
waited with intense desire. On one of these occasions, she heard a speech of the late Rev. Joseph Julian, curate of Trimley, near Ipswich, as reported in the Evangelical Magazine for June, 1823, page 262. With this she was so much delighted, that she caused it to be read to her, until she could repeat the whole with surprising correctness. When, therefore, I had an occasional party of religious friends at my house to tea, and when Mrs. Reynish was one of the number, I sometimes requested her to favour us with Mr. Julian's speech, which she did with great propriety. Well do I remember with what evident feeling she said, "The fundamental principle of this society is the principle of my heart. It is confined to no sect or party, but, like the gate of heaven, is open to all. It breathes, indeed, the very spirit of heaven, even that spirit which pervaded the angelic choir when it proclaimed the Saviour born; the spirit that breathes 'glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will towards men.' Tell it in the ears of princes; proclaim it to the nobles and senators of the realm, that there is nothing either in the spirit or operations of this institution hostile to any establishment whatever but the establishment of Satan, and that it is inimical to no powers but the powers of hell and of darkness. On all kindred institutions it looks as intimately united with itself in spirit and design, as branches of the same tree, as members of the same family." Like one who truly believed in the Scriptures, and longed for the conversion of the world to Christ, she recited the following passage:-"This cause must prosper, since it is the cause of God. The banner of the cross must be unfurled among all nations; and Immanuel, Prince of Peace, shall ultimately reign from sea to sea, from shore to shore. I would appeal to every heart, and ask if it were possible to attend to the report which has been read, and hear of the success of the operations of the society, without emotions of gratitude and delight? For my own part, my feelings were such as I can express only in the language of one of old: My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit doth rejoice in God my Saviour; for he that is mighty hath done great things' by the instrumentality of this society, and holy is name.' Look at the prospects which are presenting themselves before you. Look at the islands stretching out their hands for missionaries; thirsting for the knowledge of the Redeemer; desirous of having the words of life. Ah, Christians! they would rejoice if they could but partake of the crumbs of the table on which you are regaled. Can you eat of the fat, and clothe you with the wool,' without desiring to contribute to send the glad tidings of a crucified Saviour to those who are starving and perishing? God

forbid; for ‘whoso hath this world's goods,' and can contemplate the state of the heathen, and ، shut up his bowels of compassion' from them, how dwelleth the love of God

in him ? " Nor was it mere feeling for the heathen, and approbation of missionary la bours, that this good woman expressed; for although her income was very small, yet, like the widow in the gospel history, she contributed her mite, and rejoiced in the opportunity of so doing. Well would it be, I am persuaded, for some who give nothing on the ground of their poverty, if they would remember that giving is a religions duty, and that "if there be first a willing mind it is acceptable according to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not." Those who give nothing because they are poor, may expect to be poor as long as they live, because they cannot trust in Him who "loveth a cheerful giver," and is "able to make all grace abound" to them; that they, having a sufficiency in all things, may abound in every good work."

Another thing remarkable in my late esteemed friend, was her love of the inspired volume, and the pains she took to treasure up several portions of it in her mind, on which she could meditate as she had opportunity. When desirous of committing any portion of Scripture to memory, she would request a friend to read it to her, or would hire children to do so, until, by frequently hearing it, she had accomplished her purpose. Of these performances, by the assistance of one who wrote for her, she gave me the following account at my request, in a letter dated April 6, 1840 :-" Several years ago I followed you to Arnold's Down, where you preached from Proverbs viii. 17. I was led to meditate on that chapter; and thinking that it proved the existence of our Redeemer before his incarnation, I had it read until I had committed it to memory. In the same manner I learnt the eighth and the eighteenth chapters of Deuteronomy. I then committed to memory the fifty-third and fifty-fourth chapters of Isaiah. This being done, I treasured up in my mind the thirteenth, seventeenth, twenty-fourth, and twenty-sixth chapters of the gospel accord ing to Matthew. I then proceeded from the eleventh chapter of St. John's gospel to the end; all of which I have heard you preach from or expound. I then learnt the first and second chapters of the Acts of the Apostles; the sixth, eleventh, and twelfth chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews; the eighth of Paul's Epistle to the Romans; the first chapter of the first Epistle of Peter; the first chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians; the fifteenth chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians; and the fifth chapter of his second Epistle to the same church. To these I have added the first

and fifth chapters of the first Epistle of St. John; his third Epistle; the third and last two chapters of Revelation; together with the thirty-second and sixty-third Psalm. These, and some smaller portions of the sacred word, constitute, in one sense, my canon of Scripture, in which I have found the pearl of great price." Having her mind thus stored with the word of life, she rejoiced therein more than some do in earthly riches, and would say, with the psalmist, "Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I will keep it unto the end."

