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LITTLE John and Mary were scholars in a Ragged School in London. John was only two and a half, and Mary was six years old, when they came to school. They were very attentive to the lessons, and when they were asked questions they always had an answer ready, and were very cheerful and lively.

When they had been at school two years they were both taken ill of fever. At this time I often visited them, and always found them repeating something they

had learned at school. Their mother told me that when they were taking their medicine they would often sing,—

"Since all that I meet

Shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet,

The medicine is food."

Singing was their great delight, both at school and at home. It was the last thing they did, for although they were almost worn out, and very weak, they determined to sing their favourite hymn, which began,—

"I think when I read the sweet story of old,
When Jesus was here among men,

How he call'd little children as lambs to his fold,—

I should like to have been with him then."

The dear little girl was so weak she could not sing any more; but she begged Johnny would sing on. The little fellow paused for a moment, and then leaving out one part, he sang,

"Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go,

And ask for a share in his love;

And if I thus earnestly seek him below,

I shall see him and hear him above."

He just looked at his sister, and then laid down his little head; and neither of them spoke any more, nor did they take any notice of anything after singing this hymn. Before the sun set that evening, they were both gone, I hope, to be with Jesus.


CHRIST in the heart, and a cross on the shoulder; this is the badge of all true Christians.-Martin Boos.


"Thy Kingdom Come."

Steadfast in the Faith.

So far as I can learn, no backsliding in faith or practice has occurred among the Christians of Madagascar. Their zeal and activity seem to have suffered no abatement. Their religion is still characterized by unremitting prayer. Several of them tell me in their letters that they still observe the hour, from seven to eight on Thursday evening, as originated in England, for special prayer to God, or rather to praise him for his distinguishing goodness to them. Their numbers have increased in a manner almost incredible to themselves. David Johns says the forty-five cases of Scriptures, and also of tracts, will not be enough. The best men for character and ability in the country are now numbered with the Christians. Among the signatures to one most excellent letter are the names of three officers of the palace.-Rev. W. Ellis.

Light Arising in Russia.

AT the Huntly Conference, the Rev. Dr. Brown, said,— This revival of religion is not a local, but a world-wide movement. In Russia, though not attended by the same demonstration as in this country, the revival movement is nevertheless being distinctly felt. A vast number of Bibles, some 30,000, had lately (in July) been printed off, and such had been the demand that they had already been nearly all bought up. That was one indication of the rising of the tide in Russia. Another was the organizing of Sabbath-schools. At St. Petersburg there were now 140 schools, attended by about 30,000 youths-most of them of recent establishment. Another was the temperance movement, which had no equal in America or in this country. Some two and a half years ago, in one government, no fewer than 76,000 individuals joined the temperance society, and of these 65,000 remained stead. fast in their principles.

The Churches of Armenia.

THE churches of Aintab, Marash, and Oorfa have not only undertaken their own support, but have determined to provide for the evangelization of the towns and villages in their immediate vicinity. These churches, founded so recently themselves, are thus becoming lights to the regions around. Many of the Armenian priests are greatly enraged by the progress of the missionaries, and the agents are more frequently attacked than formerly. In one village, near Nicomedia, a colporteur has recently been beaten almost to death by the mob.-News of the Churches.

A Cry for Something Better.

An evangelist was passing through a village in the east of France, whose whole population was in an uproarthe agents of the public authority were taking to prison the priest, guilty of unnameable crimes, and loaded with universal abuse. A short time after, the mayor wrote an urgent appeal to the evangelist to come and give a religion to the people, who on no consideration would be persuaded to receive another priest, or continue in the Romish faith! The appeal was complied with, and the gospel is being preached there.

In Bordeaux a work of revival is going on among foreign sailors. Pastor Emilien Frossard, with a young French evangelist, visits the various ships, and unfurls the Bethel flag wherever permitted.

Signs of a Change.

THE Rev. T. B. Atkins writes to the King's County Chronicle (Ireland):-In a former number I referred to the revival in Tipperary and the King's County. It will be pleasing to many who read this paper to know that we have still much cause to rejoice. One who was lately converted has been removed by death to another world; his last words were, "Lord, keep me walking in the right path, and receive me into thy glorious kingdom." A person speaking of the change in one small town, said, "The public-houses are becoming lonely;"-a better testimony of the good fruits of the revival we could not have. At Templemore the good work among the soldiers has continued.


ANSWERS TO PRAYER. London: Monthly Tract Society. 24mo, 16 pages. Price One Penny.

Whatever encourages us in prayer, or helps our faith in God as the hearer of it, does good to our souls. Such good this little book is fitted to do. Here are gathered many interesting examples of answers to believing prayer.

MONTAGUE STANLEY, THE ACTOR. London: Religious Tract Society. 12mo, 24 pages. Price One Penny.

A brief narrative of the life and death of Montague Stanley, who was drawn by the grace of God out of a profession whence, it is to be feared, few men of God come. His case was a beautiful illustration of the words on the title-page, "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.'

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Book of peace! when nights of sorrow
Fall upon us drearily,

Thou wilt bring a shining morrow,

Full, full of thee.

-Early Days.


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