a state of great decay. The esti mated cost of the new erection was 1,8007., exclusive of the old materials, and nearly 1,6007. was immediately contributed by the congregation alone, and placed for security in the Harborough Bank. A plan for the new chapel was then agreed upon, and the whole of the old buildings taken down; when, on the 24th of April, just as the contracts for building were being made, the proceedings were most unexpectedly arrested by the failure of the bank; by which calamity not only will a loss of more than half the deposit be sustained, and the remainder rendered unavailable for a considerable period, but almost every individual subscriber being subjected to severe pecuniary loss from the same cause, the previous intention of raising the necessary funds from the congregation becomes utterly hopeless.

Besides the chapel, it was also intended, at no distant time, to erect a dwelling-house for the minister, instead of the old and dilapidated one taken down.

It is with extreme regret that the trustees and subscribers are thus compelled to appeal to the public for assistance, which however, under their altered circumstances, they do with earnestness and much confidence. Certainly had the events above referred to not occurred, such appeal would never have

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