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Thus under all the disadvantages of blindness and other bodily infirmities, did this excellent woman cleave unto God and endure affliction, exhibiting a pattern of resignation to the Divine will, hope in God, and every other mark of the "new creature," and the faithful disciple of Christ. In a letter, dated Feb. 22, I was informed that her happy spirit took its flight about seven o'clock in the evening" of the preceding day. "I sat with her a little time," says the writer, on the evening before she died. Her voice seemed to be as strong as when she used to sit in her chair. When I said to her, 'It is well that you have not now to prepare for death,' she answered, My mind is perfectly easy in the prospect of it.' I said, 'You have lived near to God for many years;' to which she replied, 'I have nothing of myself: it is through grace that I am what I am.' The dear woman was very thankful for the least favour shown her. Miss W. manifested the most unwearied kindness to her. Every half hour she could spare, she spent with her. Our departed sister was, indeed, like a shock of corn fully ripe." Soon after the receipt of the above, Miss W. sent me the following particulars :-" You have heard, I know, through E. G., of the death of our dear, aged, and valued friend Mrs. Reynish. She died as she had lived. The same cheerfulness, resignation, and composure never forsook her till she was insensible in death; and it was to her literally like going asleep.

She had suffered much at nights for some time from a distressing cough, which often made her feel, to use her own words, as if she was just going. On one occasion she remarked, I have had a distressing night,' but added, with a smile, 'I have had a delightful morning;' alluding to her spiritual enjoyments. I never felt death so near as in witnessing her exit. Having felt an anxious concern for her comfort during her last illness, and the direction of the last solemn and affecting rites devolving upon me, the interest which I felt in all that concerned her brought most forcibly to my mind the final resting-place of us all. Her temperance and frugality were such, that, though she had so very small an income, she left enough, with what she had previously given me for the purpose, to bury her respectably; and, after paying all her debts, which I believe I have pretty well done, I have about two pounds left, which (according to her desire, if anything remained) I intend to distribute for charitable purposes."

How peaceable, united, and happy would our churches be, were all who constitute them blessed with the Christian temper, the piety, and uniform consistency of Ann Reynish! Peace would then be within our walls, and prosperity in our palaces. Pastors would rejoice over their people, and the people would derive lasting benefit from the ministry of their pastors. Our churches would become strong in consequence of vital godliness, and mighty through prayer, so as to put their enemies to silence, or be the means of making them friends and companions. The word of the Lord would "run and be glorified," as in primitive times, and souls would be saved from sin and misery. Sincerely desiring and praying for such a state of things among us,

I remain, my dear sir,
Yours truly,


Rugeley, Oct. 14, 1843.

Home Chronicle.


DR. MORISON has much satisfaction in acknowledging the receipt of five pounds for the Walthamstow Institution for the Daughters of Missionaries, as a thank offering for delivering mercy; and ten shillings for the Magazine Fund for Widows.


On January 1st, 1844, at Surrey chapel, the Lord's Supper will be administered by evangelical ministers of the church of Christ to the members of that church who may desire to unite in the hallowed exercise. The Rev. Dr. Leifchild will preside.

Members of evangelical churches may apply for tickets through their respective pastors (by post) to the Rev. James Sherman, until Saturday, the 23rd of December; and the tickets will be distributed at Surrey chapel vestry, from Tuesday, the 26th, to Saturday, the 30th of December.

The tickets will be limited to the number of persons the chapel will conveniently accommodate. The service to commence at six o'clock precisely.

We need scarcely observe that by the plan of subscription proposed, the members of the society will incur no pecuniary responsibility, will have a good investment for their money, will be put in possession of books unattainable by any other means, and will be, above all, by resuscitating the works of the " mighty dead," promoting the cause of truth, liberty, and peace.

We wish the society good success.


We have long wished to see such institutions established, and generally encouraged. They would introduce a new era, if rightly conducted, into the educational annals of our country. We have always resolved to give all due publicity and assistance to any institution formed on this plan, if under the superintendence of highly qualified persons. It is gratifying to us to announce to those Christian parents who may be deeply solicitous for the intellectual and spiritual welfare of their younger children, that an infant school establishment has recently been formed at 36, Church-lane, Chelsea, under the roof of Mrs. Ramsay, widow of the late Dr. Ramsay, of India, in which we have the highest moral confidence, founded on an intimate acquaintance with the proprietors of the institution, and with the plans so successfully adopted by them. Mrs. Ramsay's third daughter, who has minutely studied the most approved methods of conducting infant schools, and takes great delight in developing the youthful faculties, presides over the institution. The domestic treatment of the pupils is all that the most anxious and fastidious parent could desire, and the class of pupils is highly respectable. A few vacancies only exist at present.


We beg to call the attention of our readers to this important society, whose advertisement appears on our covers for the present month, and whose subscription list must be closed on the last day of the year.

The object of the society, it will be perceived, is to bring to light and to preserve the most important of the works of our forefathers, who, by their writings, labours, and sufferings, so effectually promoted the cause of religious reformation in this country.

The works re-published will be printed without omission or abridgment. Historical, biographical and glossarial notes will be supplied, where necessary, to elucidate the text, and to illustrate more fully the controversies of the times.


A public meeting of the friends of the above institution was held at Barbican chapel on Wednesday evening, the 15th November. After prayer, by Rev. S. Lyon, of Union-street, the Rev. Dr. Halley, of Manchester, delivered an excellent discourse on the subject of "the Jewish law of offering the first fruits," and eloquently enforced the duty of Christian benevolence. Immediately after the singing at the close of the discourse, the Rev. James Sherman took the chair, and having made some appropriate introductory observations, the Secretary read a report of the institution brought up to the 30th June last, from which it appeared that twenty-five children had been admitted to the institution. Resolutions were moved and seconded by Revs. Thomas Binney, Dr. Halley, W. H. Drew, Missionary from Madras ; S. Oughton, Missionary from Jamaica ; Brake, Lyon, Tidman, and J. Curwen. One of the resolutions was to the effect, that in future the institution should be open to the children of all Protestant Evangelical Missionaries, and which was very affectingly commended to the audience by the address of the Rev. S. Oughton, of the Baptist Missionary Society, who had just taken leave of two of his children (a boy and a girl), whom he had placed in the institutions at Walthamstow, on his return to his labours in Jamaica. The friends at Barbican chapel contribute five guineas annually to the boys' school, and about eight to the girls; and there were collected at the doors, on this occasion, 91.

This valuable institution, it is hoped, will be sustained by the friends of Christian missions, as a means of expressing their esteem for the missionary parents, and of relieving their minds from many painful anxieties. Subscriptions and donations may be forwarded through W. D. Alexander, Esq., Treasurer, Lombard-street ; Rev. J. J. Freeman, Hon. Secretary, Walthamstow Rev. E. Davies, Master, Walthamstow; the London Missionary Society, Blomfieldstreet; or the Baptist Society, Fen-court.


The following account is submitted to the Christian notice, sympathy, and benevolence of the readers of the Evangelical Magazine :

At the villages of Middleton and Cottingham, Northamptonshire, there is a population of one thousand persons, for whose spiritual accommodation on the sabbath there is the parish church, and a very small chapel belonging to the Wesleyans, both places capable of containing not more than about a third of the inhabitants. An inhabitant of the former village has spontaneously and generously come forward and offered a site of ground for the purpose of raising a house for God, of the congregational order. Another inhabitant has also promised to give stone for the erection of the building. But there the matter remains for want of funds. The expense of erection is considered to be about 2007. as the maximum. Towards this, with a donation of 57. from the donor of the ground, a subscription has been made of about 407. The Rev. Thomas Toller, of Kettering, kindly gave the undersigned the opportunity of pleading the cause at his chapel. The case has also received the sanction and recommendation of the Northamptonshire and Leicestershire Associations of Congregational Ministers. The people who take an interest in the subject are poor in circumstances, and unable to do little more than they have done. To gain the object thus desired this public appeal is made, with the earnest prayer that the wealthy of God's people may be disposed to assist in this work of faith and labour of love. It may be proper to observe that the undersigned has, for more than six years, regularly preached once a fortnight, in connexion with three other villages and his own chapel, at the house of one of his members. This, however, is but small, and badly located, rendering a better spot very desirable. Donations for the above object will be thankfully received and promptly acknowledged by the Rev. Joseph Dear, Congregational Minister, Great Easton, near Rockingham, Northamptonshire.


To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine. MY DEAR SIR,-Assured that you would not wish for any erroneous statement to go forth to the public through the medium of the Evangelical Magazine, I beg to say that the article for the present month, page 542, contains as gross a misrepresentation, I had almost said fabrication, as I ever met with; and whatever could have induced the writer to pen it, as it appears a very harmless sort

of thing, I cannot imagine. In regard to the family named, I never before heard of there having been a son in it; and though in another family of the same name, distantly related, and both in attendance on my dear father's ministry in Falmouth, not Penryn, when he was the minister, and that commencing about half a century ago. There were two sons, one of them a student at Mile-end academy, and the other a mercer and draper in Falmouth, who both died happy in the Lord, without any disposition towards the stage; and long before they were born, or my dear father came into Cornwall, Mr. Walker, of Truro, departed this life. Nor did I ever hear of any other family, of the name of Gwennap, residing in Falmouth or Cornwall. And as to the wonderful cave between Falmouth Castle and St. Kevern, ten miles apart, with a long horseferry between, I can only say that I never before heard of it. Hoping nothing so incorrect will ever again disgrace the pages of the Evangelical Magazine,

I remain, my dear Sir,
Yours sincerely,


Falmouth, Nov. 6, 1843.

[Our reverend friend will not blame us for inserting an article which seemed so authentic, and which did not come to us anonymously. Of course, we now regret its insertion.-ED.]


On Good Friday last, an interesting meeting of church members and sabbath-school teachers was held in the new school-room, adjoining Star-lane Chapel, Stamford, for the purpose of presenting from the church to their beloved pastor, the Rev. T. Islip, a handsomely bound copy of Cobbin's Commentary, as a token of their esteem for his faithful services since he has been amongst them; and from the teachers to their highly respected friend and superintendent, Mr. T. W. Ashby, a pair of Mr. Baxter's oil paintings of Williams and Moffat, as a mark of their sincere regard and approbation of the kind and efficient manner in which he has for so many years fulfilled the duties of his responsible office.


Rev. Robert Thomson.

The Rev. Robert Thomson, A.M., late of Saddleworth, near Manchester, having received a cordial and unanimous invitation to the pastoral charge of the Congregational church, Upminster, Essex, removed thither last March. This settlement was publicly

recognised on the 17th October. The Rev. George Rogers, of Albany-road chapel, Camberwell, introduced the service by reading the Scriptures and prayer; the Rev. R. Ferguson, of Stratford, briefly explained and justified the service, and asked the usual questions; the Rev. G. Clayton, of Walworth, offered up special prayer for the people and their new pastor; the Rev. Jno. Morison, D. D., of Chelsea, gave the charge to the minister; and the Rev. J. Leifchild, D. D., addressed the people.

The Rev. A. Brown, of South Ockendon; the Rev. E. Dewhirst, of Billericay; and the Rev. — Hill, of Chigwell-row, assisted in the devotional services of the day.

Rev. T. Lee.

On Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1843, the Rev. T. Lee, late of Highbury College, was ordained pastor of the church and congregation worshipping in Church-street chapel, Epsom, Surrey. The Rev. S. Percy, of Guildford, opened the morning service by reading the Scriptures and prayer; the Rev. R. Connebee, of Dorking, explained the nature of a

Christian church; the Rev. Dr. Hewlett, of Coventry, proposed the usual questions, and received the confession of faith; the Rev. T. Dix, of Bedwith, offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. E. Henderson, D.D., Ph.D., Theological Tutor of Highbury College, delivered the charge; and the Rev. J. Churchill, of Thames Ditton, concluded the service with prayer. The Rev. J. Waraker, of Tooting, the Rev. F. Perkins, of Leatherhead; and the Rev. T. B. Barker, of Epsom, also took parts of the service.

In the evening, the Rev. James Hill, of Clapham, preached to the people, and thus closed the engagements of the day, which we earnestly hope may be followed with the blessing of God.


The Rev. J. Harrison, of Barnard Castle, having accepted the cordial and unanimous call of the Congregational church, at Northwich, Cheshire, to become their pastor, entered upon his new sphere of labour on the first sabbath in August, with very encouraging prospects of usefulness.

General Chronicle.


To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.


Sir,-Having lately seen a letter in your magazine from the Rev. Thomas James, respecting the Evangelical Society in Belgium, and having just returned from attending some Bible meetings at the several stations connected with that society, I am anxious to bear my testimony to the correct statement made by that gentleman. At the present time the papacy is making a great struggle for the ascendency, and for the revival of systems according to the period of the fourteenth century. The great check to the unceasing, persevering efforts of the Romish Church is the large circulation of the Scriptures by the British and Bible Foreign Society; and, also the preaching of the gospel of Christ faithfully and clearly by the ministers employed by the Belgian Evangelical Society. There is every reason for the prompt and energetic support of such a society, for it is raising a bulwark against the formidable power which is propagating error far and wide. The agents employed are all of them, more or less, men of education, and of considerable theological attainments; they have been set apart to the work of the Christian

ministry; and from what I have seen of them, I believe them to be eminently men of God-faithful, laborious, and zealous in the service of their Divine Master. The Committee, composed of men alive to the evils of Popery and its awful delusions, have but the one object before them of bringing souls to Christ; they meddle not with denominational differences, but are only concerned that men may be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth and God has been pleased to bless their labours in a remarkable degree.


The society has now thirteen stations, where the blessed truths of the Reformation are regularly preached, and these might be doubled, if the means were afforded. Five day-schools, and four Sunday-schools are kept up. Twelve hundred adults, and three hundred children, are instructed. And a

tract distributor is supported, who goes through every part of Belgium, spreading abroad valuable publications, chiefly those of that excellent institution-the Religious Tract Society.

It may be observed, that the thirteen stations just alluded to are quite distinct from the congregation which within the last few years has been gathered at Brussels, and principally from among the Roman Catholics.

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